Where is Jesus right now?

M*W: The bible is not rational. It's literature, that's all.

I'm back now, so we can get back to the truth. The bible is non-fiction, so what's the problem with that? Let's take it for what it is, non-fiction literature. I'm back, and I'm ready for confrontation. You can kill me, but I won't die!


Your M*W
Sure it's worth it-not!
I notice that theist keep telling me the bible is true but seem to be unable to provide one shred of evidence,except their bible. I guess they do not realize that the object in dispute can not rationally be used as evidence in the dispute.
Wait,, rational theist is an oxymoron isn't it?

Rationalism has its place in the scheme of things but god is transcendent, i.e., beyond reason. Knowlege of him must be acquired in other ways. It starts with humility.
I don't know where Jesus is, but I would have loved to see the actual process of his body morphing into heaven. Wish I was there.
Using all ofthe four gospels( kj version) perhaps you can answer this; How many days was jesus on the cross? and why is the answer not the same?

I'm not sure "why the answer is never the same". Can you please explain?

Jesus wasn't on the cross for days, but for hours. I'm assuming that you're referring to Mark 15:25 and John 19:14? If so, Mark says it was in the third hour, 9:00 a.m. John says that by the sixth hour he was still not crucified yet, as he was still being judged in front of Pilate. This was at about 6:00 a.m.

Three hours later, he had carried the cross to Golgotha and was crucified. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and Acts use Hebrew time; different clock. John uses Roman time. Early morning refers to the fourth Roman watch, which was 3 a.m. to 6 a.m.
Oh, different clocks. But all the gospels were written after the fall of jeruselum in 70 AD(in the case of john some 150 years after) So we would expect all times to be standardized. Sorry, I'm not buying your attempt to rationize this away.
Oh, different clocks. But all the gospels were written after the fall of jeruselum in 70 AD(in the case of john some 150 years after) So we would expect all times to be standardized. Sorry, I'm not buying your attempt to rationize this away.

It's not an attempt, it's historical fact; history that nonbelievers want to ignore when an argument isn't leaning in their favor.

The Romans reckoned their time differently and their segments were longer. Ancient Roman sundials show that the daylight hours were divided into twelve equal segments, or hours. However, there were only two major segments, daytime and nighttime, with the hours beginning at sunrise and counted until sunset. Therefore, this makes the sixth hour in Roman time also about noon. John's audience was the Gentile church, so John uses Roman time throughout His Gospel.
snake river rufus said:
I think it is more proper to say that god is without reason.
God and reason are different things.
Because awareness of God is not an awareness that requires, or is connected to, any reasoning of that awareness.
Awareness is nonetheless awareness.

You're aware of yourself, your existence, aren't you? You don't need to rationalise or reason with yourself about breathing, do you?
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I've presented the evidence many times in these forums; rather than repeat myself again, please do a search.

The simplest route to take when "eyewitnesses" say that they saw a FLYING ZOMBIE is to quickly dismiss it out of hand.

You however went round the long route in falsely using the word "evidence" to state that there was indeed a FLYING ZOMBIE

Eyewitnesses would not even be relevant here if it was as I suspect penned decades after the fact. How can eyewitnesses exist for the event of a FLYING ZOMBIE if the FLYING ZOMBIE was a literary idea decades after the fact? The eyewitnesses are then also in fact a literary idea.

For further research, I would urge you to seek out Richard Bauckham's Jesus and the Eyewitnesses, which uses much historical evidence to support the life of Christ. In it, Mr. Bauckham discusses how the timing is far too early for the gospels to be legends, how the content is far to counterproductive for them not to be true, and that the literary form itself is far too detailed to be "myth".

You're right... the idea of a FLYING ZOMBIE really IS counter productive... at least for rational people. You're OK though... you're dense. The more incredible the lie, the more people like you will actually believe it without any evidence whatsoever.
The simplest route to take when "eyewitnesses" say that they saw a FLYING ZOMBIE is to quickly dismiss it out of hand.

You however went round the long route in falsely using the word "evidence" to state that there was indeed a FLYING ZOMBIE

Eyewitnesses would not even be relevant here if it was as I suspect penned decades after the fact. How can eyewitnesses exist for the event of a FLYING ZOMBIE if the FLYING ZOMBIE was a literary idea decades after the fact? The eyewitnesses are then also in fact a literary idea.

You're right... the idea of a FLYING ZOMBIE really IS counter productive... at least for rational people. You're OK though... you're dense. The more incredible the lie, the more people like you will actually believe it without any evidence whatsoever.

I love reading posts like that. Honestly. Because your inadvertantly proving the gospel as true:

2 Peter 3:3:
"First, you must understand this: In the last days people who follow their own desires will appear. These disrespectful people will ridicule"

So thanks. :thumbsup:
I love reading posts like that. Honestly. Because your inadvertantly proving the gospel as true:

My post proves there are FLYING ZOMBIES? Well shit! Where is my Nobel Prize for making the most important discovery of all mankind?

2 Peter 3:3:
"First, you must understand this: In the last days people who follow their own desires will appear. These disrespectful people will ridicule"

The last days? Are you having a typical christian hard-on for the "apocalypse"?

That passage is right about one thing though, I am being disrespectful and I am ridiculing you, for your beliefs shared by billions are poisoning societies all over the world. Your FLYING ZOMBIE is right up there with the MAGIC UNDERWEAR of the mormons and the LANDING STATION ON THE PLANET VENUS of scientology.

Although I shouldn't really continue saying you are stupid... I mean you are obviously stupid to a degree, but I don't think you are THAT stupid, you have to know it's ridiculous, but you make a concious decision that you will believe it anyway. Only if you had an interest in the discoveries of the world we live in would sway you away from the supernatural and lofty fantasy of organised religion.

So thanks. :thumbsup:

It's a shame my posts affirm your belief in FLYING ZOMBIES, but I have to thank you for affirming my hatred of everything you stand for.
My post proves there are FLYING ZOMBIES? Well shit! Where is my Nobel Prize for making the most important discovery of all mankind?

The last days? Are you having a typical christian hard-on for the "apocalypse"?

Only if you had an interest in the discoveries of the world we live in would sway you away from the supernatural and lofty fantasy of organised religion.

It's a shame my posts affirm your belief in FLYING ZOMBIES, but I have to thank you for affirming my hatred of everything you stand for.

You know KennyJC,... what I can't really wrap my mind around is why they still let you post on here.
It has to figure into the big picture somehow.
I'm sure it'll come to me eventually.

I think all religions, beliefs, myths, legends and accepted works of knowledge have some truth in them.
Even your "discoveries of the world"...have some truth, as temporary and prone to constant revision as they may be.
That's what makes them attractive to people.
21st century science doesn't yet have the patent on truth.

The trick is taking the element of truth from each of them and leaving the rest, the "filler" if you will...then pieceing it all together to make the "big picture".
Only then will you start to see something
Can you do that?
Can you be so openminded as to look into the beliefs of those you disagree with and try to see what they do.
I can see your point about "christians" looking forward to the "apocalypse"
But you can't deny there is something in the air...they see it.
Can you feel it?
I't seems the alloted time for this present world has about run out.
It's not the end of the world...just a changing of the guard.
Putting your head in the sand won't change reality.
The writing is on the wall.
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You know KennyJC,... what I can't really wrap my mind around is why they still let you post on here.
It has to figure into the big picture somehow.
I'm sure it'll come to me eventually.

I will never be silenced on the subject of the beliefs of people like you who just won't give way to the rational minority of the human race. If I can't voice it here I'll simply voice it elsewhere.

I think all religions, beliefs, myths, legends and accepted works of knowledge has some truth in them.

SOME truth would be being generous. The simple fact of the matter is that none of it is reliable, even the less lofty passages.

Even your "discoveries of the world"...have some truth, as temporary and prone to constant revision as they may be.
That's what makes them attractive to people.
21st century science doesn't yet have the patent on truth.

I'm afraid it does. There is no better way to gain knowledge of the world around us.

The trick is taking the element of truth from each of them and leaving the rest, the "filler" if you will...then pieceing it all together to make the "big picture".
Only then will you start to see something
Can you do that?

You're talking about religion now, right? I don't think you can gain any truth from religion that is not simply a delusion.

Can you be so openminded as to look into the beliefs of those you disagree with and try to see what they do.

To be open minded with religion is to see it's complete lack of worth.

I can see your point about "christians" looking forward to the "apocalypse"?
But you can't deny there is something in the air...they see it.
Can you feel it?
I't seems the alloted time for this present world has about run out.
It's not the end of the world...just a changing of the guard.
Putting your head in the sand won't change reality.
The writing is on the wall.


Gas goes up 5 cents a gallon and the christian see's apocalypse. Is that what they "see"?

There has and always will be an egg timer for existence as a species, but I can guarantee you that when our time runs out, there will be no rapture, no naked christians ascending to heaven and no decent to hell for infidels. No demons coming to taunt us and no sexy Jesus either. When we're gone the universe will simply continue as if it never noticed we were here.
. When we're gone the universe will simply continue as if it never noticed we were here.
You are right KennyJC...that's scripture too.
But there are two groups spoken of.
Two seeds coming to a maturity in humanity.
The children of the world....without faith in the unseen.
And the children of God, who place their faith in the Spirit of God to lead them.
The Scriptures say; "there is nothing better for the sons of men to do but eat, drink and enjoy the fruits of the labor of their own hands"
Then when they die, the world will go on as though they were never here,
You are right.
About that group.
But the sons of God, after this life has taught them the meaning of salvation, grace, mercy and obedience through the sufferings of this mortal life...
They shall shine as the stars in heaven and endure forever.
All of creation cries out for the manifestation of the sons of God.
The universe will be forever changed.
But... you are right KennyJC.
Some will die and then suffer a second spiritual death, and eventually be destroyed to the "vanishing point".
And the world will go on.
You must be a gambling man, to bet everything that people like me are wrong.
Myles said:
God is metareason !
Not unless metareason isn't reason.
God has absolutely nothing to do with intellect, which is a function of the brain. God is the reason for the brain, to exist, to continue existing, to have an intellectual nature, to reason and think.

Your brain doesn't require you to think about it to be a brain, or what?
Not unless metareason isn't reason.
God has absolutely nothing to do with intellect, which is a function of the brain. God is the reason for the brain, to exist, to continue existing, to have an intellectual nature, to reason and think.

Your brain doesn't require you to think about it to be a brain, or what?

Haven't you been told time and again that god is everything, Stop arguing and read your Bible. Contemplate the errorof your ways in prayerful silence !