Who kills more atheists?

All Marx said was that religion was the opium of the masses,
A much misunderstood quote. Opium was not the evil addictive waste then that it is now. It was a balm, one of the few anesthetics available, something people with bad teeth or painful diseases were very grateful for - if they could pay for it. It wasn't that cheap. The masses were largely denied that comfort, one of the many sharp and ugly distinctions of class in Marx's day.

A distinction that is coming back - anesthesia for stitching wounds, abscessed teeth, corneal scratches, handling temporary healing times of pain, is available only by prescription, and doctors are being priced out of the range of the poor in the US.

Marx did not spend much time on theistic speculation, and even if his undermining of a social hierarchy closely identified with the local religion could not help but throw doubt on the religion as well, subsequent developments have proven that communism and even Marxism is perfectly compatible with Christianity, Judiaism, and I think Islam.
Wrong on both counts, they were just another form of religion. Acting as a government. just like Islamic, countries the similarities between the two are uncanny. Why do you think saddams idol was stalin. Where does it say in the communist manifesto to promote atheism?. All Marx said was that religion was the opium of the masses, and all that happened was they swapped one for another.
Any extremely dogmatic beliefs like communism are at least 99.9% similar to any religious beliefs.
There are atheist, in all forms of government, they are not exclusive to communism.
I've not come across atheist on this site or any other that are openly promoting atheism,

if stating the facts, and giving incite into what is real and what is not is promoting atheism,
then I'm a Dutchman,
oops! nu heb ik het gedaan, ga ik het Nederlands moeten spreken, van nu af aan.(translation: oops now look what I've done, I'll have to speak dutch from now on)
Just kidding, lol.

Perhaps you should take a look at how the Stalinists were doing it. :)
Perhaps you should take a look at how the Stalinists were doing it. :)
Yes they were actively promoting there god, just as the Christians and the Muslims do. Whats your point.
It is why they were called Stalinist's.
It's exactly what Despots do, promote themselves as god's and there people worship them as such.
Yes they were actively promoting there god, just as the Christians and the Muslims do. Whats your point.
It is why they were called Stalinist's.
It's exactly what Despots do, promote themselves as god's and there people worship them as such.

So if someone "lampooned religion; sponsored lectures and films; organized demonstrations and parades; set up antireligious museums; and led a concerted effort to persuade citizens that religious beliefs and practices were "wrong" and harmful, and that good citizens ought to embrace a scientific, atheistic worldview", they are practising a religion?
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So if someone "lampooned religion; sponsored lectures and films; organized demonstrations and parades; set up antireligious museums; and led a concerted effort to persuade citizens that religious beliefs and practices were "wrong" and harmful, and that good citizens ought to embrace a scientific, atheistic worldview", they are practising a religion?
what! you mean, just like the Christians do to every other religion, and the Muslims do to every other religion etc etc.... yes correct, after all you are an atheist to every other religion bar yours, aren't you.
Yes like all the other religions they were following there gods wishes.
It's what the indoctrinated/gullible do.
what! you mean, just like the Christians do to every other religion, and the Muslims do to every other religion etc etc.... yes correct, after all you are an atheist to every other religion bar yours, aren't you.
Yes like all the other religions they were following there gods wishes.
It's what the indoctrinated/gullible do.

Hmm so all the people who lampoon the religious, say that religion is wrong and harmful and that people ought to embrace a scientific, atheistic worldview are all indoctrinated and gullible? Thats interesting.:D
Hmm so all the people who lampoon the religious, say that religion is wrong and harmful and that people ought to embrace a scientific, atheistic worldview are all indoctrinated and gullible? Thats interesting.:
lol, if you wish to read it that way, thats fine, but you cant be indoctrinated into an atheistic world view, or a scientific one, they are the default positions.
However you can be to following a god/gods, even if they only think they are gods, like Stalin, pol pot etc...

You are funny, lol.
lol, if you wish to read it that way, thats fine, but you cant be indoctrinated into an atheistic world view, or a scientific one, they are the default positions.
However you can be to following a god/gods, even if they only think they are gods, like Stalin, pol pot etc...

You are funny, lol.

You're clearly indoctrinated. Very sad. ;)
Sets of personal principles maybe?
Have you no particular beliefs you'd risk death for?
No, however I would risk death to save another.
No, it doesn't necessarily. One person may make the point strongly enough that the rest of his "group" survives...
And he might get them all killed, the sensible thing is to keep quiet.
So your atheism isn't strongly held?
My atheism is the default position, it doesn't need strength or conviction, it's not a belief.
You'd pay lip service to religion?
Yes why not, I wouldn't be committing any sin in doing so, would I.
I don't adhere to fantasies.
Where WOULD you draw the line when it comes to conformity's sake?
If I had to conform to certain rituals I would, it would not effect me in any way would it. I don't hold religion as truth.
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Perhaps you should take a look at how the Stalinists were doing it.

You're statement completely nullifies this thread and demonstrates it's creation was only for the demonstration of your unbounded stupidity. Your religion has turned your brain to mush.
You're statement completely nullifies this thread and demonstrates it's creation was only for the demonstration of your unbounded stupidity. Your religion has turned your brain to mush.

Is that how the Stalinists do it?:p
Yeah, we should all adopt their tactics. A little blood sacrifice here and there should not be amiss.
Atheists kill more Atheists than any other religion e.g. Nazi Germany vs. Soviet Russia.

Your statement is ludicrous but suppose it was true, then those atheists you speak of still have a long way to go if they ever hope to catch the theist vs theist total.
Your statement is ludicrous but suppose it was true, then those atheists you speak of still have a long way to go if they ever hope to catch the theist vs theist total.
Atheists have murdered more innocent people than Islam and Christianity combined. The biggest murderers in world history are without exception Atheists: Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Pol Pot, etc.
Really!!! They may have been murderers in your eyes and they only killed atheists you say? Which brings up the question : who is more innocent? Theists or atheists?