what defines marriage?

Wow, it took you all of 10 minutes to come up with that insightful lie. LOL!

it's not a lie. you describe those you hate on this forum and why all the time, and then you turn around and exhibit that exact same behavior.
I don't know what defines marriage because I think each is unique as each of us are.

But I do know what it takes to keep it working. A lot of communication and willingness to compromise. There has to be a desire from each to make it work, or it won't.

Oh, yes, lots of sex and keep it interesting, new etc.

I agree with you Lori on one point. The reason we get together and stay together is sex. This is something that we can't deny.

In fact many couples stay together for sex even when they don't get along. They don't want to risk not having it when they want it.
my husband was just reading over my shoulder and he says that the wasn't thinking about benefits to society when he married me. he was thinking of a more personal benefit, and perhaps that benefits society as a whole collectively.
The choice by the individual to get married has little to do with the social support for the institution.

And to be less formal, I see little gain to your relationship for the ceremony. Do you magically love each other more because you told everyone else that you plan to stick together?

Without the assumption of religious benefit (telling god your love for one another); I don't think marriage changes anything in an otherwise committed and loving relationship; other than complicate taxes.

from an idealistic and/or religious perspective, what do you think about extramarital sex...?

I think Sex is a powerful thing, for both partners. In addition to the biological effects, it can cause both great emotional reactions. In both cases (biological & emotional), the effects from carelessly engaging in sexual activity can be devastating.

Careful engagement, however, can be greatly wonderful and rewarding; married or not.

I do think that restricting oneself to sex within a monogamous, loving relationship makes using sex in a careful and responsible way thousands of times easier; therefor I recommend it.
it's not a lie. you describe those you hate on this forum and why all the time, and then you turn around and exhibit that exact same behavior.

I don't hate anyone, Lori, that would be another lie on your part.

You're one of the worst hypocrites here. You go on and on about your Jeebus and god and then turn around and commit fornication out of wedlock.
our's is pure and we don't deprive each other. :)

Pure garbage. You're going to burn. Your god will get you for committing sin, Lori. If you believe what you believe, you know this to be true.
That seems a rather patronising way to look at it. I would say the most important thing is to be able to support each other. Marriage is about being desired and understood as a person, not about overlooking faults. Maybe its the same thing, but the perspective seems different to me.

I don't think it is a patronising way to look at it. And if marriage is about being desired then you can expect to be divorced once you reach the age where you have lost your youthful beauty. Plus i never said anything about "overlooking" the others faults. What i was talking about was accepting the other person has them and continuing in the relationship through Love, which includes a bit of long suffering towards the bad points of another while enjoying their good points.

What if you didn't have children? Then what would you want in a spouse?

For company. I did not say that it was the ONLY question i would ask. I said the question was the most important one for me.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Originally Posted by adstar
well there is god and a host of angels that would be listening. So it would be witnessed probably by billions of individuals. :d

if i was in isolation with my girl i would simply make my announcement as a prayer.

All praise the ancient of days

There are many different ways of saying oh yeah. :shrug: ?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
A lot of communication

Ah yes, thats an important C as well. Many marriages might be saved [and savoured better] with some attention to communication.

So compromise, communication, caring and commitment.

I don't think it is a patronising way to look at it. And if marriage is about being desired then you can expect to be divorced once you reach the age where you have lost your youthful beauty.

I don't know how old you are, but I assure you, for most women desire lasts way beyond the first flush of youth. But yes, men are likely to be more susceptible to younger women, especially if they are of the less discriminating kind.

For company. I did not say that it was the ONLY question i would ask. I said the question was the most important one for me.

So your needs are secondary to those of possible children in a marriage, for you?
Pure garbage. You're going to burn. Your god will get you for committing sin, Lori. If you believe what you believe, you know this to be true.

Assuming she's a Christian from one of the orthodox and conservative sects. She seems to be a bit more heterodox, though. So she probably filters out and ignores parts of Christianity she disagrees with.
Bullshit. You had sex out of wedlock, hence have sinned against your god and will spend an eternity in hell.

Your wedding is blasphemous in the eyes of your god as you have already committed a heinous sin.

He will love tossing you into an inferno to burn.

You have compounded your sins by being fraudulent and disrespectful to your god. May he have mercy on your evil soul, but I doubt it.

Your god does not agree with you. He is not a happy camper.

Your god will deal with you in time. I would pray for your soul, but it looks like you've gone overboard on this one. Sorry to see you'll burn in hell.

Typical. Your god agrees with you because you say so. You tell me to read the bible to see this agreement, yet the bible does not agree with you as you have fornicated out of wedlock. Are you feeling the temperature rising, yet? A burning sensation? :D

What will you do without Christianity? It is your entire life.

Oh yes, it won't matter as you'll be toasty warm for fucking and not being married to the one you fucked. God frowns on this kind of fucking.

"Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge."
--Hebrews 13:4

Yes, I'm sure you'll justify your abomination just like any believer who attempts to justify their actions, but it will still be YOU roasting on a spit. LOL! :D

Look here Lori, you make the bed and lie in it. Plenty more where this came from..

*hint* ...the bible ;) Burn baby burn!!!

"HEB 13:4 Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept
pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.

1CO 7:5 Do not deprive each other except by mutual consent and for a time, so
that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that
Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control."

I don't hate anyone, Lori, that would be another lie on your part.

You're one of the worst hypocrites here. You go on and on about your Jeebus and god and then turn around and commit fornication out of wedlock.

Pure garbage. You're going to burn. Your god will get you for committing sin, Lori. If you believe what you believe, you know this to be true.

first of all, WHERE IN THE FUCK IS A MODERATOR??? because i know damn well it would have taken all of 2 seconds before one was up a professed religious person's ass for saying the above.

secondly, the above quotes represent what you have stated to hate about religion and religious people. THOSE ARE YOUR QUOTES. AND you'll blame religion for them. therefore YOU are the biggest hypocrite here and anywhere for that matter.

thirdly, i have stated very clearly that i equate sexual intercourse with marriage. i've stated that in other threads as well. that happens to be why i was celibate for 8 years prior to having sex with my husband. that equation is taken straight out of the bible, and coincides with what god has taught me personally about sex and marriage.

i know this is way too heady for you Q, but the topic here is "what defines marriage?" i've given my answer...sex. sex defines marriage imo.

you can answer the question in your own opinion, or you can contribute intelligently and politely like the rest of us.
If you have a problem with Q's comments, you can report his posts via the icon in the top right of his post.

I don't post here often enough to care about Q and his fanaticism.
Assuming she's a Christian from one of the orthodox and conservative sects. She seems to be a bit more heterodox, though. So she probably filters out and ignores parts of Christianity she disagrees with.

Of course, she is a hypocrite, just like most other believers. What's truly sickening about the whole thing is when believers turn to the same scriptures to tell us what to believe and how to live.
first of all, WHERE IN THE FUCK IS A MODERATOR??? because i know damn well it would have taken all of 2 seconds before one was up a professed religious person's ass for saying the above.

What does a moderator have to do with your abomination to your god?

secondly, the above quotes represent what you have stated to hate about religion and religious people. THOSE ARE YOUR QUOTES. AND you'll blame religion for them. therefore YOU are the biggest hypocrite here and anywhere for that matter.

The quotes came from the same bible you believe to be the word of your god. You are free to check them yourself, but you probably haven't read the bible or else you would know yourself. This has absolutely nothing to do with me and everything to do with your sins against your god. It would appear that you'll burn in hell for an eternity as a result.

There are other verses that state you should probably be put to death for your sins, but that would be far too extreme, don't ya think?

thirdly, i have stated very clearly that i equate sexual intercourse with marriage.

No one cares what you equate when the bible clearly states you fornicated out of wedlock and will burn in hell for doing so. If you don't believe in your god and your bible, just say so.

i've stated that in other threads as well. that happens to be why i was celibate for 8 years prior to having sex with my husband. that equation is taken straight out of the bible, and coincides with what god has taught me personally about sex and marriage.

If its' straight out of the bible, then show it to me. I've already provided several quotes from the bible indicating you've seriously sinned against your god with the end result that your marriage would be a sham.

i know this is way too heady for you Q, but the topic here is "what defines marriage?" i've given my answer...sex. sex defines marriage imo.

Good for you. That clearly demonstrates your hypocrisy. That is the entire point. The bible has a different view than you do, so you must do as the bible tells you to do or else.

you can answer the question in your own opinion, or you can contribute intelligently and politely like the rest of us.

I contributed some of the most relevant material showing quite clearly your abomination. Too bad for you and the time you'll spend in hell. That isn't my opinion, it is the law of your god and your beliefs.
I don't post here often enough to care about Q and his fanaticism.

My fanaticism? Isn't it the believers here who are telling us what to believe and how to live, fanatically? And, aren't those very same believers doing the exact opposite of what they are telling us?

Fanaticism indeed.
My fanaticism? Isn't it the believers here who are telling us what to believe and how to live, fanatically? And, aren't those very same believers doing the exact opposite of what they are telling us?

Fanaticism indeed.

anyone who might take a look at your posts here would think it was you. wouldn't they?

the purpose of this thread is to ask the question "what defines marriage?" to you, personally, and many people, believers or not, myself included, have been able to HANDLE responding to and/or answering that question in an honest and polite way. everyone except for you.
anyone who might take a look at your posts here would think it was you. wouldn't they?

The verses come from the bible, Lori. Haven't read it yet? Maybe you should.

the purpose of this thread is to ask the question "what defines marriage?" to you, personally, and many people, believers or not, myself included, have been able to HANDLE responding to and/or answering that question in an honest and polite way. everyone except for you.

Marriage is defined in the bible, too Lori. Didn't you know that? Maybe you should read it and find out. Since it is defined, my comments are in line with the OP. :)

What you've done is completely ignore the bible and have personally defined marriage based on your natural instincts.

That sounds very much like "ATHEISM":eek:
What does a moderator have to do with your abomination to your god?

the moderator has to do with your flaming and preaching.

The quotes came from the same bible you believe to be the word of your god. You are free to check them yourself, but you probably haven't read the bible or else you would know yourself. This has absolutely nothing to do with me and everything to do with your sins against your god. It would appear that you'll burn in hell for an eternity as a result.

i'm not talking about the scripture you quoted, i'm talking about your own words.

There are other verses that state you should probably be put to death for your sins, but that would be far too extreme, don't ya think?

No one cares what you equate when the bible clearly states you fornicated out of wedlock and will burn in hell for doing so. If you don't believe in your god and your bible, just say so.

If its' straight out of the bible, then show it to me. I've already provided several quotes from the bible indicating you've seriously sinned against your god with the end result that your marriage would be a sham.

Good for you. That clearly demonstrates your hypocrisy. That is the entire point. The bible has a different view than you do, so you must do as the bible tells you to do or else.

I contributed some of the most relevant material showing quite clearly your abomination. Too bad for you and the time you'll spend in hell. That isn't my opinion, it is the law of your god and your beliefs.

and the scripture you did quote does not conflict with what i define marriage to be. nowhere in the bible is marriage defined as a ceremony or a secular contract. it is defined as a covenant between a man, a woman, and god, that is defined by, and centered around sex. i have already stated this. marriage is a communion, where two become one in the flesh. that's a description of sex, and the often naturally occurring product of sex...children.

marriage is also used to describe the relationship between christ and his church when communion with god and each other are restored through him. when we become perfect in the flesh, as christ is, and we are all made whole and in love.
the moderator has to do with your flaming and preaching.

That is a lie, there was no flaming and no preaching. I presented to you the very same thing a believer would present to us, verses from the bible.

and the scripture you did quote does not conflict with what i define marriage to be.

Yes, it does.

nowhere in the bible is marriage defined as a ceremony or a secular contract. it is defined as a covenant between a man, a woman, and god, that is defined by, and centered around sex. i have already stated this. marriage is a communion, where two become one in the flesh. that's a description of sex, and the often naturally occurring product of sex...children.

Your personal preferences towards sex have nothing to do with the bible. Wasn't that made clear with the verses themselves? Are you having trouble with comprehension?

marriage is also used to describe the relationship between christ and his church when communion with god and each other are restored through him. when we become perfect in the flesh, as christ is, and we are all made whole and in love.

Christ didn't fuck the church out of wedlock, did he? Or, are there some hidden verses in the bible only your are aware?

See, you bleat out your beliefs like a sheep, but when it comes time to be accountable for your actions, you completely ignore them.
The verses come from the bible, Lori. Haven't read it yet? Maybe you should.

Marriage is defined in the bible, too Lori. Didn't you know that? Maybe you should read it and find out. Since it is defined, my comments are in line with the OP. :)

What you've done is completely ignore the bible and have personally defined marriage based on your natural instincts.

That sounds very much like "ATHEISM":eek:

here is a sampling of what the bible says about marriage.


find the definition.