What are the DEMONS intentions?

Medicine Woman said:
I've said so very many times on this forum that religion is an addiction.

Well, I think religion can be useful also, just if you don't get addicted. Food is good for us, but if we get addicted, it becomes unhealthy.

When Jesus came the first time, religious people were like this. They try to find energy in the old teachings, but the life has gone from them. They end up doing harm for themselves and others. Condemning homosexual people for example, is just sick. If people really believed in God, they would let him judge, and they would stay out of his way because they would understand that their wisdom is not complete to judge anyone. If Jesus came to earth today, he would teach ordinary people, not religious fanatics, just as he did the first time he was here. Hatred blinds.
craterchains (Norval: Me thinks M*W muddies the waters more. Maybe she ought to read the bible instead of her books that are supposedly about the bible. But then that would be getting too close to the source of truth for her me thinks. Obviously she has "demons" as she is so obsessed about it. ROFLMAO

Come on people, the answers are in the bible. Not in books about the bible. FOCL
M*W: The bible answers no questions. I've read it, and it doesn't address the demons that plague it. Where you are is the entrance to evil. Christianity is evil. You are a demon!
Medicine Woman said:
Cottontop3000: Yorda,

Being openminded is good. A healthy skepticism is good too. I consider myself an Atheist, after having been a die-hard Christian for about 30 years. I wonder sometimes whether a lot of Christians I meet and know though are openminded. In my experience, they are not. They are addicted to their beliefs in a way similar to a drug addict being addicted to his/her drug. They need their beliefs in order to stay happy. Which is okay, but I don't think it's very smart. Some non-believers too are this way, so it goes both ways. For me, though, I'm not overly concerned about my eternal salvation. If God were to tell me in person what I need to do to "save my soul," then I'm sure I would listen. He hasn't yet, though at times I thought he had. Now I just think it was my mind playing tricks on me.

To say that religion is an addiction is to echo Marx, the founder of Communism: "Religion is the Opiate of The People".

Surely you do not agree with the restrictions the communists have placed on human life and freedom in the 20th century? (Includes freedom of Press, Religion, Political Persuasion, Right to Life, etc.)

What you talking bout Willis? You learn something new everyday. I did not know that, seriously. (About Marx's quote)

What I think is that Soviet Communism was flawed, mainly because humans are flawed. I do think Communism in general is flawed because it harkens to the same thing that Christianity does: an idealistic world of make believe and fantasy. But if you must know, I think Communism is just about as good an idea as heaven.

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Cottontop3000: You go girl! But didn't you mean ChristiInsanity? :)
M*W: Yes, my dear, I did mean xianity!
Cottontop3000 said:

What you talking bout Willis? You learn something new everyday. I did not know that, seriously. (About Marx's quote)

What I think is that Soviet Communism was flawed, mainly because humans are flawed. I do think Communism in general is flawed because it harkens to the same thing that Christianity does: an idealistic world of make believe and fantasy. But if you must know, I think Communism is just about as good an idea as heaven.


Christianity does not posit Utopia, like the communists. Learn the teachings of Christ: "I came not to bring peace on Earth, but a sword'

What is meant is the sword of the spirit, which cuts itself off from the flesh. "The flesh wars against the spirit"

Christ also taught: "The poor you will always have with you" This sounds quite contrary to those socialist and communist doctrines which would have us believe that poverty can be ended.
I've probably forgotten more about Christ than you think you know about Him.

Nonetheless, I'm not going to start quoting chapter and verse for the sake of sounding like I know something. But if heaven doesn't sound like a Utopia to me, then I don't know what it is. I wonder how many Christians would tell you that heaven isn't an end-game utopia for the saved only.

Cottontop3000 said:
I've probably forgotten more about Christ than you think you know about Him.

Nonetheless, I'm not going to start quoting chapter and verse for the sake of sounding like I know something. But if heaven doesn't sound like a Utopia to me, then I don't know what it is. I wonder how many Christians would tell you that heaven isn't an end-game utopia for the saved only.


What do you mean? The point is that God's Heaven will not be of this world, not on Earth.

Sorry, I get a little carried away sometimes, as far as trying to make you sound stupid just because I don't agree with you. I do respect your opinions; it's just that I don't agree with them, and I am a bit impatient at times. I hope you will accept my apology.

I think it's just that I have heard all of what you are saying before and have come to the conclusion myself that it is probably wrong. Therefore, I get a little snappish.

I think I'm going to stop writing for the night though. I am having a hard time coming up with anything intelligent to say. Don't worry, I'll be back tomorrow. :D

Keep thinking, CT3000.

P.S. I'm contemplative too, but not very social most of the time.
Well this is a seriously funny thread. I can't work out whether all those people who claim demons exist and that they've seen/had discussions with them are just joking or are mentally ill.

It is absolutely shocking, and disgusting, to think that there are seriously people on the planet in the year 2005 that actually believe all this tripe. It almost makes me embarrased to be a part of mankind.

The worst thing of all is to think that one day you freaks will have children and burden their minds with your insane garbage. It's so repulsive I could literally puke blood.

You're all grown individuals, you can believe in whatever crap you want. But I kindly ask you not to involve children. They are the future, (although according to some of the more fundamental weirdos there wont be much of a future because god will exterminate us all shortly).

Take for example Noah's flood. Real History.

Man that's simply hysterical. While there have been, and still are, floods around the world, the noah story is a vastly inflated retelling of an older story which itself was vastly inflated. If you want to sit there and tell the world there was once a river deluge then fine, but to try and honestly convince people that some dood named noah went around and collected 2 of each animal and put them on a boat yada yada is simple insanity.

All of us, from sane normal people to fundamentalist nutbags know the noah story is complete nonsense. The same goes for the rest of that book many of you hang your entire existence upon. You've been duped by an ancient halfwit shepherd. That's embarrasing.

Then the Apocalypse will come. Tears and gnashing of teeth for you, the joy of Martyrdom for us.

Awww, it's so silly it's almost cute.
fieryice:I repeat
could you produce a demon is so there a man named james randi who will give you one million dollers, if you can, http://skepdic.com/randi.html http://www.randi.org/ it does not matter how many people have written about demons, people have written about little green man, unicorns, fairies, dragons, literally anything you can imagine, that does not mean they exist.
produce one, and that will be a different story, I'm waiting.
yes I'm still waiting.
SnakeLord said:
Well this is a seriously funny thread. I can't work out whether all those people who claim demons exist and that they've seen/had discussions with them are just joking or are mentally ill.

It is absolutely shocking, and disgusting, to think that there are seriously people on the planet in the year 2005 that actually believe all this tripe. It almost makes me embarrased to be a part of mankind.

The worst thing of all is to think that one day you freaks will have children and burden their minds with your insane garbage. It's so repulsive I could literally puke blood.

You're all grown individuals, you can believe in whatever crap you want. But I kindly ask you not to involve children. They are the future, (although according to some of the more fundamental weirdos there wont be much of a future because god will exterminate us all shortly).

Man that's simply hysterical. While there have been, and still are, floods around the world, the noah story is a vastly inflated retelling of an older story which itself was vastly inflated. If you want to sit there and tell the world there was once a river deluge then fine, but to try and honestly convince people that some dood named noah went around and collected 2 of each animal and put them on a boat yada yada is simple insanity.

All of us, from sane normal people to fundamentalist nutbags know the noah story is complete nonsense. The same goes for the rest of that book many of you hang your entire existence upon. You've been duped by an ancient halfwit shepherd. That's embarrasing.

Awww, it's so silly it's almost cute.

Wow, you have such a verbose way of contributing absolutely nothing to the discussion.

I might show children your post and say, "Now children, this is what a bitter, hateful, disrespectful, angry and hard-hearted man sounds like. Make notes because one day these men will be extinct. What can we all learn from him?"
You may want to change that from a hard hearted man, to DEMON!
Or in other words, "If it sounds like a ,,,". :D

Mis t
Look in a mirror, listen to yourself, read your own words. :eek:

With these words I leave scifoolems behind. bye. :cool:
mis-t-highs said:
but he's right Lori, thats what they can learn, are you going to tell them that too.

Unlike most, I would let them make up their own minds. After all, it's not rocket science.
Ah but Lori,

It's us bitter, angry, disrespectful, hard-hearted men that make the world go round.

CT3000 :mad: