The Truth about Freemasons - By Saladin Bin-Qasim

If the Bible is God's word, why doesn't it say "I will turn back to my people, israel". Does this not imply it was written by man? And therefor flawed?
Adstar said:
Well i never read the "guys" essay. Did you provide a link? i did not see it?

Anyway, Just because the Arabs know that isreal has been set up by and protected by the masons and seek to destroy it, does not make muslims a people of The God of Abraham. Islam has suppressed Christianity and persecuted christians for centuries. satan has no love for those who serve him. his desire is always to deceive those who are not yet deceived, So it is nothing to Him to sacrifice his servants to win the trust of those not yet deceived. If that means the destruction of the arab nations and the USA then he will do it through the Anti-christ.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Yes I found it:
Muslim said:

Yes i read His document:

I have read all the amin points already on Christian web sites. and others. I would not be surprised if your he sourced some of his points from them. As the document points out the tag masons is just the latest name for a society that has ancient roots, They existed long before the knights templar was formed.

I found this to be interesting:

The last Prophet of God - Muhammad (SAW) said that a man will appear first as a tyrannical king, then he will claim to be a prophet, finally he will claim to be the lord god himself. The Prophet (SAW) further foretold that this liar would start to conquer the world and no place would remain unscathed except the two Holy Cities of Makkah and Madina. He will call to a false religion. He is the Dajjal, meaning "impostor" and he will be born with one eye. It is also known that before the appearance of the Dajjal, a group of people will pave the way for setting up a system to prepare the world for his arrival. In other words, the forerunner to the Dajjal will bear all the characteristics of the Dajjal. The forerunners to the Dajjal are none other than the freemasons.

The freemasons are just one branch of the monster. A major branch but not the only One. The Christian book of Revelations tells us that there is more than one false religion that claims to follow The God of Abraham. It says that the Mother of harlots has her daughters (religions separated from the main but still spiritual harlots in false teachings.

I believe from Christian scriptures that Yes the Anti-Christ will fight islam to the bitter end and the arabs will be exterminated. As for the non-arabic islamic world the scriptures are not clear on their fate. One thing about the Anti-Christ muhammed is wrong, He will not be born with one eye but he will loose one eye in an assassination attempt. Also His right arm will become completely withered because of his injury. The Anti-christ will be declared dead but a man called the false prophet will heal him and it will be believed that it is a miracle.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Wounded Iraqi Muslim said:
How dare you say no to our holy Kuran,
Allaha will make you read it.
you dont seem to even know hot to spell your holy book. it is 'koran' not'kuran'

i smell an imPOSTER you'll
Adstar said:
Calling the Holy Spirit satan is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit This sin will never be forgiven.

but blavatsky said lucifer is both holy ghost and satan at the same time, and she says pretty intelligent things often so i think it's probably true.

and lucifer isn't satan, he was originally the lightbringer, venus, but he becomes satan later.

I am not afraid. I have not called the Holy Spirit lucifer I have hope for eternity, It is you who should be afraid.

i dont wanna go to heaven cuz good people will go to hell only cuz they don't believe in god and people who have commited crimes and murderers who later repent will go to heaven. its wrong. but i'm not afraid of yr gods cuz my gods are bigger.

you blasphemed against quetzacoatl, you'll never be forgiven.
sum day he will return and you'll b left here on earth to hell all alone.

duendy said:
you dont seem to even know hot to spell your holy book. it is 'koran' not'kuran'

i smell an imPOSTER you'll

i think he's joking but if he's not, then he's a muslim and his english is not his first language so he doesn't know how to spell it
Adstar said:
Yes i read His document:

I have read all the amin points already on Christian web sites. and others. I would not be surprised if your he sourced some of his points from them. As the document points out the tag masons is just the latest name for a society that has ancient roots, They existed long before the knights templar was formed.

I found this to be interesting:

The freemasons are just one branch of the monster. A major branch but not the only One. The Christian book of Revelations tells us that there is more than one false religion that claims to follow The God of Abraham. It says that the Mother of harlots has her daughters (religions separated from the main but still spiritual harlots in false teachings.

I believe from Christian scriptures that Yes the Anti-Christ will fight islam to the bitter end and the arabs will be exterminated. As for the non-arabic islamic world the scriptures are not clear on their fate. One thing about the Anti-Christ muhammed is wrong, He will not be born with one eye but he will loose one eye in an assassination attempt. Also His right arm will become completely withered because of his injury. The Anti-christ will be declared dead but a man called the false prophet will heal him and it will be believed that it is a miracle.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Don't you think the Qu'ran would have alittle more credibility as it has not been changed since 1400 years and the bible has? remember the dead sea scrolls? the Muslims respect and believe in the bible the parts which don't contradict the Qu'ran. Muslims believe the Anti-Christ will destroy almost all Muslims in the world there will only be about a 100 Muslims left, and the final victory will be with the Muslims and Christians who will subsequently convert to Islam, after Jesus (pbuh) Isa, will say he is not god. This is when the Jesus (pbuh) will fight the Anti_christ and kick its ass. And then everyone is going to kill Jews, and the Jews will hide behind rocks and the rocks will speak and say: "come kill the Jew that is hiding behind me"

Here is a very good read on the last days and the Final Battle:
Mythbuster said:
RA the first egyptian god :m:


If thine single Eye be Filled with Darkness how Great then is the Evil within??

If thine Single Eye is filled with the Singularity of Light, Reality, Reality as seen in the Light of the Sun, Day, then Thine Whole Body if Full of Light.

Ye, Ra, Amen.
Woody said:
I gotta agree. The all seeing eye and the pyramid are Egyptian in origin. There is nothing biblical about these symbols. Also the obelisk is in the same family. The Washington monument is an obelisk.


It is the tallest structure in the capital -- by law.

from wikipedia

The all-seeing eye orginated from the egyptian eye of horus


Notice the resemblance with Avatar's "avatar."

Thine Single Eye, the All Seeing Eye is the Eye of a God, is omniscient, the Mind's Eye, is a Know-IT-All, which, knowing Good and Evil, may become
the Evil Eye, depending on how it is put to use by Mankind.
Adstar said:
Lucifer is Not the Morning star. Lucifer is the son of the morning, Jesus is the Morning Star. You must be quoting the bloody NIV bible because thats the translation that also calls Jesus the capstone. :mad:

Isaiah 14:12
12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

Revelation 22:16
16 I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.

Isaiah 14:12
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

Revelation 22:16
"I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things in the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star

Isaiah 14:12
How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!

Revelation 22:16
16"I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you[1] this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star."

Calling the Holy Spirit satan is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit This sin will never be forgiven.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

There are Two Great Lights, the Bright Light and the morning Light, Dawn,
Twice Light, the Dark Light that not only shines in the morning but also as
the evening Star, Light, dusk.

The Morning Star, Light, Twice Light, the Second Great Light that was a Natural Creation born when the Day was separated from the Night, Twice Light, is a mere reflection of Light, the Light that is separated our from in between Day an Night, Twilight, the Dark Light, the Morning Star, Light, the morning dawn, the Evening, Star, Light.

Twice Light, of which there are Three, the Dawn Light, the Dusk Light and By the Light of the Silvery Moon.
Muslim said:
Don't you think the Qu'ran would have alittle more credibility as it has not been changed since 1400 years and the bible has?

Not if the Koran was a false message in the first place. The bible gives a very clear prophetic warning about men believing in messages from angels that run against the Message of Jesus.

Galatians 1
6 I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, 7 which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. 9 As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed.

islam is not alone as being a religion founded by the message of an angel, The Mormon religion also derives its teachings from an angel.

remember the dead sea scrolls? the Muslims respect and believe in the bible the parts which don't contradict the Qu'ran.

Therefore you trust in the message of muhammad over the bible because you hold the koran higher than the bible. It is clear that the angel had knowledge of the scriptures enough to twist them to aid satan in his deception of the arabs and others who had rejected the message of forgiveness that Jesus gave because they see it as foolishness.

Muslims believe the Anti-Christ will destroy almost all Muslims in the world there will only be about a 100 Muslims left, and the final victory will be with the Muslims and Christians who will subsequently convert to Islam, after Jesus (pbuh) Isa, will say he is not god. This is when the Jesus (pbuh) will fight the Anti_christ and kick its ass.

Yes as i have said before the Anti-christ will exterminate the Arab people i am not so sure that he will succeed in exterminating all muslim peoples, some may reject islam and serve the anti-christ. The Jews will end up rejecting the Anti-christ and they will be attacked and all except 144,000 will be killed by the Anti-christ. Then The Messiah Jesus will come and destroy the army of the Anti-christ that will be amassed on the plains of Megiddo. 200 million solders will be destroyed when the Messiah returns. Jesus will not need any human solders in His army.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
adstar, don't you understand that the number 144,000 has a symbolic and astrological meaning?

the 12 tribes of israel are the 12 signs of the zodiac. 12,000 for each of the 12 signs equal 144,000. 144 is also the 13th number in the fibonacci sequence, or golden ratio, the spiral of creation found everywhere in nature. also the number of minutes in an hour times the number of hours in a day equals 1440.

there's no way in hell you can find the truth by following and judging with a book, you have to think with your own mind. without the living brain which god made, you couldn't even read the bible, don't base everything on a dead book but find the god's living law inside yourself.
c7ityi_ said:
adstar, don't you understand that the number 144,000 has a symbolic and astrological meaning?

the 12 tribes of israel are the 12 signs of the zodiac. 12,000 for each of the 12 signs equal 144,000. 144 is also the 13th number in the fibonacci sequence, or golden ratio, the spiral of creation found everywhere in nature. also the number of minutes in an hour times the number of hours in a day equals 1440.

there's no way in hell you can find the truth by following and judging with a book, you have to think with your own mind. without the living brain which god made, you couldn't even read the bible, don't base everything on a dead book but find the god's living law inside yourself.

c7ityi I don't think you get it. I have no interest in what you believe or say, Your doomed. You have blasphemed the Holy Spirit. Your pride in you faulty "living brain" lead you to this disaster. No one can save you now.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
They honor God with their lips but their hearts are far away from him.

I need no savior. There is no hell except the one here on earth, in our minds.
Adstar, i think the bible most of its made up. Jesus never said he was a Christian, and also the bible has been changed over the years. And is mainly the work of Paul rather then Jesus. And most of the divine message is lost within it. There are so many contradictions in the bible wich cannot be explained.

Jesus never died on the cross it was a lie and there is over evidence to support this claim. And I can bring that evidence here if you wanted.

All Praise Be to Allah.
Muslim said:
Adstar, i think the bible most of its made up. Jesus never said he was a Christian, and also the bible has been changed over the years. And is mainly the work of Paul rather then Jesus. And most of the divine message is lost within it. There are so many contradictions in the bible wich cannot be explained.

Jesus never died on the cross it was a lie and there is over evidence to support this claim. And I can bring that evidence here if you wanted.

All Praise Be to Allah.

We both shall know who is the liar at the final judgement muslim. One of us will be with God for eternity the other will be in agony in the eternal lake of fire.

You trust in the angel that gave that inspired muhammad so be it , but remember satan was an angel and one third of the angels of heaven are in league with him. I place my trust in the Messiah Jesus. "Christ" is just another Word for Messiah So "Christian" means a believer in the Messiah.

May you come to believe and trust in Jesus and believe that He died to obtain atonement for your sins. As for muhammad he is accursed and the angel that inspired him is accursed both will be cast in the lake of fire and suffer for eternity along with satan.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
We both shall know who is the liar at the final judgement muslim. One of us will be with God for eternity the other will be in agony in the eternal lake of fire.

You trust in the angel that gave that inspired muhammad so be it , but remember satan was an angel and one third of the angels of heaven are in league with him. I place my trust in the Messiah Jesus. "Christ" is just another Word for Messiah So "Christian" means a believer in the Messiah.

May you come to believe and trust in Jesus and believe that He died to obtain atonement for your sins. As for muhammad he is accursed and the angel that inspired him is accursed both will be cast in the lake of fire and suffer for eternity along with satan.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

You follow your way and I'll follow my way. The way for truth.
2 Corinthians 11
13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. 14 And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. 15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works.

The works of muhammad are known, terror and bloodshead and lies. he placed his faith in that angel. But he was decieved greatly. But his heart was set upon plunder and power, his will was in alignment with satan.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
2 Corinthians 11
13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. 14 And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. 15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works.

The works of muhammad are known, terror and bloodshead and lies. he placed his faith in that angel. But he was decieved greatly. But his heart was set upon plunder and power, his will was in alignment with satan.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

How about you just shut up, you don't want me to really pull all the contradictions in the bible. Fathers fingering their daughters? (OT) so just shut up.