What do Christians think about Islam

I'm sorry if common sense is hard to grasp for you Israelis. After all, Israel is a secular nation founded on religion. We cannot even begin to discuss the problems with this issue.

A secular society cannot be religious, this is a fact. Whomever supports, nurtures, and defends the principle of secularism and a secular society resists God's influence on Earth. Hence, most Christians in the West are Christians in name only.
You forget the lily white men had guns.

Anyway, Adstar, what do you think of the fact that the Apostolic fathers never mentioned the trinity?

1 John 5
For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one.

They never used the word trinity. They simply revealed the concept. It is irrelevant what later name tags where agreed upon as a single word descriptor of the truth.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Originally Posted by Adstar
Most of the threads in this forum are attacks against Christianity. I unlike you do not fear attacks, cause i know they are all in vain. There is no need in me to seek a compromising alliance with the enemies of my enemies. My ally is the God of Abraham and that’s the only one i need.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

lol. given "love thy neighbour as thyself" and "love your enemies, do good to them which hate you" etc., and if you don't fear attacks, why declare anyone your enemy?

What? You question has no relation to what i said. i did not state that i was their enemy. But i was saying they are my enemies. True muslims are my enemies and shall be so till the day of the return of the Messiah. Of course i am not an enemy of true or false muslims i am their friend.

generally when you talk to christians they seem reluctant to talk about anything which contradicts the peaceful image of christianity. do you know any good quotes from the bible which tell you to consider non-religious people your enemy,or guide behaviour/opinion in regard to non-believers, heretics etc.?

If a person, religious or not, hates me then they are my enemy. Once again just because someone is my enemy does not mean i am their enemy.

cos my understanding is just love everyone,

:) Yes that’s true. Yes love everyone.

treat them with respect,

Nope. There is only One whom we should regard with respect and that is God. Me think;s you are getting the word respect and love mixed up here.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
You are right, there is a mirror here. I don't not delineate Islam from Christianity in the respect. But, you are a good example of where Christianity differs from Islam, in being non violent at it's base, but also you carry the same intolerance that will lead more Christians than not, to kill Muslims. You see, this is a fundamental flaw with all monotheisms. The very notion itself.

No you wish for us to be a mirror of each other but at the very base as you have revealed we are NOT mirror images of each other.

but also you carry the same intolerance that will lead more Christians than not, to kill Muslims.

How can believers who have non-violence as one of the foundation stones of their faith kill muslims? This foundation as delivered by Jesus is one of extreme pacifism to the point of allowing oneself to be killed rather that dishonour the Word of Jesus by killing an attacker. So once again How can a person who believes Jesus go out and kill muslims?

No one can be a true follower of Jesus and at the same time kill muslims. It Is Imposable.

You see, this is a fundamental flaw with all monotheisms. The very notion itself.

Holding firm to a belief does not lead to killing others. That killing only comes when one feels it is their duty to kill those who disbelieve. Jesus gave us Christians No Such duty. On the contrary He gave us a diametricaly opposite directive. But the accursed muhammed did give that directive. Again and Again and Again.

Qur’an 8:39 “So fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief [non-Muslims]) and all submit to the religion of Allah alone (in the whole world).”

Qur’an 8:7 “Allah wished to confirm the truth by His words: ‘Wipe the infidels out to the last.’”

Qur’an 8:39 “So, fight them till all opposition ends and the only religion is Islam.”

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar, you are nothing but a tool of a godless and material civilization which aims to vanquish religion from the planet. The pseudo-Christian Western civilization is inherently Atheist and opposes God.

Had you more concern with truth you would actually read from legitimate translations of the Quran, rather than from propaganda websites which further demonizations and lies. The truth cannot be perpetuated by manipulations, God is on the side of those who are truthful.

In the verse you quoted, the word used is wali, which the translator wrongly identified as friends and protectors. Wali in Arabic means sovereign or an ally which has the advantage over you, the one who has affairs of the family or tribe, for example the father is the wali of his wife and his children. This verse can be applied to families and also to the realm of political treaties between nations. An alliance entered between Muslims and other nations should be that of equality, and not that of a weak party to a stronger party.

[5:82] ... And you will find that the closest people in friendship to the believers are those who say, "We are Christian." This is because they have priests and monks among them, and they are not arrogant.

[5:83] When they hear what was revealed to the messenger, you see their eyes flooding with tears as they recognize the truth therein, and they say, "Our Lord, we have believed, so count us among the witnesses.

It is important to read all the statements of the Quran, before we judge in a manner which is contrary to the truth. You should use wisdom in seeking knowledge, and hatred should not be a guiding principal in seeking knowledge.

Furthermore, Islam's ideological problem with the Christians of today, as opposed to the Christians of the past (whom worshiped only God) is that the Christians of today have made Jesus (peace be to him) a God, the son of God, or an aspect of God. God protect him from those whom make this charge. God is indeed one, this was revealed to Prophet Abraham (peace be to him). The nature of God does not change, it is constant Oneness. He is independent of creation. It might serve well to look into the fact that there were Christians (Arianism) who rejected the divinity of Jesus (peace be to him) in the early history of Christianity, eventually they were named heretics in the council of Nicea 325 AD and hunted by the Romans, who had recently embraced Christianity. A few surviving monotheistic Christians survived in the Holy Land and the Middle East up until the coming of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be to him) in the persons of the priest Basara, Salman Al Farisi (the Persian), and numerous others (the mercy of God be upon them).

“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? And in thy name have cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.” (Matt 7:15-23)

One who loves the teachings of malcom X, who denigrated the teachings of Jesus and who is part of a religion that teaches that the bible is corrupted, Ends his post with a quote from the very same Bible.


All Praise The Ancient of Days
I don't seek respect or support from Zionists. You should try reading the rest of my post for perspective. How can a nation which divorces God from its governing system be Christian? It cannot, and the slide of Western civilization into Atheism is proof of it.

It was Never the Intention of True Christians to capture control of any nation. We Never Did. We did not lose something we never had.

It is true islam that wants to fight to gain control of the nation states, their global islamic empire.

As Jesus said Our Kingdom is not of this world. It is a Kingdom of Belief. Jesus will return and take control of the nations of this earth and He will rule them with an Iron Rod. Not Christians.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I'm sorry if common sense is hard to grasp for you Israelis. After all, Israel is a secular nation founded on religion. We cannot even begin to discuss the problems with this issue.

A secular society cannot be religious, this is a fact. Whomever supports, nurtures, and defends the principle of secularism and a secular society resists God's influence on Earth. Hence, most Christians in the West are Christians in name only.

most Christians in the West are Christians in name only I agree. Good that you have come to that fact at lest.

No i do not support atheism or false belief around me. But unlike islam we struggle against it not with kalashnikovs suicide bombers, and terror attacks. But with the Word of God that through the power of the Holy Spirit resonates within the conscience of those who will accept it.

The Sword of Spirit strikes the conscience of men.

The sword of islam strikes the necks of men.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I was wondering:

What do Christians think about Mohammad and of His book the Qur'an?
they are:
false idols.
graven images.
false gods.
not the real mccoy.
Considering that the Bible is the world's only perfect and inerrant word of God, why then would God send another Prophet?
the first prophecy was in error, it had to be amended somehow.
a mere mortal can't say god is wrong can he?
Especially one who says Jesus is not the Messiah?
fuck 'em. they're liars.
who says that?
What is the typical Christian take on Islam?
any religion that requires a dress code is doomed to ridicule.
PS: Do we even HAVE any Christians on this board?
it's a possibility.
A secular society cannot be religious, this is a fact. Whomever supports, nurtures, and defends the principle of secularism and a secular society resists God's influence on Earth.

Gods have zero influence on anything. If you make that claim, then you have to explain how a quarter-million people (most of them theists) were murdered by your god in a tsunami?

*DH's silence will be deafening.*
He's credited with it. Do you have evidence otherwise?

That term came from fundamental Islam towards Israel, over a hundred years ago.

Who in your opinion, really invented the term? And per chance, is this another one of your idols?

Hahaha! Love that site, full of conspiracy theories. Hilarious.
That term came from fundamental Islam towards Israel, over a hundred years ago..

100 years ago "fundamental Islam" created the term the "new anti-semitism"?


Hahaha! Love that site, full of conspiracy theories. Hilarious.

Uh, you're defending Daniel Pipes. The the kind of neo-con who have got millions killed in Iraq/Afghanistan chasing bogeymen. You're the last person to be pointing out as conspiracies, those people giving valid citations for their opinions. The man is the founder of Middle East forum and Campus watch, for heavens sakes!
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I'm sorry if common sense is hard to grasp for you Israelis.


A secular society cannot be religious, this is a fact.

You appear to be confusing "secular" with "areligious" (or even, "antireligious"). This is a serious misapprehension.

Whomever supports, nurtures, and defends the principle of secularism and a secular society resists God's influence on Earth.

Nonsense; most of the great secularists in human history have been strongly religious people. Which is exactly why they were secularists: they wanted a society where everyone could freely pursue their religions in peace and harmony.

And, again, who are you to dictate to people on the other side of the world what their God wants? That is imperialism.
Uh, you're defending Daniel Pipes. The the kind of neo-con who have got millions killed in Iraq/Afghanistan chasing bogeymen.

You're in good form today, Sam. BWAHAHAHAHA!

You're the last person to be pointing out as conspiracies...

You're one of the first to offer them.
Still waiting on the citation of the origin of the term "the new antisemitism" by "fundamental Islam" towards Israel over a hundred years ago [which would be 40 years before the establishment of said Israel].
Still waiting on the citation of the origin of the term "the new antisemitism" by "fundamental Islam" towards Israel over a hundred years ago [which would be 40 years before the establishment of said Israel].

Well Sam, you can put that one on the huge pile of citations you've been asked to provide and none has been forthcoming.
Thanks for not providing any evidence to back up your assertion. Do continue the good work of showing how valid your opinions are.
A secular society cannot be religious, this is a fact. Whomever supports, nurtures, and defends the principle of secularism and a secular society resists God's influence on Earth. Hence, most Christians in the West are Christians in name only.

A secular nation is the only kind that can provide true freedom of religion for individuals.