What do Christians think about Islam

Who is "everyone"?

Oh wait, you're an atheist. No need to back up unsubstantiated claims with evidence. Carry on with the bullshit.

LOL. Indeed, only Atheists can be right, the rest of us don't know anything. No need for proofs either.
Sure it has. The Bahai and the Japanese are directly relevant to the topic.
They most certainly are directly relevant to the topic.

Firstly, it should be noted, I am not Christian. I was asking about their view - not formulating it. It's apparent that most Christians view Islam as being spawned directly from the bowels of Satan himself. Mohammad did Satan's bidding (I know some Christians who think Mohammad WAS Satan. But, most just think Mohammad was possessed by Satan).

Secondly, this view, that Islam is Satanic is a direct result of Christian flavored monotheism. It has nothing to do with "America" or "Atheists" or any other bullshit that DH tries to pull out of his arse. Jesus, it's always blame someone - no, not this time. The opinion is the natural progression of this monotheism.

Thirdly, you should appreciate this view. As it's the one that most Muslims take when viewing Shinto polytheism or The Baha'i. It's why the Ahmadiyya are such a great example. Indonesian Muslims persecuted by Indonesian Muslim. Oh, I'm sure DH blames that on the Joos and Yanks as well - but we both know that Ahmadiyya persecution is a direct and natural progression of Islamic theology.

You know I am correct which is why you wrote: another theist bashing thread masquerading as a discussion It's just your programming doesn't allow you think accept it. Which is fine. I accept you just the way you are SAM.

At least you temper some of your religion's WASP-like theology with good old fashion Western values :)

As for the people of LOT. It's quite clear that DH is a direct decedent of the People of Lot. Deep down in his bowels he can feel this is the truth. Quite literally I am sure.

Any who, I'm off for the weekend. My 4 cm gash is healing nicely. While I wish it were the Marlon Brando chic scar ... well, Franken-Michael is *alive* *ALIVE!*
I stay far away from "western" values. They offend me with their intolerance. :bugeye:

I'm very Indian in my outlook.
Christians in the Middle East and Muslim world differ significantly in their view of Muslims than those in the West, therefore my point is not irrelevant. The Christians in the Muslim world themselves use Islamic words alhamdulilah, mashallah, inshallah, auzubillah in conversations among themselves. It in no way challenges their beliefs because we believe in the same God, the Creator. Whereas Christians view Jesus as the son of God and aspect of God, we believe in Jesus as fully human and a prophet sent by God. Therein lies the difference.

You created this thread with the purpose to demonize Muslims by using Christians, this is quite evident in how you carried yourself.

To clarify further, if you had read the Quran or the Bible, you will know the people of Lot were destroyed in a hailstorm sent by God, it was their punishment for the crimes and perversions they engaged in.

It is important for our Christian brothers and sisters not to get sucked into these lies and villifications perpetuated by some Atheists to turn us against each other. As soon as the close this thread, they will try to create one against Christianity, don't fall for the trap. Keep religion to God, and avoid false charges against others. This is best for the true believers.
Would that make me successful in understanding western thinking?

Curiously enough I do believe that a book like the Geography of Thought would never have been written by a Chinese person. Thats also a categorisation.
I understand what most Muslims believe, but, it's no more likely than what Christians believe.

As for "most odds against" ... there are no more or no less odds against anything. It's actually equally as likely that God was Jesus as it is Jesus was not God.

This is the reason why Christians think Muslims are following Satan into hell - the only path to salvation is through Jesus the Son.
What do you think about that?
Is it good for Christians to teach their children that Muslims are following the path of Satan?
Do you think it's a good thing to teach children that Mohammad was possessed by Satan (or more likely WAS Satan)?
Do you think it's good for Christians to teach their children that the Qur'an is the work of the Devil?
Could teaching children to these things, which all Christians do think about Mohammad and The Qur'an, is a good thing?

On the side, as a monotheist, what do you think about Japanese polytheism? I mean, Japanese worship multiple gods. Actually millions of Gods and Goddesses. Would you agree that their polytheistic beliefs are as likely to be true as your monotheistic one?

You know, there are a set of rules in this world, that anyone, whatever religion/beliefs you have can follow. I'm talking about general shit about life. Everyone puts lables on things, including themselves (they don't even know, it is also called denial) they ruin the world and they ruin themselves. I could care less what people teach other people, it is false so it makes very little difference in the actual reality. I say let them teach their children garbage, they are the new generation and they are fucking it from the beginning. You don't have to be a muslim to go to heaven, all you have to do is clear your head of any negative thoughts you get about every single person you see. I said it before, religion is very useful to someone who knows how to apply it to their life. Unfortunately everyone is an idiot, so of course they don't understand, and when they don't understand they destruct.

Let them believe in a million gods, if they are a good person or bad person nothing can save them from what they have done.
They most certainly are directly relevant to the topic.

Firstly, it should be noted, I am not Christian. I was asking about their view - not formulating it. It's apparent that most Christians view Islam as being spawned directly from the bowels of Satan himself. Mohammad did Satan's bidding (I know some Christians who think Mohammad WAS Satan. But, most just think Mohammad was possessed by Satan).

Secondly, this view, that Islam is Satanic is a direct result of Christian flavored monotheism. It has nothing to do with "America" or "Atheists" or any other bullshit that DH tries to pull out of his arse. Jesus, it's always blame someone - no, not this time. The opinion is the natural progression of this monotheism.

Thirdly, you should appreciate this view. As it's the one that most Muslims take when viewing Shinto polytheism or The Baha'i. It's why the Ahmadiyya are such a great example. Indonesian Muslims persecuted by Indonesian Muslim. Oh, I'm sure DH blames that on the Joos and Yanks as well - but we both know that Ahmadiyya persecution is a direct and natural progression of Islamic theology.

You know I am correct which is why you wrote: another theist bashing thread masquerading as a discussion It's just your programming doesn't allow you think accept it. Which is fine. I accept you just the way you are SAM.

At least you temper some of your religion's WASP-like theology with good old fashion Western values :)

As for the people of LOT. It's quite clear that DH is a direct decedent of the People of Lot. Deep down in his bowels he can feel this is the truth. Quite literally I am sure.

Any who, I'm off for the weekend. My 4 cm gash is healing nicely. While I wish it were the Marlon Brando chic scar ... well, Franken-Michael is *alive* *ALIVE!*

Instead of listening to people, why don't you go read some of the quran in english and see what mohammed wrote, and if you think then that he was possed by satan, I feel sorry for your judgement.
Michael is conflating Christian with western. Just as he conflates Buddhism with monks.

I'm reading a book called The Geography of Thought which explains to me why he cannot think without categorising or pigeonholing ideas. It also explains to me why he cannot see the big picture or more than one side of any issue

SAM, you are by nature an open minded person. It's good to see people like you leading Islam into the right direction. Which happens to be to a Western valued world. Think of when the West banned Slavery in Muslim nations, it took a lot of Muslim Apologists like you (and some power) to convince Muslim it's actually "Islam" that banned Slavery. You know, that Slavery is unislamic.

In this way Islam is Westernized and civilized/modernized.

This is only possible with good Islamic apologists like you. And YOU are winning. That's great :)

Sadly though, like the little white southern Bell who can't understand why the negro doesn't accept his condition, you're brainwashed by a religion which is intolerant. It's OK though, just like anyone who has been raised in a cult, it's not your fault. You were a child and your brain connections are formed and that's pretty much that.

We in the West are shapping the next generation of Muslims. The Muslims with power in the coming decade will come from our coutnries to the ME and other Islamic countries and continue the processes of modernization. Westernized Islamic apologists will really make an impact. Espeacially in places that need it the most like Pakistan. The Gods only know they need all the help they can get - and who better to give it than Westernized Muslims bringing money, safe water to drink, food, schools, electicity, education - Civilization.

Back to the thread: 300 million Americna Christians teach their children that Muslims worship Satan. I have nothing to do with this. It's a simple fact. Do you think maybe this made the Iraq war a bit easier to sell? The war where we "liberate" the Satanists and bring Jesus to them.

Is it good to teach children that Muslims do the work of Satan? Or am I pigenholling you here? Yeah, scratch that question. We both know the answer.

But then again THIS is YOUR ideology SAM. You told me once that Arab Polythiests deserved to be murdered because of their beleifs. Oh, you later changed it to they deserved to be murdered because Mohammad was Arab so it's all good.:bugeye: Now it's probably Mohammad was defending himself and had to murder them. When he refused to set foot in Mecca until his men had slaughtred all poltheists well - that was just because he was defending himself.

LIke I said, just remember THIS aspect is YOUR ideology SAM, not mine.
Once again you need to recategorise your tunnel vision to differentiate between rejecting an opinion and persecuting people for holding one.

When he refused to set foot in Mecca until his men had slaughtred all poltheists well - that was just because he was defending himself.

Its interesting how your mind rewrites situations to suit your tunnel vision. You are presently doing exactly what Mohammed did. Asking people to reconsider their beliefs, because they have violent outcomes. He did not "slaughtred all poltheists " as you so eloquently put it, they included his uncle [who had raised him] and other kinsmen, he asked them to break their own idols, because they caused internecine tribalism, war and were used as excuses for female infanticide. He brought unity and peace to a divided and fractious people,beyond blood feuds, tribal loyalties and religion

The Constitution of Medina (Arabic: صحیفة المدینه‎), also known as the Charter of Medina, was drafted by the Islamic prophet Muhammad in 622. It constituted a formal agreement between Muhammad and all of the significant tribes and families of Yathrib (later known as Medina), including Muslims, Jews, and pagans.[1][2] The document was drawn up with the explicit concern of bringing to an end the bitter inter tribal fighting between the clans of the Aws ( Aus) and Khazraj within Medina. To this effect it instituted a number of rights and responsibilities for the Muslim, Jewish, and pagan communities of Medina bringing them within the fold of one community—the Ummah. [3]
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No believer of God would further such lies against others.

I don't further lies. I reveal the truth of the evil of islam. just as the quran reveals it's own evils, but of course you are one with malcom X when he proclaimed Jesus was evil, when He (malcom X) said that anyone who teaches others not to defend themselves is evil.

Therefore you have been blinded to the truth and given totally over to deception as the Bible prophesied that all who reject the love of the Truth would be given over to deception.

Do you not know, God's curse is on the liars and those speak of things which they have no knowledge of? The Islamic world, by far is the only civilization in the world which opposes perversion and the sins of the People of Lot. Infact, that is the very word used in Muslim languages 'qaum e lut', people of Lot, to describe them.

All acts in rebellion again the Word of Jesus are sin and islam is in rebellion against His Word and therefore you stand up for nothing other than a deception.

So tell us then, you or your friend Michael,

Yes i am Michael’s friend just as i am your friend, because i seek to give the truth that sets both free. While Michael has not yet quoted Malcom X with agreement then maybe he is not yet beyond salvation. I know he is a determined athiest and i think i know his motivations in doing this thread, and it was not about finding out what Christians think of islam. He was trying to put up a mirror to you and sam, he was trying to engage in conviction. Not for your good however. But he is an athiest so i understand.

what is the truth? Does Islam prohibit this or allow this? Do pious Muslims engage in it or do they punish it? Both of you are speaking from both sides of your mouths.

I have no doubt that many so called "pious" ( a lying pompous title ) muslims have both engaged in sodomy and then carried out punishment upon others caught in the act of sodomy. There are probably many who have taken part in stoning and killings who have been guilty of the very same thing. That’s why Jesus was able to convict those who where assembled to stone the woman caught in adultery. Because they where all guilty themselves.

Look how the Christians ally with Atheists (or Scientologists) here in this thread.

I am not allied with atheism or scientology. :D

My loyalty is to Jesus and His word.

Look how easily they are moved to hatred. There is nothing of love here, only vilification of Muslims, a nation of millions of pious men and women.

You’re deceived beyond measure.

Love, we see the full extent of your 'Love.' Just as the natives of America, Australia, Canada, etc.

:) No. It is imposable for a true Christian to take part in and genocide acts. False christians yes. True Christians No.

felt it and as our enslaved brothers from Africa witnessed it.

What??? Who where the largest sellers and procurers of salves from Africa?

MUSLIMS that’s who.

From whom did europeans buy the majority of their african slaves from?

MUSLIMS that’s who.

muslims slave traders would raid pagan black african peoples for slaves and sell them on. They would even withold any islamic teaching to the salves because it was unlawful for them to enslave fellow muslims.

There where no muslims africans on the slave ships bound for america. That’s why there where no muslim african americans for most of the history of africans in the usa. Your "brothers" in african where not slaves they where the slave traders. And they are still doing it till this day.

I once watch an american movie series once called Roots. In the opening scene of the series two white europeans one with a net and the other with a gun where in the act of capturing a young african man in the Hot tropics of africa. I looked at it with amusement. What? two Lilly white guys from europe are going to run down a young fit African man in the hot tropics of africa?? LOL I knew something was very wrong about that twisted view of history. Upon investigation it proved to be as ridiculous as it looked.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
It is important for our Christian brothers and sisters not to get sucked into these lies and villifications perpetuated by some Atheists to turn us against each other.

If you where a true muslim you would not be declaring christians as brothers, The ones your quran states:

O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: they are but friends and protectors to each other. And he among you that turns to them for friendship is of them.

. 5:72- 73, 5:75
They do blaspheme who say: "God is Christ the son of Mary." They do blaspheme who say: God is one of three in a trinity: for there is no God except one God Allah. If they do not desist from their word of blasphemy, verily a grievous penalty will befall the blasphemers among them. Christ the son of Mary was no more than a Messenger; many were the Messengers that passed away before him

islam is against Christianity. It is so clear and your blatant and open lies are clear.

Christianity is against islam and all other lies. Do not seek to manufacture some kind of nonexistent alliance that never has existed. Light has no elegance to darkness and never will.

As soon as the close this thread, they will try to create one against Christianity, don't fall for the trap. Keep religion to God, and avoid false charges against others. This is best for the true believers.

:D Most of the threads in this forum are attacks against Christianity. I unlike you do not fear attacks, cause i know they are all in vain. There is no need in me to seek a compromising alliance with the enemies of my enemies. My ally is the God of Abraham and that’s the only one i need.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Most Christians prefer to forget that the Divinity of Christ was decided sometime during the Nicean councils. Which was waaay before Mohammed. The verse on not considering the Jews and Christians as your wali is very significant in a religious context. And also very appropriate in that Muslims should not seek to understand their religion by adopting Biblical narratives about religion as the base for theirs. What the Jews say in the Tanakh about the justification of the genocide of undesirable people or what the Christians imply about Jesus for instance, would be detrimental to understanding Islam for a Muslim.

As an example, the Arabs adopted the veil from the Byzantines. And it has had a detrimental effect on their society.

They adopted homophobia from the Christian narrative of Lot, ignoring the Jewish one. And that has been detrimental to their society.
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No believer of God would further such lies against others.

I don't further lies. I reveal the truth of the evil of islam. just as the quran reveals it's own evils, but of course you are one with malcom X when he proclaimed Jesus was evil, when He (malcom X) said that anyone who teaches others not to defend themselves is evil.

Therefore you have been blinded to the truth and given totally over to deception as the Bible prophesied that all who reject the love of the Truth would be given over to deception.

Do you not know, God's curse is on the liars and those speak of things which they have no knowledge of? The Islamic world, by far is the only civilization in the world which opposes perversion and the sins of the People of Lot. Infact, that is the very word used in Muslim languages 'qaum e lut', people of Lot, to describe them.

All acts in rebellion again the Word of Jesus are sin and islam is in rebellion against His Word and therefore you stand up for nothing other than a deception.

So tell us then, you or your friend Michael,

Yes i am Michael’s friend just as i am your friend, because i seek to give the truth that sets both free. While Michael has not yet quoted Malcom X with agreement then maybe he is not yet beyond salvation. I know he is a determined athiest and i think i know his motivations in doing this thread, and it was not about finding out what Christians think of islam. He was trying to put up a mirror to you and sam, he was trying to engage in conviction. Not for your good however. But he is an athiest so i understand.

what is the truth? Does Islam prohibit this or allow this? Do pious Muslims engage in it or do they punish it? Both of you are speaking from both sides of your mouths.

I have no doubt that many so called "pious" ( a lying pompous title ) muslims have both engaged in sodomy and then carried out punishment upon others caught in the act of sodomy. There are probably many who have taken part in stoning and killings who have been guilty of the very same thing. That’s why Jesus was able to convict those who where assembled to stone the woman caught in adultery. Because they where all guilty themselves.

Look how the Christians ally with Atheists (or Scientologists) here in this thread.

I am not allied with atheism or scientology. :D

My loyalty is to Jesus and His word.

Look how easily they are moved to hatred. There is nothing of love here, only vilification of Muslims, a nation of millions of pious men and women.

You’re deceived beyond measure.

Love, we see the full extent of your 'Love.' Just as the natives of America, Australia, Canada, etc.

:) No. It is imposable for a true Christian to take part in and genocide acts. False christians yes. True Christians No.

felt it and as our enslaved brothers from Africa witnessed it.

What??? Who where the largest sellers and procurers of salves from Africa?

MUSLIMS that’s who.

From whom did europeans buy the majority of their african slaves from?

MUSLIMS that’s who.

muslims slave traders would raid pagan black african peoples for slaves and sell them on. They would even withold any islamic teaching to the salves because it was unlawful for them to enslave fellow muslims.

There where no muslims africans on the slave ships bound for america. That’s why there where no muslim african americans for most of the history of africans in the usa. Your "brothers" in african where not slaves they where the slave traders. And they are still doing it till this day.

I once watch an american movie series once called Roots. In the opening scene of the series two white europeans one with a net and the other with a gun when in the act of capturing a young african man in the Hot tropics of africa. I looked at it with amusement. What? two Lilly white guys from europe are going to run down a young fit African man in the hot tropics of africa?? LOL I knew something was very wrong about that twisted view of history. Upon investigation it proved to be as ridiculous as it looked.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
You forget the lily white men had guns.

Anyway, Adstar, what do you think of the fact that the Apostolic fathers never mentioned the trinity?
Most of the threads in this forum are attacks against Christianity. I unlike you do not fear attacks, cause i know they are all in vain. There is no need in me to seek a compromising alliance with the enemies of my enemies. My ally is the God of Abraham and that’s the only one i need.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

lol. given "love thy neighbour as thyself" and "love your enemies, do good to them which hate you" etc., and if you don't fear attacks, why declare anyone your enemy?

generally when you talk to christians they seem reluctant to talk about anything which contradicts the peaceful image of christianity. do you know any good quotes from the bible which tell you to consider non-religious people your enemy, or guide behaviour/opinion in regard to non-believers, heretics etc.? cos my understanding is just love everyone, treat them with respect, but i'm under read and like i said i think a lot of christians are just interested in the peace n love bit.
Its interesting how your mind rewrites situations to suit your tunnel vision. You are presently doing exactly what Mohammed did. Asking people to reconsider their beliefs, because they have violent outcomes. He did not "slaughtred all poltheists " as you so eloquently put it, they included his uncle [who had raised him] and other kinsmen, he asked them to break their own idols, because they caused internecine tribalism, war and were used as excuses for female infanticide. He brought unity and peace to a divided and fractious people,beyond blood feuds, tribal loyalties and religion
Like I said you are doing a great service to Islam as an apologist by Westernizing and modernizing it.

It should be noted though that Arab people did not practice female infanticide this was added by Islamic apologists to justify the murder of Arabs. Just like you, they realized they what was done was evil and heinous. But anyway...