The Truth About Islam

Vienna said:
Hey Greb,

For someone who says he isn't muslim your sure defend islam like one.

You are just a liar.

no, it's just that i have a brain and intelligence. ungrateful people like you need teaching and help.

crazymikey said:
Interestingly, you did not discuss the Hadith. Sorry I am not convinced.

edit: read below

crazymikey said:
Also, the reason, I have not quoted the surroundings passages, is because I don't have the Quran at my finger tips :)

that pretty much ends the discussion, doesn't it? if you could google a site for anti-islam stuff, i'm sure you can google a site for the english quran and look at the verses before and after that. you claim that you know the truth about islam, when you yourself are unaware of what it truly contains. i don't even need to bother replying to your earlier post. you just shown me you're here to make your ignorance run wild. good day to you.
Anti Islam stuff? I'm sorry, but I've quoted actual passages from the Quran, the same you've quoted actually. The passages before or after, have not much of a difference, as you have shown for me.

As you are not capable of being sensible about this, or addressing my points, I guess you could call it a day. However, that does not mean, the discussion has ended, and I'm sure someone can represent Islam better than it has been represented thus far, by PM, Flores, and you.
Eng Grez said:
no, it's just that i have a brain and intelligence. ungrateful people like you need teaching and help.
I have a brain and intelligence. and I'm not ungrateful. I have this image of you as someone afraid to admit he/she is muslim admist all this "Truth of Islam" because you cannot argueably disprove this "Truth". You are pathetic. If you are going to challenge the "Truth" don't just dance around like a fairy, challenge it.

Tell me why I am ungrateful, and for what??
crazymikey said:
Actually, no. I do not believe just like you at all. You said, your belief of equality is only possible, with a CREATOR. I said, equality is possible, because we are all manifestations of the universe. The difference is, the key word, CREATOR. It makes all the difference between our statements.

No it doesn't. The differences you see stems from your prejudices againest me. You suffer from a prejudice complex and you'll never see this world properly unless you work past your own issues.

Listen to me punk....You don't exist in this world to criticize others or compete againest others...You exist here to merely criticize and compete againest yourself. Any other efforts on your part is farts blowing in the wind.

crazymikey said:
Seeing as this is a completely unprovoked attack, it proves you are what you just accused me of. Psyhologicial projection, it is called.

No, again you have it wrong....You are an arrogant blind SOB riding on a high horse. It's easier to debate with you after life have slapped you a couple of times on your face...believe me, you'll be in a much better shape to understand your own stupidity when you're weak and down. Islam teaches me this, God is my example....If the all powerfull god doesn't interfere with you now, because you're impossible to deal with, do you think I will..... but guess what, when you die, you'll be in a much better condition to not only listen, but to accept whatever god decides for you..... Do you get my drift now, psycho.....

crazymikey said:
That is interesting. As the Hadith contains within it, actions and thoughts of your Prophet, and is synonymous with Islam, it is also consistent, with Islamic history of blood-shed and conversion, and consistent with the preachings of the Quran. So, it seems not believing in it, is your own conveniance.

Hadith is shit....And yes, I believe to my own there any other way to believe? Should I believe to other convineances to make you happy.

crazymikey said:
That is your opinion, and it a good one, yet it is rubbish, if you are suggesting it is a fact. Quran makes a visible difference between "followers of Islam" and the non believers of Islam. As for Hindu being followers of Islam? If that was so, why were they forced to convert to Islam?

So, good opinions are now rubbish? Quran makes no difference between anyone. You misunderstood this message to humanity, and your likes with their backward mentailities are the ones alienating the so called muslims and allowing them to manipulate the intent of the Quran by viewing it exclusively.....and you call yourselves terrorism experts??? You are idiots that are experts in misunderstanding and alienating others...that's what you are.

Here's some verses from the Quran that you missed.
[2.62] Surely those who believe, and those who are Jews, and the Christians, and the Sabians, whoever believes in Allah and the Last day and does good, they shall have their reward from their Lord, and there is no fear for them, nor shall they grieve.
[2.111] And they say: None shall enter the garden (or paradise) except he who is a Jew or a Christian. These are their vain desires. Say: Bring your proof if you are truthful.
[2.113] And the Jews say: The Christians do not follow anything (good) and the Christians say: The Jews do not follow anything (good) while they recite the (same) Book. Even thus say those who have no knowledge, like to what they say; so Allah shall judge between them on the day of resurrection in what they differ.
[2.120] And the Jews will not be pleased with you, nor the Christians until you follow their religion. Say: Surely Allah's guidance, that is the (true) guidance. And if you follow their desires after the knowledge that has come to you, you shall have no guardian from Allah, nor any helper.
[2.135] And they say: Be Jews or Christians, you will be on the right course. Say: Nay! (we follow) the religion of Ibrahim, the Hanif, and he was not one of the polytheists.
[2.140] Nay! do you say that Ibrahim and Ismail and Yaqoub and the tribes were Jews or Christians? Say: Are you better knowing or Allah? And who is more unjust than he who conceals a testimony that he has from Allah? And Allah is not at all heedless of what you do.
The Family of Imran
[3.67] Ibrahim was not a Jew nor a Christian but he was (an) upright (man), and he was not one of the polytheists.

So, do you see now that the Quran is a universal message. It's not a message for the jews, the christians, or the muslims. Mere believe in god, the last day, and doing good is enough for god, but obviously you seem to demand more than god to satisfy your prejudices and definitions.
You must think that you are "Are you better knowing or Allah? And who is more unjust than he who conceals a testimony that he has from Allah? And Allah is not at all heedless of what you do."[2.140]

Who the hell are you to label me, to tell me that I believe to my convineance, to question my faith, or to tell me that without Hadith, I don't belive...Did your hypocracy level reach a climax to the point that you and ATHEIST will start defining and stipulating to what I believe in? Don't you see the steam of arrogance and ignorance out of your ears, mouth, and ass?

Question your own.

crazymikey said:
Is that why, if I convert to Islam, I become muslim? You are making your own meanings of your religion. Clearly you don't like it's original meaning.

You don't have to convert to anything you dweep. Religion is no new underwear to change everytime you piss on yourself. Who you are is what you are, the conversion of this world will not change the fact that you are an arrogant SOB. If you pray five times a day, grow a beard, and yell Allaho Akbar, you'll still be the same dweep you are now....Proof me different.
Hey deep shit, when you try to recycle my insults, do it properly, Now, I have to go into detail in showing the utter misuse of perfectly good insults. Next time, handle insults with care, and don't try to make environmental jokes, they're my speciality. Learn to protect the integrity of insults, so we can recycle them in the future...The key is to stay witty and catchy, you on the other hand give me the mental image of a white dead corpse spitting insects and worms every time you insult..No wonder, that your likes have inspired gothic myth.

Vienna said:
You aren't even worth the appalling squandering of oxygen and water required to keep you from being maggot meat,

My dear, learn about the water cycle? Take some waste water treatment courses? Learn about the Ozone...O3. Nothing is squandered, We are all recycling....Only me seem to be doing it more efficiently than you. Islam dictates that I be buried straight in the ground wrapped in biodegradable fiber. I'll turn into a tree in no time, and I'll be pleasured in serving other life.... You on the other hand will be slowly consumed by maggots inside of a satin decorated steel box, allowed to rott and decay in a concentrated environment with no exfiltration or infiltration...The box will buckle and your concentrated vile pollution will seep into our groundwater and poison our animals including the maggots. You see, your britich ass will not be previledged enough to become maggot meat, you're ass is only worth becoming a superfund site.
Flores, ad-hominems, are the last resort to settle an argument, and you're already exercised it. Very desperate, and it shows, that you have no points to make, and you cannot match wits with me. Which is no surprise really, you are quite sentimental, and dim, and have an obvious difficulty in grasping basic grammer, and spelling, and you also have a general paucity of comprehension of the English language. This is not an insult, I am merely telling you, how you come across to me.

Flores said:
No it doesn't. The differences you see stems from your prejudices againest me. You suffer from a prejudice complex and you'll never see this world properly unless you work past your own issues.

Prejudice against you? I'm afraid this IS actually your complex, and it's paranoia. You see, all you had to see, was an unfavourable analysis of mine about your religion, and instead of engaging me in discussion, you took it personal and readied yourself for combat. In fact, isn't intolerance, and aggession some of those facets of your religion, I discussed in my analysis. You only further reinforce my interpretations.

You said my belief is the same as yours? You believe were all equal, because we've been created by the one CREATOR, and I said, were all equal, because were manifestations of the same universe.

Your belief is in a supernatural and sentient entity, also known as God, and you say he created the universe. While I do not believe in a creator. I know a universe, in which we all exist, and thus are equal with every manifestation, for which a creator is not needed. You said, you can ONLY believe in equality because of a creator. While I don't need him for the same system of equality, and thus neither do you, which falsifies your original statement.

So we have different perspectives. Not the same. Likewise, if you ate non vegeterian, and I ate vegeterian, we ate different things, even though the process of "eating" is the same.

Listen to me punk....You don't exist in this world to criticize others or compete againest others...You exist here to merely criticize and compete againest yourself. Any other efforts on your part is farts blowing in the wind.

Are you going to tell me, why I exist in this world? I've been trying to find the answer to this question for years now. I should have just asked you right away, and it would have saved me the time and grief ;)

No, again you have it wrong....You are an arrogant blind SOB riding on a high horse. It's easier to debate with you after life have slapped you a couple of times on your face...believe me, you'll be in a much better shape to understand your own stupidity when you're weak and down. Islam teaches me this, God is my example....If the all powerfull god doesn't interfere with you now, because you're impossible to deal with, do you think I will..... but guess what, when you die, you'll be in a much better condition to not only listen, but to accept whatever god decides for you..... Do you get my drift now, psycho.....

I am the arrogant SOB, weak, stupid, psycho, and everything else you called me - yet you're the one whose attacking me, flaming me, for literally, no reason? Psyhological projection again. It's interesting how you call me weak, when I actually don't need some superficial being to live my life ;)

Hadith is shit....And yes, I believe to my own there any other way to believe? Should I believe to other convineances to make you happy.

Well flores, everyone has their own system of belief, and so do you, thus how can you say you practice Islam, when you selectively pick and choose, what you want from it, and derive your own meanings from it's objective truth - You can do the same by watching a movie for $4, I recommend, Border.

So, good opinions are now rubbish? Quran makes no difference between anyone. You misunderstood this message to humanity, and your likes with their backward mentailities are the ones alienating the so called muslims and allowing them to manipulate the intent of the Quran by viewing it exclusively.....and you call yourselves terrorism experts??? You are idiots that are experts in misunderstanding and alienating others...that's what you are.

When did I call myself a terrorism expert? Now, now flores, I can feel, the hate and angst that is brewing inside you. I understand, how you must feel, when Islam is associated exclusively with terrorism, but you are also guilty of generalizing, by accusing us "westerners" of associating Islam with terrorism.

Here's some verses from the Quran that you missed.
[2.62] Surely those who believe, and those who are Jews, and the Christians, and the Sabians, whoever believes in Allah and the Last day and does good, they shall have their reward from their Lord, and there is no fear for them, nor shall they grieve.
[2.111] And they say: None shall enter the garden (or paradise) except he who is a Jew or a Christian. These are their vain desires. Say: Bring your proof if you are truthful.
[2.113] And the Jews say: The Christians do not follow anything (good) and the Christians say: The Jews do not follow anything (good) while they recite the (same) Book. Even thus say those who have no knowledge, like to what they say; so Allah shall judge between them on the day of resurrection in what they differ.
[2.120] And the Jews will not be pleased with you, nor the Christians until you follow their religion. Say: Surely Allah's guidance, that is the (true) guidance. And if you follow their desires after the knowledge that has come to you, you shall have no guardian from Allah, nor any helper.
[2.135] And they say: Be Jews or Christians, you will be on the right course. Say: Nay! (we follow) the religion of Ibrahim, the Hanif, and he was not one of the polytheists.
[2.140] Nay! do you say that Ibrahim and Ismail and Yaqoub and the tribes were Jews or Christians? Say: Are you better knowing or Allah? And who is more unjust than he who conceals a testimony that he has from Allah? And Allah is not at all heedless of what you do.
The Family of Imran
[3.67] Ibrahim was not a Jew nor a Christian but he was (an) upright (man), and he was not one of the polytheists.

Sheesh, and I was accused of taking things out of context. As I said in the opening of this topic, the passages in Quaran are inconsistent, where it says "Love one another" there is also the "Kill the infidels" it's quite a muddle.

So, do you see now that the Quran is a universal message. It's not a message for the jews, the christians, or the muslims. Mere believe in god, the last day, and doing good is enough for god, but obviously you seem to demand more than god to satisfy your prejudices and definitions.
You must think that you are "Are you better knowing or Allah? And who is more unjust than he who conceals a testimony that he has from Allah? And Allah is not at all heedless of what you do."[2.140]

If Quran is a universal religion, then why the conversions - or is that a technique of spreading it universally. It's like saying, Christianity is for all, but the catch is, you have to be christian. Hehe.

Who the hell are you to label me, to tell me that I believe to my convineance, to question my faith, or to tell me that without Hadith, I don't belive...Did your hypocracy level reach a climax to the point that you and ATHEIST will start defining and stipulating to what I believe in? Don't you see the steam of arrogance and ignorance out of your ears, mouth, and ass?

Question your own.

You don't have to convert to anything you dweep. Religion is no new underwear to change everytime you piss on yourself. Who you are is what you are, the conversion of this world will not change the fact that you are an arrogant SOB. If you pray five times a day, grow a beard, and yell Allaho Akbar, you'll still be the same dweep you are now....Proof me different.

Question my own, what - faith? I thought you knew, that Atheism, is not a faith. I do not really need to question my conviction, that God does not exist, as I have no reason to believe he exists. Nor do you. You just believe blindly.

You don't have to convert to anything you dweep. Religion is no new underwear to change everytime you piss on yourself. Who you are is what you are, the conversion of this world will not change the fact that you are an arrogant SOB. If you pray five times a day, grow a beard, and yell Allaho Akbar, you'll still be the same dweep you are now....Proof me different.

You want me to PROVE you different, which technically should be, "wrong" Well as I've already illustrated above:

"I am the arrogant SOB, weak, stupid, psycho, and everything else you called me - yet you're the one whose attacking me, flaming me, for literally, no reason? "

So, I guess you deserve the arrogant SOB title, more than me.

Now, do I think you will be the same dweep?

No, because people change throughout life, as they learn from past mistakes, acquire new knowledge, come to new realizations - so therefore I cannot say, without failing my faculties of reason, that you won't change, and if all goes well, I hope to see a change in you, from next post :)

There - I "proof" you "different"

P.S: Follower of Islam - is a muslim.
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Was Proud Muslim banned? I can't believe he does not contribute here.

So, there seems to be a big difference between Islam and the Koran. The Koran is not Islam. So when anyone uses the Koran to defend Islam, saying that it is a peaceful religion, the Koran does not justify violence, and that the terrorists aren't true muslims, they are wrong. There are situations in the Koran that justify violence, and it is possible for muslims to apply those kind of situations in modern life. I'm not even saying that violence is always bad, but having devine justification for violence seems very dangerous.
Can i ask how you know for a fact he is a Muslim? His hands look white to me, is he a European Muslim?
It always amuses me how the biggest haters of Islam are usually the ones who understand it NOT at all. You all blame Islam for what is wrong in the world and for what is wrong with your own lives. Instead of looking inwards to see what YOU could do to make things better, you point the finger at others and their beliefs. It is so easy to blame others rather then yourself. Vienna complains that Muslims are ruining the UK. What he fails to acknowledge time and time again is how the British Empire ruined so many Muslim countries in the past. How their interference and meddling have led to many Muslims having to flee their homeland and seek shelter in the UK. Everything is blamed on Islam today. They have become the new voodoo dolls for the world to stick pins in.

A few people claiming themselves to be Muslim commit disgusting acts and the whole religion cops the abuse. No one blamed Chrisitanity when McVeigh blew up the Federal building, why is that? Oh yeah that's right, he wasn't a Muslim. After all, Christianity is soooo god damn good and innocent. Forget the fact that Catholics sat back and stayed silent and handed the Jews seeking shelter in the Vatican over to the Nazis. Yeah that's fine, they weren't Muslim. Why is it that a Muslim bombs something and it's called terrorism and a Christian pro-lifer bombs a health clinic and he/she is called a murderer? Oh yeah, the pro-lifer is not a Muslim and therefore automatically not a terrorist.

Today's society is such that we have become Nazis of today and the Muslims the people we want to destroy. Each time I read as people in here bash the Muslim faith in the way that you have, I think back to how Hitler blamed all that was wrong with the world on the Jews and I think back to the atrocities that happened as a result of that hate. The results of hate and religious persecution are always ugly and in the future, those who act as some of you have been doing will be judged in the same manner as we today judge Hitler and the Nazis.
You all blame Islam for what is wrong in the world and for what is wrong with your own lives.

I don't. I am just showing, how primitive Islam is, and how it cannot vouch to be a religon of God. Of course, no religion is a religion of God, they're all man-made inventions, but some are more obvious than others; like Islam.
Flores said:
Please hold your breath at that thought, and when you're about to explode from your own Co2 excess levels, stick a fork in your ass, If it comes out clean, then consider yourself done.

A notable improvement, though miniscule. There is hope, that you will mature later:)

"We aren't here to be integrated, we are here to submit them" Abu Hamza, London.

Let me take you by the hand and lead you through the Streets of Bradford,

And I'll show you Islam, in its perfect light.




The problem is not limited to Islam, Christian fundies are almost as dangerous and twice as insidious. Under Hitler, it was not only Judaism that was attacked in some kind of philisophical manner, it was Jews, who were committing no violence. Hitler could have had valid complaints about the Jews, and it would have been ok if he left it on the level of political discourse. It would not be right to attack muslims for their beliefs, but it is quite alright for Islam itself to come under critisism, and to respond to muslims for their actions. After all, it is real Islamists that are bombing innocent people everywhere. This opens the door for critisism, if not retaliation, and according to their own religion that is acceptable (an eye for an eye). America and it's allies don't want to destroy the muslims, just make them stop their terror and talk about their issues in a mature way. Responding to terror is not terror. Hand in hand with this should be an American administration with more than two brain cells to rub together. Just because something is done under the banner of religion does not make it immune to critisism. You say the critics don't really understand Islam, but there is no specific Islam that can be pinned down, every sect has their own interpretations and defacto understandings above and beyond the propaganda that is written down for western cultures to consume.

Bell, don't blindly make statements like, "you don't understand Islam" I am trying to understand it, and from what I've uncovered, it is, what it's being critizised for. For your benefit, and of others, I have researched further, trying my best to find credible sources, and cross referencing with English Quran translations online, and what I've uncovered will trully seal this case water-tight shut. It will also alarm people, of the immense hatred contained within it, and how Islamists, true Islamists, that propogate its hateful agenda, are only following the written word. In fact, this is only the religion I know of that is spewing so much venom.


As we all know, the founder of Islam, or the " great prophet" as he is lovingly called, Muhammed, had a revelation from God.

How he had it? - well pick one to your liking:

1. Allah came to Mohammed in the form of a man and told him (Sura 53:2-18).
2. The “holy Spirit” came to him (Sura 16:102, 26:192-194).
3. The angels told him (Sura 15:8).
4. The angel Gabriel told him (Sura 2:97). This is the most popular and accepted version.

- What Muhammed described, sounds like a modern-day epileptic seizure. Even today, people have such "revelations" and believe they are prophets. There is no reason, why Muhammed could not have had the same.

When he went forth and announced, he was a/the messenger of God, a great prophet to the general public, he was laughed upon. He in fact called himself greater than Moses, and Jesus - and of course the community ridiculed him.

Muhammed, did not give up, no current religions at the time, were accepting him. So he made his own religion, using Allah, as the monothestic God, a 7th century Moon and war God of Meccan polythestic culture, little is known, that Muhammed actually had kept other deities, namely the wife of Allah, and his three daughters, which were later abrogated out, calling them "satanic verses" that somehow Muhammed was under the influence of Satan when he wrote that(lol)

Muhammed also made other wild claims, that incorporated Jews and Chrsitian figures into the mix, an attempt to appeal to authority, by dropping the names: Moses; Jacob, Abrahham, and concocted vague stories, with them, in discussion with Allah, many which turn the original stories of the bible on their head(the bible came first) Of course, this only further alienated the jews and Chrsitians from Muhammed, much to his disarray, calling him satanic.

Meanwhile, in Muhammed's home town, Mecca, he was facing a struggle with the public, and difficulty in keeping a following, as Allah was known as a moon and war god, whose symbol, is the crescent moon, which Islam has ironically kept. The Meccans outrightly rejected his claims, and religion of Islam. Islam has also kept the holy month of Ramadan, which is a tradiation of the Sabian lunar culture.

Muhammed tried a quick one and added this verse. It was his religion, he often added, or abrogated verses, to justify his actions. Which is evident in this verse, which is quite literally chauvanistic nonsense:

Sura 53:20 - "Have you thought on Al-Lat and Al-Uzza, and on Manat, the third other? Are you to have the sons, and He (Allah) the daughters? This is indeed an unfair distinction."

The Meccans did not buy it. They were immensely irritated with the lies Muhammed was spreading, that they drove him and his loyal followers out out Mecca(Now Saurdi Arabia)

This gave the opportunity to Muhammed, to grow, and incubate his lethal armies by conquering neighbouring kindgdoms and spreading the influence of Islam, Muhammed was able to grow into a formiddable force, that he was able to take revenge on Mecca and destroy all their temples devoted to various deities, religious structutres of the early Meccan culture, only keeping the Kabba, the black stone of Allah in Mecca today.

Thereafter, his predicaments were not over, he was still faced with the obstacle of Jews and Christians, who were exposing him and his lies, and converting a segment of his followers to Christianity and Judaism. Muhammed, eventually, waged war on them too, and other non-muslims, forcing them by the sword, to convert. Muslims will call on the classic kindergarten argument, "They hit us first" who initiated what, is irrevalent, as two wrongs never make a right, however Islam has a history of initiating these religious wars, hence the unprovoked atrocities against Hindus, Sikh's and Buddhists, later.

Naturally, with all this blood shed and forced conversions, there must have been some rebell(as we know from the Hadith, and the silencing of such people) against Muhammed and sympathy in his own followers. Remember the verses we analyzed in the Quran, where I alleged brain washing. This is the construct of Muhammed himself to prevent a potential uprising against him.

He placed himself in the highest position of power, by introducing the following verses - also the most alarming:

Sura 33:36 - "It is not for the true believers - men or women - to order their own affairs if Allah and His apostle decree otherwise. He that disobeys Allah and His apostle strays grievously into error."

Sura 4:114 - "He that disobeys the Apostle after guidance has been revealed to him, and follows a path other than that of the faithful, shall be given what he has chosen. We will burn him in the fire of Hell: an evil end.
The meaning of this is obvious. If you disagree, with Allah or Muhammed, or muslim clerics - you will be punished.

Can you see how terrifying that is? If a muslim cleric, orders, a Jihad against someone, true muslims will follow the order. This is the green light for any violence in the name of Allah.

Muhammed, created a lot of these verses, and abused his powers to justify his actions. Here his is most outrageous:

Then Muhammad abused this power to its fullest extent, when he wanted to wed the beautiful wife of his adopted son. He recieved another revelation, making it god's wish, for Muhammed to wed anyone he wishes. Guess who?

Right after the verse in Sura 33:36: it says,
"You (Muhammad) said to the man (his adopted son) whom Allah and yourself have favored: 'Keep your wife and have fear of Allah.' You sought to hide in your heart what Allah was to reveal. (Muhammad's intention to marry his adopted son's wife.) You were afraid of man, although it would have been more proper to fear Allah. And when Zayd divorced his wife, We gave her to you in marriage, so that it should become legitimate for true believers to wed the wives of their adopted sons if they divorced them. God's will must needs be done. No blame shall be attached to the Prophet for doing what is sanctioned for him by Allah."

This sounds too much like Muhammad wrote a law to make something legal because Muhammad wanted to do it.

Another example of this is in verse

Sura 33:50 - "Prophet, we have made lawful for you the wives to whom you have granted dowries and the slave-girls whom Allah has given you as booty; the daughters of your paternal and maternal uncles and of your paternal and maternal aunts who fled with you; and any believing woman who gives herself to the Prophet and whom the Prophet wishes to take in marriage. This privilege is yours alone, being granted to no other believer. We well know the duties We have imposed on the faithful concerning their wives and slave-girls. We grant you this privilege so that none may blame you. God is ever forgiving and merciful."

Muhammed just fabricated his own set of laws for himself, and said it was Allah's wishes. Whatever he wanted, he would get it. A cunning man, but a deeply sickening one.

This is yet another outrageous verse, when his wife caught him having sex with another woman:

Sura 66:1-6 - "Prophet, why do you prohibit that which Allah has made lawful for you, in seeking to please your wives? Allah is forgiving and merciful. Allah has given you absolution from such oaths. Allah is your Master. He is the Omniscient One, the Wise One. When the Prophet confided a secret to one of his wives; and when she disclosed it and Allah informed him of this, he made known one part of it and said nothing about the other. And when he had acquainted her with it she said: 'Who told you this?' He replied: 'The Wise One, the All-knowing, told me.' If you two turn to Allah in repentance (for your hearts have sinned) you shall be pardoned; but if you conpsire against him, know that Allah is his protector, and Gabriel, and the righteous among the faithful. The angels too are his helpers. It may well be that, if he divource you, his Lord will give him in your place better wives than yourselves, submissive to Allah, obedient, penitent, devout, and given to fasting; both formerly-wedded and virgins."

Not surprisingily, this is Muhammed's idea of heaven:

Sura 76:6 - 76:20 - "Allah will deliver them from the evil of that day, and make their faces shine with joy. He will reward them for their steadfastness with Paradise and robes of silk. reclining there upon soft couches, they shall feel neither the scorching heat nor the biting cold. Trees will spread their shade around them, and fruits will hang in clusters over them. They shall be served on silver dishes, and beakers as large as goblets; silver goblets which they themselves shall measure: and cups brim-full with ginger-flavored water from a fount called Salsabil. They shall be attended by boys graced with eternal youth, who to the beholder's eyes will seem like sprinkled pearls. When you gaze upon that scene, you will behold a kingdom blissful and glorious."

Sura 78:31
As for the righteous, they shall surely triumph. Theirs shall be gardens and vineyards, and high- bosomed virgins for companions: a truly overflowing cup.
Sura 37:40-48
...They will sit with bashful, dark-eyed virgins, as chaste as the sheltered eggs of ostriches.
Sura 44:51-55
...Yes and We shall wed them to dark-eyed houris. (beautiful virgins)
Sura 52:17-20
...They shall recline on couches ranged in rows. To dark-eyed houris (virgins) we shall wed them...
Sura 55:56-57
In them will be bashful virgins neither man nor Jinn will have touched before.Then which of the favours of your Lord will you deny ?"
Sura 55:57-58
Virgins as fair as corals and rubies. Then which of the favours of your Lord will you deny ?"
Sura 56:7-40
...We created the houris (the beautiful women) and made them virgins, loving companions for those on the right hand.. "
Sura 55:70-77
"In each there shall be virgins chaste and fair... Dark eyed virgins sheltered in their tents whom neither man nor Jin will have touched before..

I'm not sure if its just me, but somehow lying around all day, in which modern day terms is called "couch potato" drinking wines, stuffing yourself, and having non stop sex with servant women , does not sound like, something an infinitely superior God wants for us. Sure does sound like the fantasy of a selfish, and good for nothing man, that the muslims call the great prophet - and we call, Homer Simpson :D

Note the mention of pre-pubescent boys, this sounds suspiciously like a lure for his homosexual followers. It is well know, homosexuality was practiced in Muslim countries.

If one reads the Haidth - there Muhammed further expands on sex and heaven, going as far to say, that it is a wild sex-fest, where any man can have sex with a woman of his choosing.

However, if we see it from the reference point of then, fountains, fruit, and gems were in limited supply, thus promising them such "luxuries" in heaven, was quite an incentive, to others to embrace Islam AND embrace loot, murder, killing, conversions.

Can you now see, why Islamic suicide bombers give their lives for their campaign against their enemies? - They, think, they will be awarded immensely in heaven. It's blatent brain washing.

Sura 33:57 - "Those who speak ill of Allah and His apostle shall be cursed by Allah in this life and in the life to come. He has prepared for them a shameful punishment."

This passage I have quoted to conclude this post. While Muhammed has prepared sex orgies, water springs, fruits, pre-pubescent boys for his followers, for his naysayers, he has prepared, shameful punishment and hell.

So there we have it concluded, without a shadow of a doubt. Muhammed was a disgusting, savage, small-time dictator, who fabricated the religion of Islam to make his own life heaven, and others hell, and he has left a vast following of fools that reveer him as the great prophet, that whenever they utter his "glorious" name, have to add Peace be upon him. Well I say - curse be upon him.
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Vienna your posts get more and more crap as the topic continues, what are those pictures supposed to prove? Muslims can be violent and riot? So can everyone, and you didnt provide any proof that the people in any of those pictures are muslim.
Crazymikey, your posts are on topic so im pleased, and im leaving them for someone else to argue if they feel like it, i cant be bothered to argue im too lazy like homer simpson, maybe i should be muslim after all it sounds like a good life for a prophet, allah calls.......
Lemming3k said:
Vienna your posts get more and more crap as the topic continues,
Only to strokey bearded people.

what are those pictures supposed to prove? Muslims can be violent and riot?
Yes, muslims are violent and they do riot.

you didnt provide any proof that the people in any of those pictures are muslim.
And you are from where??,..... England.......And you've never heard of Bradford???

Thats hard to believe, I think you are just acting thick

Crazymikey, your posts are on topic so im pleased, and im leaving them for someone else to argue if they feel like it, i cant be bothered to argue im too lazy like homer simpson, maybe i should be muslim after all it sounds like a good life for a prophet, allah calls.......
Can't be bothered my arse. More like you can't defend your faith gupta.
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Lmao your very ignorant, i am from England, and i do know Bradford, though i actually live in London, which is full of different religions and races, and am not a muslim, i would not be ashamed if i was, i am an athiest, and you didnt prove any of them are muslim, the colour of their skin is not proof alone, nor is the area they live in, you have proved nothing except your own arrogance and ignorance, i cant be bothered to defend a religion that isnt mine anymore simple. If muslims riot, that proves bugger all, christians riot, athiests riot, your religionist/racist whatever you want to call it, and its disgraceful, the real scum of the earth is people like you vienna, not muslims, at least mikey is argueing a point whereas you just post nonsense.
Lemming3k said:
Lmao your very ignorant, i am from England, and i do know Bradford,
Whoooopeeee.... You're razor sharp today buddy boy. Of course I know you are in England, its in your profile. Recognising sarcasm not a strong area of yours is it????.....

though i actually live in London, which is full of different religions and races, and am not a muslim, i would not be ashamed if i was, i am an athiest,
London, Englands capital city and headquarters of Islamic fundamentalists. Wow, London is the place - NOT to live.

What are you then ? An atheist or a budding muslim. I laughed at your post in another thread where you write - "Please Proud Muslim come and join this thread because you know so much about Islam". I'll tell you something about PM, he's a burnt out muslim, a nutter, and talks verbal crap.

and you didnt prove any of them are muslim, the colour of their skin is not proof alone, nor is the area they live in,
Are you as slow as you make out eh??? - since when does Islam determine the colour of the skin thicko.

i cant be bothered to defend a religion that isnt mine anymore simple.
I can't understand why you would want to in the first place unless there's a motive, tell us if there is....

your religionist/racist whatever you want to call it, and its disgraceful, the real scum of the earth is people like you vienna, not muslims
I am verbally discriminate and I admit it, but I am nothing compared to the Islamic bastards who kill indicriminately, and then deny it.
Vienna said:
Yes, muslims are violent and they do riot.
Oh this is rich coming from you Vienna. How many times has the world been witness to the riots and violence caused by English soccer fans? How many times have the english been banned from attending soccer matches in other countries due to their violent ways? It is not only Muslims who are violent and who riot. You left out the English, Irish, German, French, Italian, Spanish, American and so on and so on. Hell, the BNP (you do know the BNP don't you? You have claimed to be a stanch follower in the past) have been involved in more than enough riots and they have been party to many instances of inciting riots and violent behaviour towards non-whites. Violence and behaviours leading to riots is not in the sole domain of Muslims, but basically exists in EVERY SINGLE CULTURE AND PLACE on this planet (with the exception of the North and South Poles of this planet where it's probably too cold to go outside and act like a bunch of wild baboons on speed).

I am verbally discriminate and I admit it, but I am nothing compared to the Islamic bastards who kill indicriminately, and then deny it.
We don't know what kind of person you are. You could be one of the goons how goes around bashing up anyone who doesn't look English enough. Who really knows? Who really cares? It is not only Islamic bastards who kill indiscriminately Vienna. How many innocent men, women and children has the Jewish army killed indiscriminately? How many innocent people have the British, US and Australian army indiscriminately killed in the wars of just the last 2 years? And how many times have they all vehemently denied it regardless of the fact that there were witnesses and at times even the media present to film these atrocities. Do you look at all the English, Americans and Australians and see them as murderers in the same light? I know I don't. You blame the individual who holds the gun, throws the grenade or blows the bomb. You do not blame the whole for the behaviour or actions of one. How would you feel if everywhere you went you were branded a murderer or terrorist for the actions of a few of your fellow countrymen or for the actions of someone who practices the same religion as you? That is exactly what you're doing to Muslims. A few commit the acts and you blame the whole for it. Such closed mindedness only breeds further hate and further violence on both sides.
Flores said:
I agree, your culture is way more superior, perhaps if you wish to consider gymnastic skills. When my great great granddaddy Ramses, and the other Pharoahs were building state of the art agriculture systems, buildings, pyramids, ships, ect.....
unless you are black or coptic, the pharaohnic Egyptians were not your ancestors. Most Egyptians of today trace their ancestors form Arabia & parts thereabouts; as conquerors, they slit the throats of the vanquished

Yours were swinging superiorly from a tree branch.
uh, Jane, wrong continent, try reading real history, not the movies

Why don't you copy cat more numbers that my ancestors have invented for you.
hmmm.... & were do you think the Caliphate got all its great ideas to lead to its 'Golden Age'? Arabs stole & plundered what they could, when they set up their empire, copied everything, Greek, Roman, Persian, Hindi, etc..

Do a better job at it, will you? If my anscestors knew that the west was going to use these numbers to manipulate, steal, conquer, and ruin the environment, build bombs, they would have left you up on the tree where you belonged.
as if muslims could have stopped the West, what arrogance, you are the fathers of the West; to defend against muslims, the West developed superior weapons; then during the Crusades, it gave the West a taste of the exotic; by your art, culture, power, trade; your universities gave Europe a taste of its Greek & Latin past; by Turks taking Constantinople, all those greek artists & intellectuals who fled gave their knowledge to the West; the Turk stranglehold of trade to China & India, gave the Iberians a chance to conquer the New World & all its wealth; then piracy, trade, the race for discoveries & colonies; then the Renaissance, the Enlightenment & the Industrial Revolution, what were you going to stop? muslims were the cause of it, "boing, boing, bam", stop hitting your head against the wall, "boing, boing, bam". So we're ungrateful, what would you do if your 'father' was a civilization that followed the satanic cresent-moon god cult? & always wanted to whip you, kick you, knock you down? you're an 'evil' father