where is god?

Re: Gravage

Originally posted by Godless
Hey, just a note.
When VitaOne, made this statement:( Reality isn't objective, it's subjective and depends on the observer. All reality isn't external to the mind, things can exist that cannot be identified by our senses.)

I gave up!!

I can't take this idiotic crap seriously.

I tried to tell him (THE MATRIX) was just a movie. Thats the only place I know of were reality is completely subjective and one is able to control it's reality. Like Neo. (it is not a spoon)

Though when individuals want to sound superior, smarter, and bring even quantum physics as there scientific proofs, that reality is subjective.

Well this would be a sad day, if I were to take such an educated idiot serious.

Really!, if anyone ever needs a good example of non-sequirtus here it is:
(I said I couldn't PROVE my existence fool, not that I don't exist. I know I exist.)
Now THAT!! is serious stupidity!!. that makes no sence.


Nice, keep using your no-evidence, nonsensical arguments. You argue that I sound like a fool, yet you have yet to use any scientific evidence. All you do is say things like "that's stupid" to argue.

Someone can know someone has stolen something, because they saw them, but can be unable to prove it (using concrete evidence).

So it's the same, I cannot prove my existence, but I know I exist. I'm sorry you cannot understand a simple concept like that, but with your close-minded, narrow brain, I can understand why.

BTW - I knew about this BEFORE I ever saw the Matrix...
Re: Re: Oh!what idiotic crap is this?.

Originally posted by Gravage
Not really.That would mean the world is an illusion.The fact is the world is NOT the illusion.If the world is illusion and if we create reality,we could change that reality antime we wake up,since we dream a different reality.Observers don't create reality,because you couldn't die,you could change reality as you wanted,and you could phase your hand thru these things like rock,woods or anything else what is made from solid matter.The world is a real place,but we don't see it in the entire spectrum-that's why we have instruments to see it.You can't say to poor,hungry kids that the world is an illusion,than why are they suffering,why people fight for survival,is that an illusion?No,it's real.Which proves that reality is real,and not the product of our own brain.It depends on how much our brain can detect reality.You can't create reality in your brain,unless you have memories.To have memories you have to pick up that information from the outside world.That irrefutably proves,that reality creates memories,memories of this reality are stored in the brain,which enables us to recognize that we have been here,or we haven't.You can't say that brain creates reality on the places you have never been and have never been remembered in th brain-that irrefutably proves that reality is true.People who say that brain creates reality,has never suffered in his life,never tasted the "l" from word "life",and haven't been torchered.Your brain could easily destroy/erase everyone and eerything on your way,if they,space around and the entire universe were being simply nothing more than just an illusion.Those philosophers that gave that the most illogical theory I've ever heard,don't what they talk about.

Read my previous quote, and electrical signals are sent to the brain stem, our mind then interprets it. As I stated, our conscious mind doesn't create reality. When you dream of a place, would you say that your mind is interpreting things from that world. When you touch something in a dream, you touch it, and feel it, would you say that touch was real? A dream is temporary reality, if it were permanent, then you would say that it was reality. The only reason a dream is viewed as a fantasy is because we observe it temporarily.
a dream is not real, like a movie is not real. A car running in the movie is not a real car, it is virtual, our mind interpretate the movie as if real, but sensing the real car running is different in many ways from watching a movie.
A car running in the movie is not a real car, it is virtual...
It is a real car though. Light sensitive film, frame after frame, has captured a real car running, and this is the image that is shown.
Originally posted by Mucker
It is a real car though. Light sensitive film, frame after frame, has captured a real car running, and this is the image that is shown.
there are a lot of things left out, for example, the light spectrum is not the same, image distortion, etc. even though it look alike.

You have proven your existence to me VitalOne;

Everytime you write absurdities bs, you are proving your existence to me.

Existence is self evident, the fact that you've not realized this, is beyond my reasoning.

What scientific proof do you seek?. I've already gave you an alternative, to realize your existence. Blow your brains out!!

The fact that you wouldn not take such action proves, that you want to remain an existing entity, that has an (identity) sence of self. WHICH IS BTW WHAT AYN RAND WAS SPEAKING OFF!!!!!!!


The above is a better explanation than that I can give you.

Now please realize that I've been polite with this post, no name calling, no mentioning of ignorance on your part. I just don't understand your (non-sequirtus) crap.

Re: WTF?.

Originally posted by Godless
You have proven your existence to me VitalOne;

Everytime you write absurdities bs, you are proving your existence to me.

Existence is self evident, the fact that you've not realized this, is beyond my reasoning.

What scientific proof do you seek?. I've already gave you an alternative, to realize your existence. Blow your brains out!!

The fact that you wouldn not take such action proves, that you want to remain an existing entity, that has an (identity) sence of self. WHICH IS BTW WHAT AYN RAND WAS SPEAKING OFF!!!!!!!


The above is a better explanation than that I can give you.

Now please realize that I've been polite with this post, no name calling, no mentioning of ignorance on your part. I just don't understand your (non-sequirtus) crap.


What a narrow mind...again all you do is say is I'm writing BS and stuff. And your evidence of my existence is you interpreting electrical signals and reading this text. What does that prove? It proves that electrical signals exist, that's all. Man, Ayn Rand has really messed you up. Your mind only thinks within a limited field.

Vital crap,

You've been educated beyond reason, you can't comprehend common sence, I feel sorry for your ass.

You didn't even read, the article.

Ayn Rand has nothing to do with my education.

It was her philosophy that saved my life. YOU SHMUCK!!

What is messed up is that you truly believe the bull shiet you read, I don't my philosophy is not totally based on Ayn Rands writings!

The one messed up is the one that questions his own existence.

Face it! you just have to tell me you don't like Ayn Rand, and that is that. But I've not seen any evidence from your part, other than your say so, to disprove her theory. Give links, yada-yada-yada, and bla, bla, not just because you claim!!!!.

Quote: When Ayn Rand distinguishes 'existence' from 'consciousness', she mainly means by "existence" what other philosophers call "the external world" -- thus, the distinction is between states of one's own mind and external phenomena. According to Objectivism, existence has primacy over consciousness in two senses. First, epistemologically: human knowledge begins with (sensory) awareness of the external world. It does not begin with awareness of one's own ideas. The reason is that ideas or states of consciousness are necessarily ideas about something, and that something is what one is aware of. One could not become aware of one's own consciousness, unless one first had some states of consciousness to be aware of; and one could not have states of consciousness, unless one first had something else that one was conscious of.(2)

What is so hard about understanding that!!!! unless your totally ignorant of your own existence?.

No shiet sherlock that is electrical sensations to which I tipe, or read your crap, yet this proves your existence, dumb ass!!! and mine!!!!.

Quote: Second, existence has a metaphysical primacy over consciousness: that is, the external world exists prior to, and is not dependent on, our minds. This also implies that the external world has its specific characteristics (identity) prior to, and independent of, the states of our minds. And this is for the same reason: in order to have states of consciousness, there must first be things for us to become conscious of (whereas the converse is not the case), because consciousness is consciousness of things. Consciousness, again, is a faculty of becoming aware of things, not of creating or altering them.

Are you going to tell me know that nothing existed before your dumb ass was born?.

Anyhow I'll ended here. I got out of the cave long ago, your still searching to find your way out, however you can't see the light that is in front of you. Because, your blind, your ignorant to reality, you choose to be ignorant of your existence, or what exists around you, and simply call it (electrical sensation) Duhh!! we all know that dumb ass, what is causing the electric sensation?. EXISTENCE
Here some interestin links..

Questioning existence;

well here you go:


If you would like to use your (sensations on reading)




This was quite interesting.


However I hardly expect you would even look at one single link!! what a waste.

You can not reason with some one by insulting, you don't have to prove your points by kicking around unless kicking is what you want.
Show some manner.
Re: Re: Re: Oh!what idiotic crap is this?.

Originally posted by VitalOne
Read my previous quote, and electrical signals are sent to the brain stem, our mind then interprets it. As I stated, our conscious mind doesn't create reality. When you dream of a place, would you say that your mind is interpreting things from that world. When you touch something in a dream, you touch it, and feel it, would you say that touch was real? A dream is temporary reality, if it were permanent, then you would say that it was reality. The only reason a dream is viewed as a fantasy is because we observe it temporarily.

Oh,man I'm truly sorry for misquoting.
Re: Re: Wrong...

Originally posted by VitalOne
I never said we could control reality...Our conscious mind doesn't create reality, our unconscious mind does...that is why we have little control over it... It's just like how our conscious thought can't all of a sudden tell our heart to stop, we don't control it, but our mind still does. Just as how our mind regulates blinking, breathing, and other unconscious functions. Just as how we have little or no control over dreams, yet our mind still creates it. Death is when you no longer observe this reality, I cannot say what happens when you die, and neither can you.

However,our mind can't create reality,unless it has seen it before.All the images can't be create before you saw how the world looks like.Than when the brain sees how the real world looks like,than he created his own reality,to mix up with real,but the brain doesn't affect the real reality around us.That inside realit is created from the brain,as the result after seeing the reality around.Our mind don't control reality otherwise we could change are reality whenever we can,please.And it's not the mind who controls blinking, breathing, and other unconscious functions,it' the brain that controls them all-brain creates and controls our mind.It is the brain's capacity to learn,not mind's.Saying that world is an illusion is the biggest stupidity I've ever heard.How does my mind create dreams?Simply,when someone/something bothers me,torchers me...Brain creates dreams because of the uncomplished wishes,you create dreams where the world is when you imagine.Every time you wake there is always the same world.Nothing happens when you die,many say your brain is mixing pictures and dreams(which are not reality,but hallucination),on the edge of death,however when you die,there is nothing left.
Re: Re: Re: Oh!what idiotic crap is this?.

Originally posted by VitalOne
Read my previous quote, and electrical signals are sent to the brain stem, our mind then interprets it. As I stated, our conscious mind doesn't create reality. When you dream of a place, would you say that your mind is interpreting things from that world. When you touch something in a dream, you touch it, and feel it, would you say that touch was real? A dream is temporary reality, if it were permanent, then you would say that it was reality. The only reason a dream is viewed as a fantasy is because we observe it temporarily.

Yes,but the touch inside the dream can't kill you.I've been dreaming that someone has killed me,with the knife in my stomach.I didn't feel the pain,I didn't even feel the touch I only felt fear.When you fear something or someone in th real life,your brain creates images of that person or place where something happened,but it's not real.A dream is not temporal reality,it's only an answer to the circumstances you have been in-brain warns you to not forget it,until you face them.

Originally posted by yinyinwang
I don't think this is an unfounded imagination.

Yes,it is,because you don't know something to explain,people sa miracle,and miracles are tightly connected with God.Humans haven't changed a bit,when you talk about that,that's why there will always be religions.
Re: Whre is God

Originally posted by tomasito
God is a spirit! He was and is and evermore shall be. Before time even began He was. He declared his name is "I Am".

Prophet Moses of the old testament was sent from the burning bush experience to a great king-pharaoh of Egypt. he asked the deity who sent him "When The Egyptian king (pharaoh) asks who you are, what do I tell him?"
According to this story the divine answered him " tell pharaoh my name is The I Am".

Our natural, human,carnal mind cannot get to know God since he is in a different realm- the realm of the spirit.

You only get to a position to know God when you inner being(soul) is given life through the life that is in Jesus.
Because of the sin of Adam we all inherit spiritual death at conception. The second Adam is a life-giving spirit( the spirit of Jesus/holy spirit)
You have to be saved to personaly know God. He is HOLY!!

Holy,Holy .holy is the Lord God Almighty, the whole earth is full of his glory. The heavens and the creation(nature-mountains,oceans,sunsets) declare the glory of the Lord God.
spirit exists in life but not in a rock. realm of spirit is not a clear concept, how does such a realm interact with our realm?

Yea!, you are correct. However it's agreavating, and I can't help but get emotional.

My apolegies, VitalOne.

Existence exists, that is an axiom, existence is self evident, the mind is a reality intergrating organ, (not a reality creating organ) it sences all existence around it, however something has to exist in order to be aware of it. An individual possess a sence of self and therefore has (identity) of self.

A dream is only an illusion, illusions are not real, however in ancient times people believed them to be real, i.e. explains the many (miracles) on the bible, most were illusions.


Perhaps by the use of logic, above you can come to the conclusion, that what your (electrical sences) are doing is defining existence around you. Therefore I know an individual called VitalOne exists, because he types words on an internet forum, contradicty everything, and anything I say. The fact that you react to anything you may disagree with, is scientifical evidence that such an idividual exists!!.

If this individual were to NOT exist, then there would not be any reaction., my sences then would not have to be reading non-sence, coming from such individual!!.

Bla,bla, bla, & Yada, ya-D-dada.

Re: Wrong...

Originally posted by Gravage
Yes,it is,because you don't know something to explain,people sa miracle,and miracles are tightly connected with God.Humans haven't changed a bit,when you talk about that,that's why there will always be religions.
human being evolvles. maybe it is slow in your eyes.
I find much more pain than miracle in human history.
People associating miracles with god are interpreting god wrong, not god is a wrong assumption.
religion is a pointer for people's reference before they find out what is what in their exploring process. Religion is not meant to stop people's own exploring, but as a guidelines for their consideration.