what defines marriage?

That is a lie, there was no flaming and no preaching. I presented to you the very same thing a believer would present to us, verses from the bible.

Yes, it does.

Your personal preferences towards sex have nothing to do with the bible. Wasn't that made clear with the verses themselves? Are you having trouble with comprehension?

Christ didn't fuck the church out of wedlock, did he? Or, are there some hidden verses in the bible only your are aware?

See, you bleat out your beliefs like a sheep, but when it comes time to be accountable for your actions, you completely ignore them.

you're a troll.

here's an idea...why don't you answer the question posed in the OP like every other sane person in this thread has? how do you define marriage? what a far out concept right? actually contributing to a thread. :eek:
you're a troll.

Trolls don't offer evidence to support their arguments. I did.

here's an idea...why don't you answer the question posed in the OP like every other sane person in this thread has?

I did. I went to the very same source YOU take as gospel. YOU completely ignored that source in favor of your own personal needs.

I don't see how you can wiggle out of this. :)
Here we go again, the very first verse on that page:

" Hebrews 13:4

Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous."

Thanks for making my point. :)


that scripture in no way defines what marriage is.

More insults... must be the Christian way.

that scripture in no way defines what marriage is.

Sure it does, it clearly implies that you will not fornicate out of wedlock or "God will judge the sexually immoral" if the marriage bed is defiled. YOU defiled your marriage bed. Can you not see that?
What is the purpose of the wedding ceremony in the Bible?

same purpose that we have them now...

a ceremony is an event of ritual significance, performed on a special occasion.

a ritual is a set of actions, performed mainly for their symbolic value. and i think in many instances and perceptions, the ritual itself is given more significance than what the ritual is meant to represent symbolically. that could be said of weddings, baptisms, and communion i think.
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More insults... must be the Christian way.

Sure it does, it clearly implies that you will not fornicate out of wedlock or "God will judge the sexually immoral" if the marriage bed is defiled. YOU defiled your marriage bed. Can you not see that?

can you not see that it does not define what marriage is? obviously you can not. and yet, it does not.
can you not see that it does not define what marriage is? obviously you can not. and yet, it does not.

You can be a stubborn and obtuse as you so desire, that doesn't change the fact that you fornicated out of wedlock and will roast in hell.

Have fun burning. :D
same purpose that we have them now...

a ceremony is an event of ritual significance, performed on a special occasion.

a ritual is a set of actions, performed mainly for their symbolic value. and i think in many instances and perceptions, the ritual itself is given more significance than what the ritual is meant to represent symbolically. that could be said of weddings, baptisms, and communion i think.

No, you don't think, it's what you believe when it suits your agenda and completely ignored when you decide to sin. :)
You can be a stubborn and obtuse as you so desire, that doesn't change the fact that you fornicated out of wedlock and will roast in hell.

Have fun burning. :D

No, you don't think, it's what you believe when it suits your agenda and completely ignored when you decide to sin. :)

you still haven't answered the question as to how you yourself define marriage, and you still haven't come up with a scriptural definition of marriage, even after i gave you that long list to pick from.

i myself, place more significance (and define marriage by) the meaning behind the ritual (ceremony). for instance, i'm aware that the ritual of communion represents a time when we will have perfected, sinless bodies as christ does, and i long for that day. i know that being dipped in water is representative of being baptized in the holy spirit, which is a great event in anyone's life, whether they've been dipped in water or not. and a wedding ceremony is a ritual to the actual event of a man and woman giving themselves to each other completely, which is signified by the act of sexual intercourse. it's why people typically get married, and according to the bible it's actually how people get married, and those who deny that, act outside the law.
you still haven't answered the question as to how you yourself define marriage, and you still haven't come up with a scriptural definition of marriage, even after i gave you that long list to pick from.

Stubborn to the end. You really shouldn't be taking this personally, Lori. It's not your fault you have no morals, it's just a result of being indoctrinated into the Christian cult, which only teaches subservience and worshiping a psychotic god.

i myself, place more significance (and define marriage by) the meaning behind the ritual (ceremony). for instance, i'm aware that the ritual of communion represents a time when we will have perfected, sinless bodies as christ does, and i long for that day. i know that being dipped in water is representative of being baptized in the holy spirit, which is a great event in anyone's life, whether they've been dipped in water or not. and a wedding ceremony is a ritual to the actual event of a man and woman giving themselves to each other completely, which is signified by the act of sexual intercourse. it's why people typically get married, and according to the bible it's actually how people get married, and those who deny that, act outside the law.

Bullshit, you could care less about biblical definitions as you've clearly tossed those out the window when you committed fornication outside of wedlock.

You could dipped in chocolate shit and it won't save you from burning. :)
I wonder how long you two would be able to stay in your chairs if you went on Jerry.

Lori, just to confirm your opinion of the wording in the Bible. Do you or do you not believe it is the word of god ?

I thought I understood from you that you don't look at it as literal text and that it is more of a guide or to be used as a guide.
same purpose that we have them now...

a ceremony is an event of ritual significance, performed on a special occasion.

a ritual is a set of actions, performed mainly for their symbolic value. and i think in many instances and perceptions, the ritual itself is given more significance than what the ritual is meant to represent symbolically. that could be said of weddings, baptisms, and communion i think.

Why in the bible is the act of consummating the marriage withheld until after the ritual public ceremony that is the wedding?
Why in the bible is the act of consummating the marriage withheld until after the ritual public ceremony that is the wedding?

i didn't know it was. can you find some scripture that says that for me?
I wonder how long you two would be able to stay in your chairs if you went on Jerry.

Lori, just to confirm your opinion of the wording in the Bible. Do you or do you not believe it is the word of god ?

I thought I understood from you that you don't look at it as literal text and that it is more of a guide or to be used as a guide.

i think it's a tool to be used by it's author to teach.
Stubborn to the end. You really shouldn't be taking this personally, Lori. It's not your fault you have no morals, it's just a result of being indoctrinated into the Christian cult, which only teaches subservience and worshiping a psychotic god.

Bullshit, you could care less about biblical definitions as you've clearly tossed those out the window when you committed fornication outside of wedlock.

You could dipped in chocolate shit and it won't save you from burning. :)

the biblical definition is sex. it starts with sex, and if it ends, it ends with sex. any sex outside of marriage is outside of law as well, because the two are one in the same. to treat sex as if it does not equate to marriage is where fornication and adultery arise.
i think it's a tool to be used by it's author to teach.

This is where it's difficult for you being a christian but trying to separate yourself from the bible, which is what Q is bashing you over the head with.

I think you are being and have been consistent with your inconsistency. IOW, although you claim to be a christian you are not looking at the texts themselves in the same way that many christians do.

Which is why I said earlier that you aren't making friends on either side.

I have had this issue with you before because from my perspective you can't use scripture to support your case, whatever that is and then claim that other parts don't matter. It tends to reduce the strength of the scripture used to support the original case.

So regards to sex before marriage, if it does state that it is wrong than you can't just say that specific text doesn't matter.

However, since the Bible is like an insurance document. You can probably find some place in it that says it's ok. LOL.

Regarding sex before marriage, if it's true that we go to hell. The place is going to be full.

What Q is missing here or is purposely avoiding because he doesn't agree with it, is the many outs that are granted for our human errors. The whole thing seems like a big exercise in futility because apparently if Hitler in his heart claimed Jesus as his savior than he gets in the pearly gates.

If that's the case a little sex isn't going to keep you out. :D
Isn't it the believers here who are telling us what to believe and how to live, fanatically?

Not really. I haven't seen Lori tell your how to live and what to believe in this thread. And gods know, I never do; proselytising actually goes against my beliefs and my religion.

The only one ordering people around and telling them how to think and live is you.