where is god?

mom? geh? what the hell is... oh shit never mind... heh heh, its funny coz if you say "mom" with an american accent it sounds just like "mum" so if you said "mum" with an american accent what would it sound like? "mum"? but then does that mean you can't pronounce an "o" sound without it sounding like "o" or "a"? Heh heh suckers... alright I'm calm now... bye-o
Rainbow, kind of clueless? Yin was asking about my (mom) ok!. LOL..

Yin thanks for asking she's gotten over her bronchitis, now it's only a month before her retirement date, she is very exited about that. We'r going to visit my sister before apartment shoping in Las Vegas. She got invited to see "The Passion," I kind of advised her against it. She took my advise, and claimed that she's already seen one like it.

How about you Yin how's work?.

Sorry for the mi-quoting.
Glad to hear she is fine and say hello to her for me.
I have moved into a new apartment and been trying to make it look like place for human.
mario said:
I know one thing that god simply CANNOT do. Even with all his mighty powers. According to religious teachings he is everywhere...that means he can hide behind the smallest atom, and also he can be found at the outer reaches of the universe. So one thing that god cannot do is...get lost. :)
if we lost god, for example, dead, then god lost us too.
If you want to find a critical view on the matter about Jesus Christ, you might want to look at the book "The Case for Christ" by Lee Strobel. He asks the greatest minds in Christian thinking tough, point-blank questions to see if they can back up with proper evidence the Bible's claims about Christ. He went to Yale, where he attained a Master's degree in Law, and was an Investigative reporter, so he didn't settle with "the Bible tells me so" answers. His book is very interesting and allows the reader to decide for his/her own self. Also, a philosophical outlook on Christianity is made by C.S. Lewis in his book, "Mere Christianity." He was once an atheist who thought his way to Christianity. He chronicled that in the book, "Surprised by Joy." Many know him for his books the "Chronicles of Narnia," but he wrote many philosophical and theological dissertations. Both books aren't too expensive and make up for the cost and then some in their information. Well, I'll end this. God bless.
Is it any surprise an atheist may "think" his way to theism when they are both as dogmatic? Both are "leaps of faith".
Just a q: wasn't C. S. Lewis obsessed with little girls? Could a guilty conscience of past transgressions perhaps played a part in his conversion? Never knew the man personally but... seems like a bad example.
Jinchilla, if we go on looking at all historical figures that may have contributed to literature or in other forms we find that they all were freaks one way or the other. i.e. Airstotle, Plato, liked little boys, there was a Pope who was a pedophile, one of the Queens of England was into beastiality, Jesus doubted at the cross, when nailed he called out, (why have you forsaken me?) in essense no human has ever been perfect! not one.

Quote: Is it any surprise an atheist may "think" his way to theism when they are both as dogmatic? Both are "leaps of faith".

Not nesesarily. I.E. to be an atheist is not denying a god's existence, it is denying the religious aspects of god. No one can admit to the existence of, or denial of existence of an entity of which has no identity. For example: If I were to claim that a god did not exist, I'm making an alegation that "I know what god is, and know that it does not exist" Sinse no one can claim what god is, no one can claim its non-existence or otherwise claim that it does, because if you do, then you claim that you KNOW what god is and that you KNOW that he/it/she/ exists.

mario said:
Yeah it's amazing that just words on paper are enough for anyone to believe so strongly in a god. Why doesn't religious people ask god for a definite sign of his existence or something? And with the overthrow of iraq why don't the muslims ask allah why he has forsaken them and allowed the evil western empire to conquer them?
we may lack of scientifical fact on god, but certainly more than mere words.
But if you take god the wrong way, it won't work.
jinchilla said:
Just a q: wasn't C. S. Lewis obsessed with little girls? Could a guilty conscience of past transgressions perhaps played a part in his conversion? Never knew the man personally but... seems like a bad example.

No, He wasn't...He had a fascination with science fiction before conversion, but he wasn't a pediaphile.
As I have nothing to say on this matter right now, I just repeat the question: WHERE IS GOD? thanks

Some believe the reason we are still asking this question is not because He is not there, but supposing he was 'here' how would we know it to be Him, the search can't even begin because what will we seek?

Here are some poems, related to this scenario

Cross & Christians, end to end, I examined. He was not on the Cross. I went to the Hindu temple, to the ancient pagoda. In none of them was there any sign. To the uplands of Herat I went, and to Kandahar. I looked. He was not on the heights or in the lowlands. Resolutely, I went to the summit of the fabulous mountain of Kaf. There only was the dwelling of the Anqa bird. I went to the Kaaba of Mecca. He was not there. I asked about him from Avicenna the philosopher. He was beyond the range of Avicenna.... I looked into my own heart. In that place, I saw him. He was in no other place. - Rumi


The flitting of a light in desert dusk - thou art there.
The weary duty of the Magician's forced ritual - thou art there.
Not in the book of the scribe, but in the smile at it - thou art there.
The Grace of the graceful, not in the mind of the graceful - thou art there.
The question & the answer: between them, not in them - thou art there.
Between the lumbering paces of the elephant - thou art there.
In harmony, in love, in being itself, in truth, in absolutenesss - thou art there.
The pearl rejected by the oyster fancier - thou art there.
The inexplicabilityof non-rhythm, of seeming change - thou art there
The interchange, pulsation, sweetness, silence, rest
In incongruity & in incongruity - thou art there.
In the glow, the spark, the leaping flame, the warmth & the burning; in the relaxation & the agitation: Thou art there.
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I just noticed that in the title "where is god" , God is typed in small letters, doed it make a difference? Is it a mistake or something to evaluate our attention? Or both?
Does God care where he is or where he should be? In religious technology _ I want to be very uptodate here _ they say "It" is everywhere? What do you say? quack - quack :)
Laser Eyes said:
The Bible says that no man has seen God.

Ok, I guess this gets complicated. But if no man has seen God, then who is Jesus or people have seen God?
can you see atoms or DNA? but you still believe it because a limited amount of people (scientists) tell you and they provide proof (pics, text etc.) well to religious people the scientists are the Prophets, the evidence is the miracles/prophecies etc. in the books and the signs of creation.

the answer is simple. there is either a God or not. the answer depends on the individual. science has proven that 15 Billion years ago the universe was created at a certain point and it will come to an end at a certain point from now. before that nothing existed including time and space. it would be impossible to imagine what the universe was like before the Big Bang because "nothing" (and this really is "nothing") is unimaginable. when someone asks you to imagine nothing, in your head, you'll probably be thinking something like a blank white space with "nothing" there. well even this is wrong. first off white is something and the actual "space" that "nothing" covers is something! and before the big bang according to science and religion these things didn't exsist (it is impossible for these to exists). not even the space that nothing covers existed or the time that "nothing" existed for. if it is scientifically proven that something as bizarre as this is possible then why is the idea of God ridiculous to some people. also it is proven that the universe will inevitably come to an end, which is according to (some) religions going to be the doomsday.


the common argument for atheism is that if God made the universe, then what made God, well if humans can't even imagine "nothing" then how on earth can we imagine what God can do.
Preacher X,

That unimaginable "nothing" that you describe is what I believe God to be, but not just that. God is also what was created from that. The here and there, up and down, the now and then; everything that can BE is what God is. And as far as the question where is God? EVERYWHERE.
Preacher_X said:
can you see atoms or DNA? but you still believe it because a limited amount of people (scientists) tell you and they provide proof (pics, text etc.) well to religious people the scientists are the Prophets, the evidence is the miracles/prophecies etc. in the books and the signs of creation.

Uh, well you can just go and look through a microscope to see such things.
But it is rather hard to look up god. :rolleyes: