where is god?

Re: Right next to me!

Originally posted by Morteza Olangui
Right next to me I have a book of quotations by outstanding African-Amricans compiled by Anthony Robins. There it says:
People see God evreyday, but they don`t recognise Him.
By Perl Billy.
P.S. I am quoting the traslated copy of the book. thanks
M*W: Interesting quote, Morteza. People don't recognize God whom they've seen but believe in Jesus whom they have not seen.
Where is god?
All around us...probably. Monotheism traditionally views God as something that has a mind (for judging) and a soul (for understanding), but has no body. Thus one will not be able to see 'God'.
Originally posted by Laser Eyes
God himself tells us that he thinks but not like a human...
No, Isaiah tells us that he thinks but not like a human.
Originally posted by Laser Eyes
God himself tells us that he feels emotions...
According to Moses...
Originally posted by Laser Eyes
God says he can not lie...
If God=Paul then, yes, God did say that.
Come on Laser Eyes, I fear that you are wasting our time; give us one good reason to believe any of these men. Better yet, don't. I'm getting sick of these arguments.

Getting to the question at hand: God, more than likely, does not exist, not as an external, conscious being or as an internal, spiritual being (sorry MW). God is probably just an invention of the intellegent, longing, human mind. God is a moral of a story, a happy ending, nothing more.
we can only feel the force of god or the presents of god will. but we can not see such a powerful figure, I doublt if human being has the organ to detect god directly.
So then ummmmm how did the shepherds in the bible manage it? Guess they didn't, in which case they were just making it all up.
God is @..

A legitament question, of an unsupported theory! the God Theory, no less. Making a word without definition be a being of supernatural qualities, that only exists as a subjective weak minded men.

God is in your pheble little mind!!.
Re: God is @..

Originally posted by Godless
A legitament question, of an unsupported theory! the God Theory, no less. Making a word without definition be a being of supernatural qualities, that only exists as a subjective weak minded men.

God is in your pheble little mind!!.
Pros and cons are at least on equal footing in cognition, if not better, so god will not be felt by your low mind, like animal do not what is laser.

The god theory is a remnant of an ancient mind. My suggestion to you is to learn where the god theory derives from. Anthropology is needed to be studied for such a task, understanding the mind of Neanderthals, and then later early versions of our ancestors Homo Sapiens. I will recommend a good source of literature. Julian Jaynes, here is one perspective of a reader of his:



I didn't mean to offend, I was only stating the facts!!. God lives in the pheble mind of man.

Hi :
He is where you ask for Him. If you did not find Him, then examine your heart. Maybe you have not asked keenly enough.
If you come to get near to Him , you will surely love Him as He loves you. But you must be patient. What I am going to say, I am not sure about it but I say it: He is unique but He appears to every one according to his/her potentials.
As you go to school and you learn things class by class, it is the same with Him. Patience, Patience and Patience.
May the Lord God bless you all. Amen thanks
"God less"
What do you think? Can you give a reason for your conclusion?
If you read the articles provided by yourself and qualify yourself for understanding the articles yourself before recommanding them to others. Otherwise I can give you tons of things to bury you.

I am not sure if you know what you are doing.

Your last post, was it a joke?.

Well I surely laughed, if you lack understanding, I'm not here to be your teacher. I was self tought, teach yourself. I've read the book, I own it, I highly recomend it. it only cost $18 bucks go pick it up at here: http://search.barnesandnoble.com/bo...D=Julian+Jaynes&userid=2TVLDDCNN9&cds2Pid=946

Obviously you know how to read, so read!.

You can burry me, Please.

Remember the first three letters of my name!!
Where is your argument for your conclusion?
Why don'y you say you write it?
You want to get buried? Then use google by inputing the word god, you got buried instantly.
So enjoy it.
I am not sure if you can read because you never show a point except for selling books.
My argument was made

You are either too ignorant too have missed it, or just plain didn't understand it!!.

Religion, the god theory, are remnants of ancient men.

Julian Jaynes explains the theory of bicameral mind, not on a whim, but by study of anthropology, in it he proves the mentality of ancient men, differs from ours.

The bicameral consciousness did not evolve into counsciousness of modern men, it was a discovery apx, 3000 years ago, men learned to think for himself, with out having autosuggestion.

The proof of this is written in your own bible, read it well. Not the new testament. Julian Jaynes, explain how the bible also makes this transition from autoconsciousness, to self awarness. The words of god (I AM) here explain were men has discovered self conusciousness.

You want to get buried.
Write on Google (god theory)
And like Emmeril (Baaaammm!!)
Religion, the god theory, are remnants of ancient men.
That's a very vague statement. There are at least three possibilities one has to account for: "god theory" - let's call it god awareness, to indicate the impulse, rather than the rationalization of it -
1) was the culmination of an evolutionary consciousness, a developed faculty, similar to aesthetics and reason, called "spirituality"; which either
2) progressed into "god theories" like the ones visible today
3) diminished until it is now on the verge of becoming irrelevant as a useful faculty.

In other words, if spiritual awareness is an artifact of the past -
Did it culminate in ancient cultures?
Did it progress naturally until then?
Does it degress naturally today?

Because if it is a side product of reasoning, it must develop along with it, not inversely to it. If it's not, then what makes it any different than self awareness?
Re: My argument was made

Originally posted by Godless
You are either too ignorant too have missed it, or just plain didn't understand it!!.

Religion, the god theory, are remnants of ancient men.
What about this: you are "remnants of ancient men", dose this prove anything.

Julian Jaynes explains the theory of bicameral mind, not on a whim, but by study of anthropology, in it he proves the mentality of ancient men, differs from ours.

The bicameral consciousness did not evolve into counsciousness of modern men, it was a discovery apx, 3000 years ago, men learned to think for himself, with out having autosuggestion.
you seem unable to distinguish conclusions from evidence.
these are conclusions based on some theory by some one, but what evidence are these conclusion drawn upon? Upon some theory? Where is the fact?
If you read the book and know the facts, then tell for example.

The proof of this is written in your own bible, read it well. Not the new testament. Julian Jaynes, explain how the bible also makes this transition from autoconsciousness, to self awarness. The words of god (I AM) here explain were men has discovered self conusciousness.

You want to get buried.
Write on Google (god theory)
And like Emmeril (Baaaammm!!)
Since the book is recommanded by some a joker, that proves that the book is worthless.
Re: God is @..

Originally posted by Godless

God is in your pheble little mind!!.

Even IF God only existed in this way God would still be a very large being. So many pheble minds out there...
First of all explain what god is...

Is there a rational explanation of what god is?

For example, if an alien race arrives here, and we tell them we worship a god, That we can not see, we can not prove, we can not know his,hers, it's existence, nor that he, it, she, exists. But trust us we have *faith* that god exists!! This alien race would arrive at, The we are pheble minded creatures that have yet, to evolve. They are not wrong.

To be self aware, is not to arrive at god. Self awarness led to spirituality, but not at the sence of religious spirituality.

God: They claim that they perceive a mode of being superior to your existence on this earth. The mystics of spirits call it "another dimension" which consists of denying dimensions. The mystics of muscle call it "the future," which consists of denying the present. To exist is to possess identity. What identity are they able to to give to their superior realm? They keep telling you what is not, but never tell you what it is. All their identifications consists of negating: God is that which no human mind can know, they say--and proceed to demand that you consider it knowledge--God is non-man, heaven is non-earth, soul is non-body, virtue is non-profit, A is non-A, perception is non-sensory, knowledge is non-reason. Their definitions, are not acts of defining, but of wiping out. Ayn Rand.

Remnants of the bicameral mind exist in every human brain. Those remnants cause a desire for guidance by outside or external "authorities". Dr. Frank R. Wallace Neo-Tech Lit.

To further explain my argument read this: The Origins of Mysticism


yinyinwang, you are quiet correct, I am remnant of ancient men, I too had to defeat, conquer my mysticism by discovering what was wrong I was able to overcome hardship of bicameral mind. My apolegies, for mentioning "ignorance" I too had ignorance, though I never quit searching to enlighten my atheistic mind.

The day I quit learning, is the day I die!!
To exist is to possess identity

Something can exist that cannot be identified or detected by our senses. For instance, if you cannot see the entire universe you wouldn't say that it didn't exist.
is the universe self aware?

When she makes this statement she is not speaking of objects, is a rock self aware?, she is speaking of human consciousness. To exist is to be aware of self. To know thy self is to identify one self.

What identity has this phenemonon, called god given?. Only that we can not know him,it,her?. If something exists that we have not identified, has it? is it self aware, does it know its own identity?. If it does then it possess self consciousness.

(Something can exist that cannot be identified or detected by our senses.)

It is a large universe, there are probably millions of things that exist that we don't know about or we have yet to identify. This does nothing to disprove that if (you) exist you have identity!!.

Do you exist?. then you have identity. (self aware) I know you exist, do you?.

How can you prove to me that "god" exist?. what identity can you justify for it's existence? how can (it) prove to me! (it) is real and tha it exists!!.

Faith?. LOL. give me a break!!.