What do Christians think about Islam

A secular nation is the only kind that can provide true freedom of religion for individuals.

Depends on how you define secular. If its "without religion", then the communists have not really given freedom of religion, true or otherwise, to any individuals.
Depends on how you define secular. If its "without religion",

Nobody reasonable defines "secular" that way; that's atheism. "Secular" means "separate from religion."

then the communists have not really given freedom of religion, true or otherwise, to any individuals.

"The Communists" (by which I assume you mean the USSR and Warsaw Pact) were not secularists but (militant, authoritarian) atheists.

Secularism, by definition, is all about granting freedom of conscience to individuals. State-enforced ideology (religious or atheist or otherwise) is all about denying freedom of conscience to individuals, and is the opposite of secularism.

Again, almost all secularists in the history of the world have been strongly religious people. Atheists comprise only a tiny percentage of them.
Which definition?

Any of the ones used by reasonable people who have some idea what they're talking about.

The definition of "secular" is not controversial, in the world of adults. And even for a child, pretending that it's a synonym for atheism and spouting canned rhetoric about The Communists is unimpressive.
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Is this another one those things that isn't reflected in a dictionary?

Definitions of secularism on the Web:

* a doctrine that rejects religion and religious considerations

* The preamble of the Constitution of India declares that India is a secular state. The mention of the word secular was missed at the time the Indian Constitution was framed in 1950, notwithstanding the communal conflagrations during the Partition of 1947 and after and the murder of Mahatma Gandhi ...

* Secularism is generally the assertion that governmental practices or institutions should exist separately from religion or religious beliefs. Alternatively, it is a principle of promoting secular ideas or values in either public or private settings over religious ways of thought.

* A position that religious belief should not influence public and governmental decisions; The related political belief in the separation of church and state

* secular - worldly: characteristic of or devoted to the temporal world as opposed to the spiritual world; "worldly goods and advancement"; "temporal possessions of the church"
* secular - profane: not concerned with or devoted to religion; "sacred and profane music"; "secular drama"; "secular architecture", "children being brought up in an entirely profane environment"
* secular - of or relating to clergy not bound by monastic vows; "the secular clergy"
* secular - layman: someone who is not a clergyman or a professional person
* secular - laic: characteristic of those who are not members of the clergy; "set his collar in laic rather than clerical position"; "the lay ministry"

* secularist - an advocate of secularism; someone who believes that religion should be excluded from government and education

* Secular - Secularity (adjective form secular) is the state of being separate from religion. For instance, eating and bathing may be regarded as examples of ...

* secular - Not specifically religious; Not bound by the vows of a monastic order; Temporal; something that is worldly or otherwise not based on something timeless; Happening from age to age; Long-term; Of or pertaining to long-term non-periodic irregularities, especially in planetary motion; Unperturbed ...

* secularist - A person who believes in or supports secularism

* secular - things not regarded as religious or spiritual.

* secular - Of or relating to worldly things as distinguished from things relating to church and religion; not sacred and religious; temporal; worldly (secular music, secular schools).
I don't. I'm just confused by militant atheists calling themselves secular humanists.
What's that word called to describe people who think it's bad the Christians teach their kids that Muslims deserve to burn in Hell for going against God but then turn around and teach their own kids that Arab Polytheists deserved to burn in Hell for going against God... I'm pretty sure it sums up monotheism....
Again, it's interesting that Muslims think it's wrong (and probably intolerant) for Christians to teach their children that Muslims are following Satan and reading the Satanic Qur'an BUT then turn around a CELEBRATE the fact that Mohammad taught children that Arab Polytheists are following Satan.

In the one case we ended up having Christians kill Muslims.
In the other case we ended up having Muslims kill Arabs who happen to be polytheists.

It's just very very interesting how a Religion can f*ck with people's minds so much so - that they can't see they are standing knee deep in bigoted intolerant hypocrisy.... which has led to, and continues to lead to, murder.
Michael said:
In the other case we ended up having Muslims kill Arabs who happen to be polytheists.

Again, please stop promoting falsehood as fact. No one was killed for being a polytheist. And it wasn't Muslims killed Arabs, it was Mohammed and his followers fighting for their own people in Mecca, to stop internecine warfare, practices which they abhorred in their own society, among their own people and briging a unity to the varied groups through agreements such as the constitution of Medina

The Constitution of Medina (Arabic: صحیفة المدینه‎), also known as the Charter of Medina, was drafted by the Islamic prophet Muhammad in 622. It constituted a formal agreement between Muhammad and all of the significant tribes and families of Yathrib (later known as Medina), including Muslims, Jews, and pagans.[1][2] The document was drawn up with the explicit concern of bringing to an end the bitter inter tribal fighting between the clans of the Aws ( Aus) and Khazraj within Medina. To this effect it instituted a number of rights and responsibilities for the Muslim, Jewish, and pagan communities of Medina bringing them within the fold of one community—the Ummah.

The aim was to stop the infighting and create a just society. As you can see from the charter, even Jews and pagans were included in this community as members.
Qur’an 8:39 “So fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief [non-Muslims]) and all submit to the religion of Allah alone (in the whole world).”

Qur’an 8:7 “Allah wished to confirm the truth by His words: ‘Wipe the infidels out to the last.’”

Qur’an 8:39 “So, fight them till all opposition ends and the only religion is Islam.”

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Adstar, you are consciously manipulating verses from the Quran. Fitnah means oppression and injustice, not disbelief. You will find I ALREADY responded to these verses. I find it very dishonest that you regurgitate these same verses again and again, even though I clearly proved that your translations are fake and not representative of the original Arabic.

No believer of God relies on falsehood, manipulation, or deceit, even to convince others of God's truth. Therefore, I must declare that this dishonesty which you are exhibiting in this thread is contrary to the actions of a true believer of God.

Truth, cannot and must not, be furthered by falsehood. If you want to debate me, SAM or any other Muslims on this board, on the principles of Islam and Christianity, I suggest you create another thread and declare a formal debate. Let's leave this lying, and dishonesty out of discussions of religion. God does not like these things.
Adstar, you are consciously manipulating verses from the Quran. Fitnah means oppression and injustice, not disbelief.

Really? Doesn't Fitnah refer to the first Islamic civil war, upheaval, anarchy, disagreement and division in Islam?

I must declare that this dishonesty which you are exhibiting in this thread is contrary to the actions of a true believer of God.

It's only dishonest if you can demonstrate your gods existence. SInce you cannot, the only dishonesty would be on your part.

Let's leave this lying, and dishonesty out of discussions of religion. God does not like these things.

You never do heed your own words. Your god must be very angry with you.
Where have we heard that one before? Kill people to stop the infighting. Brilliant!

That would be true if they killed anyone. This was the age of blood fueds. Killing was expensive.