Who kills more atheists?

it is very unlikely, but not impossible. Because atheists having no reason to believe in fantasies, so therefore can act the part of a theist without fear of retribution, thus surviving.
Exactly - in an atheist was seriously threatened because of their atheism, they would surely just pretend to be a theist. Why not?

"I ask representatives of all the monotheistic religions to meet with their brothers in faith," Abdullah told delegates to a seminar on "Dialogue Among Civilizations between Japan and the Islamic World,"

That's interesting as the vast majority of Japanese are not monotheistic. I wonder what the Japanese thought of the whole thing?

When the King visited the Vatican recently, the pope asked if he would consider allowing the building of a church in Saudi Arabia to accommodate some of the 800,000 Catholics in the country. The King is now reported to have turned this request down.

typical hypocrite.
Given that of all the religions, Muslims hold atheists in the lowest regard, I wouldn't be surprised if atheists had a hard time living in theocratic Islamic shitholes.
Exactly - if an atheist was seriously threatened because of their atheism, they would surely just pretend to be a theist. Why not?

Because none of it means anything to me, I'd convert to any religion to save my hide. I wonder what Darwin would say about that?

Theoretically, one can imagine a billion people waking up one day and renouncing their religion only to find out that they were all really atheists anyway.
Exactly - if an atheist was seriously threatened because of their atheism, they would surely just pretend to be a theist. Why not?
My Iranian buddy Reza was Muslim but became atheist while living in Japan. Anyway, he told me that if he went back to Iran then he would HAVE to pretend to be Muslim. At the very least life would be made difficult, maybe impossible. And at the worse, someone may kill him.

Also, I would like to note that my Baptist friend once told me an Atheist who visited their house was the reason why their dog had a still birth (their dog breeders). God was warning them not to let that person come back to their house and not to be friends with him. OH, and my buddy also asked me not to ever mention anything to his family that I don't believe in God.

My Iranian buddy Reza was Muslim but became atheist while living in Japan. Anyway, he told me that if he went back to Iran then he would HAVE to pretend to be Muslim. At the very least life would be made difficult, maybe impossible. And at the worse, someone may kill him.

How many more are there one can wonder? Its like Aryan looking Jews pretending to be German during the 40's. You do what it takes unless you desire martyrdom. Is this one of those things where God eventually sends you to hell for not dying for Him when you have the chance?
SAM said:
The point is I was trying to look for statistics re: another thread and could not find any, so I started a thread about it.
I have never seen a reliable source of statistics about the prevalence of atheistic worldviews in any country that punished them.

How would anyone collect them ?
Hey SAM, can you provide us with some stats on the number of people killed by Atheist governments and endeavours in the last century alone? I think China and Russia should be good for about +60 million. Add to that some stuff like Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Should be interesting if you can find the stats.
Arsalan: not in this thread, I am still waiting for any statistics on atheists killed for their (lack of) beliefs.

My Iranian buddy Reza was Muslim but became atheist while living in Japan. Anyway, he told me that if he went back to Iran then he would HAVE to pretend to be Muslim. At the very least life would be made difficult, maybe impossible. And at the worse, someone may kill him.

Also, I would like to note that my Baptist friend once told me an Atheist who visited their house was the reason why their dog had a still birth (their dog breeders). God was warning them not to let that person come back to their house and not to be friends with him. OH, and my buddy also asked me not to ever mention anything to his family that I don't believe in God.


Finally. Could Reza provide you with figures about the last atheists killed in Iran? How many? When?
Hey SAM, can you provide us with some stats on the number of people killed by Atheist governments and endeavours in the last century alone? I think China and Russia should be good for about +60 million. Add to that some stuff like Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Should be interesting if you can find the stats.
what atheist governments are those, theres never been any.
China and Russia are/were communist, or is it you think religion equals capitalism. lol
People of faith often claim that the crimes of Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot were the inevitable product of unbelief. The problem with fascism and communism, however, is not that they are too critical of religion; the problem is that they are too much like religions. Such regimes are dogmatic to the core and generally give rise to personality cults that are indistinguishable from cults of religious hero worship. Auschwitz, the gulag and the killing fields were not examples of what happens when human beings reject religious dogma; they are examples of political, racial and nationalistic dogma run amok. There is no society in human history that ever suffered because its people became too reasonable.

this is a common mistake made by theists, typically those of the fundy type, they believe atheism is essentially socialist or communist in nature. Thus, atheism should be rejected since socialism and communism are evil. How stupid!

the first thing we should note is there is an automatic and almost unconscious assumption made by these theists that their religion is somehow equivalent with captialism.

Communism is not, however, inherently atheistic. It is possible to have communistic or socialistic views while being a theist and it isn't at all wrong to be an atheist while staunchly defending capitalism, which is a combination often found among objectivists and libertarians.
their existence alone demonstrates, that atheism and communism are not the same thing.

is Christianity opposed to communism? No, the opposite, actually. There is nothing in the gospels which even so much as suggests a divine preference for capitalism, now is there.

quite a bit of what Jesus said supports many of the of socialism and even communism. http://latter-rain.com/general/commu.htm
He specifically said that that people should give all they could to the poor and that "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.

basic communism states to hold all property in common rather than privately, is practiced by numerous Christian communities now and throughout history. references to it can be found in Acts:

Acts 4:33-35 "With great power the apostles gave their testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great grace was upon them all. There was not a needy person among them, for as many as owned lands or houses sold them and brought the proceeds of what was sold. They laid it at the apostles' feet, and it was distributed to each as any had need. "
The similarity to Marx's principle of "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need" should be obvious.

and here again in Acts:

Acts 5:1-11 "But a man named Ananias, with the consent of his wife Sapphira, sold a piece of property; with his wife’s knowledge, he kept back some of the proceeds, and brought only a part and laid it at the apostles’ feet. "Ananias," Peter asked, "why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and to keep back part of the proceeds of the land? While it remained unsold, did it not remain your own? And after it was sold, were not the proceeds at your disposal? How is it that you have contrived this deed in your heart? You did not lie to us but to God!" Now when Ananias heard these words, he fell down and died. And great fear seized all who heard of it.

The young men came and wrapped up his body, then carried him out and buried him. After an interval of about three hours his wife came in, not knowing what had happened. Peter said to her, "Tell me whether you and your husband sold the land for such and such a price." And she said, "Yes, that was the price." Then Peter said to her, "How is it that you have agreed together to put the Spirit of the Lord to the test? Look, the feet of those who have buried your husband are at the door, and they will carry you out." Immediately she fell down at his feet and died. When the young men came in they found her dead, so they carried her out and buried her beside her husband. And great fear seized the whole church and all who heard of these things."

their deaths served as an example to all the others of what would happen if they, too, held back profits for themselves instead of giving everything to the community.
so we can see that this was the first christian commune(ist) society.

so please lets get away from this silly reference to atheism and communism being the same, all religions are basically communist.
Were the communists believers in God?

Society of the Godless (Общество безбожников in Russian); other names include Союз воинствующих безбожников (The Union of Belligerent Atheists or The League of the Militant Godless[1]) and Союз безбожников (The Union of the Godless), was a mass volunteer antireligious organization of Soviet workers and others in 1925-1947. It "consisted of Party members, members of the Komsomol youth movement, workers and army veterans"

The League was a "nominally independent organization established by the Communist Party to promote atheism." It published newspapers, journals, and other materials that lampooned religion; it sponsored lectures and films; it organized demonstrations and parades; it set up antireligious museums; and it led a concerted effort to persuade Soviet citizens that religious beliefs and practices were "wrong" and harmful, and that good citizens ought to embrace a scientific, atheistic worldview
Arsalan: not in this thread, I am still waiting for any statistics on atheists killed for their (lack of) beliefs.
As was pointed out, there aren't likely to be many because most atheists would simply pretend to be theists if threatened with death. Most middle eastern countries still officially have the death penalty for anyone who becomes an atheist. The result is that when someone becomes an atheist, they don't advertise it.
As was pointed out, there aren't likely to be many because most atheists would simply pretend to be theists if threatened with death.

You have figures?
I bloody wouldn't.
You have figures?
I bloody wouldn't.
You mean if your choices were to pretent to believe in a god or be killed, you would choose to die? If so, I admire your commitment to honesty - even if I think you're insane. But even if you really would rather die than predent to believe in a god (which frankly I doubt), I suspect the vast majority of atheists wouldn’t share your convictions.
Then they're not actually atheists are they?
They're just people who are too sodding lazy to have a belief...
Death before hypocrisy!
(Just wait for the first atheist suicide bombers to come along)
Were the communists believers in God?
which god are you referring too. there are over 2850. not including the Hindu gods, if you mean did they follow a doctrine, then yes.
However, they are no different to you, in regard to non-belief of gods, or do you follow every one. Are you a communist?.
Then they're not actually atheists are they?
They're just people who are too sodding lazy to have a belief...
Death before hypocrisy!
(Just wait for the first atheist suicide bombers to come along)
Don't hold your breathe on that, lol. Atheists don't hold beliefs, it is the whole point of atheism, they lack belief in gods. Hence why they can play act, to survive.
It would only be hypocrisy if the had beliefs, and went against them.
SAM said:
I am still waiting for any statistics on atheists killed for their (lack of) beliefs.
There are no such statistics.

It would be easier to count theists willing to kill an atheist for their lack of belief, as a percentage of the theists in the world.