What do Christians think about Islam

Isn't Jesus accorded more respect as the only prophet who could work miracles, or something like that, according to Islam?

The Quran does not endorse any miracles as such, it talks about ayats [signs] rather than mojeza [miracle]. Jesus is not singled out in the Quran, although I hear that tradition has it that Mohammed considered him his most favorite prophet.

In Muslims, Jesus is known as Ruhullah or the spirit of God. Moses is Kalimullah or the one to whom God spoke, Abraham is Khalilullah [friend of God] Seth is Nabiullah [Prophet of God], Adam is Safiullah [the Chosen one]

Source: Izala Auham, p. 257; Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 3, p. 229.
So you agree that Jesus could have been God as a mortal? I mean, it's possible for God to do that, right?

Yes it is, however it is as possible as saying this is all a dream. (most odds against) Muslims believe that when the end of the world will come Jesus will return, I don't know where u heard your bs from.
Yes it is, however it is as possible as saying this is all a dream. (most odds against) Muslims believe that when the end of the world will come Jesus will return, I don't know where u heard your bs from.
I understand what most Muslims believe, but, it's no more likely than what Christians believe.

As for "most odds against" ... there are no more or no less odds against anything. It's actually equally as likely that God was Jesus as it is Jesus was not God.

This is the reason why Christians think Muslims are following Satan into hell - the only path to salvation is through Jesus the Son.
What do you think about that?
Is it good for Christians to teach their children that Muslims are following the path of Satan?
Do you think it's a good thing to teach children that Mohammad was possessed by Satan (or more likely WAS Satan)?
Do you think it's good for Christians to teach their children that the Qur'an is the work of the Devil?
Could teaching children to these things, which all Christians do think about Mohammad and The Qur'an, is a good thing?

On the side, as a monotheist, what do you think about Japanese polytheism? I mean, Japanese worship multiple gods. Actually millions of Gods and Goddesses. Would you agree that their polytheistic beliefs are as likely to be true as your monotheistic one?
Can God do anything? Yes or No? If no, then It's not really a God. If yes, then it can easily take the form of a man and live a human existence on Earth.


But the islamic god is limited and weak, he even needs his followers to wage jihad and win the world. While for us Christians Jesus will return with Power and Might and by His own Strengh He will make the all the nations His nations.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I think that when the shit goes down, its not going to depend on religion. Its going to be more personal than that.
Lastly, the point really is that most Christians think Islam is a deviation of the truth and Mohammad was either possessed by, or Satan himself in the flesh.

I have never heard a Christian state that muhammed (accursed be his name) was satan himself. I certainly don't think he was.

I wonder if Muslims think that the Christian perspective is a good way to think about Muslims?

think about Muslims? = Wrong
think about islam? = Correct

Is it good that many Christians think that Muslims are following Satan directly into the bowels of Hell? To spend eternity in hell fire and damnation.

Yes it is good. If they thought they where true followers of the God of Abraham then they themselves would already have one foot in the eternal lake of fire.

I wonder if they'd take a chance on their kids hanging around the demon possessed?

Correction: Just because someone is a muslim does not mean they are demon possessed. Being deceived does not automatically mean being possessed.

I mean, why take the chance on one's own being attacked by Satan and those that unknowingly do his bedding here on Earth. Best to avoid them at all costs - oh, and warn your little ones against their lies.

Oh definitely warn them against the lies muslims believe in. But to avoid muslims is to be rebelling against The Messiah's Call to love even your enemies and to share the truth of Jesus with all men. Christians cannot do this by avoiding the lost and deceived.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I think that when the shit goes down, its not going to depend on religion. Its going to be more personal than that.

True religion is a personal thing between God and the individual. And in the end each individual will face God by himself. Not as religious or denominational or racial or cultural Blocks.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Unfortunately, many Christians (but not all) have become tools of a materialistic and godless society exerting colonial influence over other lands. Many Christians refer to America as a 'Christian' land, while it is the leading exporter of perversion, selfishness, dirty magazines, dirty movies throughout the world. It is the world's largest nation of drunkards and fornicators. Hardly a 'Christian' country.

I am a Christian. And i have stated before on several occasions that there has never been a Christian country in this world. Now there are nations that have in their history had false christianity as a influential part of their power structures. But never has there ever been a Christian nation on earth.

They constantly are used by godless, materialistic, capitalist Atheist elite as tools to support occupation, genocide, and destruction of sovereign nations around the world, in specific in the Muslim world. Until it is realized that Muslims are one community in the world who have never surrendered their belief in One God and largely avoided the deadly sins which the West attempts to promote in their lands, then the truth shall forever be elusive.

One eyed view here. The islamic world is full of sin.

Atheist elite of the West use Christians to accomplish their goals of domination fo the economies, self-determination, and militaries of other country.

They may use false christians who believe in the catholic doctrines of justifiable war but not true Christians who believe Jesus.

This can be observed by this thread alone. Christians are being used to demonize Muslims.

demonize Muslims = Wrong
demonize islam = Correct

And rightfully so, for it is an evil deception.

It's quite interesting how some Christians on this forum avoid to talk about Atheism and the errors associated with it, and instead criticize Muslims, who like them believe in the God of Abraham.

This thread is about what "Christians think about islam"

In my view, Christianity is dead. It has been replaced by capitalism and materialism.

Wrong. I believe Jesus. Therefore Christianity lives. Truth lives irrespective of how many people believe it. Did truth cease to exist when Noah was the only one who believed? As Jesus prophesised about the end times:

Matthew 24
But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.

You think you are safe huddled in with the millions of islam? Your very numbers should be a cause of fear within you. Like those who mocked Noah for his faith in God should have feared.

The last nation on Earth which is religious and God-fearing, the Muslims, are now bearing the brunt of genocide and occupation against them for their belief in God. They are the valiant resistance against the perversion of society, and by Christians supporting their destruction and injustices against them, they are tools of Atheist elite of the West.

True Christianity never supports imperialism. And ones who refuse to ever take up arms will never commit genocide. It is those who like you who are one in spirit with Malcom X ( Who you quoted with agreement) who hate the love of the truth. They are the ones used by the satanic elites. Both the west and islam are tools of satan, he laughs at both of you cause he has secured your demise.

1 John 5
19 We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
"Atheist elite"? In the United States? Either I've been mislead as to what country I'm currently living in, or this is the best kept secret in America...

satanic elite.

And it is a well kept secret, because even thought there is proof out there. The fact causes so much fear in people that they will willingly resist and run away from this truth. It is not the satanic elite's smartness at hiding themselves and being secretive that has covered their tracks, it is the unwillingness of people to believe that such evil controls their societies and the world.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I would also like to note: You can not export smut and alcohol to people who do not want it. Muslims love watching sex on their PC as much as anyone else. They LOVE watching girl on girl action and man on man. That's the reason the smut leaves someones studio-garage in LA and lands on some Muslims PC screen in Pakistan - because that Muslims wanted to wank off to that sex while drinking some alcohol.

If Islam is supposedly about a person making a personal choice then DH shouldn't have any problem AT ALL with smut and sex and alcohol being exported to Pakistan - because it's up to Pakistani people to decide if they want to use it, view it, wank off to it - themselves.

But, Islam has never been about personal choice. It's about control. Controlling what people think and therefor how they behave.

It's as simple as that, there's no "conspiracy" just a bunch of cooped up mentally restricted and probably regressed Muslims looking to have a good time. It's really a case of Muslims IMPORTING smut, not American's exporting it.

It is both muslims importing it and america being only too willing to export it. Supplying the depraved minds of muslims makes money.

You would be surprised how some young and good looking pakistani students make money to support their studies. They ride around in the back of little enclosed taxies and rent themselves out to be sodomised by men who grow their beards nice and long and dutifully attend their mosques every friday. So much for the deluded belief that the islamic world is the last remaining God fearing and righteous society in the world.

All Praise The Ancient of Days
Oh and FINALLY the penny drops.
Welcome to a mirror Bitch.
YOU are finally getting a good long look at YOURSELF. You don't like it do you?

Now you know why I find your intolerant racist-like bigoted beliefs just as unacceptable but you'll never understand why - because you are truly brainwashed. If not then you'd be able to say these word: The Japanese Polytheistic Shinto religion is equal to my own belief called Islam. Islam is no better than Shinto. Islam is no more correct than Shinto. Islam is no more valid than Shinto.

Good now you get it,

Now this is where you fall down in your logic Michael, this is where you allow your emotion to overcome your thinking.

There is no way that anyone who believes in God and genuinely believes in the view of God they have received can ever make a statement that a belief that is in opposition to what they genuinely believe is equal in validity to the view they have.

It is not about racism or bigotry or any of the type. It is a matter of faith.

Christians believe that there is only one way to eternity with God and that is through believing Jesus and accepting the atonement he has provided for the forgiveness of our sins.

All other beliefs that run counter to this cannot be accepted as having equal validity.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I was merely stating that it is impossible for God to be human or Jesus, that is what I was saying.

Originally Posted by -ND-
I'm saying just because God can be a human why in the world would he want to be that

How firm you are in your beliefs. Not very.

Or is it just a case of "because i cannot understand why then i will declare it impossable" which leads to the conclusion that God can only be something that you can understand. Which leads to your god being a god of your own creation. Or one that has been taylor made for you to accept.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
It is both muslims importing it and america being only too willing to export it. Supplying the depraved minds of muslims makes money.

You would be surprised how some young and good looking pakistani students make money to support their studies. They ride around in the back of little enclosed taxies and rent themselves out to be sodomised by men who grow their beards nice and long and dutifully attend their mosques every friday. So much for the deluded belief that the islamic world is the last remaining God fearing and righteous society in the world.

All Praise The Ancient of Days

No believer of God would further such lies against others. Do you not know, God's curse is on the liars and those speak of things which they have no knowledge of? The Islamic world, by far is the only civilization in the world which opposes perversion and the sins of the People of Lot. Infact, that is the very word used in Muslim languages 'qaum e lut', people of Lot, to describe them.

So tell us then, you or your friend Michael, what is the truth? Does Islam prohibit this or allow this? Do pious Muslims engage in it or do they punish it? Both of you are speaking from both sides of your mouths.

Look how the Christians ally with Atheists (or Scientologists) here in this thread. Look how easily they are moved to hatred. There is nothing of love here, only vilification of Muslims, a nation of millions of pious men and women. Love, we see the full extent of your 'Love.' Just as the natives of America, Australia, Canada, etc. felt it and as our enslaved brothers from Africa witnessed it.

Quran 24:39. But the Unbelievers,- their deeds are like a mirage in sandy deserts, which the man parched with thirst mistakes for water; until when he comes up to it, he finds it to be nothing: But he finds Allah (ever) with him, and Allah will pay him his account: and Allah is swift in taking account.

May Allah swt guide us all to His infinite Mercy. Ameen.
And we have yet another theist bashing thread masquerading as a discussion
And we have yet another theist bashing thread masquerading as a discussion

Indeed, SAM, Indeed. Look how quickly some members are able to turn us against each other. You would think that religious people would support each other as we are all minorities on this forum.
Never mind DH

Its up to us to recognise the divisive tactics of some and lead by example :p
The Islamic world, by far is the only civilization in the world which opposes perversion and the sins of the People of Lot. Infact, that is the very word used in Muslim languages 'qaum e lut', people of Lot, to describe them.
You mean people like the Japanese right? Or the Hindu. Or the people of Easter Island. Or the Baha'i. Or the Ahmadiyya. Or maybe the Sufi? The Zoroastrian? The Buddhist etc....

Pray the Christians aren't right because if so, you will wake up in Hell and spend eternity there.

Oh and SAM, it is discussion and it has been following the OP quite directly.
Never mind DH

Its up to us to recognise the divisive tactics of some and lead by example :p
Yeah, the one where you tell me that the Japanese Shinto religion is wrong and if you worship multiple Gods perhaps you'll be punished by God. Then you have the gull to complain when it happens to your belief. And someone says it's wrong and you'll be the one punished by God.

As for DH, I feel sorry for you. Someone so brainwashed and spiteful. Reminds me a White Supremest at a Klan rally. Oh well, it's your bed, sleep in it.

Oh and everyone knows Pakistani people are The People of Lot.
Sure it has. The Bahai and the Japanese are directly relevant to the topic.

As is this:

Oh and everyone knows Pakistani people are The People of Lot.

Who is "everyone"?

Oh wait, you're an atheist. No need to back up unsubstantiated claims with evidence. Carry on with the bullshit.