The Truth About Islam

DeeCee said:
Ok, post your home address and phone number.
I can be over the Penines and at your front door in forty minutes or if you prefer I can just print out multiple copies of this thread and paste them up on every lampost in Bradford.

If you only speak the truth what have you to fear?
Dee Cee

What do I have to fear?

Now that brings me on to another subject. Salman Rushdie

British muslims pass an Islamic death sentence in Britain on an author of a book, why. Because muslims didn't like it. You see muslims think they can pass the death sentence on anyone and in any country they like, and for what ever reason they think fit - the wankers.

And you have the nerve to ask "what have I to fear?"


I laugh in your face pussy mussy.
crazymikey said:
Can I please remind everyone, this topic is not about what Vienna thinks about Islam, its about The truth about Islam(duh)

Now get back on track.

Aw Mike,

Dont Tell 'em that. I was just getting started :)

Anyway its the same thing
DeeCee said:
So you're afraid of muslims?


How objective does that make you?
Dee Cee
About as objective as Salman Rushdie. He spoke the Truth about Islam and the muslim world issued a death sentence on him.

A good example of absence of tolerance in Islam
Vienna said:

kisses on all your bacon bits from your very own neo nazi, MUHA HA HA HA HA

Bring it on? LMAO! Oh my, you are such the little white rapper aren't you?

And as for kisses on all my bacon bits from my very own neo nazi? If that's what you call foreplay, I pity your wife. You aren't my little anything sweety. All that you are to me is an annoying little racist gnat.

British muslims pass an Islamic death sentence in Britain on an author of a book, why. Because muslims didn't like it. You see muslims think they can pass the death sentence on anyone and in any country they like, and for what ever reason they think fit - the wankers.
And yet that author's still alive is he not? If British Muslims wanted to kill him, then he'd be dead. One Muslim wanted him dead and no one listened and he was not killed. Shows how seriously they took it, doesn't it?

I laugh in your face pussy mussy.
Errrmm no, I think it's he who is laughing at you. Actually, I think it is all of us who are laughing at you.

About as objective as Salman Rushdie. He spoke the Truth about Islam and the muslim world issued a death sentence on him.
Hmmmmm, I'm waiting for the death sentence on you then. :rolleyes: Oh wait, that's right, you aren't speaking the truth about Islam. You're only speaking YOUR OWN truth about what YOU think of Islam. Which in effect means nothing at all to anyone since you are a nobody.
Bells said:
Bring it on? LMAO! Oh my, you are such the little white rapper aren't you?

And as for kisses on all my bacon bits from my very own neo nazi? If that's what you call foreplay, I pity your wife. You aren't my little anything sweety. All that you are to me is an annoying little racist gnat.

And yet that author's still alive is he not? If British Muslims wanted to kill him, then he'd be dead. One Muslim wanted him dead and no one listened and he was not killed. Shows how seriously they took it, doesn't it?

Errrmm no, I think it's he who is laughing at you. Actually, I think it is all of us who are laughing at you.

Hmmmmm, I'm waiting for the death sentence on you then. :rolleyes: Oh wait, that's right, you aren't speaking the truth about Islam. You're only speaking YOUR OWN truth about what YOU think of Islam. Which in effect means nothing at all to anyone since you are a nobody.

LOL!.... Well this nobody has sure wound you up!
Flores said:
This claim is false, the zero was invented by the myans, the chinease, the indians, and the arabs all at the same time arrived at the arabic system.... Why would the numbers be called arabic numbers if they originated in India or China, They should have been called the hindu numbers, but they're not...and how come the Quran, which is a very old manuscript, utilizes the arabic numbers.
I agree and believe that the Arabic made great strides in Mathmatics. But it should also be noted that Greeks wrote about "zero" long before the Arabic were famous for maths. It's just that the greeks didn't trust the concept of "zero" - as if zero was self evidently wrong. Nevertheless, Greek astronomers used zero out of necessity long before Algebra. Anyway, we should appreciate all of them as great thinkers. Maybe one day when medical science eradicates death maybe we can all appreciate these acomplishments as great strides in humanity.

Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea
Greek contributions to science far outshine any others. The tempo of greek science 750- 350 BC was so swift and so powerful that if it had continued to grow Greeks would have reached the moon at about 350 AD. Alas disease, internicine warfare and the onset of chriastinity crystalized progress until the renaisance. It was the brave and courageous thinkers of that renaisance that dared defy relegious dogma and continued where the Greeks had left off more then 2000 years ago.

I may be partialy biased in making these claims since I have a greek heritage but nothing from any other culture has impressed me more than the ancient greek period.

Oh yeah, this zero stuff means nothing to me :)
Greco said:
I may be partialy biased in making these claims since I have a greek heritage but nothing from any other culture has impressed me more than the ancient greek period.

So the ancient Egyptian civilization with pyramids so perfect in Geometry, a miracle in construction, a miracle in geotechnical design, a miracle in astronomy....don't impress you at all??

Ancient Egyptian Civilization are far more older and advanced than the Greeks. Neverthless, the Greeks civilization is awesome, still it's not a western civilization. Egypt and Greece are separated by few miles of mideteranean. Greeks have similar culture to the middle east, eat similar foods, enjoy similar music, similar dance styles, look similar, ect.....The Greeks though, were much more civilized than the stupid Romans. I named my son after Alexander the great...And my favorite philosopher is the greek Socrates.
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Flores said:
So the ancient Egyptian civilization with pyramids so perfect in Geometry, a miracle in construction, a miracle in geotechnical design, a miracle in astronomy....don't impress you at all??

Ancient Egyptian Civilization are far more older and advanced than the Greeks. Neverthless, the Greeks civilization is awesome, still it's not a western civilization. Egypt and Greece are separated by few miles of mideteranean. Greeks have similar culture to the middle east, eat similar foods, enjoy similar music, similar dance styles, look similar, ect.....The Greeks though, were much more civilized than the stupid Romans. I named my son after Alexander the great...And my favorite philosopher is the greek Socrates.

I take back anything bad I've said about you Flores.
Greco said:
Greek contributions to science far outshine any others. The tempo of greek science 750- 350 BC was so swift and so powerful that if it had continued to grow Greeks would have reached the moon at about 350 AD. Alas disease, internicine warfare and the onset of chriastinity crystalized progress until the renaisance. It was the brave and courageous thinkers of that renaisance that dared defy relegious dogma and continued where the Greeks had left off more then 2000 years ago.

I may be partialy biased in making these claims since I have a greek heritage but nothing from any other culture has impressed me more than the ancient greek period.

Oh yeah, this zero stuff means nothing to me :)

Greeks were very advanced, no on can deny that, but you also have to consider, that the Indians, Greeks, and Chinese, were very interconnected, and many of the fundamental principles of atoms, chemistry, trignometry, and algebra, were discovered in India and China, by trade, and conquest, technology was transferred. So as with the arabs, the Greeks may have learned their technology from India/China, India is well known to be a intellectual superpower of that age, and harbored the first university, where international students, from Greece, China, Arabia, went and studied.

See, using your logic, which is fine, you can say Greeks would have had space-travel almost a thousand years earlier. We could say, India, could have have space travel another thousand years, earlier to that. In fact, if the emergence of homosapians is much before than we believe today, but new evidence is emerging all the time that challenges that notion, the possibility for an advanced technical civilization, beyond our level of technology exists. Now if you consider the Indian claims of man being 1.27 million years old, and considering it has taken us 10,000 years, to go from stone age to modern age, if man emerged much sooner, so many advanced technical civilizations could have existed.
crazymikey said:
Greeks were very advanced, no on can deny that, but you also have to consider, that the Indians, Greeks, and Chinese, were very interconnected, and many of the fundamental principles of atoms, chemistry, trignometry, and algebra, were discovered in India and China, by trade, and conquest, technology was transferred. So as with the arabs, the Greeks may have learned their technology from India/China, India is well known to be a intellectual superpower of that age, and harbored the first university, where international students, from Greece, China, Arabia, went and studied.

See, using your logic, which is fine, you can say Greeks would have had space-travel almost a thousand years earlier. We could say, India, could have have space travel another thousand years, earlier to that. In fact, if the emergence of homosapians is much before than we believe today, but new evidence is emerging all the time that challenges that notion, the possibility for an advanced technical civilization, beyond our level of technology exists. Now if you consider the Indian claims of man being 1.27 million years old, and considering it has taken us 10,000 years, to go from stone age to modern age, if man emerged much sooner, so many advanced technical civilizations could have existed.

Any possible advanced ancient civilization belongs in another thread, possibly in the pseudo-science section. Remember what Carl Sagan said "extra-ordinary claims require extra-ordinary proof". I'm afraid the vast majority of anthropologists will disagree with you.
crazymikey said:
Can I please remind everyone, this topic is not about what Vienna thinks about Islam, its about The truth about Islam(duh)

Now get back on track.
Good point, lets start with a little logic:

Ad hominem
Appeal to ignorance
Begging the question
False dichotomy
Wishful thinking 110/samplePagewishful.htm

Logic, can it get to the bottom of "The truth about islam",

is it a peaceful religion?
is it a tolerant religion?
are there forceful conversions?
is it an honest religion?
what is the place of women?
are slaves allowed?
was Mohammad of the black or white race?
what are the fruits of islam?
does islam follow the God of Abraham?
did the quran change in anyway since its inception?
did islam change in anyway, since its founding?
was Mohammad tricked by satan?
is arabic the language of God?
is the quran "perfect"?
are there many versions of the quran?
is islam the final revelation, or will there be others?
how do we know Mohammad was the "seal of the prophets"?
why don't the quran and the Bible agree with each other?
were the early muslims somewhat "jewish" or "christian"?
is islam a truthful religion?
what is truth?

Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life", follow Jesus

Interesting sites::
Has islam changed from its beginnings? All muslims who can read arabic & who have traveled to the Dome of the Rock &/or those that see pictures of its inscriptions would be able to see if this is true, that early islam was “pseudo-jewish” :
Clear proof that Qur’anic texts have evolved can be seen from the fact that the first Qur’anic (more accurately, pre-Qur’anic) quotations known are found on coins and inscriptions dating toward the end of the seventh century. Many of these differ from the canonical text. Substantial differences from the canonical text are also found in the ornamental inscriptions decorating the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, executed during the reign of Abd al-Malik in the seventy-second year of the Islamic era [691-692 CE]. Finally, some scholars have concluded that much of the Qur’an actually predates Mohammed, being liturgical material that was used by monotheistic Arabs, perhaps Judaeo-Christians or the mysterious Hanifs to whom Mohammed joined himself early in his career.

And has the quran changed since it was first uttered? Here is an interesting quote from the previous site:
Just in the nick of time, Mohammed received a revelation that helpfully clarified the theopolitical questions at issue for the Meccan guardians of the gods in the Ka‘aba. When Mohammed had reported that Allah was the only god in town, it turned out that he hadn't received the entire satellite transmission. Perhaps Gabriel had mumbled and Mohammed missed part of the message. Wouldn't you know? The three favorite goddesses of Mecca - al-Lat, al-Uzzah, and al-Manat - were also real! This saved Mohammed's neck and all body parts attached thereto, and the exiles were able to return from Ethiopia. Later, when it was safe to do so, this all-important revelation was expunged from the Qur’an and it was explained that the revelation had come from Shaitan (Satan), not Allah. Thus began the legend of the "Satanic Verses," which more than a thousand years later was to prompt the Ayatollah Khomeini to issue a fatwa of death against the novelist Salman Rushdie.

To draw attention to the Satanic Verses is to galvanize a still-raw nerve in the body politic of Islam.

To draw attention to the Satanic Verses is to galvanize a still-raw nerve in the body politic of Islam. The Satanic Verses are an acute embarrassment to Mohammedan authorities because they imply that it was Satan, not Allah, who had saved their prophet's life. If Allah was the only god, and if he had previously selected Mohammed to be his last and greatest mouthpiece on this planet, why didn't he save his own appointed prophet? Why would the god of evil want to save his enemy's ambassador? Might not there be more Satanic Verses in the Qur’an — verses that have never been recognized as the handiwork of the prince of devils? Who knows what evils yet may lurk in the Book of Books?
Greco said:
Any possible advanced ancient civilization belongs in another thread, possibly in the pseudo-science section. Remember what Carl Sagan said "extra-ordinary claims require extra-ordinary proof". I'm afraid the vast majority of anthropologists will disagree with you.

You've said it yourself, had circumstances allowed it, the Greeks would have had space-flight a thousand years earlier. Therefore, if man appeared earlier than we believe and could pursue a scientific path without obstructions, then possibility of an early space-age civilization, exists. And yes, this topic should be discussed in "psuedo science" thread. I was only making a passing-remark.
Two christian terrorists talking about islam the religion they have learned from internet ................ :eek: ha


Viena muslims are coming to get you. :D
567 said:
Two christian terrorists talking about islam the religion they have learned from internet ................
Not true my child. I have learned through experience. I have seen the riots, I have experienced islam discrimination and hatred personally. The area I live is highly populated with muslims (nothing new here, all British cities are). The drug runners are all pakistani muslim, and the crime rate is high due to this.

I could go on but I believe you are not interested.
Vienna said:
Not true my child. I have learned through experience. I have seen the riots, I have experienced islam discrimination and hatred personally. The area I live is highly populated with muslims (nothing new here, all British cities are). The drug runners are all pakistani muslim, and the crime rate is high due to this.

I could go on but I believe you are not interested.

I be careless, drugs crime and all the bull fucking shit is every where and with every religion you are race is not perfect either, dont tell me that christian dont commit any crimes it will be reatarded if you will say it all religions and all the people do horrible things, I am sorry if a white christian birtish have never comitted any crimes, and never sell the drugs and never discriminate any muslim or any other minority....... funny that all you rant above perfectly fits on you as well. :rolleyes: