Where is Jesus right now?

God is indeed everything, except for the part where we think that God is everything.

You are very confused, my son. Of course we can think that god is everything. Are you denying god the ability to self-reflect.

I shall pray for you.
No, I don't need to pray, but I do so constantly despite this, well every moment I'm awake at least. We're quite close you could say. me and my god.

This arrangement or self-delusion is complete and not subject to my or any other analysis. It simply is. You know, like breathing is, or seeing or hearing or tasting is, or feeling. But, is what? Does the mind know what what is?
That passage is right about one thing though, I am being disrespectful and I am ridiculing you, for your beliefs shared by billions are poisoning societies all over the world. .

I have to thank you for affirming my hatred of everything you stand for.

Ah, and there it is. I've said this before, and I'll say it again.

What you fail to understand is that the only way that we'll all be able to get along is to get sympathetically into one another's shoes. If you don't believe in God, you need to try to understand why anybody does, or we're not going to be able to work in a pluralistic society.

When the new atheist books (Dawkins, Hitchens, and company) say that religion is bad, that's not a new thesis. What's new about those books is that they say that respect for religion is bad.

If you counsel one section of your population to belittle and disdain the beliefs of another group of people (which is exactly what you're doing) - who's beliefs give them great joy and meaning if life - and do nothing to understand the other group - that's a recipe for social disaster. I've actually ignored replies on these boards just for that reason alone.
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No, I don't need to pray, but I do so constantly despite this, well every moment I'm awake at least. We're quite close you could say. me and my god.

This arrangement or self-delusion is complete and not subject to my or any other analysis. It simply is. You know, like breathing is, or seeing or hearing or tasting is, or feeling. But, is what? Does the mind know what what is?

Keep trying and you will reach god ! Try reading,

" How to Invite God into your Living Room" by I.M. Clapworthy.
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Myles, when Jesus says the kingdom is within us, what does he mean?

And what's the difference between the kingdom and heaven, if any?
Myles, when Jesus says the kingdom is within us, what does he mean?

And what's the difference between the kingdom and heaven, if any?

That's easy. He means we are all part of the godhead, The Bible tells us that we are made in the image and likeness og god.

The expression the kingdom of heaven is self explanatoty,. Heaven is where god rules.
You are right KennyJC...that's scripture too.
But there are two groups spoken of.
Two seeds coming to a maturity in humanity.
The children of the world....without faith in the unseen.
And the children of God, who place their faith in the Spirit of God to lead them.

Without faith in the unseen? Does that go for leprechauns and the Loch Ness monster? God and FLYING ZOMBIES are in the same boat.

Do children of the leprechaun get rewarded for having faith in him? Welcome to the stupid world of the theist.

The Scriptures say; "there is nothing better for the sons of men to do but eat, drink and enjoy the fruits of the labor of their own hands"
Then when they die, the world will go on as though they were never here,
You are right.
About that group.

1) Scripture was written by men, so they are of the same regard as Moby Dick and other such fiction

2) Yes atheists will die and it will be as if they were never here... but...

But the sons of God, after this life has taught them the meaning of salvation, grace, mercy and obedience through the sufferings of this mortal life...
They shall shine as the stars in heaven and endure forever.

3) ... What a stupid infantile delusion. Theists die and it was as if they were never here. And you wonder why I show my distain for people like you.

But... you are right KennyJC.
Some will die and then suffer a second spiritual death, and eventually be destroyed to the "vanishing point".

Second spiritual death... haha... I'm laughing but at the same time I'm frustrated by the stupidity you have just shown... because this stupidity is not limited to just you, but the majority of the human race.

What a great system god has put in place if we have to guess about non-material things in order to get the correct path for our non-existant spirit.

You must be a gambling man, to bet everything that people like me are wrong.

Well let's put it this way: If we could some how find out right now wether you are right or wrong, I would state right now that if you are correct, may my testicles be eaten off by a Rottweiler.

Of course I would bet that, because if I said there was a green monkey on the planet Pluto, you would feel safe in betting the same thing. The bookies would give you great odds for non-material things being true. Me thinks their safe will not be emptied.

Ah, and there it is. I've said this before, and I'll say it again.

What you fail to understand is that the only way that we'll all be able to get along is to get sympathetically into one another's shoes. If you don't believe in God, you need to try to understand why anybody does, or we're not going to be able to work in a pluralistic society.

You shouldn't have to worry about atheists getting along with theists, you should be worried about theists getting along with theists and theists getting along with atheists. Whilst atheists will merely disrespect you, god knows what theists are capable of in the world.

Also, I don't need to try to understand why people believe in god. I have a perfect understanding of that thank you very much. It's the same reason people believe in astrology.

When the new atheist books (Dawkins, Hitchens, and company) say that religion is bad, that's not a new thesis. What's new about those books is that they say that respect for religion is bad.

Of course respect for religion is bad. How could it be respected when it's utter nonsense. Imagine if politicians needed to be devout astrologists to get into office. Now imagine a country where you have to express your belief in FLYING ZOMBIES to get into office. Now imagine how frustrating this is for rational secular people. Respect is not deserved, and we as a species have a long way to go before supernaturalism has the respect it deserves in society: zero.

If you counsel one section of your population to belittle and disdain the beliefs of another group of people (which is exactly what you're doing) - who's beliefs give them great joy and meaning if life - and do nothing to understand the other group - that's a recipe for social disaster. I've actually ignored replies on these boards just for that reason alone.

Well I've already said I understand the delusional groups of society, but as for saying it gives them 'great joy and meaning of life'... You say that as if it's any more so than atheist/rational people. I put to you that golf gives people greater joy than a person who goes to church every week.
That's easy. He means we are all part of the godhead, The Bible tells us that we are made in the image and likeness og god.

The expression the kingdom of heaven is self explanatoty,. Heaven is where god rules.

Actually if you read the verse in context Jesus was speaking to the Pharisees, they had a direct connection to the kingdom of heaven(spiritual) and they misused this gift. This is one of the reasons why Jesus was so pissed off with them.

I know you're just taking the piss, but I hope NDS is sincere.
Actually if you read the verse in context Jesus was speaking to the Pharisees, they had a direct connection to the kingdom of heaven(spiritual) and they misused this gift. This is one of the reasons why Jesus was so pissed off with them.

I know you're just taking the piss, but I hope NDS is sincere.

How about "seek ye the kingdom of heaven which is within !"

All Praise the Moneychangers!
I will never be silenced on the subject of the beliefs of people like you who just won't give way to the rational minority of the human race.

I'm getting the impression that you believe that any exclusive claims to a superior knowledge of spiritual reality cannot be true. But this objection is itself a religious belief. It assumes God is unknowable, or that God is loving but not wrathful, or that God is an impersonal force rather than a person who speaks in Scripture. All of these are unprovable faith assumptions.

In addition, you believe that you have a superior way to view things. You believe that the world would be a better place if everyone dropped their traditional religions' views of God and truth and adopted yours. Therefore, your view is also an "exclusive" claim about the nature of spiritual reality. If all such views are to be discouraged, this one should be as well. If it is not narrow to hold this view, then there is nothing inherently narrow about holding to traditional religious beliefs.
Myles said:
Keep trying and you will reach god ! Try reading,
Yes, all good advice.
However, you might say, I no longer try to pray or understand, because I am praying and understanding (actually understanding doesn't really come into it, as I've already said, although you can't stop yourself thinking about it) , or expect to find answers in books.

And reaching something doesn't quite make sense. If I am something, how do I reach it?
Yes, all good advice.
However, you might say, I no longer try to pray or understand, because I am praying and understanding (actually understanding doesn't really come into it, as I've already said, although you can't stop yourself thinking about it) , or expect to find answers in books.

And reaching something doesn't quite make sense. If I am something, how do I reach it?

Constant prayer and vigilance is the only way to the Lord. You can find answers in the only book in the world worth reading, the Holy Bible.
Myles said:
You can find answers in the only book in the world worth reading, the Holy Bible.
Been there.
Read a lot of books, possibly (though actually not that many compared to how many there are), they were interesting, but they were books.

What some of them appear to be saying is something like: "by all means read this, but do not expect to find answers here, the answers are things you know already", or something. Apart from the polemics and guilt-trips they sometimes throw at you.
I'm getting the impression that you believe that any exclusive claims to a superior knowledge of spiritual reality cannot be true.

Correctomundo. Not you, not Jesus, not anybody responsible for the three desert dogmas. It's all a big fuss over nothing.

But this objection is itself a religious belief.

Only if words no longer have any meaning.

It assumes God is unknowable, or that God is loving but not wrathful, or that God is an impersonal force rather than a person who speaks in Scripture. All of these are unprovable faith assumptions.

Again with the meaningless words. God manifests itself in the imaginations of people as evidenced worldwide. It would be remarkably easy for me to do the same - so fine a line it is to cross to the side of delusion. But I am objective and place rational thought much higher than that of the supernatural.

Saying that it is a faith that god is unknowable is simply stupid when you can say it is a faith that there is no green monkey on Pluto. It's not a faith, it's sound judgement. You can't flip the coin on this issue, it's no 50/50 thing.

In addition, you believe that you have a superior way to view things. You believe that the world would be a better place if everyone dropped their traditional religions' views of God and truth and adopted yours. Therefore, your view is also an "exclusive" claim about the nature of spiritual reality. If all such views are to be discouraged, this one should be as well. If it is not narrow to hold this view, then there is nothing inherently narrow about holding to traditional religious beliefs.

Again with the religious words being applied to atheists. It's a little bit like someone who thinks they are Napoleon calling everybody else insane.