Where is Jesus right now?

Well, apart from penile pentagrams and time-travel, what else have you got to show for all that Bible reading?

What's the problem with reading books by other people? Considering how many authors are represented in the collection called the Bible (which used to mean: "the books")?
M*W: The fact that the bible is not in any way truthful... it's nothing but fiction. It is beyond me that certain individuals try to perpetuate that the bible is truth! There is absolutely no truth in the bible, it's just a fictional account of what the ancient creative writers wanted to do.

Why should the peoples of the world be deceived of their assumed beliefs? It is beyond me! Why is deception necessary? If it were the truth, it would stand on its own pestard.
So now we have someone demanding that their word and their word only is truth. For what reason shall we believe this?

You are making demands on people to believe or disbelieve what you do, i see sameness, i see hypocrisy.
Where is Jesus? He is at my house. We are having a few beers. What kind of gas did he use? Methane my friend! Any other questions?
M*W said:
There is absolutely no truth in the bible, it's just a fictional account of what the ancient creative writers wanted to do.
Well, that's all very well, but the truth of it is there are more than a handful of people looking at the thing, the history of it, and earlier versions or doctrine and mythology - messianic especially - found in the region we keep calling "the Holy Land", which includes most of Turkey and the Levant, parts of Albania, modern Lebanon, Syria, the Sinai, Egypt and of course Israel. Not that "the story" is confined to those areas, either.

So why do they think it's interesting, I mean anthropologically, archeologically, and historically speaking?
M*W: The fact that the bible is not in any way truthful... it's nothing but fiction. It is beyond me that certain individuals try to perpetuate that the bible is truth! There is absolutely no truth in the bible, it's just a fictional account of what the ancient creative writers wanted to do.

Why should the peoples of the world be deceived of their assumed beliefs? It is beyond me! Why is deception necessary? If it were the truth, it would stand on its own pestard.

I think that is a bit of over statement. Even if you do not believe in the Story of Jesus...his birth and death and resurection, there is a lot of wisdom in the Bible, especially the New Testiment. There is wisdom and truth in what it says about human interactions and behaviors.

Jesus is an archtype that has been repeated many time, many places throughout the history of man. So there is apparent value and truth there regardless if you actually beleive in Jesus or not.
Well, that's all very well, but the truth of it is there are more than a handful of people looking at the thing, the history of it, and earlier versions or doctrine and mythology - messianic especially - found in the region we keep calling "the Holy Land", which includes most of Turkey and the Levant, parts of Albania, modern Lebanon, Syria, the Sinai, Egypt and of course Israel. Not that "the story" is confined to those areas, either.

So why do they think it's interesting, I mean anthropologically, archeologically, and historically speaking?
M*W: Because they are gullible and easily deceived.
I think that is a bit of over statement. Even if you do not believe in the Story of Jesus...his birth and death and resurection, there is a lot of wisdom in the Bible, especially the New Testiment. There is wisdom and truth in what it says about human interactions and behaviors.

Jesus is an archtype that has been repeated many time, many places throughout the history of man. So there is apparent value and truth there regardless if you actually beleive in Jesus or not.
M*W: There's also a lot of wisdom in many books in print, but that doesn't make them literally truthful. I have never said that there is no wisdom found in bible stories. I have made the statement that the bible stories are fictional as is the character Jesus.
Jesus left the Earth on a spaceship, presumably using an ion drive since everyone saw a very bright light without heat...traveled somewhere into space...

Halo above Jesus would suggest that he was wearing a helmet...which supports the claims from space origin and use of spacecraft to ascend to heaven which is space.


Jesus today...currently is presumably in another galaxy alltogether...as there are many references to stars in the Bible.

whatever constellation has 11 stars in it...

which is Corvus, constellation Corvus: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corvus_(constellation)

Also it can be assumed that Jesus had either an autonomous spaceship which transported him on board using some sort of beam which was able to capture his mass and transport him on board or there was an accomplice of Jesus or a pilot who controlled the spacecraft

or maybe...God did not go anywhere...it is we who went somewhere...Maybe God is a programmer. SO he programmed this universe in C++ and we are the algorithm of this huge program that is inside his computer sitting in Jesus's room.

Maybe Jesus is just drinking diet-pepsi right now and playing pac-man...while this universe is running on his computer.

For a second, i thought this was Medicine Woman speaking :D
M*W said:
Because they are gullible and easily deceived.
This is your alter avatar, then?

Surely you don't really think archaeologists, anthropologists, and historians are gullible and easily deceived?
All that stuff I've read was a crock, then?
M*W: There's also a lot of wisdom in many books in print, but that doesn't make them literally truthful. I have never said that there is no wisdom found in bible stories. I have made the statement that the bible stories are fictional as is the character Jesus.

That sounds like something a child would say. Is a ridiculous statement to make.

How does Jesus become a creation of fiction? Explain the process. First place you will start is from what is believed to be the beginning to when you believe Jesus (the story of) was conceived.

This does not call for the names of recent authors so dont bother with that stuff you post over and over. Here is where you lay your chips down.

AND this challenge (from a relative novice) is meant for M*W ONLY.
"I tell you with certainty, unless you change and become like little children, you will never get into the kingdom of heaven"
Jesus, Matthew 18:3
"How blessed are those who are destitute in spirit, because the kingdom of heaven belongs to them!"
Jesus, Matthew 5:3
And no archeologist, historian or anthropologist has noticed my little geographical snafu...?

I meant of course: Armenia, where the Turks came from, and I didn't mention a few areas, like Media, Persia, Bactria (all of these areas now have modern names).
Can someone at least point to where the hell Albania is? It's somewhere north of Macedonia, right?
This is your alter avatar, then?
M*W: Sorry, but I don't follow what you're saying.

Surely you don't really think archaeologists, anthropologists, and historians are gullible and easily deceived? All that stuff I've read was a crock, then?
M*W: Absolutely not! Their job is not to create their own accounts of what was and what happened. Theirs is to find, evaluate and date the evidence, and document their findings through peer-review. Everything outside of this is purely fiction.
Ok medicine woman, I understand your problem, I may be insane but that is the prerqusiate to sanity. Are you a woman of science? I am. I take into consideration all that physics and math has to offer. I do not lie when I say information from now has leaked into the past, because it has. Jesus made a space ship, crazy eh? Not really. As the natives say we will evolve into something called homoluminoes. This means sub-light being or light being, either may be taken into affect because it is not defined anywhere but has been spoken in documentaries.

As such, an ion device would not work. You must suspend a mass in a free floating vacuum using a energy multiplex that crosses the frequencies of gamma radiation, microwave radiation and X-ray radiation. In this process as waves cross they amplify, as such an electron is created. This is the transfer from energy to matter. There is something called carbon wire, it is 100% effecent and loses no energy to heat loss. It suspends an electron or electrons in the center of a carbon polymer. Continuing on. You must use 6 to 8 gauss rings made of the carbon polymer material to go around the vacuum rings and set the timing on it. The core would be of plutonium or uranium charged with over 240,000 kV of electricity. This would turn plutonium into a super magnet. As such the acceleration of the archaic generatiors would revolve around the plutonium rotating inward to create the multiplexed frequencies. As such it would be 100% effiecent, lose no energy to heat or friction, absorb all adjecent photons. In fact such a device is more than 100% effiecent. The only problem is the math with charging the super magnet core to precisely keep the archaic generator in a sustained orbit, aka semi-constant, because its speed would be increasing at the rate of 1 g. May I remind you that after 4 seconds the archaic generator would be moving at a rate of 85,539,228meters ps. As such this device would produce electrons to continue the acceleration. I would have to estimate around 140% or greater effiency do to the energy gained from photons and the energy gained from the conversion of energy to matter.

Who do you say that I am.

This is my Idea and as such from this point on is copyrighted by I as posted on this day Monday, July 28th 2008.