Where is Jesus right now?

You are indeed foolish. Jesus is pure spirit. He has no weight.

The problem being, suppose Jesus is massless in the sense of having a zero rest mass and He accelerates beyond the speed of light. In that case, as with a photon, Jesus would acquire a relativistic mass as He accelerates. As He passes the speed of light, the equations tell us that His mass would become an imaginary number.

So, massless Jesus can travel faster than light, but only if He becomes imaginary.
From this point on, you must understand that the last 2000 years has been a time loop, nothing more than a fluke in space. But this fluke allowed for civilization to strive to save itself from a societal implosion, but seemingly fails. Either way, it will happen again.

What happens when electricity is moving at 0 ohms. It is there at the speed of light, but to pass the speed of light, one must become relative to it and than absorb all adjecent light. 0 ohms, no loss of electrons to heat or stray. 100% effency with the ability to turn energy into electrons.
If this is Jesus first coming, how would he, or you know it was him. And if it was, would you want to know? Because if you do, it is a world of horror as of now on your shoulders for knowing what will happen. Hell as I walk and hell as I talk, no more as I shall see me die, for I see I see the mirror of my lens but the rear view mirror never repents.

As i look back, i can still see forward.
The problem being, suppose Jesus is massless in the sense of having a zero rest mass and He accelerates beyond the speed of light. In that case, as with a photon, Jesus would acquire a relativistic mass as He accelerates. As He passes the speed of light, the equations tell us that His mass would become an imaginary number.

So, massless Jesus can travel faster than light, but only if He becomes imaginary.

Jesus is beyond such trifling considerations. All things are possible with god.
Jesus is beyond such trifling considerations. All things are possible with god.

Only if He changes the laws of the universe, which He established in the first place or set them up in such a way that they do not bind spiritual beings, for which there's no evidence. If we are to assume that he did the latter, that's fine, but such an assumption is not very scientific. It would assume a third state of physical existence in addition to matter and energy for which there is no empirical support, and as such is a slap in the face to the Reason with which He endowed us.

You might as well claim that Jesus can know precisely both the position and velocity of subatomic particles simultaneously.
Only if He changes the laws of the universe, which He established in the first place or set them up in such a way that they do not bind spiritual beings, for which there's no evidence. If we are to assume that he did the latter, that's fine, but such an assumption is not very scientific. It would assume a third state of physical existence in addition to matter and energy for which there is no empirical support, and as such is a slap in the face to the Reason with which He endowed us.

You might as well claim that Jesus can know precisely both the position and velocity of subatomic particles simultaneously.

Enter through the narrow gate.
you infact are right and to make the invention work, you must be able to calculate something traveling in excess of 500,000 mph
Only if He changes the laws of the universe, which He established in the first place or set them up in such a way that they do not bind spiritual beings, for which there's no evidence. If we are to assume that he did the latter, that's fine, but such an assumption is not very scientific. It would assume a third state of physical existence in addition to matter and energy for which there is no empirical support, and as such is a slap in the face to the Reason with which He endowed us.

You might as well claim that Jesus can know precisely both the position and velocity of subatomic particles simultaneously.

You are not looking in this in the right way. God cannot be pinned down by the simple physics that represent only our understanding. God does not have to conform to rules of any kind. He is beyond them.
The evidence says otherwise.

No believer has yet to produce any evidence whatsoever to support your claim. Care to give it a try? Any evidence at all.
Heck, just provide evidence that jesus was a real person.
You may very well be the first person in history to do so. but I'm thinking otherwise, it's a big job that you've opted for.
No believer has yet to produce any evidence whatsoever to support your claim. Care to give it a try? Any evidence at all.
Heck, just provide evidence that jesus was a real person.
You may very well be the first person in history to do so. but I'm thinking otherwise, it's a big job that you've opted for.

It's all in the gospels and they are true. Why do ypou think we say " that's the gospel truth" when we wish to emphasize the truthfullness of what we are saying.
It's all in the gospels and they are true. Why do ypou think we say " that's the gospel truth" when we wish to emphasize the truthfullness of what we are saying.

But the gospels contradict each other so they can't all be true. Theists say
" that's the gospel truth" ,it seems, because they are very gullable and not very literate.
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But the gospels contradict each other so they can't all be true.

Not so. Please present these "contradictions" if you would like to discuss.

No believer has yet to produce any evidence whatsoever to support your claim. Care to give it a try? Any evidence at all.

I've presented the evidence many times in these forums; rather than repeat myself again, please do a search.

For further research, I would urge you to seek out Richard Bauckham's Jesus and the Eyewitnesses, which uses much historical evidence to support the life of Christ. In it, Mr. Bauckham discusses how the timing is far too early for the gospels to be legends, how the content is far to counterproductive for them not to be true, and that the literary form itself is far too detailed to be "myth".
Not so. Please present these "contradictions" if you would like to discuss.

I've presented the evidence many times in these forums; rather than repeat myself again, please do a search.

For further research, I would urge you to seek out Richard Bauckham's Jesus and the Eyewitnesses, which uses much historical evidence to support the life of Christ. In it, Mr. Bauckham discusses how the timing is far too early for the gospels to be legends, how the content is far to counterproductive for them not to be true, and that the literary form itself is far too detailed to be "myth".

Using all ofthe four gospels( kj version) perhaps you can answer this; How many days was jesus on the cross? and why is the answer not the same?
But the gospels contradict each other so they can't all be true. Theists say
" that's the gospel truth" ,it seems, because they are very gullable and not very literate.

If read with close attention to time, place and authoriship the gospels will be found to be in agreement in every significant detail. This takes years of scholarship but the reward is worth the effort.
If read with close attention to time, place and authoriship the gospels will be found to be in agreement in every significant detail. This takes years of scholarship but the reward is worth the effort.

Sure it's worth it-not!
I notice that theist keep telling me the bible is true but seem to be unable to provide one shred of evidence,except their bible. I guess they do not realize that the object in dispute can not rationally be used as evidence in the dispute.
Wait,, rational theist is an oxymoron isn't it?
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