The Truth about Freemasons - By Saladin Bin-Qasim

Your both Probly right :) Lol.. I meant.. Is there a way to make People agree that they disagree with out fighting it?
There can be no agreement amongst theists. They believe in their gods over and above anything worldly and would rather die for their gods than their fellow man. Nature and all that encompasses reality means nothing to them as it is merely a stepping stone to an imaginary afterlife in heaven.

What's worse, is that all theists have their own interpretation of what their gods should represent, so they disagree with one another as well.

"My god can beat up your god any day of the week!"

It would be funny if it wasn't so dangerous.
Problem is believers usually have a very warped view of the world in favour of thier particular faith, just look at the nonsense they spew
I Hear that For sure. But Say if We Just wanted it to stop. you know Let them have their beliefs whether or not I like or dislike them.. We wont Take the "believer" Out Of Belief, But the Sad truth is, we all share this planet together. Isn't there a way to make One side "stop" before it does unrecoverable Damage? Like If we can all Agree with each other that we Don't have the same Views, and that's ok! Period. and those Who Fight their Beliefs onto Others should be Ganged up on. Is that possible?
Nope, we either all work together as a team towards the same goals, that of mankind, not gods, or we destroy each other.

Religion divides people.
HERE HERE..........*Raising Toast*
I have met some people who practice their faith with out interfering with any one else. So I know that that is possible. So We are at a Loss as a species Now? Have we No more hope until the Idea of beleif is Proven Or Disproven once and For all?
Look at symbols as much as you like, but nothing you say about the masons makes any sense what so ever until you ask the key question. And that question is "WHY?"

Why? To take over the world for sure! :rolleyes:
PHPlatonica said:
I Hear that For sure. But Say if We Just wanted it to stop. you know Let them have their beliefs whether or not I like or dislike them.. We wont Take the "believer" Out Of Belief, But the Sad truth is, we all share this planet together. Isn't there a way to make One side "stop" before it does unrecoverable Damage? Like If we can all Agree with each other that we Don't have the same Views, and that's ok! Period. and those Who Fight their Beliefs onto Others should be Ganged up on. Is that possible?

I couldn't agree more. That's a great position. I wish people could just lighten up and stop being slaves to their primal desires and urges... that avatar a pic of you? Holy moly. :bugeye:


Cyperium said:
and Lucifer, before one of Gods brightest angels, became the devil.
Hey, those christians stole a plotline from Warhammer 40K. Bastards. :D
GeoffP said:
I couldn't agree more. That's a great position. I wish people could just lighten up and stop being slaves to their primal desires and urges... that avatar a pic of you? Holy moly. :bugeye:

:eek: Yea.. thats Me.. Do I have a Boogar hanging out of my Nose? :confused: ..........I think when people can Lighten up, and stop acting so infantile, or even Admit They are acting infantile, things like this " W A R " Can Stop.. well, the war that is happening right now any way. I think the President should have Sent us each a pamphlet with Information and asked us if we were interested in Going to war... Instead of Deciding to do it on His own.. It's not HIS Family Getting Slaughtered over there.. Of course.. I still have to wonder though... Looking back at the way Jews were experimented on (great For Science!).. Any how.. The way they were lied to, and treated.. and No one did any thing in the Beginning. Is that what we are Doing to Muslims? ignoring it? thinking It couldn't happen? I mean, Why Are We Over there at all? there are no Weapons of mass destruction... And we haven't got the Osama Dude... and we are still on their Land... ?? Why?..... All I can see Is another Hitler, and the Muslims Are the Jews.. If we Don't Stop it where its starting it Will Spread to us just like it tore apart Germany and... well, we all know the story...
GeoffP said:
If it's wrong for Adstar to say who's a good muslim and an evil one, how can you possibly hope to construct parameters for a good Christian, or a good Jew, or a good human. Moreover, only your definition of a good human includes a rejoinder against evil. That's some very slippery sliding room, legalist.

It is my belief that people who are loyal to their religion and love other human beings with racism and prejudice are good religious people. Note that I did not go into specifics.

It's really funny how when some religious person says something good about other religious people, you find fault in it. Are you people that thickheaded.

I was responding to Adstar who said good Muslims dont practice religion will bad muslims do. This does not make any sense to me, who knows Islam and Muslims better than all the Non-Muslim people here.

He has no authority to say who is a good Muslim or bad Muslim because he does not know about Islam or Muslims. How is that so hard to understand?

I never said it was based on his religion. Prophet Jesus (peace to him) taught respect for others and was a great man.

(Q) said:
No, a good Muslim is not necessarily a good human being, which has already been shown throughout Islams murderous and barbaric history.

And of course, anyone who doesn't believe in Islam is an infidel who should be killed, according to the Qu'ran. So, according to what you've been telling us all along, the only good people are those devote to Islam, the rest are evil.

And what authority do you have to interpret my religion for me. What qualifications do you have to teach Islam? Any quote for that ridiculous statement 'And of course, anyone who doesn't believe in Islam is an infidel who should be killed, according to the Qu'ran.'?

Making up beliefs and attributing it to Muslims is quite common with you guys.

After calling me a hypocrite for saying I believe people who follow their religions properly are good human beings, you have the audacity to teach me about my religion, without any qualifications, any quotes, any evidence.

I think I understand you guys now, you think like this:





So according to your logic, everything you say is the exact opposite of reality. If one of you says islam is slavery, indeed Islam is freedom.

.............. what is evil? And I don't mean your Opinions On evil.. But "Evil" as its self. What is it?
My concept of evil is based on my opinions of what is bad and reflected by my religion and culture. However there are certain things all people can agree on as evil, like cheating, lying, stealing, murder, subjugation, violence, rape, pedophilia, blackmail, gossip, etc.

what is evil depends on place and time.

for example stealing... from a very rich man to give to the poor might be good.
and murder... a very evil person to stop him from killing more people.
lying... to keep an important secret from the wrong hands.

but here it also depends on place and time.

the right place to lie to keep an important secret from the wrong hands.

and once again, it depends on place and time.

it goes on to infinity.
c7ityi_ said:
what is evil depends on place and time.

for example stealing... from a very rich man to give to the poor might be good.
and murder... a very evil person to stop him from killing more people.
lying... to keep an important secret from the wrong hands.

but here it also depends on place and time.

the right place to lie to keep an important secret from the wrong hands.

and once again, it depends on place and time.

it goes on to infinity.

I see your point of view, however stealing from rich to poor would not be considered the crime of stealing any longer it would take on a different meaning and gain justification as charity.

Murder would not be considered murder if done for a right cause, it would become justified judicial execution.

Lying would not be considered a crime if protecting someone from harm.

Time in place have a large effect on how evil is percieved, however I think that humanity has a deeper conscience which human beings can inherently differentiate with what is right and what is wrong, but it is society that influences people on change.

I see your point, and i agree with your basic view, but I believe it is more complicated than that.
