The Truth About Islam

Randolfo said:
and you believe in a fallacy, why do you call yourself "Skywalker"? islam is an earth-bound religion, it is stuck in Mecca, ask yourself, how can the God of the Universe, be in Mecca? isn't that "shirk", by islamic standards, equating a physical place with God? what part of God is arabic? only the ones that come to Christian faith.

BTW, it is Easter and our Lord has risen, and Mohammad is still dead

Read the Bible Skywalker, then you will be heaven-bound

hahah kido you don't even have a god. You are a pagan infact, you believe in trishol...........the god with three heads. ha

why you didn't like my name silly rabbit lol........... I am skywalker and I rule the Galaxies, heh..... Islam is not a earth bound religion.......only Christian Fantasies are earth bound they have no share in Only HELL for you Randolfo. You are not saved and you have been fooled by your homo sexual PAUL, who lied and and lied again about his delussional dreams and made you all fool. No salvation for you kido, you made a deal with Satan, aka PAUL and Company. Hell won't be a nice place kido, I am sorry that it will cause you so much pain. :( I feel sorry for you.

By the way you don't have any proof that your *lord* was raisen from dead. No eye witnesses. lol. Just fairy tales. I think I should read the Bible since I love fairy tales.
skywalker said:
hahah kido you don't even have a god. You are a pagan infact, you believe in trishol...........the god with three heads. ha

why you didn't like my name silly rabbit lol........... I am skywalker and I rule the Galaxies, heh..... Islam is not a earth bound religion.......only Christian Fantasies are earth bound they have no share in Only HELL for you Randolfo. You are not saved and you have been fooled by your homo sexual PAUL, who lied and and lied again about his delussional dreams and made you all fool. No salvation for you kido, you made a deal with Satan, aka PAUL and Company. Hell won't be a nice place kido, I am sorry that it will cause you so much pain. :( I feel sorry for you.

By the way you don't have any proof that your *lord* was raisen from dead. No eye witnesses. lol. Just fairy tales. I think I should read the Bible since I love fairy tales.

Skywalker - If you cannot indulge in intellectual discussion then please fuck off. :)
Why do you people feel the need to submit to anything? Wouldn't you rather feel free? Free of any controlling force? You are the master of your own destiny. Use it wisely.

Right on the button mario, live for you not for anything else, im only here because i thought someone misinterpreted something, dont actually believe any of it.
skywalker said:
hahah kido you don't even have a god. You are a pagan infact, you believe in trishol...........the god with three heads. ha
stop talking about islam like that, you will be killed for exposing its pagan origins

why you didn't like my name silly rabbit lol........... I am skywalker and I rule the Galaxies, heh.....
you sure live in a fantasy world, good for you,

Islam is not a earth bound religion.......
you better look at your own religion, only the crescent-moon symbol of your pagan god, is from the heavens, all your other aspects are earth-bound, look here for proof; sex in heaven, wine in heaven, heaven to bombers, plunder of enemies, 4 wives, etc...

only Christian Fantasies are earth bound they have no share in heavens........
sorry, to disappoint you, but bound has two meanings in english; 1) bound- as with ropes, or 2) bound- as in going somewhere. islam is earth-bound, with ropes, lies in which the truth is veiled from them. Christianity is Heaven-bound, as in going to Heaven, fantasy to you, Truth to people like me

lol Only HELL for you Randolfo. You are not saved and you have been fooled by your homo sexual PAUL, who lied and and lied again about his delussional dreams and made you all fool. No salvation for you kido, you made a deal with Satan, aka PAUL and Company.
you wish it was it true, salvation is found in no one else, "Jesus", Paul said, Peter said, Christians say it still

Hell won't be a nice place kido, I am sorry that it will cause you so much pain. :( I feel sorry for you.
thanks for thinking about me, worry about your own soul, I hope that you become a Christian before you die, be Heaven-bound

By the way you don't have any proof that your *lord* was raisen from dead. No eye witnesses. lol.
actually, all the first converts saw Him, why do you think that Christians survived under 300 years of opprosion from the Roman Empire? Do you think islam could have survived that long? Mohammad barely survived 10 years in Mecca, why do you think he wrote the "satanic verses", then left for Yatrib (Medina)? I don't think they could have, Mohammad's flock even fled to Abyssinia, under the threat of death, Mohammad & his followers ran, thus the Hagira, or "the run for your lives" escape. cowards, why wasn't Mohammad the first martyr? afraid of death maybe? not sure if he would go to heaven? I mean, what did the quran say about jihad, or is that only for the followers?

Just fairy tales. I think I should read the Bible since I love fairy tales.
good, start with the Gospels, and may God bless you
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skywalker said:
ahh look who is talking about intellctual dicussion. lol :D


Just to put you in the picture. If I ever indulge in a muslim vs rest of the world slanging style match with people such as you - then I will be banned from this site. James R wrote a warning PM to me saying if I carry on, then I will be banned. So it seems as though you have a friend in the moderator.

So you can say what you want - I cannot argue with you.

Vienna *Shrugs*
Randolfo said:
you are a child, which your outbursts prove.

Let me ask you 6 simple questions? answer them if you can:

1) why do mosques have cresent-moon symbols on them?
2) where or to who, was that symbol used in pagan Arabia?
3) what was the title of the cresent-moon god worshipped in the Ka'aba before Mohammad?
4) did that cresent-moon god have daughters?
5) did those daugthers have a role in the "satanic verses"?
6) logically, did Mohammad adapt a pagan god & turn him into a monothestic one?

If you can anwser any of those questions truthfully, you will know the "Truth about islam", then you will have at least 4 choices;
1) remain a muslim, following a lie, from the father of lies & knowing it
2) reject all religion
3) convert to some other religion or
4) become a Christian, following the one person that said that He, "was the truth, the way and the life", that nobody came to God without Him.

Hows answering your question prove that Islam is wrong?
How exactly is charistanity the only correct religion?
zack0114 said:
Hows answering your question prove that Islam is wrong?
How exactly is charistanity the only correct religion?
welcome to SciForums Zack0114,

to answer your question, it would prove to the person investigating this, that islam was indeed a pagan religion; using pre-islamic pagan symbols, rituals, main shrine & a converted 'god', (from the high god of a polytheistic arabic heaven, to the monotheistic 'only' god of islam).

also, most muslims don't like to be reminded of what their own hadiths & quran say. or that of archeology
Randolfo said:
welcome to SciForums Zack0114,

to answer your question, it would prove to the person investigating this, that islam was indeed a pagan religion; using pre-islamic pagan symbols, rituals, main shrine & a converted 'god', (from the high god of a polytheistic arabic heaven, to the monotheistic 'only' god of islam).

also, most muslims don't like to be reminded of what their own hadiths & quran say. or that of archeology
Those EXACT same things can be said of Xianity - so what's your point? How can you expect an Islamic person to change their point of view when you can't?
that islam was indeed a pagan religion; using pre-islamic pagan symbols, rituals

So does that mean they celebrate christmas on dec 25th rather than on jesus' birthday?
Dee Cee
Randolfo said:
welcome to SciForums Zack0114,

to answer your question, it would prove to the person investigating this, that islam was indeed a pagan religion; using pre-islamic pagan symbols, rituals, main shrine & a converted 'god', (from the high god of a polytheistic arabic heaven, to the monotheistic 'only' god of islam).

also, most muslims don't like to be reminded of what their own hadiths & quran say. or that of archeology

what do you mean that muslims dont like to reminded about hadiths an of archeology?