What are the DEMONS intentions?

water: Medicine Woman,

And you fell for it! What does this say about you?!

The worse for her is she thinks me a trickster. It only shows that she waits for me to always do the first step, and then she will decide how to treat me. This is how insecure she is.
M*W: No, LOL! You are not sharp enough to make me fall for that one, because I have NEVER thought of you as being intelligent. You have a habit of arguing with everyone for argument's sake. This is not the habit of an intelligent person. At best, you're annoying. At worst, you're a liar. I see you as being a lonely old woman whom everyone avoids like the plague. You are certainly not a happy person to be around due to your breeding compulsion and doubt in your every post.
spidergoat said:
So, if I don't believe in the devil, then I have been tricked, and no one wants to be the victim of a trick. So I'm lead to believe in the devil, and therefore God, but since the Devil is tricky, I should follow God.

But, wouldn't God be capable of more trickery? Couldn't you be tricked either way? Both to believe in the Devil, and to not believe in the devil? If both God and the Devil have such power over us, isn't hopeless to try and outsmart them? Wouldn't the devil, for instance, know that you might take a alternative viewpoint? Wouldn't he have anticipated this and planned ahead?

Now you're getting it!
(Q) said:
In that case, nothing is ever true.

Are you looking for truth or are you trying to find out how things work? Big difference.

Science tries to explain how things work in proportion to the observational experiments and evidence provided. A key element to the scientific method is the criteria of falsification. A single observation or experiment (that can be repeated) will falsify any theory, hence the theory is changed or discarded.

Therefore, science does not profess the truth.

However, it can provide the computer you work on and the bandwidth to carry information. Are you looking for truth in that?

I've said what you quoted in response to Crunchy Cat's

The greatest failure of humans is accepting assertions as true without considering supportive / contradictory evidence.

Just considering evidence, we cannot speak of truth, as theories modify or change, depending on new evidence.

I am always interested in knowing how things work, but I'm not sure whether this was what Crunchy Cat's referred to in what he said.
Medicine Woman said:
water: Medicine Woman,

And you fell for it! What does this say about you?!

The worse for her is she thinks me a trickster. It only shows that she waits for me to always do the first step, and then she will decide how to treat me. This is how insecure she is.
M*W: No, LOL! You are not sharp enough to make me fall for that one, because I have NEVER thought of you as being intelligent. You have a habit of arguing with everyone for argument's sake. This is not the habit of an intelligent person. At best, you're annoying. At worst, you're a liar. I see you as being a lonely old woman whom everyone avoids like the plague. You are certainly not a happy person to be around due to your breeding compulsion and doubt in your every post.

Ah. Looked into the mirror, haven't you?
water said:
Hehe. Am I a challenge to your ballance?
I doesn't matter who I am, for people change. Observe me how I am to you, and decide on that what you will think of me.
In the end, your relationship with me (whatever it is) does not depend on who I am, but on who I am to you and what you feel (whatever it is) for me.

HeeHee, you are a tricky little devil, aren't you? I think I love you, is what I feel for you. I know I love that agua! Only time will tell.

Not at all. Those with honest discrepancies in their thinking (people who just don't know any better than what they presently do), or the truly innocent ones, are usually the first to be accused of ulterior motives.
It is as if honesty and innocence are the most dangerous things in the world.

See, it's this kind of comment that throws me off balance. On one hand, some of the things you say lead me to believe you are just a young child, but then you throw out something like this, and I'm left with the impression that you are older and wiser than you might want us to believe. For a long time, I was very naive, and you're right. A lot of non-innocents did look at me in a suspicious manner at times, as if they couldn't figure out if I was actually that naive or just trying to set them up or something. Of course, I couldn't understand that look until I'd seen it a few times, and then I slowly began to realize what it was. Shocked me, to come to the realization that not everyone was as idealistic as I was as a young Christian. That's when I started to learn the differences between idealists and realists.

P.S. Are you French? German? No, I got it: You are from Slovenija?!
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water said:
Crunchy Cat,

Currently, there is neither evidence to support it, neither to contradict it. We could, however, find (" ") both kinds of evidence.

Maybe someone stole your password and wrote that post in your stead? Maybe you were drugged? &tc. &tc.

We could, with the use of the scientific method, dispute even that you were born, mind you.
There were only about 6 people at your birth, right? Well, sorry, to rely on them would be to rely on eyewitnesses, and this is not enough and questionable (as witnesses could be temporarily mentally incapacitated). The forms they filled out could be faked. We cannot prove that you were not brought down by aliens.

Point is, conspiracy theories (of all kinds) are impossible to disprove, but it is not impossible that they are true.
We are thus left with common sense, which, as we know from history (Watergate and such), tends to fool people a lot ...

We don't believe in phenomena, but in the reasons to believe in said phenomena, if those reasons seem believable.


It sounds like the notion of possibility is being confused with evidence.
A truth was present... a post from me, and this is evidence that supports
the assertion while there is no evidence to contradict it.

Sure, I could have been drugged or impersonated and I would have to ask
if there was any evidence to support or contradict those assertions.

Your brief discussion with Q is an important one. Absolute truth is a tough
thing to derive, so we model theory based on what we know and change
the theory as new suportive / contradictive evidence becomes available.
This effectively makes theory an interpreation of truth and it is always
MUCH more aligned to the real thing than acceptance without considering
evidence (belief -this is a path of failure-).

If you're reading this message from a computer monitor then it's an absolute
truth that you're reading a message that exists on a computer monitor that
exists. Use these absolutes as a simple foundation for evidence and model
theory and use these theories as pieces of evidence for other theories.
Cottontop3000 : Water is a girl called Rosa. a raven hair beauty, with strange ideas. well you cant have it all.
pavlosmarcos said:
Cottontop3000 : Water is a girl called Rosa. a raven hair beauty, with strange ideas. well you cant have it all.

Well, at first I thought her ideas were strange too. I thought she was just playing devil's advocate or something. But tonight I read some of her previous posts (quite a few actually), and it is my opinion that she may be one of the smartest people I've ever met. She's definitely looking harder than anyone I've ever met. Except for me, of course. :D

HeeHee, you are a tricky little devil, aren't you? I think I love you, is what I feel for you. I know I love that agua! Only time will tell.

Of course.

See, it's this kind of comment that throws me off balance. On one hand, some of the things you say lead me to believe you are just a young child, but then you throw out something like this, and I'm left with the impression that you are older and wiser than you might want us to believe.

I don't *want* anyone to believe me, here, in a thread, "officially". I am arguing arguments, not people. I do, however, stand for everything I say, and take responsibility for everything I say.

Privately, I do want to be believed.

For a long time, I was very naive, and you're right. A lot of non-innocents did look at me in a suspicious manner at times, as if they couldn't figure out if I was actually that naive or just trying to set them up or something. Of course, I couldn't understand that look until I'd seen it a few times, and then I slowly began to realize what it was. Shocked me, to come to the realization that not everyone was as idealistic as I was as a young Christian.

That's when I started to learn the differences between idealists and realists.

And realists are those who wear masks ...

P.S. Are you French? German? No, I got it: You are from Slovenija?!

Yes. What does this say to you?

* * *

Crunchy Cat,

It sounds like the notion of possibility is being confused with evidence.

If it only were so! The problem with "evidence" is that you can "find" (if you look hard enough), evidence for anything. Prior to looking for it, we can't say evidence exists. That some phenomena are considered to be evidence of x is only inferred later on, with x pointed out.

A truth was present... a post from me, and this is evidence that supports
the assertion while there is no evidence to contradict it.

That your post exists is confirmed by eyewitnesses. You could now go and delete it, hack the MB system and delete or change anything in the script of the forum that would indicate that there was once a post by you. Noone could prove that there was a post by you. Eyewitnesses could be discarded.

It is only common sense that tells us that this is *not likely* the case here, and it is therefore that we accept the existence of your post as true.

Your brief discussion with Q is an important one. Absolute truth is a tough
thing to derive, so we model theory based on what we know and change
the theory as new suportive / contradictive evidence becomes available.
This effectively makes theory an interpreation of truth and it is always
MUCH more aligned to the real thing than acceptance without considering
evidence (belief -this is a path of failure-).

I take you are implying the traps of believing in God?
What I am trying to bring across is that a belief in God happens ex negativo, ie. by making an effort to refrain from trying to believe, to do away with already existing preconceptions. An ex positivo approach to believing in God may be a very dangerous undertaking.

If you're reading this message from a computer monitor then it's an absolute
truth that you're reading a message that exists on a computer monitor that

How is it an absolute truth? Who is to say? Prove to me that I am not delusional.
(Solipsism is irrefutable, as far as I know.)

Use these absolutes as a simple foundation for evidence and model
theory and use these theories as pieces of evidence for other theories.


* * *


Cottontop3000 : Water is a girl called Rosa. a raven hair beauty, with strange ideas. well you cant have it all.

Sheesh, I'm popular! As long as I don't become notorious.

* * *


Well, at first I thought her ideas were strange too. I thought she was just playing devil's advocate or something. But tonight I read some of her previous posts (quite a few actually), and it is my opinion that she may be one of the smartest people I've ever met. She's definitely looking harder than anyone I've ever met. Except for me, of course.

Of course.

water said:
Crunchy Cat,

If it only were so! The problem with "evidence" is that you can "find" (if you look hard enough), evidence for anything. Prior to looking for it, we can't say evidence exists. That some phenomena are considered to be evidence of x is only inferred later on, with x pointed out.

I disagree. I don't think evidence for anything can be found. Take 'Demons'
for example... not a shred of evidence has been provided. I will assert that
people relate evidence to the wrong conclusions. That's just good ol' human
error. Just for example, the bible speaks of a great flood in 200 b.c. (I am
making up the date). Archeology finds geological evidence of a great flood
at around 200 b.c. The correct conclusion is that there is evidence that a
big flood occured around 200 b.c. The incorrect conclusion is 'Demons' exist.

water said:
That your post exists is confirmed by eyewitnesses. You could now go and delete it, hack the MB system and delete or change anything in the script of the forum that would indicate that there was once a post by you. Noone could prove that there was a post by you. Eyewitnesses could be discarded.

It is only common sense that tells us that this is *not likely* the case here, and it is therefore that we accept the existence of your post as true.

Possibility is being considered here rather than evidence. They are two
very seperate things. The existence of a post is automatically proven by
seeing it (this is truth). The notion that I generated the post is supported
by evidence and this is the theory to use until more evidence becomes
available (the additional evidence may support or contradict the theory).

water said:
I take you are implying the traps of believing in God?
What I am trying to bring across is that a belief in God happens ex negativo, ie. by making an effort to refrain from trying to believe, to do away with already existing preconceptions. An ex positivo approach to believing in God may be a very dangerous undertaking.

It always comes down to this... belief in 'God' and I always ask what evidence
exists support this assertion. The answer I receive is evidence for the wrong
conclusion or no evidence at all.

water said:
How is it an absolute truth? Who is to say? Prove to me that I am not delusional.
(Solipsism is irrefutable, as far as I know.)

It's an absolute truth because there no room for interpretation. What you
see is what you get. The cigar is a cigar. Delusion is a whole different can
of worms. I will assert that if fantastic ideas are accepted as truth without
considering evidence then the existence of self-delusion is present. Solipsism
to my knowledge is a philosophy. I have a hypothesis that my bathroom rug
exists. I test the hypothesis by viewing the floor of my bathroom. The rug
is there and I am left with truth. This contradicts Solipsism.

water said:

...And the #1 self-chosen mental handicap will be removed from your life.
Cottontop3000 said:
Well, at first I thought her ideas were strange too. I thought she was just playing devil's advocate or something. But tonight I read some of her previous posts (quite a few actually), and it is my opinion that she may be one of the smartest people I've ever met. She's definitely looking harder than anyone I've ever met. Except for me, of course. :D

Me thinks Cottontop3000 has the hots for Water's brain.
Crunchy Cat said:
Me thinks Cottontop3000 has the hots for Water's brain.

Maybe. She's actually made me start thinking again. Well, all of you have. :) Please, bear with me again:

I just returned to the internet about a week ago, after about a 10-year absence for reasons of depression, alcoholism, drug addiction, anger and violence related issues, agoraphobia, dilillusionment, did I say depression, mania, anxiety, sleep disorders, and blah blah blah.

In my long 35 years on this planet, I've wanted to kill the whole human race. I've wanted to kill God and Satan. I, of course, have wanted to kill myself. I've tried, but got scared and couldn't follow through. I've wanted to become a terrorist. I cheered when the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon were destroyed. I've wished that the last plane would have taken out the White House and/or the Congress. I've wished I could get my hands around Presidents' necks (starting with the first Bush, Clinton, and especially the second Bush). I've tortured and killed several cats, starting in 7th grade, and continuing on and off until the year 2000. I nearly killed one of my younger brothers when I was 9 with a cast-iron, old-timey iron. I've beaten the shit out of my two dogs with skiing poles and my fists in my bathtub, though for some reason I've never killed a dog, and I haven't beaten my two dogs, whom a part of me does love more than anything in this world, in over 6 months.

I've completely isolated myself from the world for over 5 years now. I don't go out unless absolutely necessary. I don't want phone calls or visits from family or friends. I don't allow myself cats anymore. I should probably give my dogs away, but I haven't. I am considered disabled legally for the depression, and for whatever else they saw in me. I've served one night in jail in my life, in 2000, for assaulting my own mother. I've been sober, mostly, for about 5 years now. I still hate life, myself, and of course I still hate God and Satan. I go to 4/hrs. a week of counselling. I take Prozac and Neurontin for depression. I take HCT for high blood pressure. I take Amitriptylin for sleeping. Most days, I just want to die. Most days, I have no reason to live. I used to scare the shit out of my wife of two years and later a girlfriend of two years, though I never beat or hurt them physically. I never cheated on them. I did want to hurt them at times, of course, but for some reason I didn't. I did scare them enough, though, that both eventually left me. I am glad they did. They did the right thing, and I am very glad that they were strong enough to do it. For them and for me.

After all this, you may or may not be completely repulsed. You may never respond to another message I post. I really wouldn't blame you. But this is my life. This is what I have lived with for 35 years. I've always wanted to be good and godly. I've rarely succeeded. I have been scared of myself for about 9 years now, ever since my wife left me in '96 (when I was first forced to admit to myself that I had a problem). I generally don't trust myself, though I believe I still have a shot at some kind of redemption. As long as I do not hurt anyone or anything ever again. Maybe that's a long shot. Maybe I should be in jail, or at least a sanitarium, I don't know. I never cold-bloodedly set out to do the bad things that I've done, so I don't think I'm psychotic. Wrong in so many ways, yes. I don't feel evil. I don't feel mentally ill. I don't feel any differently than, in my mind, I imagine everyone else feels, just disillusioned and angry and scared and lonely and frustrated and in doubt about all the things I don't have answers for. But I do have a violence and a hate in me at times. I do cry and feel ashamed when I do bad, or evil if you want to label it that way. I don't really know.

I'm telling you all this because I need to, or I'm afraid I am going to lose my place in this world. Because I'm still trying to find answers, honestly trying to find answers. Trying to stop myself from hurting, and hurting others. Honestly trying to find something good in this world. I see so much anger and hate on this board. I see it all around me everyday when I am outside my house. I hear it at night. I can't help but see or hear it, though, no, I don't hear voices or see things that I shouldn't see. I see this anger and hate in our history. I see it in the history of the world. I see it in my dogs. I see it in nature. I see it in me. Every time I see it, I either cry or get angry. I rarely am able to see any good in the world. This makes me want to die. So, I come here and I do this. Why, because nothing else has worked. Medicine hasn't worked, counselling hasn't. Family hasn't. Church hasn't. God hasn't. I haven't. Maybe because I did see something refreshing in Water last night that gave me hope. Read some of her threads starting from last year. Maybe you will see something like what I saw, maybe not. I do know I don't want to see her hurt anymore either, here or anywhere. Nor any of the rest of you.

If you've read this far, thank you. In a way, I think I will be sorry I told you all of this. But I am really beyond much sorrow for myself. I can tell you this, I need there to be a God, though I feel like I hate Him most of the time. I need to pay for what I've done. At this point, I don't really know if I care though. I do want you to know where I'm coming from. I expect someone will condemn me for this, and that is fine; you can't hurt me anymore than I hurt myself. If you try to hurt me more, fine. I really wouldn't be surprised, as you may be able to tell, I don't have a very high regard for humanity in general, myself in particular.

I do have two questions though, if you care to give me your thoughts. Something I was thinking about today and have thought about for a long time.

Assuming God exists, why did God create man? Also, was there evil before God created man? Thank you.
You get an A+ for bravery there. It sounds like over the years you've made
some accompishments:

* You've stopped torturing and killing cats since 2000.
* You haven't beaten your dogs in 6 months.
* You've been relatively sober 5 years
* Youve achieved self honesty.
* You have an idea of how you would like to be.

Those are big accomplishments and I hope you don't loose sight of that.

I am going to make some predictive that are going to use the word 'you' alot.
They are not accusations. They are not judgmenets. They are predictions.
They might be on the mark, partially correct, or a complete miss. Simply let
me know (it's optional).

I think you get stressed out with people whom act illogically. I think you
would get extremely frustrated if a painter came over, spilled a little paint on
the floor, and then left without cleaning it up. I think the frustration would be
so great that it would ruin your day (possibly your week). I think that you
have strong emotional reactions to small events and they are overwhelming. I
think your actions when overwhelmed tend to be extreme (positive or
negative). I think that aspects of sex and violence are pleasurable for you.
I think that you are creative and talented in some form of art (whether it be
visual, audio, or other). I think you do great things when you have exclusive
control and don't have to rely on others. I think you see the big picture when
others don't. I think you have exceptional hand-eye coordination (you're
probably unusually good at a few video games).

As to the questions asked... I have no answer. Assuming 'God' exists doesn't
suddenly make some puzzle complete and provide truth. It would actually
provide a plethora of contradiction.

I have some advice that could change your situation (or it could make it
worse -what do I know-). If you're interested then let me know and I'll post
Cottontop3000 said:
Assuming God exists, why did God create man? Also, was there evil before God created man? Thank you.

God had no reason to create man, he was just there, like everything else. People create questions, reasons and answers.

There was no evil before man, and there is no evil now either, except in man's imagination (mind).

Humans see two sides in everything, like light and dark, good and evil. There is no light without darkness. Good and evil are two sides of perfection, and they are equal. Evil is one way for people to learn. When we see evil things in the world, we understand how evil we are... so, we can understand how to become better people. Otherwise, there would be no way for us to "know".

See, "evil" is a "good" thing. It's a necessity. Matter offers resistance, so it's impossible for two things to be at the same place at the same time in the material world... two things, like good and evil. Without separation there is nothing. Consciousness is like matter: repulsive (it separates). Unity is possible in the mind though. The world probably exists because humans have separated it from themselves with their personal consciousness.
Crunchy Cat said:
I think you get stressed out with people whom act illogically.
Yes, very much so.

I think you would get extremely frustrated if a painter came over, spilled a little paint on the floor, and then left without cleaning it up.

I think the frustration would be so great that it would ruin your day (possibly your week).
Depends, but possibly.

I think that you have strong emotional reactions to small events and they are overwhelming.

I think your actions when overwhelmed tend to be extreme (positive or negative).

I think that aspects of sex and violence are pleasurable for you.

I think that you are creative and talented in some form of art (whether it be visual, audio, or other).

I think you do great things when you have exclusive control and don't have to rely on others.
I can.

I think you see the big picture when others don't.
I've thought so, but I could be wrong.

I think you have exceptional hand-eye coordination (you're probably unusually good at a few video games).

As to the questions asked... I have no answer. Assuming 'God' exists doesn't suddenly make some puzzle complete and provide truth. It would actually provide a plethora of contradiction.
I know, but I'm still thinking about whether I can believe in God or not, based on my own logic and my own gut-feeling. I have many other questions, believe me, but a lot of them can be nipped in the bud if these two are answered. I really don't expect there are answers though. Not concrete ones anyway.

I have some advice that could change your situation (or it could make it worse -what do I know-). If you're interested then let me know and I'll post away.
Please, go ahead. Thank you very much. :)
Yorda said:
God had no reason to create man, he was just there, like everything else.
So why did He create us? Or do you think He didn't? Are you a Deist? Or something else?

There was no evil before man, and there is no evil now either, except in man's imagination (mind).
So there is evil in our minds? Where is there "not" evil then?

Evil is one way for people to learn. When we see evil things in the world, we understand how evil we are... so, we can understand how to become better people. Otherwise, there would be no way for us to "know".
See, "evil" is a "good" thing. It's a necessity.
I agree with this. I don't think there can be good without evil, or vice versa. So, when God calls His faithful home and sends the rest to burn in Hell for eternity, how can Heaven possibly be Heaven as we think of it, or are led to believe it will be? How can you transcend good and evil and reach perfection? Can there be a perfection? Of us? Of GOD? Or do we just assume that there can be? How can there be light without darkness, etc.? Or, is there no God, no good, no evil?

Matter offers resistance, so it's impossible for two things to be at the same place at the same time in the material world... two things, like good and evil. Without separation there is nothing. Consciousness is like matter: repulsive (it separates). Unity is possible in the mind though. The world probably exists because humans have separated it from themselves with their personal consciousness.
Are you making a distinction between consciousness and the mind? Are you saying that we can be good and evil at the same time? Personally, I think so.
Cottontop3000 said:
Please, go ahead. Thank you very much. :)

Will do. This is some of the odder advice that I have given and I really hope
it helps. If something doesn't make sense then let me know and if something
I say sounds like I am smoking crack then let me know as well.

The good news is that you are normal yay! You have an uncommon
temperment called 'Artisan' (there will be more info on that) and quite
frankly the emotional center is the an Artisan's worst enemy. I am
going to lay out some advice in list format and try my best to provide
a reasonable explanation of 'why' at each step.

* LEARN ABOUT YOUR TEMPERMENT: http://www.4temperaments.com/
WHY: Understanding yourself will enable you to improve yourself and
reduce stress.

WHY: Understanding how other people behave gives you the opportunity
to adopt positive behavioros and understand how to communicate effectively
with others (another big stress reducer).

WHY: It will keep you from doing stupid things like burning holes into your
skin with cigars in pain contests.

WHY: Giving petting and treats for doing positive things and denying attention
for negative things will result in loyal, well trained, healthy, and happy pets.

WHY: This will desensitize you to the intense and overwhelming reaction you
feel when you loose control.

WHY: It's very satisfying to stick sharp objects in a cork board at high
velocity when angry. It's focused anger relief.

WHY: It will enable you to take on an agressive predator persona and
act out violent and sexually explicit behavior WITH (not against) a partner(s).
It's a healthy outlet for your specific needs.

WHY: You will dominate the job and make alot of money.

WHY: A Guardian will help balance you out emotionally and will be more than
happy to save tons of money and make it grow with highly effective financial

WHY: Learn to become a leader and manager all in one.

WHY: You will learn the ins and outs of influencing behavior (including your
own). You will also earn more money.

WHY: This mental acknowledment will keep you from jumping to extremes.

If any of this works out for you (and long term results are the best way to
determine success) then I recommend exploring deeper into human and animal
psychology, biology, math, philosophy, and physics. The entire journey may
provide alot of the answers about life that you are looking for.

Thanks Crunchy Cat (that is kind of funny, you think? Ah, not really.),

I'll look into some of these. Some are things I have tried. Some have helped, some have not. Some, like you say, take a long time. Would you believe that my major in college was management? To be honest, though, I hated it. Too tedious and repetitive. I got stressed real easily. I had 10 jobs from 95-98 and quit them all for these reasons.

What is a Furry? Never heard of it, but it sounds interesting, for sure.

Anyway, I do feel better about life these past six months than I have since 1988, though I am still usually quite down most of the time. I'm working on it though, albeit slowly.

Thanks again, I'll write more to you later.

P.S. I love your reason for staying off the alcohol. Personal experience?
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Cottontop3000 said:
Thanks Crunchy Cat (that is kind of funny, you think? Ah, not really.),

It is pretty funny. The name was inspired by alot of things. Monty Python's
Crunchy Frog and Chinese Food stereotypes being two biggies.

Cottontop3000 said:
I'll look into some of these. Some are things I have tried. Some have helped, some have not. Some, like you say, take a long time.

Cool beans.

Cottontop3000 said:
Would you believe that my major in college was management? To be honest, though, I hated it. Too tedious and repetitive. I got stressed real easily. I had 10 jobs from 95-98 and quit them all for these reasons.

Yipes... Artisans can make wicked managers later in life however they cannot
start off that way... that's a path that will always be a disaster.

Cottontop3000 said:
What is a Furry? Never heard of it, but it sounds interesting, for sure.

People whom are attracted to various physical and behavioral features
of animals. They tend to costume themselves like 'were-animals' and
act the part. Predators tend to be a favorite in the furry world.

Cottontop3000 said:
Anyway, I do feel better about life these past six months than I have since 1988, though I am still usually quite down most of the time. I'm working on it though, albeit slowly.

Keep on workin those positive emotions then. Keep that upward spiral going.

Cottontop3000 said:
Thanks again, I'll write more to you later.


Cottontop3000 said:
P.S. I love your reason for staying off the alcohol. Personal experience?

Yep. Lordy, crazy shit had happened in the drunken days.
Crunchy Cat,

It's an absolute truth because there no room for interpretation. What you
see is what you get. The cigar is a cigar. Delusion is a whole different can
of worms. I will assert that if fantastic ideas are accepted as truth without
considering evidence then the existence of self-delusion is present. Solipsism
to my knowledge is a philosophy. I have a hypothesis that my bathroom rug
exists. I test the hypothesis by viewing the floor of my bathroom. The rug
is there and I am left with truth. This contradicts Solipsism.

No, solipsism says that the rug is the product of your brain, and you have no way of proving otherwise, as to you, everything is a product of your brain. So solipsism.

It always comes down to this... belief in 'God' and I always ask what evidence
exists support this assertion. The answer I receive is evidence for the wrong
conclusion or no evidence at all.

...And the #1 self-chosen mental handicap will be removed from your life.

I think, so far, that the only god you would accept is the god of necessity. If it could be shown that a god (with the characteristics of the Christian God, for example) is a necessity, then you'd believe in that god -- for you had reason to believe in him.

A god is only a necessity if you want what said god offers. You don't want what JHVH offers, so He is not a necessity for you.

I really see no reason to bug around this any longer. You don't want to know God, and nobody can make you want that. You only want to know whether God is a necessity, or not. No *person* can prove that to you.

No hard feelings. :)

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Crunchy Cat said:
People whom are attracted to various physical and behavioral features
of animals. They tend to costume themselves like 'were-animals' and
act the part. Predators tend to be a favorite in the furry world.

Hah! That's interesting.

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The title of this thread is somehow telling ...

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