What are the DEMONS intentions?

Cottontop3000 said:
Ah but Lori,

It's us bitter, angry, disrespectful, hard-hearted men that make the world go round.

CT3000 :mad:

Yea, I contribute my fair share as well. I think it's more likely that we make the world stop going around...or something like that.
Wow, you have such a verbose way of contributing absolutely nothing to the discussion.

Well in this instance I used my right to freedom of speech to state my thoughts concerning people who honestly believe demons exist. If you were looking for some long debate concerning demons I have no intention of giving one seeings as the subject is so beyond stupid it's hardly worth the kilobytes. I mean c'mon.. demons? Ehehe.

My sole concern here right now is the permanent damage people like you could do to the youngsters of the world.

I might show children your post and say, "Now children, this is what a bitter, hateful, disrespectful, angry and hard-hearted man sounds like.

Perhaps, but that doesn't change anything in this thread. Demons? Ehehehe.

Make notes because one day these men will be extinct.

Yeah, when god destroys the planet right? Might aswell inform them they'll be extinct aswell.

What can we all learn from him?

That there ain't no such thing as demons, leprechauns, mermaids, flying bananas, the tooth fairy or santa claus.

Demons.. lol..
Lawdog: To say that religion is an addiction is to echo Marx, the founder of Communism: "Religion is the Opiate of The People".

Surely you do not agree with the restrictions the communists have placed on human life and freedom in the 20th century? (Includes freedom of Press, Religion, Political Persuasion, Right to Life, etc.)
M*W: Religious addictions and 20th century communist societies are not the same creatures. Further, you have misinterpreted what I said as I do not support either of them. However, Marx was born a Jew but later converted to Lutheran Christianity -- not for spiritual enlightenment but to ensure his position as a lawyer could flourish in anti-Jewish Germany. He was no fool.
Is there any evidence that demons exist? I am asking because none has been presented. Similarly, I am confused as to the criteria that defines what a demon is. If someone could lay out (in bullet point format) exact physical
and behavioral measurements of a demon then that would help (please avoid subjectivity).

Crunchy Cat,

None at all, except what some people WANT to believe. No physical evidence whatsoever. I've looked. But of course you probably already knew that, didn't you?

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The greatest trick that the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that he doesn't exist.
water said:
The greatest trick that the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that he doesn't exist.

Looks like 'God' is playing the same 'trick'. I like this sentence better:

The greatest failure of humans is accepting assertions as true without considering supportive / contradictory evidence.
Crunchy Cat said:
Looks like 'God' is playing the same 'trick'. I like this sentence better:

The greatest failure of humans is accepting assertions as true without considering supportive / contradictory evidence.

In that case, nothing is ever true.
water said:
In that case, nothing is ever true.

Consider the assertion: "Crunchy Cat just typed something on a computer".
Is there evidence to support it and evidence to contradict it?

I just want to hear you say it. I'm still trying to figure you out, which I must say, is quite difficult. You seem to waffle a little hear and there. :) Are you just playing devil's advocate?
water: The greatest trick that the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that he doesn't exist.
M*W: The greatest trick that you ever pulled was convincing sciforuoms that you are intelligent.
Medicine Woman said:
water: The greatest trick that the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that he doesn't exist.
M*W: The greatest trick that you ever pulled was convincing sciforuoms that you are intelligent.

water said:
The greatest trick that the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that he doesn't exist.
So, if I don't believe in the devil, then I have been tricked, and no one wants to be the victim of a trick. So I'm lead to believe in the devil, and therefore God, but since the Devil is tricky, I should follow God.

But, wouldn't God be capable of more trickery? Couldn't you be tricked either way? Both to believe in the Devil, and to not believe in the devil? If both God and the Devil have such power over us, isn't hopeless to try and outsmart them? Wouldn't the devil, for instance, know that you might take a alternative viewpoint? Wouldn't he have anticipated this and planned ahead?
I suppose they want to live in sin, do whatever they desire (even if that involves hurting themselves and others). The devil also tries to make people think they are doomed turning them away from salvation. I think one of the strongest goals is to deceive a chosen one, if they could deseive even one that is actually supposed to be in the Kingdom then...well at least I think that they think that something bad must happen if they succeed. I don't think it is possible, but I don't think the consequences if they succeed will be stigmatical either, it will just be a huge tragedi. God knows beforehand what will happen so how could it be possible?

There are many guests but few are invited.
In that case, nothing is ever true.

Are you looking for truth or are you trying to find out how things work? Big difference.

Science tries to explain how things work in proportion to the observational experiments and evidence provided. A key element to the scientific method is the criteria of falsification. A single observation or experiment (that can be repeated) will falsify any theory, hence the theory is changed or discarded.

Therefore, science does not profess the truth.

However, it can provide the computer you work on and the bandwidth to carry information. Are you looking for truth in that?
Crunchy Cat,

Consider the assertion: "Crunchy Cat just typed something on a computer".
Is there evidence to support it and evidence to contradict it?

Currently, there is neither evidence to support it, neither to contradict it. We could, however, find (" ") both kinds of evidence.

Maybe someone stole your password and wrote that post in your stead? Maybe you were drugged? &tc. &tc.

We could, with the use of the scientific method, dispute even that you were born, mind you.
There were only about 6 people at your birth, right? Well, sorry, to rely on them would be to rely on eyewitnesses, and this is not enough and questionable (as witnesses could be temporarily mentally incapacitated). The forms they filled out could be faked. We cannot prove that you were not brought down by aliens.

Point is, conspiracy theories (of all kinds) are impossible to disprove, but it is not impossible that they are true.
We are thus left with common sense, which, as we know from history (Watergate and such), tends to fool people a lot ...

We don't believe in phenomena, but in the reasons to believe in said phenomena, if those reasons seem believable.

* * *


I just want to hear you say it.

Recognizing demons is a matter of personal competence. You can learn about them all you want (Encyclopeadia Britannica should suffice), but this won't automatically enable you to recognize them.
Fortunately or unfortunately, you just have to have a grip for it.

I'm still trying to figure you out, which I must say, is quite difficult.

Hehe. Am I a challenge to your ballance?
I doesn't matter who I am, for people change. Observe me how I am to you, and decide on that what you will think of me.
In the end, your relationship with me (whatever it is) does not depend on who I am, but on who I am to you and what you feel (whatever it is) for me.

You seem to waffle a little hear and there. Are you just playing devil's advocate?

Not at all. Those with honest discrepancies in their thinking (people who just don't know any better than what they presently do), or the truly innocent ones, are usually the first to be accused of ulterior motives.

It is as if honesty and innocence are the most dangerous things in the world.

* * *

Medicine Woman,

M*W: The greatest trick that you ever pulled was convincing sciforuoms that you are intelligent.

And you fell for it! What does this say about you?!

* * *

Crunchy Cat,

Not at all.
The worse for her is she thinks me a trickster. It only shows that she waits for me to always do the first step, and then she will decide how to treat me. This is how insecure she is.
