What do Christians think about Islam

There is no sin in being born. But all people eventually leave innocence and become sinners.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

All people?

Because certain people decided they can do what they want in this world and not be punished.

They decided this by being born?

In order to have a normal/decent life you need to sin.

If you need to sin to have a normal life, why would it be a punishable offence?
All people?

They decided this by being born?

If you need to sin to have a normal life, why would it be a punishable offence?

They decided this when they did not listen to Jesus.

I was merely stating that it is impossible for God to be human or Jesus, that is what I was saying. God does not sin, because than it would not be God, it would be a silly human.
Can God do anything? Yes or No? If no, then It's not really a God. If yes, then it can easily take the form of a man and live a human existence on Earth.

The point being exactly what Q stated.
Considering that the Bible is the world's only perfect and inerrant word of God, why then would God send another Prophet? Especially one who says Jesus is not the Messiah?

Yes, illogical isn't it...The fact is, He didn't send another prophet. JESUS is God's final Word to humanity according TO the Word.

Now, if you've got another book contradicting this Word [of God] attempting to deny, diminish and dismiss Him/It, who do think might be behind that, hmmm?

Who is animating ANYONE who attempts to do such things?

The one God calls the liar, that's who.
Christians, How do you know that the Bible is the world's only perfect and inerrant word of God?

From Luke:
43 For a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit; neither doth a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. 44 For every tree is known by his own fruit. For of thorns men do not gather figs, nor of a bramble bush gather they grapes. 45 A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh. 46 And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?

And How do I judge the fruit? I judge by the criteria laid out in the next quote.

Matthew 22:35 Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying,
36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?
37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
38 This is the first and great commandment.
39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.
40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

I have seen the fruit of Christianity and the Bible and it is not a perfect fruit except perhaps in the abstract sense that even Satan and evil are perfect because god created Satan. Jesus may have been perfect and Christianity with all it's flaws should be praised for preserving the words of Jesus. The Bible looks and smells to me like the work of flawed people and not the work of a perfect God. Obviously Christians of the type that proclaim the Bible's perfection don't agree with me but why? Because you believed what you heard in church or what your parents told you?
Can God do anything? Yes or No? If no, then It's not really a God. If yes, then it can easily take the form of a man and live a human existence on Earth.

The point being exactly what Q stated.

Just because you can does not mean you should. My point being exactly what I'm stating.
Just because you can does not mean you should. My point being exactly what I'm stating.

No, that is not what you wrote. That may be your point NOW as you wiggle around to try and justify your belief. But what you wrote was this:
. To be born is to sin, therefore it is impossible for God to be Jesus.

It's funny isn't it? First you make the assumption that to be born is to sin. Like the act itself is sinful. Then you go on to assume that if God were born then God would be sin, as if God couldn't make an exception for Itself? Then you go on to change your opinion around but still defend your original bunch of assumptions. All in an effort to maintain your faith in Islam.

See, this is the whole reason why secular democracies function much MUCH better compared with dictatorships run by the superstitious. I mean, could you imagine what it would be like to live under a tyrant as whimsical as yourself? Talk about Hell on Earth. Welcome to Iran. Or any of the past Caliphates or many of the other Theocratic states for that matter.

Lastly, the point really is that most Christians think Islam is a deviation of the truth and Mohammad was either possessed by, or Satan himself in the flesh.

I wonder if Muslims think that the Christian perspective is a good way to think about Muslims?
Is it good that many Christians think that Muslims are following Satan directly into the bowels of Hell? To spend eternity in hell fire and damnation. I wonder if they'd take a chance on their kids hanging around the demon possessed? I mean, why take the chance on one's own being attacked by Satan and those that unknowingly do his bedding here on Earth. Best to avoid them at all costs - oh, and warn your little ones against their lies.

In short, is this a good way to think about Muslims?
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Unfortunately, many Christians (but not all) have become tools of a materialistic and godless society exerting colonial influence over other lands. Many Christians refer to America as a 'Christian' land, while it is the leading exporter of perversion, selfishness, dirty magazines, dirty movies throughout the world. It is the world's largest nation of drunkards and fornicators. Hardly a 'Christian' country.

They constantly are used by godless, materialistic, capitalist Atheist elite as tools to support occupation, genocide, and destruction of sovereign nations around the world, in specific in the Muslim world. Until it is realized that Muslims are one community in the world who have never surrendered their belief in One God and largely avoided the deadly sins which the West attempts to promote in their lands, then the truth shall forever be elusive.

Atheist elite of the West use Christians to accomplish their goals of domination fo the economies, self-determination, and militaries of other country.

This can be observed by this thread alone. Christians are being used to demonize Muslims. It's quite interesting how some Christians on this forum avoid to talk about Atheism and the errors associated with it, and instead criticize Muslims, who like them believe in the God of Abraham.

In my view, Christianity is dead. It has been replaced by capitalism and materialism. The last nation on Earth which is religious and God-fearing, the Muslims, are now bearing the brunt of genocide and occupation against them for their belief in God. They are the valiant resistance against the perversion of society, and by Christians supporting their destruction and injustices against them, they are tools of Atheist elite of the West.
DH, the only reason there is the freedom for Muslims to even practise their beleif in the USA is because we are a secular nation.

Secondly, drinking and f*cking are natural and human's have been doing both much longer than the belief in the Gods.

Thirdly, teaching Good Christians that Muslims have been deceived by Satan is a natural extension of Christian Theology.

Tell me DH, pretend you are a Christian. Pretend for a moment that Jesus is the Son of God, The Word of God, The Messiah God. Jesus is God. Pretend for a moment that you truly believe that God was Jesus here on Earth in the form of a Human. Don't try and make sense of it, just pretend that this is how you believe. Now, tell me, how else could you view Muslims other than being deceived by Satan? Muslim teach that Jesus, the only path to Salvation, was not God. Muslims put up a roadblock to heaven and openly do the bidding of Satan by teaching a false revelation - The Quran.

You can try and blame Atheists, or Rationalists or Shinto or whomever, but the truth is Christians view YOUR beleif in the exact same way you view the Japanese polytheistic Shinto belief - as being against god and wrong.

Oh and FINALLY the penny drops.
Welcome to a mirror Bitch.
YOU are finally getting a good long look at YOURSELF. You don't like it do you?

Now you know why I find your intolerant racist-like bigoted beliefs just as unacceptable but you'll never understand why - because you are truly brainwashed. If not then you'd be able to say these word: The Japanese Polytheistic Shinto religion is equal to my own belief called Islam. Islam is no better than Shinto. Islam is no more correct than Shinto. Islam is no more valid than Shinto.

Good now you get it,
"Atheist elite"? In the United States? Either I've been mislead as to what country I'm currently living in, or this is the best kept secret in America...
I would also like to note: You can not export smut and alcohol to people who do not want it. Muslims love watching sex on their PC as much as anyone else. They LOVE watching girl on girl action and man on man. That's the reason the smut leaves someones studio-garage in LA and lands on some Muslims PC screen in Pakistan - because that Muslims wanted to wank off to that sex while drinking some alcohol.

If Islam is supposedly about a person making a personal choice then DH shouldn't have any problem AT ALL with smut and sex and alcohol being exported to Pakistan - because it's up to Pakistani people to decide if they want to use it, view it, wank off to it - themselves.

But, Islam has never been about personal choice. It's about control. Controlling what people think and therefor how they behave.

It's as simple as that, there's no "conspiracy" just a bunch of cooped up mentally restricted and probably regressed Muslims looking to have a good time. It's really a case of Muslims IMPORTING smut, not American's exporting it.


It should also be noted that Japan exports a lot of J-girl smut :)
In my view, Christianity is dead. It has been replaced by capitalism and materialism. The last nation on Earth which is religious and God-fearing, the Muslims, are now bearing the brunt of genocide and occupation against them for their belief in God. They are the valiant resistance against the perversion of society, and by Christians supporting their destruction and injustices against them, they are tools of Atheist elite of the West.

It's hilarious reading DH's descriptions of third-world, poverty stricken countries as some sort of Utopian civilizations under siege by the "Dark Side" of the Abrahamic force.

What he fails to acknowledge is that his "Utopia" is foul and corrupt, and is on it's way to crumble under his own feet, the last bastion of medieval thinking and belief.

Keep up the comedy, DH. Really funny stuff.
It's hilarious reading DH's descriptions of third-world, poverty stricken countries as some sort of Utopian civilizations under siege by the "Dark Side" of the Abrahamic force.

What he fails to acknowledge is that his "Utopia" is foul and corrupt, and is on it's way to crumble under his own feet, the last bastion of medieval thinking and belief.

Keep up the comedy, DH. Really funny stuff.
Everyone I have spoken to tells me the homosexuality is rampant in Mecca. If you are a good looking white man and walk into a public latrine expect to be offered a couple of hundred to let some Saudi "suck it" and maybe $50 to "hold onto it". Muslims are so sexual repressed the whole society screams out for hard core porn. And this has absolutely nothing to do with America or the West. They are dieing to get their hands on smut. They import it themselves.

And Islam supposedly allows Muslims the freedom to wank off to it. To go into the baths and give BJers. To fantasize about decadent western women.

What people like DH don't like is freedom. The more free Muslim nations become the more sex and alcohol and cigarettes they want. They reject Islamic values because these values do not reflect their needs and desires.

Anyway, back to the thread, it's no surprise that Christians view Islam as against God (and therefor of Satan) because the Qur'an teaches that the Bible is corrupted and Jesus was not God.

It's no surprise that many Muslims view Baha'i is against Is;am because their book teaches that the Qur'an is corrupted and Mohammad was not the Last Prophet.

Let me guess DH, THAT'S also the fault of the West.
You cannot hide societal perversion under the banner of freedom. Political freedom and perversion are completely different things all together. People in the West tend to view both as the same, it is not true.

Furthermore, perversion is against the nature of man, and any society which exports it around the world is itself decaying under itself. American lifestyle has left nothing to human decency, its children are ill-begotten, its parents fornicators, and its entire industrial complex based on the oppression of its own populace and the people of foreign nations. No nation can sustain itself on injustice, it is unfortunate that this lesson has been long forgotten in America.

If you think an elite which pride itself on upholding all types of perversion (economic, political, human desire) and feed on this to justify their claims to power are religious and believers of God, it is complete nonsense. Ask the minorities, African Americans, Spanish, and Muslims, about this society, they will all tell you it is in decay and it is a world of injustice. A society which exports injustice around the globe.

The Atheists wish to relegate religion to the personal sphere, they wish to whip religion into submission so they can easily control it. The Christians are beings used as tools to accomplish this. Christianity is being used for the purpose of perpetuating a godless civilization throughout the planet.

Also, the punishment for this thing mentioned above in Saudi Arabia is execution. It is not common, this is a lie. This is merely one example of the disinformation being perpetuated against Islam. This is a war against the Islamic religion, and not only that, in a wider sense it is a war against religion and God.
Also, the punishment for this thing mentioned above in Saudi Arabia is execution.
And here we go, more enlightenment from DH and his intolerant religion Islam. DH you sound like you are more than happy to see Muslims murdered for make a personal choice. One must wonder why? Maybe you are gay? Ever think of that? I mean, you sound kind of like a homosexual.

Mohsen Yahyavi is the highest-ranked politician to admit that Iran believes in the death penalty for homosexuality. Homosexuals deserve to be executed or tortured and possibly both, an Iranian leader told British MPs during a private meeting at a peace conference, The Times has learnt.

President Ahmadinejad, questioned by students in New York two months ago about the executions, dodged the issue by suggesting that there were no gays in his country.
There you go. This has nothing at all to do with the West. Muslims are murdering other Muslims for their personal life-choice of performing a sex act.

It's now scientifically proven that brain-sex is determined before birth. In Iran a man who wants to have sex with another man can have his cock and balls cropped off - then take it in the arse, and then Allah is so happy and it's "Islamic". That's the Ayatollahs decrease after long and hard research deep inside the bowels of the Qur'an. Could you imagine living in such a bizarro word? Forcing a man to have his penis surgically sliced off. :bugeye:

Talk about a sick religion. No wonder Muslims are so messed up in the head.

Anyway, I'm still waiting for you to tell us all how Shinto polytheism is equally as valid as Islam. I'm still waiting for you to tell us how the Baha'i's beliefs are equal to yours. But you are not going to do that are you? Because your's is an intolerant bigots belief. It must burn you to live with that amount of bigotry huh? No wonder there is so much hate in your religion (unlike say Buddhism which on the whole promotes peace). No wonder you look for someone to blame. The Jews. The USA. Oh, someone. But, you know as well as I it's YOU who are to blame. Want to know who is intolerant? Just take a look in the mirror. Out of one side of you mouth you say Islam is a peaceful religion THEN the other side of you mouth you relish the thought of adult men being murdered in KSA for performing sex with other men - something that hurts no one.

Oh and lastly, it's Muslims IMPORTING sex not American's selling it to them. They download it for FREE from the internet because they want to watch it and wank off to it. They could spend their time reading their Qur'an, but, watching man-on-man or girl-on-girl action is so much more enjoyable to wank off to than the Qur'an. Oh, I'm sure some people wank of onto the Qur'an. But porno is so much better.

Oh and the last I heard it's Muslims making most of the world's hard drugs like heroin. Next time you see a junking Pakistani on the streets you can thank a Muslim in Afghanistan for that. If anything it's the West (and East) trying to put a stop to it.

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No, that is not what you wrote. That may be your point NOW as you wiggle around to try and justify your belief. But what you wrote was this:

“ Originally Posted by -ND-
To be born is to sin, therefore it is impossible for God to be Jesus."

How has my point changed kid. I'm saying just because God can be a human why in the world would he want to be that. We are from God, the only difference between us and him is that we make mistakes, he does not. We have only inherited a certain amount of that mystery behind who God is, enough to keep you on the right track, for when it is time we should inherit all that you have earned. Don't try to teach me about things you have no clue about.
i was wondering:

What do christians think about mohammad and of his book the qur'an? Considering that the bible is the world's only perfect and inerrant word of god, why then would god send another prophet? Especially one who says jesus is not the messiah?

What is the typical christian take on islam?


ps: Do we even have any christians on this board?

terrorists and terrorist sympathisers!
How has my point changed kid. I'm saying just because God can be a human why in the world would he want to be that. We are from God, the only difference between us and him is that we make mistakes, he does not. We have only inherited a certain amount of that mystery behind who God is, enough to keep you on the right track, for when it is time we should inherit all that you have earned. Don't try to teach me about things you have no clue about.
So you agree that Jesus could have been God as a mortal? I mean, it's possible for God to do that, right?