The Truth About Islam

Bells said:
How many times have the english been banned from attending soccer matches in other countries due to their violent ways?
Sweet Islamic logic and justice eh?
Turkish fans stabbed and KILLED two Leeds United supporters. English fans have killed - no-one.

It is not only Muslims who are violent and who riot. You left out the English, Irish, German, French, Italian, Spanish, American and so on and so on.
Why are you comparing violent muslims to countries??? Strange woman.

I can't think of any other religion which riots like muslims in a western country, can you?

Hell, the BNP you do know the BNP don't you? You have claimed to be a stanch follower in the past.

Nope, I've never claimed to be a stanch follower, so don't accuse people of things you know nothing about. Having said that, due to recent terrorism and soaring asylum and illegal immigrant figures, I will be voting for them at the next election. A big percentage of ethnic white Brits will be voting for them too. Blairs days are numbered.

the BNP have been involved in more than enough riots and they have been party to many instances of inciting riots and violent behaviour towards non-whites.
Oh really,is that so?
Please show examples, this is soooo interesting..Thicko

the North and South Poles of this planet where it's probably too cold to go outside and act like a bunch of wild baboons on speed
So thats why we don't find muslims at the poles.

It is not only Islamic bastards who kill indiscriminately Vienna. How many innocent men, women and children has the Jewish army killed indiscriminately? How many innocent people have the British, US and Australian army indiscriminately killed in the wars of just the last 2 years?
Now you are comparing backward terrorists to modern military.
Yep, this is a typical, our backs are against the wall islamic arguement.

How would you feel if everywhere you went you were branded a murderer or terrorist for the actions of a few of your fellow countrymen or for the actions of someone who practices the same religion as you?
And that is exactly how Islam see the westerner, this is the muslims view, we are the unbelievers the infidels, the westerners are murderers. How many muslims around the world cheered at 9/11 and other Islamic horrors. Bells you are either blind or too ashamed to admit the the truth that Islam is after world domination, in the same fashion as German Nazi fanatism but without the military hardware (So far)

Such closed mindedness only breeds further hate and further violence on both sides.
closed mindedness? - open mindedness? - What difference does it make?
The Islamic bastards will strike again and keep on striking, just keep watching the news Bells.
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Vienna said:
Sweet Islamic logic and justice eh?
Turkish fans stabbed and KILLED two Leeds United supporters. English fans have killed - no-one.

Why are you comparing violent muslims to countries??? Strange woman.

I can't think of any other religion which riots like muslims in a western country, can you?
Hello Vienna, I thought this might be of some interest to you.
No event illustrates the social phenomenon of "soccer hooliganism" more dramatically than the deaths of 39 Italian spectators at the European Cup Final between the Liverpool Football Club and the Italian team Juventus, played at Heysel Stadium in Brussels, Belgium on 29 May 1985 at the hands of soccer hooligans from Liverpool, England (Kerr, 1994).

After viewing film of the incident, Belgium authorities identified groups of Liverpool fans as those who instigated vicious attacks against the Italian fans, which in turn led to a stampede of people attempting to escape the violence. The Liverpool soccer hooligans were the ones wearing ski masks and carrying various weapons including, pick axe handles and clubs (The Times, 30 May 1985). The brutality of the event was further heightened by eyewitness accounts claiming the Liverpool soccer hooligans were urinating on the corpses and jumping around in celebration (Canter, 1989). In time, the main offenders were brought to trial and sentenced in a Belgium court.
Yes, urinating on corpses is so charming now isn't it? Very civilised don't you think? The actions of the Liverpool fans led to the death of 38 people. Lets not forget that the Bradford City Football Club fire which killed many other people was caused by English fans throwing molotov cocktails. And you were saying that English fans have killed no one?

As for religions who riot? I can think of many. Hindus, Catholics, Protestants to name but three.

Nope, I've never claimed to be a stanch follower, so don't accuse people of things you know nothing about. Having said that, due to recent terrorism and soaring asylum and illegal immigrant figures, I will be voting for them at the next election. A big percentage of ethnic white Brits will be voting for them too. Blairs days are numbered
Really? Well isn't that interesting Vienna. I have a vivid recollection of you continually stating 'go BNP' and so forth in most of your replies in the very recent past. Wouldn't that give anyone the impression that you were a staunch supporter? If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it most probably is a duck. So don't stop quacking Vienna, the feathered look suits you.

Oh really,is that so?
Please show examples, this is soooo interesting..Thicko
Ah such an adult insult Vienna. I expected better from you, I really did. What will be next? Doodeyhead? PooPoo Pants? :rolleyes:

And you wanted me to show examples of the BNP's involvement in rioting? Well here are just a couple of articles for you to read which discuss BNP involvement in the riots in the UK:,2763,500768,00.html

These are just a few. If you want more, run a search and you'd be suprised at how many articles there are out there. Happy reading.
Bells said:
Lets not forget that the Bradford City Football Club fire which killed many other people was caused by English fans throwing molotov cocktails.

FIRST let me deal with this. YOU are a CRUEL lying evil bastard, you know fuck all about what happened at Valley Parade. And how you can say such a venomous cold LIE is beyond me. Molotov cocktails was Not the cause of the fire at Bradford city, if u must know the truth it was started by a discarded lit cigarette which fell below the standing area into rubbish which had accumulated underneath the stand. I know about the horrors of that day, because I was there. You are evil, a liar, and a propagandist.

You need to learn the difference between the BNP and the National Front and the Combat 18 group. There has been a lot of legal action where the BNP has been accused of doing such things as you mention.

You know very little about the UK, why am I not suprised :rolleyes:

I do not have to tolerate your Islamic lies and propaganda any more, therefore you are on ignore. You are vile evil and despicable person, no wonder they put the immigrants like you in cages where you live.
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I do apologise for my stupid mistake Vienna and I am even more sorry that you were witness to the horror of that day. I remembered at the time of the fire that several mentions were made of molotov cocktails being thrown thereby causing the fire. However I just double checked that after your reply before you edited it and I am sorry for not checking it all out before I posted. My sincere apologies Vienna.


Now to the rest of that post:

And as for living in a cage? Err no, I'm actually free to roam free in this country and have been doing so for the last 24 years. It is only because of the racist tendencies of this and previous governments that refugees are living in cages in the desert. Keep your fingers crossed and your favourite party will be locking up anyone who's not white in the same manner. :rolleyes:

And as for my being vile and despicable? I apologised for my mistake and if you wish to judge me as being vile and evil because of it, then knock yourself out. I am adult enough to admit to when I make a mistake. But before you start branding people as such, remind yourself that you have been continuously hating and branding all Muslims in the same manner based on the actions of the few. You call what I've been saying as Islamic lies and propoganda, well I call your attitude to anyone who's Muslim as being racist and closed minded. You don't judge others on their individual merits, instead you make a blanket statement of hate for all. For you, if someone is a Muslim, they are automatically bad. Not all are bad Vienna, most are nice decent people. Call it lies, call it propoganda if you must. I just call it human decency.
Bells said:
I do apologise for my stupid mistake Vienna and I am even more sorry that you were witness to the horror of that day. I remembered at the time of the fire that several mentions were made of molotov cocktails being thrown thereby causing the fire. However I just double checked that after your reply before you edited it and I am sorry for not checking it all out before I posted. My sincere apologies Vienna.

I'm sorry too.


And as for my being vile and despicable? I apologised for my mistake and if you wish to judge me as being vile and evil because of it, then knock yourself out. I am adult enough to admit to when I make a mistake. But before you start branding people as such, remind yourself that you have been continuously hating and branding all Muslims in the same manner based on the actions of the few. You call what I've been saying as Islamic lies and propoganda, well I call your attitude to anyone who's Muslim as being racist and closed minded. You don't judge others on their individual merits, instead you make a blanket statement of hate for all. For you, if someone is a Muslim, they are automatically bad. Not all are bad Vienna, most are nice decent people. Call it lies, call it propoganda if you must. I just call it human decency.

I know your not vile and despicable, I saw RED when I saw what you had written.

I'm not racist, Islam is not a race nor a colour. I tolerate a few (muslim) neighbours with a greeting and a smile, but thats as far as it goes. I would trust Hitler before I would trust them. They don't trust me either as they don't all whites.

It is not hard to figure out why I'm anti Islam though is it?
I'm afraid that continued Islamic militancy would be counter productive and eventually lead to severe actions such as mass Islamic expulsion from any Western nation. Terror not only creates fear but hate as well.
Greco said:
I'm afraid that continued Islamic militancy would be counter productive and eventually lead to severe actions such as mass Islamic expulsion from any Western nation. Terror not only creates fear but hate as well.
Couldn't agree with you more. I was thinking about this as your post came up. When the terrorists hit the UK (Not If anymore) I wonder what the target will be - Houses of Parliament? St Pauls? Post Office tower??

Whatever the target the public reaction across the UK is beyond my imagination, I don't know what will happen.
Greco said:
I'm afraid that continued Islamic militancy would be counter productive and eventually lead to severe actions such as mass Islamic expulsion from any Western nation. Terror not only creates fear but hate as well.

That would be horrirific, not only for Muslims, but for anyone who has a brown skin tone - Hindu's, Sikhs, Jains. I recall a story about a sikh man with a turban being run over in obvious race-crime after 9/11.

A mass Islamic expulsion, would not only be catastrophic, for muslims, but for the other brown skin races. In the worst case, it could be, another Nazi like holocaust. When push comes to shove, fearful men are not going to discriminate between them or honest law abiding muslims.

I hope people like PM understand, how their venom, could trigger a nightmare for innocent muslims and others, around the world.
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spidergoat said:
Was Proud Muslim banned? I can't believe he does not contribute here.

I am here, I am watching, but I dont FEED THE TROLL you know...I dont give BONES to barking DOGS.

Recognising sarcasm not a strong area of yours is it????.....
Depends how good the sarcasm is.
What are you then ? An atheist or a budding muslim
Your obviously not blind so you must be ignorant, i said i was an atheist, try reading before you post.
Please Proud Muslim come and join this thread because you know so much about Islam".
I thought he would be the best person to defend his faith, or abuse you back, either would show you what rubbish you speak, but his reason for not posting is a good one.
Are you as slow as you make out eh??? - since when does Islam determine the colour of the skin thicko.
I never said it did, i asked you to provide proof they are muslim and said that colour of skin or area they live in is NOT proof, again try reading before you post.
I can't understand why you would want to in the first place unless there's a motive, tell us if there is....
I was more defending the fact you are quite happy to abuse all muslims because of the actions of a select few, which to me is morally wrong.
I am verbally discriminate and I admit it, but I am nothing compared to the Islamic bastards who kill indicriminately, and then deny it.
Like i hadnt worked out you were verbally discriminate already, unfortunately you say these things about all muslims, i've met quite a few and never one full of as much hate as you, you base your opinions on the actions of a select few, if i did they same based on the ones i've met i would say they were a lovely group of people, but i've not met every muslim in the world so i shant say it about all muslims, just about the ones i've met.
Lemming3k said:
Depends how good the sarcasm is.
Obviously far too intellectual for you.

Your obviously not blind so you must be ignorant, i said i was an atheist, try reading before you post.
An Atheist with Muslim preferences...

I thought he would be the best person to defend his faith, or abuse you back, either would show you what rubbish you speak, but his reason for not posting is a good one.
He's a has been.

Like i hadnt worked out you were verbally discriminate already, unfortunately you say these things about all muslims, i've met quite a few and never one full of as much hate as you,
You ought to get out more, that is if the doctors allow. You've become very boring, please go.
Vienna said:

That fully explains your close resemblance to the sink garbage disposal invention ....The by far worst invention of this century.
Vienna you really are a sad piece of shit....

Recognise these?
You should do. They're all the threads you've started.
I thought 'Islamic rappers message of terror' was good for a laugh. What was it you said?
. A music video with blood-curdling images, fronted by a young British Muslim
Well fancy that, 'a music video with blood-curdling images' whoever would believe it? Then of course there was Compulsory study of Islam in American schools . Who could forget your forthright views eh?
I would do anything to protect my kids from the teachings of Islam
Just like your Dad did for you I guess.
did you know that you cannot lawfully claim to be English - period!
WTF :confused:
And the threads just keep coming.


How civil is Islam??

Suicide bombers are not British

Persecutions of Muslim converts to Christianity continue

The errors of the UK immigration laws

Thieving Arabs

Muslim V Buddhist war in Thailand

Stoning to death still occurs today!
Oh really? I wonder where? :rolleyes:

Perhaps I'm misreading you but in your time here Vienna you've only started sixteen threads and they mostly seem to follow similar lines....
I don't have the energy to go dumpster diving across the entire board but I know full well the sort of trivial invective you have made your hallmark.
Perhaps the quality of your threads excuses their lack of diversity.
So what light do you shine on the state of the world and just what wisdom do you have to bring us to salvation?
Islam teaches that a short life with a violent death is best...
Britain is finished as a white country, and it is finished as a Christian country...
Mosques in Britain should be closed
You talk crap, typical of the ignorant scum you are.
Whats up little ali baba?
There's much more but I've just eaten and can't face your shite right now.
Whats your problem?
Life shit is it?
Well I guess that can't be your fault I suppose you just have to blame the niggers for all your problems. Oops! Not many niggers in Bradford so I guess it must be the Pakis's that are responsible for your piss poor attitude.
Did anyone else get a whiff of beefburgers from that hairy lipped brown woman? YUEK!
Is that it then? Your great white reposte to the Muslim?
Well you admit to being "Mr Average" which I suppose means everybody I know must be exceptional.
Flores ain't the first to feel the lash of your keyboard is she?
Seems like whenever logic fails cheapshots will hit the target eh? Guess when all's said and done a powerless inconsequential twat like you has nothing else left to fall back on.
Oh I almost forgot you were in a nasty fire once, perhaps I should make some allowances for the terrible trauma you suffered **Yawn**.
As if your the only one.....
Whats that song going through my head?

"I'm just another western Guy who's desires will never be satisfied"

or is it..

"if you can't change the world change yourself"

You get what you give, shit for brains and if you don't like whats on offer just try making some changes. And for Christs (Allahs?) sake stop whining.
Fuck knows, then we all may benefit 'cause right now your part of the problem.

Move on or ship out.
Dee Cee
Welcome back sonny :p. Heh I was looking at all the threads started by Vienna but you beat me to it.

Vienna said:
I'm not racist, Islam is not a race nor a colour. I tolerate a few (muslim) neighbours with a greeting and a smile, but thats as far as it goes. I would trust Hitler before I would trust them. They don't trust me either as they don't all whites.
Right. You'd rather trust a man who ordered the slaughter of millions of people than trust your neighbour because said neighbour is a Muslim? And you say you're not racist? HAHAHAHAH AHAHAHAAAHAHAHAAAAA.. God you're such a little neo nazi.

They don't trust you because you don't trust them. They probably see the hate in your beady little eyes and prefer to just steer clear of you. I know I sure as hell would, and I'm not even Muslim. Tell me something, if you saw one of their houses on fire and you saw one of their kids trying to get out, would you save them or would you sit back and do nothing with thoughts of 'burn baby burn' in brain? Are your children allowed to have Muslim friends? Or would you ban that as well?

I find your logic to be well... illogical frankly. Your neighbour will probably be the one to help you when you need it most Vienna. How about next time you stop and have a chat instead of giving a tight little smile and walking on. You could find that you have a lot in common. You may want to stop your children from learning about Islam, that's your choice, they're your kids. But don't teach them to hate like you do Vienna. You'll make their future very bleak indeed if you do. I kind of pity you actually and I pity your children even more... talk at your dinner table must be a drag :rolleyes:. Try and teach them tolerance Vienna. Remember, what goes around comes around.
DeeCee said:
Vienna you really are a sad piece of shit....

You get what you give, shit for brains and if you don't like whats on offer just try making some changes. And for Christs (Allahs?) sake stop whining.
Fuck knows, then we all may benefit 'cause right now your part of the problem.

Move on or ship out.
Dee Cee

Bells said:
Remember, what goes around comes around.


kisses on all your bacon bits from your very own neo nazi, MUHA HA HA HA HA

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Vienna said:
And that is exactly how Islam see the westerner,

You are wrong...Dead wrong. It's your unique ugly face and prejudice arrogant attitue toward us that we are resenting, and you're not a representative of the wests. Actually, you're quite a minority. In my neighborhood, I give my house and car keys to my white, black, and chinease neighbors, who I trust them with my life, and they do with theirs. Bells was trying to put sense into you with her neighbor appeal, but your hate is too blinding to understand the reality and importance things about this life. You are too consumed with your own hate, that you only see hate in this world. The west didn't always have such an ugly intolerant face, you are a disgrace to your anscestors.

Vienna said:
How many muslims around the world cheered at 9/11 and other Islamic

You are living in a hate hole. Do you know how many muslims died in 9/11? DO you know how many foreigner died in 911? Do you know that the American government have given an amnesty to all the foreigners so that they can report their missing ones without fear of being deported? Three people in my husband family has died in the twin towers. Are you so alienated by your hate to think that YOU ARE A VICTIM to islamic terrorism? You are not a victim, you're the criminal. You insist on using the most tragic episode to spread your hate, even if your attacks are so unfounded to the point that you could be laughing off the fact that muslims are terrorists while they themselves have died at the hand of terrorism.

Vienna, you are worst than any terrorist. At least a terrorist kill once, but you kill the same person twice or three times not once with your injustice. First you accuse the victim of being a killer, then you insist that the victim confess to a crime that was never commited, then you use the forced confession over and over again to blame the victim for something that he/she have no hands in......Don't you know mercy, don't you know justice, don't you know love?

Vienna said:
Bells you are either blind or too ashamed to admit the the truth that Islam is after world domination, in the same fashion as German Nazi fanatism but without the military hardware (So far)

World domination???? You are crazy....Muslims are againest any world dominations. Muslims have never sought world domination? Revew the last 1000 years of history and tell us who has been seeking world domination. Muslims have never in their history moved in union toward any material goal. Even when the Ottoman empire was strong, the empire ocuppied muslim countries first, and a few elite turks were the only ones in charge. Muslims have no single voice and you know it.

Vienna said:
closed mindedness? - open mindedness? - What difference does it make?
The Islamic bastards will strike again and keep on striking, just keep watching the news Bells.

It seems as if you are wishing that they strike, it seems to glorify you and make you feel vindicated...Me on the other hand and other muslims pray that these attacks stop, ....I wonder who are these terrorists really working for? It sure seem like they are working for you.
Here is my advice to all here about how to deal with our distinguished Islamophobe, Vienna:

You should enslave him and sell him in some oriental market, Thailand will be good start :D :D

Ok, post your home address and phone number.
I can be over the Penines and at your front door in forty minutes or if you prefer I can just print out multiple copies of this thread and paste them up on every lampost in Bradford.

If you only speak the truth what have you to fear?
Dee Cee
Can I please remind everyone, this topic is not about what Vienna thinks about Islam, its about The truth about Islam(duh)

Now get back on track.