where is god?

Re: I don't exist pendejo!!

Originally posted by Godless
I dont exist pendejo, you however may exist. why don't you try and put a bullet in your head, maybe this way you can say!! I did exist!!.

A blind man does not see his reflection on the mirror, however he can surely feel his heart beat.

Can you?

How is putting a bullet in someone's head going to prove anything? What a moronic statement of yours.

So a man who is paralyzed, blind, and deaf, doesn't exist?

Anyhow do you like grabing sentences out of context, then making a whole argument out of nothing?. This is called non-sequitur this is the base of your argument:

I don' know I exist?, if I dream, the characters of my dreams exist?, basically I don't understand that I have an Identity, I go by the name VitalOne, though I don't know what that is, cause I can't prove my existence, Hey!! Godless how can you prove to me you exist?.

Godless: you are unable to prove your own existence? So what is it that you call your life?.

The sentence wasn't out of context. If that's your interpretation of my argument, then I didn't know what a fool I was dealing with until now.....Instead of responding to my questions, you just make fun of them because you know you can't answer them or counter argue my statements. Instead of using any evidence, you just deny statements.

You based your counter argument on nothing by simply disregarding my argument without any evidence to support anything you said. You simply just took everything I said and denied it. It's ok that you cannot counter my argument using any evidence, it's hard for people like you to accept that Ayn Rand's teachings are flawed.

Can't you supply any evidence or anything? Can you argue intelligently? Or is that too hard of a task for you?
I am sorry that I do not fit in your category of deist because I think god may intervene on a large scale event, or big event, or vital event or system event in a very hidden way, but generally, god will not listen to any person's selfish prayers.

Who invented the word is not important. The vital thing is whether it is correct. That is why I use the term in the correct sense, but in order to clear myself of some bad implications of the term, maybe I should invent my own expression.

Look yourself in the mirror the "fool" is the image you see.

I'm not the one asking if I exist, or having doubts about it!!

as long as the paralized man, blind, on a wheelchair, feels his heart beat, he knows that he exists. If he has no consciousness, he had known he existed.

The bullet in your head, would prove beyond reason, that you had an existence.

How moronic is it to ask if one exists or not?.

Here you are a poor shmuck trying to compete with one of the greatest minds of the last century. Ayn Rand. How moronic is that?.

give me a break.

Re: Vitalone

Originally posted by Godless
Here you are a poor shmuck trying to compete with one of the greatest minds of the last century. Ayn Rand. How moronic is that?.
Ayn Rand ? Oh that runaway commie, selfish bitch who advocated raping of certain type of girls by certain type of boys with no pretexts. Greatest mind indeed. Only morons would compete with her. who is the moron here.? *oh so many!, runs away* :p
Originally posted by VitalOne
Quantum Physics says that consciousness creates reality, reality doesn't create consciousness. Physical objects would have no properties if a conscious observer was not there watching them. Observers create the reality, the reailty isn't already there. Reality is SUBJECTIVE, since everyone has their own individual senses, thuoghts, ideas, and reality. Facts are just what a bunch of people agree on to be. These "facts" periodically change with new experiments and such. Thus, collasping Ayn Rand's entire philosophy.
Is consciousness itself a reality? What about the properties of consciousness?
MShark: do you expect to suffer in heaven?(if you been good, & tried to live by Jesus ethcis*)*inconprehensibel ethics, What is the point of heaven if you can't suffer there as well?.


I expect heaven will be like Earth only everyone will love one another. What is incoprehensible about "Love God, Love your Neighbor and Love Yourself"

I do not know priests or ministers that dirve around in Lexus's. On the other hand $100,000 would not buy much in my area.

Giving is a good thing.
Re: Vitalone

Originally posted by Godless

Here you are a poor shmuck trying to compete with one of the greatest minds of the last century. Ayn Rand. How moronic is that?.

give me a break.

If god is questionable, why not Ayn?
Re: Vitalone

Originally posted by Godless
Look yourself in the mirror the "fool" is the image you see.

I'm not the one asking if I exist, or having doubts about it!!

as long as the paralized man, blind, on a wheelchair, feels his heart beat, he knows that he exists. If he has no consciousness, he had known he existed.

The bullet in your head, would prove beyond reason, that you had an existence.

How moronic is it to ask if one exists or not?.

Here you are a poor shmuck trying to compete with one of the greatest minds of the last century. Ayn Rand. How moronic is that?.

give me a break.


My original argument was that things can exist that cannot be identified. Then you shift the argument to suit you saying that things exist if they can be identified. Where did I say that things that are identified do not exist? I said there's no way to prove or disprove that if you exist, then you have an identity. I never said you didn't exist, I just said it can't be proven or disproven. Everything you see, feel, touch, hear, and smell is an ELECTRICAL SIGNAL. You would be proving that an electrical signal exists, not you, yourself. I have no doubt that I exist, fool, I said it can't be proven. Man, you really are thick headed.

If I looked in the mirror, the only fool I could see is the reflection of your face.

Ayn Rand, one of the greatest minds? LOL! That's a good joke. Ayn Rand's Objectivism has been proven incorrect. Reality isn't objective, it's subjective and depends on the observer. All reality isn't external to the mind, things can exist that cannot be identified by our senses. To believe that all that exists is what our only 5 senses interpret is laughable. That's like a deaf man saying sound doesn't exist because he cannot hear it. We interpret what we can, but not all that's there.
Ayn Rand Questionable...

Sure she is, she never claimed to be god.

Was she a type of person everneo depicts?

She might of been, however she was able to define a phylosophy, in all aspects and give it a name, were is the phylosophical writings of Everneo?. Shmuck!! or Pendejo Vitalzero?. Pun intended, if one questions his own existence, one can't be called "one"!.


states:My original argument was that things can exist that cannot be identified. Then you shift the argument to suit you saying that things exist if they can be identified.

Hey look back at said statements, learn to read and pay attention. You took the sentence out of context. I agreed with your ignoramous mind that there exists plenty of substances we have not yet identified.


However really thinking how can I argue with some poor shmuck who is questioning his own existence?.

The literal meaning of having you try and put a bullet in your head, is that I know you wouldn't do it!!

Because you Vitalone have a conscious a sence of self, one that you are determined to preserve. Why? because you have a sence of "I" therefore you have IDENTITY.

On another note, Hey Vitalone, the Matrix was just a movie!! not reality. ok.
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Oh!what idiotic crap is this?.

Ayn Rand, one of the greatest minds? LOL! That's a good joke. Ayn Rand's Objectivism has been proven incorrect. Reality isn't objective, it's subjective and depends on the observer. All reality isn't external to the mind, things can exist that cannot be identified by our senses. To believe that all that exists is what our only 5 senses interpret is laughable. That's like a deaf man saying sound doesn't exist because he cannot hear it. We interpret what we can, but not all that's there.


ROMAL thanks for the morning yoke.

No wonder our politicians do whatever the hell they want, look at the level of idiocracy they have to deal with!!!.
Re: Ayn Rand Questionable...

Originally posted by Godless
Sure she is, she never claimed to be god.

Was she a type of person everneo depicts?

She might of been, however she was able to define a phylosophy, in all aspects and give it a name, were is the phylosophical writings of Everneo?. Shmuck!! or Pendejo Vitalzero?. Pun intended, if one questions his own existence, one can't be called "one"!.


states:My original argument was that things can exist that cannot be identified. Then you shift the argument to suit you saying that things exist if they can be identified.

Hey look back at said statements, learn to read and pay attention. You took the sentence out of context. I agreed with your ignoramous mind that there exists plenty of substances we have not yet identified.


However really thinking how can I argue with some poor shmuck who is questioning his own existence?.

The literal meaning of having you try and put a bullet in your head, is that I know you wouldn't do it!!

Because you Vitalone have a conscious a sence of self, one that you are determined to preserve. Why? because you have a sence of "I" therefore you have IDENTITY.

On another note, Hey Vitalone, the Matrix was just a movie!! not reality. ok.

I said I couldn't PROVE my existence fool, not that I don't exist. I know I exist. I'm not questioning my existance. There's no point to argue with you because of your ignorance, and lack of evidence of anything you state. You just say stuff without any evidence to back it up. All you do is deny a statement or make a joke out of it. You haven't used any scientific evidence, while I have. Your arguments are weak, and you have no evidence to support them.
Before saying something, please give at least some scienfific evidence. It's just like someone saying "Hahaha, god doesn't exist, that's a good joke" without any evidence to support that god does exist. You sound like you've been brainwashed by Ayn Rand's teachings and that no matter what, you can't believe that she's wrong.
VitalOne you sound redundant...

Vitalone Quote:
(I said I couldn't PROVE my existence fool, not that I don't exist. I know I exist) Prove it?.
Originally posted by one_raven
"Where is God?"?

I think it is obvious.

He is in Tampa, of course.

He is a really old, retired Jewish man.
Where else would be be?
the fact that The Jews promote god does not mean that god is Jewish.

Originally posted by VitalOne
Quantum Physics says that consciousness creates reality, reality doesn't create consciousness. Physical objects would have no properties if a conscious observer was not there watching them. Observers create the reality, the reailty isn't already there. Reality is SUBJECTIVE, since everyone has their own individual senses, thuoghts, ideas, and reality. Facts are just what a bunch of people agree on to be. These "facts" periodically change with new experiments and such. Thus, collasping Ayn Rand's entire philosophy.

Not really.That would mean the world is an illusion.The fact is the world is NOT the illusion.If the world is illusion and if we create reality,we could change that reality antime we wake up,since we dream a different reality.Observers don't create reality,because you couldn't die,you could change reality as you wanted,and you could phase your hand thru these things like rock,woods or anything else what is made from solid matter.The world is a real place,but we don't see it in the entire spectrum-that's why we have instruments to see it.
Re: Oh!what idiotic crap is this?.

Originally posted by Godless
Ayn Rand, one of the greatest minds? LOL! That's a good joke. Ayn Rand's Objectivism has been proven incorrect. Reality isn't objective, it's subjective and depends on the observer. All reality isn't external to the mind, things can exist that cannot be identified by our senses. To believe that all that exists is what our only 5 senses interpret is laughable. That's like a deaf man saying sound doesn't exist because he cannot hear it. We interpret what we can, but not all that's there.


ROMAL thanks for the morning yoke.

No wonder our politicians do whatever the hell they want, look at the level of idiocracy they have to deal with!!!.

Not really.That would mean the world is an illusion.The fact is the world is NOT the illusion.If the world is illusion and if we create reality,we could change that reality antime we wake up,since we dream a different reality.Observers don't create reality,because you couldn't die,you could change reality as you wanted,and you could phase your hand thru these things like rock,woods or anything else what is made from solid matter.The world is a real place,but we don't see it in the entire spectrum-that's why we have instruments to see it.You can't say to poor,hungry kids that the world is an illusion,than why are they suffering,why people fight for survival,is that an illusion?No,it's real.Which proves that reality is real,and not the product of our own brain.It depends on how much our brain can detect reality.You can't create reality in your brain,unless you have memories.To have memories you have to pick up that information from the outside world.That irrefutably proves,that reality creates memories,memories of this reality are stored in the brain,which enables us to recognize that we have been here,or we haven't.You can't say that brain creates reality on the places you have never been and have never been remembered in th brain-that irrefutably proves that reality is true.People who say that brain creates reality,has never suffered in his life,never tasted the "l" from word "life",and haven't been torchered.Your brain could easily destroy/erase everyone and eerything on your way,if they,space around and the entire universe were being simply nothing more than just an illusion.Those philosophers that gave that the most illogical theory I've ever heard,don't what they talk about.

Hey, just a note.
When VitaOne, made this statement:( Reality isn't objective, it's subjective and depends on the observer. All reality isn't external to the mind, things can exist that cannot be identified by our senses.)

I gave up!!

I can't take this idiotic crap seriously.

I tried to tell him (THE MATRIX) was just a movie. Thats the only place I know of were reality is completely subjective and one is able to control it's reality. Like Neo. (it is not a spoon)

Though when individuals want to sound superior, smarter, and bring even quantum physics as there scientific proofs, that reality is subjective.

Well this would be a sad day, if I were to take such an educated idiot serious.

Really!, if anyone ever needs a good example of non-sequirtus here it is:
(I said I couldn't PROVE my existence fool, not that I don't exist. I know I exist.)
Now THAT!! is serious stupidity!!. that makes no sence.

Whre is God

God is a spirit! He was and is and evermore shall be. Before time even began He was. He declared his name is "I Am".

Prophet Moses of the old testament was sent from the burning bush experience to a great king-pharaoh of Egypt. he asked the deity who sent him "When The Egyptian king (pharaoh) asks who you are, what do I tell him?"
According to this story the divine answered him " tell pharaoh my name is The I Am".

Our natural, human,carnal mind cannot get to know God since he is in a different realm- the realm of the spirit.

You only get to a position to know God when you inner being(soul) is given life through the life that is in Jesus.
Because of the sin of Adam we all inherit spiritual death at conception. The second Adam is a life-giving spirit( the spirit of Jesus/holy spirit)
You have to be saved to personaly know God. He is HOLY!!

Holy,Holy .holy is the Lord God Almighty, the whole earth is full of his glory. The heavens and the creation(nature-mountains,oceans,sunsets) declare the glory of the Lord God.
Re: Wrong...

Originally posted by Gravage
Not really.That would mean the world is an illusion.The fact is the world is NOT the illusion.If the world is illusion and if we create reality,we could change that reality antime we wake up,since we dream a different reality.Observers don't create reality,because you couldn't die,you could change reality as you wanted,and you could phase your hand thru these things like rock,woods or anything else what is made from solid matter.The world is a real place,but we don't see it in the entire spectrum-that's why we have instruments to see it.

I never said we could control reality...Our conscious mind doesn't create reality, our unconscious mind does...that is why we have little control over it... It's just like how our conscious thought can't all of a sudden tell our heart to stop, we don't control it, but our mind still does. Just as how our mind regulates blinking, breathing, and other unconscious functions. Just as how we have little or no control over dreams, yet our mind still creates it. Death is when you no longer observe this reality, I cannot say what happens when you die, and neither can you.
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