The Riddle of Epicurus

Enigma'07: Than I don't exist either. You don't see me, you cannot hear me, you can't taste me, nor smell me, so accourding to your logic, I don't exist. Hmmmm.
M*W: This would be true. I can only read what you write. Jesus never wrote anything, so I don't know if he existed or not.
I can read what Jesus has inspired to be writen. You can also read it, if you want.
fahrenheit 451 said:
no shrink worth his salt, would do this.

They would either have to do this, or believe what I tell them...and no shrink worth his salt would do that.

I'm glad, your not depressed.
but what about all, the concerned people, around you.

I'm so blessed with family and friends who love me so much and really make sure I know it. I get loved on a lot. And the ones closest to me don't mess around. If they thought for a minute that I needed help, they would hog tie me if they had to...which they would not have to...but they would if they had to to drag me to the doctor. After the mri came back fine, my dad had mentioned me seeing a shrink, and in response I reiterated a description of my "state of mind". For the first time in a long long time I was happy, and fulfilled, and had purpose, and I wasn't bored anymore...I was healed of all of my addictions, and was not self destructive anymore...I was taking better care of myself than I ever had...quit smoking cigs and pot and quit drinking, and was exercising and taking vitamins and eating a healthy diet. Where before the miracle happened I was a mess! I was every kind of junkie there was from pot to junk food...spent my days getting high and watching soaps on tv and my nights at the bars after work or at my house with my addict friends getting loaded. I was an addict for 21 years. I told my dad that it would seem rather ironic to send me to a shrink now. The medical doctor that I saw told my parents that I was probably experiencing a manic episode and that I would eventually "come down" from my "high", and that's when it would be bad. So I told my dad that we should wait and see what happened...and that if I came down and fell into some deep dark depression and went back to self-destructive behaviour or fell apart emotionally, then that would be a good time to look into seeing a shrink. He had to agree with me because of the logic that was presented and so he did. He's still waiting...and I keep getting better and better. What are you gonna do?

what destiny, and what purpose, as your a slave to the will of your god.
take yourself up, and go find your man, then it will be your destiny.
just remember your man is a solid, living, breathing, creature, not an invisble entity, go get him.

I'm no slave...this is voluntary. Back when this whole thing started, going on six years ago, I gave the whole "man situation" up to Him to take care of for me. We had a long conversation one night after I realized that I was getting a divorce. I learned a lot that night from Him. I told Him that He was going to have to find me a man...after He convinced me that He could...that there was one out there for me...and I've been waiting since.

He really knows how to exceed one's expectations, God You should see this man He's got for me...absolutely unbelievable. And yet he is a solid, living, breathing creature...absolutely beautiful inside and out...and as real as the day is long. It's not about finding a are to be found's never been a problem. It's been more of a problem trying to lose It's about finding the right man...the perfect man for me...and only God can do that...and so He has...because I had faith in Him to do so. I just wasn't having it any other way.


cole grey said:
Also, trying to disprove or prove God's existence (which is not my intent), is no less futile than trying to convince Lori to act sensibly and spend two hours of her life with a mental health professional so that she can at least have options for her way of understanding her miracle. Even if it is just to get a good medically approved reason to say, "I'm not schizophrenic."

But I don't see how they could hear what I have to say about what's happened to me and not diagnose me as such. And I'm just not into that diagnosis or the reprocussions of it at all. It's either that diagnosis, or they would have to believe what I was saying...and that's just not going to happen. It's clear that no one is going to believe a word I say about this until my rock star confirms it.

Also Lori, i wasn't saying you were depressed, i was merely pointing out that people can be helped temporarily by a prescription and it doesn't have to affect your whole life.

Well, considering the fact that this miracle healed me of a 21 year drug addiction, I would find it completely ironic for me to seek a See what I mean?

And please stick to your plan, don't go after "your" rockstar. If you wait and he doesn't come for you, that will be disheartening (sometimes we misinterpret things, nobody's perfect) - but if you go get "your" rockstar, you could end up locked up, and hopefully that isn't how you are supposed to spend your 3 1/2 years in "hiding".

You're very witty. Yea, I'm not seeking to contact him, as tempting as it is sometimes and as much as I'm looking forward to being with him...I'd have to be an idiot to want to screw this up with selfish intentions like that.


Medicine Woman said:
Enigma'07: Than I don't exist either. You don't see me, you cannot hear me, you can't taste me, nor smell me, so accourding to your logic, I don't exist. Hmmmm.
M*W: This would be true. I can only read what you write. Jesus never wrote anything, so I don't know if he existed or not.

I don't have to read anything He wrote because I know Him and He talks with me and interacts with me all the time in all kinds of ways. You should meet Him, He's totally cool...maybe if you ever manage to get your head out of a book and want to...

Actually, He wants me to tell you something so I will. He wants you to know that the feeling that you got at the Vatican was from the Holy was God communicating with you that has caused you to change your life quite drastically in regards to organized religion and wildly research certain things since then. He also wants you to know that God is not organized religion...that they are not the same thing...and that they are not to be equated to one another. He wants you to know that He is a real being with a real Spirit that as a matter of fact has interacted with yours and caused all of this shit to happen in your life in the first place.

There now...don't shoot the messenger...I don't want to hear it...I'm just doing what I'm told.

Love you,


It sounds like you have an escape route planned in case everything goes to hell (figuratively speaking), and if you are not hurting yourself or anyone else while you wait, I guess we should lay off. But can I offer one friendly suggestion?
If you say "the rockstar", instead of "my rockstar" it won't sound as...


cole grey said:

It sounds like you have an escape route planned in case everything goes to hell (figuratively speaking), and if you are not hurting yourself or anyone else while you wait, I guess we should lay off. But can I offer one friendly suggestion?
If you say "the rockstar", instead of "my rockstar" it won't sound as...




Sorry dude...he's mine. We're betrothed to one another by our Father.

I always wanted my very own rock star...thanks God.

Jesus rocks...


Enigma'07 said:
Than (sic) I don't exist either. You don't see me, you cannot hear me, you can't taste me, nor smell me, so accourding (sic) to your logic, I don't exist. Hmmmm.

This is a lame, tried-and-not-true argument. By definition things do not exist if you can not perceive them or observe them in any way. But we have proof of your existing in your posting, what I am responding to right now. If god(s) posted on this forum then we would have some indication that they existed. So get it through your head that comparing the existence of some lamer on the net with poor logic and spelling skills is not the same as proving the existence of a deity.
Quantum Quack said:
so Lori, after you get him what are you going to do for the next 40 years?

Have a lot of really great sex.

Oh yea,

cole grey said:
ok, i tried.
Don't blame me when people call you CRAZY.

I won't...I think I'm actually getting a bit used to it. Hm...that's kind of scary.

What can I do but be honest? *shrug*


“ Originally Posted by Quantum Quack
so Lori, after you get him what are you going to do for the next 40 years?

Have a lot of really great sex.

Oh yea,


Well, my experience HAS been that the craziest girls I have ever dated, although their craziness became a serious detriment to my having an enjoyable life, were the best in bed...
Just an observation:
As with almost all extraordinary or extreme states of mind sex or more to the point pleasure of sexual origin comes into the picture to distort and drive the illusion of truth.

The mind finds pleasure in the illusion and usually manifests itself in sexual desire. Normally this is referred to the manifstation of the demon of material pleasure.

To have "god's" voice lead you to a relationship that titillates suggests that even the voice of God is some how tainted.

One of the main resaons why abstinence was so important to teh clergy ws to avoid teh distortions of motive and thought that sexual desire creates. However in denying their sexuality only manifested in some, extreme behaviours that we often read about in the news papers.

So Lori, I ask you just how important is the sexual aspect to your revelations and so on. Because if they are the driving force you are in trouble.
I admit I really don't expect a truthful answer.
Quantum Quack said:
and when you are not having sex?

We have a lot to talk'll take forever. We have a lot to share...with each other...and with the world...about what God has done for us...with us...and through us. And what He can do for them too. This miracle is all about Revelation prophecy...we have to tell people what God has shown us...warn them.

He's the most prolific guy on the planet...has to be. He's even productive while asleep apparently. I'm sure he'll keep me plenty busy.

And we're going to have a baby too.

Warm fuzzies,

For the first time in a long long time I was happy, and fulfilled, and had purpose, and I wasn't bored anymore...I was healed of all of my addictions, and was not self destructive anymore...I was taking better care of myself than I ever had...quit smoking cigs and pot and quit drinking, and was exercising and taking vitamins and eating a healthy diet.
Okay, but addiction, smoking, and drinking are not the the serious sins. Someone eventually can rid thimself of them. Pride is the serious sin, that's what I've found.

Actually, He wants me to tell you something so I will. He wants you to know that the feeling that you got at the Vatican was from the Holy Spirit...
But M*W also could say it was the devil trying to trick her. Only by what she said, practically anything could of caused her to have this impression. The people who've tried to reform the church, inside out, perhaps they had the same feelings. Perhaps. But why did they choose to remain but others didn't, that I don't know. I should think, though, that they didn't base their decision to remain based upon this feeling, same with those who left.

it was God communicating with you that has caused you to change your life quite drastically in regards to organized religion
Okay, what do you mean by organized religion? If simply opposed to disorganized, organized seems to be a bit better.

and wildly research certain things since then. He also wants you to know that God is not organized religion
cole grey said:
“ Originally Posted by Quantum Quack
so Lori, after you get him what are you going to do for the next 40 years?

Have a lot of really great sex.

Oh yea,


Well, my experience HAS been that the craziest girls I have ever dated, although their craziness became a serious detriment to my having an enjoyable life, were the best in bed...

Well there ya It's been a long, long time. And I told God, when I made my decision to become celibate, that the next time I had sex, I wanted it to be not only with my husband, but the kind of sex that He meant for us to have. I call it "God sex". And judging from how God always infinitely exceeds my expectations...I'd say that we'll probably blow the roof right off my house. :D

That's the spot,

Lori, how about the competition.?
Surely this rock star has women coming out his arse so to speak.What about them?
And judging from how God always infinitely exceeds my expectations...I'd say that we'll probably blow the roof right off my house.
I would suggest that your expectations were just to low to start with......
Sorry Lori for sounding so much like a party pooper, am just trying to ground your notions of heaven........