The Truth about Freemasons - By Saladin Bin-Qasim

c7ityi_ said:
what about all those 'christians' who have killed many people 'in the name of god'?

not everyone who says he follows god, does.

Statements like this drive me crazy. Why do you call Christians people who do not follow the teachings of the Messiah Jesus? It is like saying the Chinese imperialists who colonised Africa in the 18th century. Nooooo they where not Chinese that where Europeans, get it.

A Christian cannot engage in combat. Once a Christian engages in Combat then He is breaking a teaching of Jesus. Therefore he or she is no longer a Christian. Its like calling prostitutes virgins.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
Why do you call Christians people who do not follow the teachings of the Messiah Jesus?

I was just wondering why you call people Muslims who don't follow the teachings of Islam?

You know, I've heard that Islam is a religion of peace. But maybe I'm just ignorant about it.
c7ityi_ said:
Adstar, Lucifer is the morning star, the lightbringer, the holy ghost.

Revelation 22:16: I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify to you about these things for the churches. I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star.

2 Peter 1:19: And we have something more sure, the prophetic word, to which you will do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts
c7ityi_, Jesus is the morning star. I think I've read that He took Lucifers place as the morning star since Lucifer rebelled against God. Couldn't find that part in the Bible just now, but I'm pretty sure it is there.

But you have this;

Revelations 22:16 I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things for the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, the bright, the morning star.

Then how come you see Lucifer as the morning star when it says clearly Jesus is the morning star?
c7ityi_ said:
I was just wondering why you call people Muslims who don't follow the teachings of Islam?

You know, I've heard that Islam is a religion of peace. But maybe I'm just ignorant about it.

Islam is not only a religion, Islam is a way of life. A way of life includes commandments on how to live life. Islam tells when it is proper to be at war, and when it is proper to be at peace. Islam is an all encompassing religion including all aspects of life.

Quran 2:190. Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loveth not transgressors.

Cyperium said:
Then how come you see Lucifer as the morning star when it says clearly Jesus is the morning star?

In Roman astronomy, Lucifer was the name given to the morning star.

Many Christians say Lucifer is the morning star. I think it's because of Isaiah 14:12-15

For Christians Lucifer has become identical to satan, although he was actually the lightbringer, but later turned into 'Noctifer'. Like the morningstar, venus. It rises on the morning, and brings the great sunlight, then it brings darkness again.
DiamondHearts said:
Islam is not only a religion, Islam is a way of life. A way of life includes commandments on how to live life. Islam tells when it is proper to be at war, and when it is proper to be at peace. Islam is an all encompassing religion including all aspects of life.

Atheism does not teach or condone war.
I think That we should GIVE all the Muslims and Christians their land over their in Africa. And we will pack them both with weapons..... :) And let them Figure this out one their own, While the rest of us Go about our Own business knowing that the two will destroy each other... so why Bother with it? Look at em... "Im Right" !! "NO Im RIGHT".!! Like Whiney ass little babies.. You don't see Buddhists doing this Do you... You Don't See Atheists Doing it. Hell an Agnostic BEHAVES More "Christian" Then Most Christians Do!
Now, PLEASE Can't Religions just go Find a Cold desolate spot and fight it out with each other and the leave the rest of every one else alone? Both Muslim and Christians Place "claim" on this "Peace" issue... and those of us who aren't Muslim or Christian are the ones actually Living it... Catching on yet?? you Don't See any of Us on a "Crusade" or a "holy war" Preaching any thing... Soo Or Ho'ing Down any of you for not living up to Our standards... So... Get out Of Our Countries, Go to your "holy lands" .... And Bring lots of bombs For each other :) OH! and PLEASE video Tape it so those of us who aren't STUPID have something to laugh about and teach our children
The only reason you would think this is because of western secular brainwasting telling you somehow that the religions of Islam and Christianity are guilty for war. Most wars are political in nature and only have minor rleigious dimensions.

What makes you believe that Muslims and Christians want to fight each other? The US only invaded the Muslim world for oil, it has nothing to do with religion, infact its anti-religion.

I doubt you know much of the history of Islam, but ofcourse, everyone (even people not qualified to) have to say something to deride religious people.

Some people would love it if Muslims did nothing, and just allowed themselves to be conquered (especially Israelis and Americans). However, Islam teaches us to stand up for ourselves and fight of invaders. Islam is the best religion ever in humanity, its commands are empowerment of the weak and justice for those who desire good in the land, and opposition to those who oppress the people.

As long as we have the true spirit of Islam, our people will continue to rise and the flags of revolution and resistance will rise in our occupied lands. We have every right, divine and inherent, to fight those who try to conquer us and we will fully utilize this right. We desire to rule ourselves by the ways we chose, not to be dictated by the West or anyone else. We will obtain this right, by the grace of Allah (swt).

DiamondHearts said:
Islam is not only a religion, Islam is a way of life. A way of life includes commandments on how to live life.

In this we agree - islam indeed appears to be an all-encompassing directive on how to live; a directive that brooks no refusal, no modification, no deviation.

Of course, this has nothing to do with any claim to goodness on its part, or Freemasons, to which this thread pertains.

DiamondHearts said:
However, the majority of Muslims know alot more about Christianity than many Christians know about Islam. Our Prophet Muhammad (s) has commanded us to learn of the cultures and practices of other people and respect them.

Well this certainly explains why shirk is considered the most abominable crime in islam, and why it's attributed to Christians.

DiamondHearts said:
What makes you believe that Muslims and Christians want to fight each other?

Sura 9.

Some people would love it if Muslims did nothing, and just allowed themselves to be conquered (especially Israelis and Americans). However, Islam teaches us to stand up for ourselves and fight of invaders. Islam is the best religion ever in humanity, its commands are empowerment of the weak and justice for those who desire good in the land, and opposition to those who oppress the people.

Unless such people are apostates, non-muslims, or homosexuals, in which case they must be repressed.

We desire to rule ourselves by the ways we chose, not to be dictated by the West or anyone else.

And you can honestly claim that all muslims feel as you do, when the penalty for changing religion and/or seeking change is death?

You need to rethink things a little.

The Power Of the belief System Is Incredible.
It can make people Physically endure things that with out this "Mind set" they would not be able to or willing to, Do..
I think the Author, Robertson Davies Said it Correctly when Stated ""Be sure to choose what you believe and know why you believe it, because if you don't choose your beliefs, you may be certain that some belief, and probably not a very creditable one, will choose you.
What all this means is that a person should embrace ideas and beliefs that sit well with him or her at the present time, whilst keeping in mind that as awareness about reality expands with the advent of new experiences, so must one's concept of reality change accordingly..
no One Should Push any one Belief as Truth For "all", Or Else. And within The Christian and Muslim Society's, and many Chains Leading from those Beliefs, You will find Many Who will absolutely Push their Belief So hard that They will Kill another Being in the Name of that "god"...
Imagine If The Majority Of the People in the World Had the Full "belief" that Pedophilia Was Right. There For taking away any Physical Rights an innocent Child may have away. Imagine being Forced into THEIR Belief system because your Government Deems It So. To be disgusted, or say No Is a Crime and you will be Punished Accordingly. That is how most Religions Work. There are Southern Baptists Fighting Catholics, and Muslim fighting Other Muslim "groups" all in a Name of a God and a religion that hasn't shown up For any one in Physical Form, or with Miracles abound to Save and tell any of us Whether we are right or Wrong. The Experience behind the Belief System Is Unique to each and every one Of us. Believe what One will, but when it invades another's belief system, or lack of, Then Harm has been Done Period. And That is Wrong. If it's not Asked Of You, You should not Give it. Do Un to Others as you would have Others Do Unto You... Etc... That is common sense. And We should ALL Be Civil Enough to give each other room and Space as Equals. Any one who Does NOT do that, Is WRONG PERIOD
(Q) said:
Do your own research.
(Q)....i simply asked you to name me te religious wars of the last 80 yars---you couldhave chosen several--so as to back up your assertion. your discourteous response makes me think you feel of shit.
DiamondHearts said:
However, Islam teaches us to stand up for ourselves and fight of invaders. Islam is the best religion ever in humanity, its commands are empowerment of the weak and justice for those who desire good in the land, and opposition to those who oppress the people.

As long as we have the true spirit of Islam, our people will continue to rise and the flags of revolution and resistance will rise in our occupied lands. We have every right, divine and inherent, to fight those who try to conquer us and we will fully utilize this right. We desire to rule ourselves by the ways we chose, not to be dictated by the West or anyone else. We will obtain this right, by the grace of Allah (swt).

A militant religion for a barbaric warring people. Perfect fit.
It is quite interesting to note, Muslims did not invade the West, but it is the West which invaded Muslim countries and other nations.

Who is barbaric is subject to history, and this proves that the West is far more barbaric and heartless than any other culture on earth. It is time to recognize your failings and guilt and leave Iraq, Afghanistan and the rest of aspiring world alone.
DiamondHearts said:
It is quite interesting to note, Muslims did not invade the West, but it is the West which invaded Muslim countries and other nations.

Who is barbaric is subject to history, and this proves that the West is far more barbaric and heartless than any other culture on earth. It is time to recognize your failings and guilt and leave Iraq, Afghanistan and the rest of aspiring world alone.
So, Then Could you Please Explain the 9'11 Situation? And explain a jihad?
9/11 was a ploy by the government to get fools to believe that Muslims want to somehow kill them because they (get this) hate their way of life and freedom. A lie only fools would believe.

The American government orchastrated 9/11 to further their ambitions in the Muslim world.

Let's look at who got most out of 9/11?

Obviously the US who received Afghan which is bordering Pakistan and Iran and Central Asian republics. America allowed US permanent bases in Central Asian nations and control and influence of Pakistan's internal affairs. Afghanistan is currently being used to put pressure on Pakistan and Iran.

Invading Iraq gave the US large oil deposits and allowed them to exert pressure on Syria and Iran, also eliminated one of Israel's major threats from the region.

It should be obvious.
DiamondHearts said:
It is quite interesting to note, Muslims did not invade the West, but it is the West which invaded Muslim countries and other nations.

And the attempted islamicization of the Balkans and Spain, to say nothing of the Latin East, was - what? A navigational error?
