What are the DEMONS intentions?

M*W: If "god" is not a "woman," then there is NO "god!"
Yorda: God is both woman and man, so he is none of them. Like when you mix black and white colors.
M*W: Are you trying to say that Neanderthals were inbred with an alien race of people who became us? Please elaborate on this point.
Yorda: Yes, but the giants were originally born on earth, so I don't consider them alien.
M*W: And which flood would that be?
Yorda: The "flood of Noah and Gilgamesh", 5000 years ago. You know it...
M*W: References?????
Yorda: I don't know how to give references.
M*W: Egad! You need to explain this!!! Please explain the 'difference' between 'the staff of Moses' and the 'ark of the covenant'!
Yorda: There difference is that the Ark of the Covenant was more powerful since it was physically bigger, so more energy could be stored in it.
The flood was caused with the help of a tool like the staff Moses had. Instruments like the ARK and the STAFF were made of a kind of brass in which all kinds of energy could be stored in their original form or transformed, and then they could be led to a spot, stronger or weaker. Magnetic energy is the basic energy of the world. The human willpower is an extended form of magnetic energy. The Ark was loaded with this energy, and then it could be increased a thousand times.

Lifeforms which are on different levels look the same when we look at them with our eyes, but in reality, they are made of chemical elements, which all have a resistance equivalent to the consicousness of the creature. This means that if a gorilla's mind could be transferred into a humans mind, it would become mad, or die, since the consciousness and the chemical consistence of the body are on different levels.

(EDIT: this also explains why we are born into the body we are born into in our next life)

Since the ARK was loaded by Moses, who was a son of God born into human body, everyone who doesn't have the same resistance in their body, would become dematerialized. In a magnet, LIFE goes from the positive to the negative pole. In a human, LIFE goes from the brain along the spine.

Human willpower can easily overcome the attraction of the Earth, simply by jumping. When this power was loaded into the STAFF, Moses could manipulate the gravity, and make matter, weightless. When the secret of energy is known, it can be converted.

EDIT: The STAFF of LIFE (and DEATH). The Egyptian "Ankh"...

Matter consists of motion, of vibration. It can be manipulated. De/materialization is very dangerous. This is how the flood occured. Accidentally, a black magician, in the homeland of the sons of God, led a destroying power (which means that it converts it into another energy form) to his own body. When this process has once begun, there is no stopping it, the matter which has formed into energy, acts like a destroying power until it has dematerialized everything. That way, the whole place was destroyed. The newborn energies slowed down the dematerialization and soon the destroying powers didn't affect anymore.
M*W: So... you know... but the rest of us cannot possibly know???
Yorda: In what way am I different from someone else? In no way. I'm a human like everyone else. Later, all humans will gain knowledge of the giants. When the sons of God will be born again, they will remember all these truths.


M*W: Please, please, fill us in on what you DO know about 'them.' We are awaiting your testimony!
Yorda: I'll be glad to tell more about the sons of God, but I can't do it without questions. It's a kind of broad subject...
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Crunchy Cat said:
Trajic story FH,

The poor woman was killed by people so misaligned to reality that they actually had to ask 'what's the big deal?'.

Why "misaligned to reality"?
Come up with a persuasive and obligatory answer to why human life is to be respected, and you can argue against "misalignment to reality". Otherwise, opinions are all you have to work with.
There are no demons, only people that are bad that want to take advantage or harm those that are good. People would like to liove their lives without being disrupted , for the most part, but there are asshole out there that just like to piss others off by doing bad things to those only wanting to be left alone.
water said:
Why "misaligned to reality"?
Come up with a persuasive and obligatory answer to why human life is to be respected, and you can argue against "misalignment to reality". Otherwise, opinions are all you have to work with.

Visualize a dartboard and a big red bullseye at it's center. The bullseye
represents truth. When people look for the truth their darts tend to hit
around the bullseye. The distance between the dart and the bullseye is
a measure of how aligned to truth someone is. Those that use evidence
tend to get alot closer than those whom do not.

In this particular case, the religious folk in the article completely missed the
board. There is evidence to contradict their assertions of truth and no
evidence to support them.

Human beings are the result of natural processes in reality and reality has
given life (human and otherwise) an obligatory mandate to survive. All
mammals have about 500 million years to find a new location to survive. All
life on Earth (as we know it) has about 1 billion years to find a new location
to survive. After that, Earth is toast. A dead human is prevented from being
all they can be and the possibility of that individual helping the denziens of
Earth survive beyond the 500 million and 1 billion year marks immediately is
Crunchy Cat,

You are skirting the issue.
Explain why a human life should not be taken. Justify why a human life should not be taken.

I know, it probably sounds absurd -- but yes. Explain why it is a "misalignment with reality" if a person kills another.

People get killed everyday. This is what observation says. Will you dispute that?
I think I didn't communicate my original assertion as well as I could have
and I will try again. In the article the following occured:

* Several religious representatives tortured and killed a woman.
* The woman had been diagnosed with known and treatable mental illness.
* The reason giving for killing the woman was that she was 'demon posessed'.

All the above in this scenario is truth with the exception of the reason for
action (this is fantasy). This effectively means that a woman was tortured
and killed because of fantasy.

I never once asserted that human life should never be taken and I was asked
to defend this position regardless (a very odd request). Being the nice guy
that I am, I chose to exhibit something far more important by showing how
disabling genetic variation from being all it can be risks long term survival of
the species. 'Belief' seems to chronically result in this and therefore becomes
a threat to survival in the long term despite any short term benefits that may
be gained.

I hope this makes sense. I'll add a simplified Q&A approach as well:

Q: Justify why a human life should not be taken.
A: I hold no such position. Long term survival of the species will be promoted
if the actions of genetic variation are enabled (unlessof course the action
itself is to disable genetic variation).

Q: Explain why it is a "misalignment with reality" if a person kills another.
A: It's not the action that was a misalignment in the article. That was pure
truth. The woman was tortured and killed. It was the reason for taking the
action which was misaligned (it was fantasy in this case).

Q: People get killed everyday. This is what observation says. Will you dispute that?
A: This cannot be disputed. Observational evidence shows that people are killed every day and there is zero contradiction to this.
Crunchy Cat,

"A: It's not the action that was a misalignment in the article. That was pure
truth. The woman was tortured and killed. It was the reason for taking the
action which was misaligned (it was fantasy in this case)."

This is an extreme case. Still, how can you declare it fatasy? If it worked out fine, would you still insist it was fantasy?

And as for your metaphor with the dartboard and the bullseye as the truth. To make any statements in regards to what is closer to the bullseye and what further, you are implying you know where exactly the bullseye is -- in other words, you are implying to know objective reality and have an objective scope of it.

Instead of saying that what those people did to that woman was based on reasons that were fantasy, misaligned to reality, I say they took a disadvantageous course of action and I refrain from speaking of knowing what is objective reality and what fantasy.

Someone subscribing to the noetic theory of realism will cling to knowing what there is in objective reality, and what there isn't; they claim to know the truth, or be close to it.
Realism focuses on what is, and goes from there.

Someone subscribing to the noetic theory of constructivism does not make statements about what is reality and what is fiction (ie. that which is not reality); they abstain from making such statements. Instead, they focus on courses of action that provide advantage in orientation in the environment.
Constructivism focuses on what works, and goes from there.
water said:
Crunchy Cat,

"A: It's not the action that was a misalignment in the article. That was pure
truth. The woman was tortured and killed. It was the reason for taking the
action which was misaligned (it was fantasy in this case)."

This is an extreme case. Still, how can you declare it fatasy? If it worked out fine, would you still insist it was fantasy?

It becomes fantasy as the reasons for performing the act are based on a set
of beliefs not supported and contradicted by reality. If the woman didn't die
or the religious representatives weren't charged with a crime, the action
would still be a result of fantasy.

water said:
And as for your metaphor with the dartboard and the bullseye as the truth. To make any statements in regards to what is closer to the bullseye and what further, you are implying you know where exactly the bullseye is -- in other words, you are implying to know objective reality and have an objective scope of it.

I am stating the bullseye exists and assertions based on evidence will get
much closer to the bullseye.

water said:
Instead of saying that what those people did to that woman was based on reasons that were fantasy, misaligned to reality, I say they took a disadvantageous course of action and I refrain from speaking of knowing what is objective reality and what fantasy.

Why not both? The reasons for the people's actions were based on fantasy AND that course of action was disadvantagous.

water said:
Someone subscribing to the noetic theory of realism will cling to knowing what there is in objective reality, and what there isn't; they claim to know the truth, or be close to it.
Realism focuses on what is, and goes from there.

Someone subscribing to the noetic theory of constructivism does not make statements about what is reality and what is fiction (ie. that which is not reality); they abstain from making such statements. Instead, they focus on courses of action that provide advantage in orientation in the environment.
Constructivism focuses on what works, and goes from there.

Nine pages, and so far no explanation or proof of demons. :(

Well leave it up to a brain researcher such as I to explain demons to you all. It's basically a brain disorder, most commonly known as schizophrenia.


The Living Brain: Differences, Disorders, Distinctions

Schizophrenia throughout the history - The prehistoric times

When the mind finally became self aware, the illusions left from evolution were the demons in the head. In the breakdown of the bicameral mind, remnants of the bicameral mind still remain till this day. That's why such things as beliefs in god, demons, devils, etc. still exist today.

Julian Jaynes summary of evidence

So you see folkes, demons, devils, gods, it's just all in your freaking heads. :eek:

I hate to remind you of bad news but from researching this interesting topic, it seems in this test of us humans the scales have been tipped in favor of the testers; so much so our human life span has been drastically altered from Adam to 1000 years to now approximately 70 to 80 years life span. The BET’s are the ones that have fallen astronomically far and in their arrogance and shame they hide their faces but reveal their intentions.

Don’t forget our Creator’s covenant with all descendants from Noah:

Genesis 9:6 Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man.
'demons' were originally 'daemons' eart spritis which got ...yip DEMONized be...guess who? yip, te Cristian church

obviously when you suppress a vast part of yourself it can get distorted.

would you agree?

so. likewise for tiw vastness both theists and atheists have pushed away. it now is feared as...deeeeeeMONSSSS *cue bloodgurglingscream

i bet you though. i could take any one of you disbelievers in 'demons' here, arrange you a Trip. give you te set and setting of talk all about demons, and a dark dark place and erries music, and i guaranteee you will shit yourself!
FieryIce said:
I hate to remind you of bad news but from researching this interesting topic, it seems in this test of us humans the scales have been tipped in favor of the testers; so much so our human life span has been drastically altered from Adam to 1000 years to now approximately 70 to 80 years life span. The BET’s are the ones that have fallen astronomically far and in their arrogance and shame they hide their faces but reveal their intentions.

Don’t forget our Creator’s covenant with all descendants from Noah:

Genesis 9:6 Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man.

The interesting aspect of that covenant with the descendents of Noah is that it includes everybody (human), gentile, Jew etc.

FieryIce “ Originally Posted by FieryIce
I hate to remind you of bad news but from researching this interesting topic, it seems in this test of us humans the scales have been tipped in favor of the testers; so much so our human life span has been drastically altered from Adam to 1000 years to now approximately 70 to 80 years life span. The BET’s are the ones that have fallen astronomically far and in their arrogance and shame they hide their faces but reveal their intentions.

Don’t forget our Creator’s covenant with all descendants from Noah: ”

“ Genesis 9:6 Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man. ”

The interesting aspect of that covenant with the descendents of Noah is that it includes everybody (human), gentile, Jew etc.


Even if the blood is green, blue, yellow, clear, or a gas. ! ! ! :D