Where is Jesus right now?

Been there.
Read a lot of books, possibly (though actually not that many compared to how many there are), they were interesting, but they were books.

What some of them appear to be saying is something like: "by all means read this, but do not expect to find answers here, the answers are things you know already", or something. Apart from the polemics and guilt-trips they sometimes throw at you.

Forgive me for exprssing myself so badly. First burn all books other than the Bible. Now, don't just read your Bible. Stop every five minutes for so and pray for guidance. Then relax for five minutes, emptying your mind of all thiughts nd wait for guidance. In this way , you should get through the Bible in about five years. Be warned, spiritual knowledge does not come easily to us sinners.

You may have to repeat the above exercise four or five times. Allow about twenty-fve years nd you will get your reward. It goes without saying that you should avoid distraction, so no TV, newspapers or other non-spiritul material, I found it helpful in my early days to past an inspirational holy picture over my TV screen.

Waste no more time; start now !
But what happens if I don't understand a word. and die in an unenlightened state?
What if I run out of dunny paper while I'm doing my scheduled read of the book, and notice it's made out of paper too?
Am I allowed to use my right hand, or just my left, in that case (bearing in mind the sinister implications)?
But what happens if I don't understand a word. and die in an unenlightened state?
What if I run out of dunny paper while I'm doing my scheduled read of the book, and notice it's made out of paper too?
Am I allowed to use my right hand, or just my left, in that case (bearing in mind the sinister implications)?

I am getting worried about you . dear friend. Daily, you are getting closer to the Lake of Fire in which god in his mercy and righteousness will punish you for all eternity.

If you care too pm your address, I shall have a couple of Witnesses call to provide you with moral support. Be aware that you can get readings from the Holy Book on cd, so the question of dunny paper should not be a problem. If you must, start with the OT.
Hmm, a CD would certainly present problems of its own, vis-a-vis the dunny situation.
I guess I'll have to just go with the standard issue, then?
Hmm, a CD would certainly present problems of its own, vis-a-vis the dunny situation.
I guess I'll have to just go with the standard issue, then?

Use a portable player, or haven't you reached that degree of sophistication in Oz yet. Are you out in the Bush using a wind-up gramaphone ?
Myles said:
Use a portable player
Won't that mean having to make sure I have extra batteries?
Or you can get wind-up electronics now, I've heard.

But wouldn't I look a lot like one of those dudes who sit down somewhere, and turn a little wheelie-thingamy, whilst chanting away in some strange language?
Won't that mean having to make sure I have extra batteries?
Or you can get wind-up electronics now, I've heard.

But wouldn't I look a lot like one of those dudes who sit down somewhere, and turn a little wheelie-thingamy, whilst chanting away in some strange language?

My understanding is that the digeridoo ( ? ) was used for calling worshippers to prayer before the Sydney Opera House was built.

You can get mechanical devices which, when they are wound uo, run for several hours. You will need to keep your strength up bu eating lots of Bush tucker.

I am now signing off to go to bed after my nightly devotions. You colonials can't even get the time right.
Yes, all good advice.
However, you might say, I no longer try to pray or understand, because I am praying and understanding (actually understanding doesn't really come into it, as I've already said, although you can't stop yourself thinking about it) , or expect to find answers in books.

And reaching something doesn't quite make sense. If I am something, how do I reach it?

Reaching down to go up.
Expressing on the outside that which lies within.
Getting "yourself" out of the way...so the son that is of God inside you, can be manifested to the world and Glorify God......not "yourself".

ROMANS 8:16-19
The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: and if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with [him], that we may be also glorified together.

For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time [are] not worthy [to be compared] with the glory which shall be revealed in us.

All the world looks for something "real", not somebody who just talks about God, they have seen enough of that....they want to see Him.
You can show Him to them....if you can first get "yourself" out of the way.
That's what we were made for.

"For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God"

Where is Jesus right now ?
"Unless a corn of wheat falleth into the earth it abideth alone" - remember He said that?
The kingdom of heaven is in you.
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I heartily endorse those sentiments. Atheists are not aware that there is a biblical quotation for every occasion.
Oh we know. Ones that endorse murder, slavery, child abuse, descrimination etc etc.

It was the Christians who first came to the conclusion that it was wrong. The abolition of New World slavery was initiated and achieved by Christian activists.

With slavery, it's a classic case of ignoring the cultural and historical context. In the first-century Roman empire, when the New Testament was written, there was not a great difference between slaves and the average free person. From a financial standpoint, slaves made the same wages as free laborers, and were not usually poor. Actually, slaves could accrue enough personal capital to buy themselves out. And, very few slaves were slaves for life. Most could reasonably be manumitted with 10-15 years, or by their late thirties at the latest.
It was the Christians who first came to the conclusion that it was wrong. The abolition of New World slavery was initiated and achieved by Christian activists.

Several thousand years too late it appears. And even resisted by most fundamentalist christians to the point of civil war. I mean, religion had virtually total control of the world for most of humanity, and only when that control is challenged by secularism do we begin to see things like abolished slavery, uncensored knowledge, civil rights, sexual equality, and who knows, maybe in less religious countries equal rights for gays!

Now of course a lot of people who were religious will be credited for many advancements in societal standards, but look at the world today; the most religiously devout regions of the planet are NOT a beacon for progress and moral standards, whereas places like Denmark, Sweden, The Netherlands, Japan, Austrialia, Canada mark the greatest prospects for standards in society. Look at the list of the worlds most godless citizens and note the difference.

The Middle East needs secularism like life needs sunshine... same goes for most parts of the USA.

If only religion never got a grip on the world and kept it in the dark ages for so long, we may just have seen an end to slavery and other such injustices much much sooner.

With slavery, it's a classic case of ignoring the cultural and historical context. In the first-century Roman empire, when the New Testament was written, there was not a great difference between slaves and the average free person. From a financial standpoint, slaves made the same wages as free laborers, and were not usually poor. Actually, slaves could accrue enough personal capital to buy themselves out. And, very few slaves were slaves for life. Most could reasonably be manumitted with 10-15 years, or by their late thirties at the latest.

I'll save you the blushes of pasting passages from the bible on slavery, but it sure doesn't sound like the rosey picture you paint. Even Jesus advocated 'severe punishments' for slaves who refuse to carry out their duty.

And from your holy book! Dictated by god no less. :eek:
"Unless a corn of wheat falleth into the earth it abideth alone"
That bit of prose from our Lord and Master, appears to be connected to the same sort of thing you see in Eastern ideas. That anything that grows needs to be "in" the ground, but also above it (pointing up towards the "light").

Kundalini is about connecting with something that might be described as a connection itself, both ways, extending downward (from the base of the spine) indefinitely, and upward (from the top of the head) indefinitely. Like sitting in a big shaft that extends above and below your awareness (of you being "in" something), sort of infinitely. Instead of breathing, your breath sort of "takes over", you just sit there in silent amazement, type of thing.
I think JC was a Kundalini man, at heart.
If you do not follow the Bible than you follow nothing. The bible is part of all societies and so is god. Our god is their god, we may not know them by the same name but they are the same. Do no lead me into temptation, for god has all knowledge. Can you imagine? We are children of knowledge at best, and to the ignorant, you are nothing but babies, cause you chime in on discussions of physics when you don't know that mathmaticians proved time travel is possible. That electrons moving with no impedence is possible. That a machine at 100% effencency is possible.



Thank you Myles for you effors I apprecieate it greatly,

You people have killed too many in my name and shall pay for your sins.

I have a pentigram on my penis and this is no lie, it is a birth mark. I came across it one and one half years ago. I understand most of physics, but I am awaiting further schooling to complete my knowledge. Do you wish to know more?
Define god

God: Lord of all
god: Superior being

change everything you know to the lower case g and stop killing each other, or god will be angry with you all. Because God did not create you, god did.
Do you wish to know more?
Well, apart from penile pentagrams and time-travel, what else have you got to show for all that Bible reading?

What's the problem with reading books by other people, considering how many authors are represented in the collection called the Bible (which used to mean: "the books")?
If you do not follow the Bible than you follow nothing. The bible is part of all societies and so is god. Our god is their god, we may not know them by the same name but they are the same. Do no lead me into temptation, for god has all knowledge. Can you imagine? We are children of knowledge at best, and to the ignorant, you are nothing but babies, cause you chime in on discussions of physics when you don't know that mathmaticians proved time travel is possible. That electrons moving with no impedence is possible. That a machine at 100% effencency is possible.



Thank you Myles for you effors I apprecieate it greatly,

You people have killed too many in my name and shall pay for your sins.

I have a pentigram on my penis and this is no lie, it is a birth mark. I came across it one and one half years ago. I understand most of physics, but I am awaiting further schooling to complete my knowledge. Do you wish to know more?
M*W: Who gives a rat's ass what's on your little penis?

Do you follow the Iliad, the Oddessey, the Aeneid? All poetry and fiction, just like the blible!

You can take your "electrons" and blow them out your ass! That's where your "blible is!"

You need to come to realize why you've posted here.
Since i have never read the Bible (i should say, sat down a really read it because i look up scripotures relating to the threads) i look up stuff on the internet and exactly WHAT is wrong with this?

How can you say to your brother, 'Brother, let me take the speck out of your eye,' when you don't see the beam in your own eye? You hypocrite! First remove the beam from your own eye, and then you'll see clearly enough to remove the speck from your brother's eye."


Why are you so hostile and why bring his penis into the discussion?
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