The Truth about Freemasons - By Saladin Bin-Qasim

Muslim said:
Don't you think the Qu'ran would have alittle more credibility as it has not been changed since 1400 years and the bible has?

Actually, the Quran has been changed pretty substantially. A German team dug up a Quran so different to the present version that they were afraid to publish their results. So the Quran has been extensively changed. I think Umar (Third Caliph) himself said that parts were edited out to avoid embarassing Mohammed's memory.

I'm currenly reading the Dead Sea Scrolls. The problem is that there's not much reason to think that they're any more or less original than the texts decided on at Nicea or Troyes.

And then everyone is going to kill Jews, and the Jews will hide behind rocks and the rocks will speak and say: "come kill the Jew that is hiding behind me"

Well that's a lovely reason to believe in islam. Why don't you go on and sign me up, then? Do we have to have this kind of crap?

Muslim said:
Jesus never died on the cross it was a lie and there is over evidence to support this claim. And I can bring that evidence here if you wanted.

I think I know exactly which "evidence" you're referring to and it's associated with Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar). I've debunked it elsewhere, so if you wanted to post it I don't think it would be very helpful to your cause.

That was an interesting comment on the "angels of heaven" bit, but that 144,000 number looks more like it was pulled out of the air. Come on, divine numerology is nonsense.

Muslim said:
How about you just shut up, you don't want me to really pull all the contradictions in the bible. Fathers fingering their daughters? (OT) so just shut up.

:) I will not be shutting up.

And then everyone is going to kill Jews, and the Jews will hide behind rocks and the rocks will speak and say: "come kill the Jew that is hiding behind me"

Well that's a lovely reason to believe in islam. Why don't you go on and sign me up, then? Do we have to have this kind of crap?

No... it is good that a muslim reveals the blood thirsty nature of his religion. The more they reveal crap like this the better.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
The works of muhammad are known, terror and bloodshead and lies.

Known how? What works, do you even know the names of the books of Sunnah? The Prophet (s) did not right any books since we was illerate.

Adstar said:
No... it is good that a muslim reveals the blood thirsty nature of his religion. The more they reveal crap like this the better.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

It is even better when you reveal your own bloodthirsty nature. You do not realize this, but it is you who is hating, not us.

Also the quote is about the Zionist army of the Anti-Christ who will be made up of mainly Jews. However, many Jews and Christians will embrace Islam when the Holy Messiah Jesus (s) will come to the earth.

No one can prove Jesus died, have you found his grave yet?

Also anyone reading this, ignore GeoffP.

Allah guide you. Peace.
DiamondHearts said:
Known how? What works, do you even know the names of the books of Sunnah? The Prophet (s) did not right any books since we was illerate.

Since we was illerate? I think you still might be.

It is even better when you reveal your own bloodthirsty nature. You do not realize this, but it is you who is hating, not us.

Well, sure. Because Christians and Jews and Westerners really want to go and destroy islam for no reason whatever. Because Westerners want to kill apostates and Jews and homosexuals. Because Christian religious leaders preach death to muslims every Sunday. And because Christians riot and murder over cartoons of Christ, and hang sixteen year-old girls who get raped by their uncles and mouth off at judges. Sure thing. Absolutely.

No one can prove Jesus died, have you found his grave yet?

No one can prove Mohammed ascended, have you found his lift-off site yet? :D Did Gabriel come back for a chat to prove that he really talked to Mo-Mo? Has anyone bred that flying camel he conveniently rode to Jerusalem and back? That would be one hell of a useful genetic improvement, speaking livestock-wise.

Also anyone reading this, ignore GeoffP.

LMAO! If you don't like my POV, debate me.

GeoffP said:
I think I know exactly which "evidence" you're referring to and it's associated with Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar). I've debunked it elsewhere, so if you wanted to post it I don't think it would be very helpful to your cause.

That was an interesting comment on the "angels of heaven" bit, but that 144,000 number looks more like it was pulled out of the air. Come on, divine numerology is nonsense.


Its not from Haroon Yahya. Its from Dr Zakir Nik 1267 Christians converted that day to Islam. Even the guy he was debating with converted a week later.
Christians can talk all the smack the want to talk about Islam. I think its they just want to finger their daughters. Hay didn't in the bible two girls get their father drunk and then fucked him? wow the bible should be made into a porn movie!!! with all that incest and stuff. No wonder redneck in Texas get married to their sisters.

101 Clear

Contradictions in the Bible:
Muslim said:
Christians can talk all the smack the want to talk about Islam. I think its they just want to finger their daughters. Hay didn't in the bible two girls get their father drunk and then fucked him? wow the bible should be made into a porn movie!!! with all that incest and stuff. No wonder redneck in Texas get married to their sisters.

More bad news I wasn't able to find any evidence for a trend of inbreeding in Texas but I did find some other articles

This is a google first page result with the search criteria "inbreeding in texas"

Inbreeding, Linebreeding, and Outcrossing in Texas Longhorns

They don't have much habitat to roam in the South. I believe that the lack of toes in Southern Bigfoot is the result of inbreeding," says Chester Moore Jr. of Orange, Texas, a free-lance outdoor writer.

a few others on Gazelles in the zoo and horses were also to be found.

"inbreeding in the american population" results in pretty much the same animal stories and plant germination tales.

If you enter "inbreeding in arab populations" it yields the following first page results.

Among Palestinian Arabs the rate of consanguinity is very high and some 44.3% of the marriages are between relatives

I have now examined the effects of inbreeding on cognitive performance in an Arab population with a high rate of consanguinous marriage which minimised the distortions due to non-genetic variables

Although, Arabs consist of heterogeneous groups and many isolates, they share many common characteristics with important influence on their genetic constitution. These include: high rates of inbreeding or consanguineous marriage, elevated birth rates, child bearing in older maternal age and lack of public health measures directed at the control and prevention of congenital and genetically determined disorders (1). All these factors make genetic and congenital disorders responsible for a considerable proportion of perinatal and neonatal mortalities in Arab populations

Enter "inbreeding in pakistan" and you get these on the first page.

The prevalence of consanguineous marriages was studied in 940 families belonging to four different socio-economic groups in and around Lahore, Pakistan. The births occurring in these families from September 1984 to March 1987 were also investigated for birth defects.

The impact of consanguinity and inbreeding on perinatal mortality in Karachi, Pakistan

Data on patterns of consanguineous marriage were collected from 5340 families resident in eight cities in the Pakistan province of Punjab. To assess whether social and/or occupational class was interacting with consanguinity, information also was obtained on the hereditary qaum to which each family belonged. In the present generation 46.5% of all marriages were contracted at the level of second cousin or closer, with an average coefficient of inbreeding (F) of 0.0286, and the results indicated that in each of the seventeen qaums there was strong preference for marriage to a close biological relative. However, significant differences existed in the distribution of consanguineous marriage by qaum membership, which could interfere with the interpretation of studies into the biological effects of inbreeding

People who live in glass houses etc etc.
Muslim said:
Its not from Haroon Yahya. Its from Dr Zakir Nik 1267 Christians converted that day to Islam. Even the guy he was debating with converted a week later.

Laughable. I've seen the evidence, and it's bogus. Post if you like, but don't say I didn't warn you later.

Damn silly mystics really buy into all this Bull shit, don't they? LOL..Idiots.

There have always been secret organizations throughout the world, and plenty mysticism mixed in with their idealogy and origins of BS. ofcourse.

Secret Organizations

The U.S.A. was founded ..."In God We Trust".

WRONG! The US didn't start putting in their money "in god we trust" till way latter than when it was founded.

As usual Visitor is full of shit :bugeye:

US treasury history

Godless said:
WRONG! The US didn't start putting in their money "in god we trust" till way latter than when it was founded.

As usual Visitor is full of shit :bugeye:


Didn't say it was connected to money, you did.
The founding fathers based the constitution on biblical principles they got from the bible.

You have to add something I didn't say to my post call me a liar.
Now who's full of what.....?
Or I guess in your case, Godless...
Who's "lacking" what...? would be more to the point. :rolleyes:

Heres my post he's "dweebin'" on folks...

The eye in the pyramid is "The Great Seal" of God.
The great pyramid was built before the flood by Enoch and the sons of god to reflect the plan of the future salvation of mankind.
Thats what a so- called "Egyptian" pyramid is doing on the back of a one dollar bill.
The U.S.A. was founded ..."In God We Trust".
The other emblem on the right side of the one dollar bill is the seal
"Of the United States", with 13 arrows, she had 13 colonies ect....
They are separate..."The Great Seal", and "Of The United States".
are two different things.

Thats the "rest" of the story.
Last edited:
The founding fathers based the constitution on biblical principles they got from the bible.

Yep! it's confirmed your an idiot!.

** The Faith of our Founding Fathers, by Dean Worbois
No one disputes the faith of our Founding Fathers. To speak of unalienable Rights being endowed by a Creator certainly shows a sensitivity to our spiritual selves. What is surprising is when fundamentalist Christians think the Founding Fathers' faith had anything to do with the Bible. Without exception, the faith of our Founding Fathers was deist, not theist. It was best expressed earlier in the Declaration of Independence, when they spoke of "the Laws of Nature" and of "Nature's God."

In a sermon of October 1831, Episcopalian minister Bird Wilson said,

Among all of our Presidents, from Washington downward, not one was a professor of religion, at least not of more than Unitarianism.

The Bible? Here is what our Founding Fathers wrote about Bible-based Christianity:

Thomas Jefferson:

I have examined all the known superstitions of the world, and I do not find in our particular superstition of Christianity one redeeming feature. They are all alike founded on fables and mythology. Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined and imprisoned. What has been the effect of this coercion? To make one half the world fools and the other half hypocrites; to support roguery and error all over the earth.
by John E. Remsburg, letter to William Short**

learn your history dumb ass!

DiamondHearts said:
Known how? What works, do you even know the names of the books of Sunnah? The Prophet (s) did not right any books since we was illerate.

I know islam is a lie because it goes against the teachings of Jesus. Just as i know many supposedly "christian" religions are lies because they go against the teachings of Jesus.

It is even better when you reveal your own bloodthirsty nature. You do not realize this, but it is you who is hating, not us.

Bloodthirsty nature? I am a follower of the Messiah Jesus and that means i will never take part in combat so how am i going to kill, Liar. You are right i hate islam. I hate all false teaching in relation to God. Lies about God should be hated by those who love the truth. Ask the little innocent school children of beslan who experienced well aimed bursts of automatic weapons fire from "holy" islamic warriors as they tried to flee their school already injured by the bomb blast that smashed many of their friends bodies, They will tell you who the haters are.

No one can prove Jesus died, have you found his grave yet?

What a weak statement. Jesus has no grave. He is risen and will come again to judge the world.

Allah guide you. Peace.

peace????? More lies. The koran says that you should not be my friend, It says never be friends with Christians, so do not insult me with this lie of wishing me peace. I already have peace, the peace of Jesus. Here i will wish something for you and it is not a lie but genuine.

May you be forgiven. You who have embraced the lie of islam.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
Ask the little innocent school children of beslan who experienced well aimed bursts of automatic weapons fire from "holy" islamic warriors as they tried to flee their school already injured by the bomb blast that smashed many of their friends bodies, They will tell you who the haters are.

what about all those 'christians' who have killed many people 'in the name of god'?

not everyone who says he follows god, does.

you're ignorant about islam, just like muslims are ignorant about christianity.
Godless said:
Yep! it's confirmed your an idiot!.

** The Faith of our Founding Fathers, by Dean Worbois
No one disputes the faith of our Founding Fathers. To speak of unalienable Rights being endowed by a Creator certainly shows a sensitivity to our spiritual selves. What is surprising is when fundamentalist Christians think the Founding Fathers' faith had anything to do with the Bible. Without exception, the faith of our Founding Fathers was deist, not theist. It was best expressed earlier in the Declaration of Independence, when they spoke of "the Laws of Nature" and of "Nature's God."

In a sermon of October 1831, Episcopalian minister Bird Wilson said,

Among all of our Presidents, from Washington downward, not one was a professor of religion, at least not of more than Unitarianism.

The Bible? Here is what our Founding Fathers wrote about Bible-based Christianity:

Thomas Jefferson:

I have examined all the known superstitions of the world, and I do not find in our particular superstition of Christianity one redeeming feature. They are all alike founded on fables and mythology. Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined and imprisoned. What has been the effect of this coercion? To make one half the world fools and the other half hypocrites; to support roguery and error all over the earth.
by John E. Remsburg, letter to William Short**

learn your history dumb ass!

You don't understand, being an atheist,... the difference between true christianty, and the false church which murdered 68 miilion during the great inquisition.(the "dark"ages)
That is why we came to America to establish freedom of religion apart from the opppression that existed in Europe.
Your web site provided proves nothing, since your information is out of context.
c7ityi_ said:
what about all those 'christians' who have killed many people 'in the name of god'?

not everyone who says he follows god, does.

you're ignorant about islam, just like muslims are ignorant about christianity.

I agree with you on most of what you said.

However, the majority of Muslims know alot more about Christianity than many Christians know about Islam. Our Prophet Muhammad (s) has commanded us to learn of the cultures and practices of other people and respect them. He said speak out when injustice is done to others, and wish mercy on those who stand for justice.

Even if I disagree with Adstar personally, I respect his religion and I believe Christianity is a just religion and divine religion.

Islam teaches compassion and peace, even those who try to hurt you with words. Islam is the ultimate truth and is the only way to perfection of a person. This is what we Muslims believe.

I believe anyone is free to believe what they want and is only questionable to Allah (swt), not men.

And I really mean this. Peace.
You don't understand, being an atheist,... the difference between true christianty

Being an atheist does not make it incapable for me to understand it. Yes I understand just fine. The website was very relevant as it stated, most of foundingfathers were deist, not theists. There's a difference you know :rolleyes:

What the hell is "true christianity" the kind that murders abortion doctors in front of their clinic? The kind that stand in front of porno shops, are these the "true christians" you speak off? The kind that follow any number of variant in 33000 different sects of christianity? What the hell is a "True Christian!!"

Let me give you an example of a true Christian: Clikc
