What do Christians think about Islam

So in this case, if an Angel did speak to Mohammad, then this Angel was part of the third that rebelled and sided with Satan?

Why is it then that so many Muslims believe the Qur'an is the infallible work of God? Are they being deceived?

All Muslims reject Jesus as God the Son, what does this mean in regards to their eternal salvation? Will Muslims be with Jesus in heaven?


Note: Interesting point about Mosses receiving his revelation from God himself - I hadn't thought of that. Actually, didn't most prophets receive their wisdom directly from God as a voice?
I'm surprised there are so few Christians on this board. Or so few willing to give their opinion.
Simple, each religion believes it is the correct 'version' if you like, and that all other religions are incorrect. Christians genrally don't follow or study the Qur'an, and the few that do set out to prove the differences against their own Bible, as each religion basically follows their translation of the 'scriptures'. War has mostly been about power, money or religion for how long now, many years, and you could argue it for millions of years, the simple answer is that christians think the Qur'an is nothing to do with them, else christians would become followers of it and become non-christian. Live your life according to the book a, well which one if any?
I was wondering:

What do Christians think about Mohammad and of His book the Qur'an? Considering that the Bible is the world's only perfect and inerrant word of God, why then would God send another Prophet? Especially one who says Jesus is not the Messiah?

Clearly, Muhammad knew what he was doing when he created Islam. He had little choice but to undermine Christianity and lay claim to the final, perfect, one-and-only cult; Islam. He knew this would enrage the Christians to war, which is exactly what he wanted.
So in this case, if an Angel did speak to Mohammad, then this Angel was part of the third that rebelled and sided with Satan?

Yes if it was indeed an angel that delivered the message.

Why is it then that so many Muslims believe the Qur'an is the infallible work of God? Are they being deceived?

I guess it conforms to their view of what a God should be like. Yeah they are being deceived. But there are two kinds of deceived people. One type are uncomfortable with the deception but stay in belief through fear and the another type who love the deception and are willing to kill and terrorise in an attempt to enforce that deception on others.

All Muslims reject Jesus as God the Son, what does this mean in regards to their eternal salvation? Will Muslims be with Jesus in heaven?

Anyone who rejects the Message of Jesus when it has been given them will not be with Jesus in eternity.


Note: Interesting point about Mosses receiving his revelation from God himself - I hadn't thought of that. Actually, didn't most prophets receive their wisdom directly from God as a voice?

Some prophets in the bible have interactions with Angels i guess Daniel is probably the best example. But you are correct. Important matters of Law and teaching has always come from God himself to those Prophets.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Jesus will return as a muslim, that is all you all need to know.
Yes if it was indeed an angel that delivered the message.

I guess it conforms to their view of what a God should be like. Yeah they are being deceived. But there are two kinds of deceived people. One type are uncomfortable with the deception but stay in belief through fear and the another type who love the deception and are willing to kill and terrorise in an attempt to enforce that deception on others.

Anyone who rejects the Message of Jesus when it has been given them will not be with Jesus in eternity.

Some prophets in the bible have interactions with Angels i guess Daniel is probably the best example. But you are correct. Important matters of Law and teaching has always come from God himself to those Prophets.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Perhaps you heard of an Arch Angel called Gabriel?? Hmm maybe?? He delivers all messages from God.

There are people that can help people and don't and there are people that can't help people and don't, there are people that can help people and help, and there are people that can't help, but still help.

To be a good person, and you won't go to hell, small price to pay. Everyone's goal in life should be to be a good person, I don't know why they make belieiving in God seem like you are commiting murder.

Prophet Muhammed actually flew into heaven and got to see God. God has also told him when the world would end, but the next day he forget and could not tell anyone.
Prophet Muhammed actually flew into heaven and got to see God. God has also told him when the world would end, but the next day he forget and could not tell anyone.

I was wondering what you think of the Bible? What do you think about the Christian belief that Jesus was actually God.
Prophet Muhammed actually flew into heaven and got to see God. God has also told him when the world would end, but the next day he forget and could not tell anyone.

Sure. When you smoke a ton of kief and you'll see god and not remember anything except "wow man." Particularly if you are dusting it with opium.
Perhaps you heard of an Arch Angel called Gabriel?? Hmm maybe?? He delivers all messages from God.

Yes i have but in the bible He is only recorded as delivering messages to the Propjet Daniel and to Mary. So no He did not deliver all messages from God.

There are people that can help people and don't and there are people that can't help people and don't, there are people that can help people and help, and there are people that can't help, but still help.

To be a good person, and you won't go to hell, small price to pay. Everyone's goal in life should be to be a good person, I don't know why they make belieiving in God seem like you are commiting murder.

Well Only God is Good. And while it is true that being good will give you eternity with God unfortunatly no human can ever achieve Goodness. So your path to God leads to falling short of the goodness of God and therefore leads to death.

Prophet Muhammed actually flew into heaven and got to see God. God has also told him when the world would end, but the next day he forget and could not tell anyone.

I don't believe that for a second. But i guess that does not need saying.

All Praise The Ancient of Days

I was wondering what you think of the Bible? What do you think about the Christian belief that Jesus was actually God.

The bible just like everything else has some truth to it. You just have to really really read in between the lines and understand it before you take a part of anything and apply it to your life. That is why a lot people make mistakes, when they read something they just think they know, but they have no idea. Jesus being God is a very stupid remark. God is not human. He will never take the shape of a human. To be born is to sin, therefore it is impossible for God to be Jesus. Than God would be a sinner and that defeats the whole purpose of believing in God. God we think of the most pure thing,he, what ever you call you own higher source. They should believe in God and Jesus as one of the messengers, it makes sense for God to have messengers it does not make sense for God to be human/Having a human son. It is true that Jesus was special indeed and that he had a big impact, but in the end it only matters what you take with you.
Sure. When you smoke a ton of kief and you'll see god and not remember anything except "wow man." Particularly if you are dusting it with opium.

Yeah, whatever, better. You're a zero, just keep reminding that to your self, maybe you, not them but you will realize that yourself; and wake up from your shit you have created for your self.
Yes i have but in the bible He is only recorded as delivering messages to the Propjet Daniel and to Mary. So no He did not deliver all messages from God.

Well Only God is Good. And while it is true that being good will give you eternity with God unfortunatly no human can ever achieve Goodness. So your path to God leads to falling short of the goodness of God and therefore leads to death.

I don't believe that for a second. But i guess that does not need saying.

All Praise The Ancient of Days

In Islam, Gabriel came to Muhammed numerous times, in order to write the Qur'an. Gabriel is the messenger in most cases.

I have achieved the highest level a human can reach ever on Earth of Goodnes. I'm able to be everything. That is why I told many here on this forum they have not met me yet.

You don't have to. You can not benefit off something you don't understand.
I absolutely believe in God and I believe in Jesus, just as I believe in Moses and Abraham. But put bluntly: there is no god but God.

I think the rest of it- you know- "religion" is words written by men and have little practical use and shouldn't be taken so seriously.

I think we have yet to see a new unitarian religion that settles the matter for everyone.
I'm surprised there are so few Christians on this board. Or so few willing to give their opinion.

I consider myself Christian would say Adstar summed up the general views a large majority, if not almost all, Christians I know have.

To go a little further, IMO, God sent His Son with the message of salvation, for all who believe. Jesus was crucified for bringing the message, the free gift of salvation. A innocent man giving his life to save a guilty and condemned man is the ultimate act of agape love. When judgement day comes, nobody will be able to say Jesus was not there for them. When you stand before God, Jesus will be next to you making your case and God will be the judge, having been the only father to give his only son, an innocent man, up for crucifiction is the only one worthy to condemn a soul to Hell.

I read in this thread something like "being born is a sin". I don't understand that. That is one of the most beautiful things two humans can share and when you come out of the womb you are an innocent child of God.
In Islam, Gabriel came to Muhammed numerous times, in order to write the Qur'an. Gabriel is the messenger in most cases.

I have achieved the highest level a human can reach ever on Earth of Goodnes. I'm able to be everything. That is why I told many here on this forum they have not met me yet.

You don't have to. You can not benefit off something you don't understand.

"Humility is the solid foundation of all the virtues." Confucious

"Even if you be otherwise perfect, you fail without humility." The Talmud
In Islam, Gabriel came to Muhammed numerous times, in order to write the Qur'an. Gabriel is the messenger in most cases.

I have achieved the highest level a human can reach ever on Earth of Goodnes. I'm able to be everything. That is why I told many here on this forum they have not met me yet.

Self deception has made you bring forth a proud boast. But pride itself leads to destruction.

You don't have to. You can not benefit off something you don't understand.

I hope you one day see your own state and understand. Then with humility and contrition the door to eternity will be opened to you.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I don't believe that for a second. But i guess that does not need saying.

You don't believe the myths and superstitions of another cult just like they don't believe the myths and superstitions of your cult.

Silly, isn't it?