what defines marriage?

i considered wedlock to be intercourse.

Your god does not agree with you. He is not a happy camper.

apparently you consider marriage to be either a religious institution signified by a ceremony with vows, or a legal contract administered under law.

Your god will deal with you in time. I would pray for your soul, but it looks like you've gone overboard on this one. Sorry to see you'll burn in hell.
Your god does not agree with you. He is not a happy camper.

Your god will deal with you in time. I would pray for your soul, but it looks like you've gone overboard on this one. Sorry to see you'll burn in hell.

god does so agree with me. you should read your bible.
My opinion exactly. I have a strong feeling about this. Next time you see a cat, look deeply into its eyes and ask, are you or are you not really a bunny?

well haha, but i think marriage is about mating. and i think that one day i'll live in a society where religion and written contracts are obsolete. and i wonder what that will be like. depending on the level and scope of communion, perhaps marriage as we know it will become obsolete. perhaps we'll all be married to each other? :shrug:
from an idealistic and/or religious perspective, what do you think about extramarital sex, and the need for a legal contract to designate amongst friends?

From a religious perspective, there is a verse somewhere in the Qur'an that says

4:21 How can ye take it back after one of you hath gone in unto the other, and they have taken a strong pledge from you ?

Marriage is a pledge, a promise, a contract and a commitment. Extra marital sex then depends on what you promise each other.

From an idealistic perspective, marriage should be the whole nine yards. The loyalty, commitment, fidelity, caring and trust. But people are not perfect, so there should be forgiveness and understanding as well.

Need for a legal contract - that is important I think, the ceremony of marriage, of exchanging vows with each other is important. It is an assertion of a claim that is binding, a public declaration of promising to have and to hold and of pledging yourself unto the other. I suppose some people could live together without marriage and achieve the same, but anyone who has gone through a marriage ceremony knows the feeling it brings to stand there and publicly declare your relationship to another person.
From a religious perspective, there is a verse somewhere in the Qur'an that says

4:21 How can ye take it back after one of you hath gone in unto the other, and they have taken a strong pledge from you ?

Marriage is a pledge, a promise, a contract and a commitment. Extra marital sex then depends on what you promise each other.

From an idealistic perspective, marriage should be the whole nine yards. The loyalty, commitment, fidelity, caring and trust. But people are not perfect, so there should be forgiveness and understanding as well.

Need for a legal contract - that is important I think, the ceremony of marriage, of exchanging vows with each other is important. It is an assertion of a claim that is binding, a public declaration of promising to have and to hold and of pledging yourself unto the other. I suppose some people could live together without marriage and achieve the same, but anyone who has gone through a marriage ceremony knows the feeling it brings to stand there and publicly declare your relationship to another person.

i agree those are significant feelings. would you interpret "one of you hath gone in unto the other" as referring to sex?
i agree those are significant feelings. would you interpret "one of you hath gone in unto the other" as referring to sex?

Seems the most likely explanation, though the sequence is a bit confusing. :p
god does so agree with me. you should read your bible.

Typical. Your god agrees with you because you say so. You tell me to read the bible to see this agreement, yet the bible does not agree with you as you have fornicated out of wedlock. Are you feeling the temperature rising, yet? A burning sensation? :D
and i think that one day i'll live in a society where religion and written contracts are obsolete.

What will you do without Christianity? It is your entire life.

Oh yes, it won't matter as you'll be toasty warm for fucking and not being married to the one you fucked. God frowns on this kind of fucking.

"Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge."
--Hebrews 13:4
The most important thing is ones ability to forgive the other persons faults.

If people are forgiving and prepared to accept that their spouse has some faults then a relationship will last.

That seems a rather patronising way to look at it. I would say the most important thing is to be able to support each other. Marriage is about being desired and understood as a person, not about overlooking faults. Maybe its the same thing, but the perspective seems different to me.

If i was to marry a woman the most important question i would need to ask myself would be this:

Would i be happy to have this woman as the mother of my children?

What if you didn't have children? Then what would you want in a spouse?

What will you do without Christianity? It is your entire life.

Oh yes, it won't matter as you'll be toasty warm for fucking and not being married to the one you fucked. God frowns on this kind of fucking.

"Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge."
--Hebrews 13:4

A regular Mrs Grundy, aren'tcha?:p
well haha, but i think marriage is about mating. and i think that one day i'll live in a society where religion and written contracts are obsolete. and i wonder what that will be like. depending on the level and scope of communion, perhaps marriage as we know it will become obsolete. perhaps we'll all be married to each other? :shrug:

Maybe we will have coded chips in our brains that prevents us from mating with anyone else but our spouse, and that will be the new "marriage"? :D
Typical. Your god agrees with you because you say so. You tell me to read the bible to see this agreement, yet the bible does not agree with you as you have fornicated out of wedlock. Are you feeling the temperature rising, yet? A burning sensation? :D

ok, if you won't read it...

in the bible, marriage is described as a communion between a man and a woman, described as "the two become one in the flesh". it is a covenant between the man, woman, and god. and that covenant is consummated, and even defined by sexual intercourse. the laws regarding marriage in the bible are driven by, and centered around, mating.
ok, if you won't read it...

in the bible, marriage is described as a communion between a man and a woman, described as "the two become one in the flesh". it is a covenant between the man, woman, and god. and that covenant is consummated, and even defined by sexual intercourse. the laws regarding marriage in the bible are driven by, and centered around, mating.

Yes, I'm sure you'll justify your abomination just like any believer who attempts to justify their actions, but it will still be YOU roasting on a spit. LOL! :D
A regular Mrs Grundy, aren'tcha?:p

That fact that you believers pull scriptures out of your ass when it's convenient or when you're trying to tell the rest of us how to live accordingly, surely look the asses when it comes back to bite you where you live.

Believers have absolutely no morals whatsoever. They will lie, cheat and deceive without a shred of decency or ethics, even when they contradict themselves. It's little wonder the wars of the world rage on unabated.
That fact that you believers pull scriptures out of your ass when it's convenient or when you're trying to tell the rest of us how to live accordingly, surely look the asses when it comes back to bite you where you live.

Believers have absolutely no morals whatsoever. They will lie, cheat and deceive without a shred of decency or ethics, even when they contradict themselves. It's little wonder the wars of the world rage on unabated.

you just described yourself. you are your own worst enemy.
Look here Lori, you make the bed and lie in it. Plenty more where this came from..

*hint* ...the bible ;) Burn baby burn!!!

"HEB 13:4 Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept
pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.

1CO 7:5 Do not deprive each other except by mutual consent and for a time, so
that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that
Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control."
Look here Lori, you make the bed and lie in it. Plenty more where this came from..

*hint* ...the bible ;) Burn baby burn!!!

"HEB 13:4 Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept
pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.

1CO 7:5 Do not deprive each other except by mutual consent and for a time, so
that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that
Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control."

our's is pure and we don't deprive each other. :)