The Riddle of Epicurus

interesting discourse Lori,

A little advice, grab some sea salt and place it in a small cloth bag, and carry it in your pocket or purse.

The crystaline properties of the salt allows you to detect deceptions, which as yo saqy the "spirit " world has heaps of.
It also purifies those energies that may be toxic and preserves your underlying motivation.

The history of Salt casting dates back thousands of years and has often been used primarilly for protection. It may be something you can offer your ex husband as a way of protecting him from negative inputs, also it acts as a memory prompt of the need to be protected which we often forget to keep in mind.
Also the ritual of rubbing salt between your hands and smelling the result is also useful in allowing your brain/physical body to determine your state of health.
I know you get this a lot, and I know what the impressions are of most of the people that ask you, but I assure you, this is not in ridicule, nor it is a plea for you to seek professional help.
It's simple questions from an interested and curious person.
I would like to know, however, how you know that this is spirits and mystical interractions in the spiritual realm, rather than simple, straight-forward psychosis?
How do you know it's not your mind playing tricks on you?
I am sure (or at least I hope) that you understand and recognize that psychosis does exist and affects people in simillar ways to your visions and voices.
How do you know that it doesn't apply to you?
What is the deciding distinction for you?

The other thing I wanted to ask, if you see fit to share (I understand if you don't), Can you post the letters you wrote while interracting with The Holy Spirit, if you haven't already, and link to tham if you have?
Maybe even a scanned copy?
I would honestly be eager to read them.
I assure you that I will not ridicule you, but, of course, you will have to expect it from some.
If you are willing to share it with me, but do not want to make it public, maybe you could send me a private message?

cole grey said:
p.s. please don't ask about satan, i haven't figured that one out yet... :eek:

Got me thinking about Satan...about who he is...his "role" in all of this...

You know how it is that creation seems to have this duality of opposition? Life/death, light/dark, love/hate, faith/fear, order/chaos, peace/strife, good/evil, truth/lies, hope/despair...

It's implied in spiritual law I suppose...that there is always a choice for us to make...we, who are follow the law or to trangress it...determining the quality of our lives while here in the flesh...and ultimately determining whether to live or to continue to exist or not eternally...


Well, just as Christ, and His Holy Spirit is the embodiment of everything that is holy, the anti-christ and Satan is the embodiment of everything that is unholy. Who do we follow? Who do we serve? There is always a choice. What king and kingdom do you choose? The Holy Spirit leads us by rebirth of the the spirit...and through Christ. Satan leads us by our flesh and the material things of this world...a denial of Christ. And the life of the spirit and that of the flesh oppose one can not choose both. That which nutures the spirit, crucifies the flesh. That which satisfies the flesh crushes the spirit.

Just as Christ is the way that leads you to eternal life through the spirit, Satan is the alternative that leads you to death through the flesh.

The mark of the beast being a genetic alteration...presented as a "rebirth"...only of the flesh...that makes the flesh immortal, while killing the spirit. This is the alternative to spiritual rebirth through Christ, which makes the spirit immortal, and crucifies the flesh.

I'm thinking out loud, and my thoughts aren't very well organized, so I apologize...

Love you,

I know that the bible does not say this, but have you ever considered that God turned his back on humanity when they killed his mortal son?

I can't help but consider that he saw Jesus as his last ditch effort to save humanity from itself and they not only wholly rejected him, but killed him and sent him back home.

God could very well have said, "Well, I see you have made your decision" and became a Deist God at that point.

I hope that makes sense because that's one of the premises of a book I am working on. :D
Quantum Quack said:
interesting discourse Lori,

A little advice, grab some sea salt and place it in a small cloth bag, and carry it in your pocket or purse.

The crystaline properties of the salt allows you to detect deceptions, which as yo saqy the "spirit " world has heaps of.
It also purifies those energies that may be toxic and preserves your underlying motivation.

The history of Salt casting dates back thousands of years and has often been used primarilly for protection. It may be something you can offer your ex husband as a way of protecting him from negative inputs, also it acts as a memory prompt of the need to be protected which we often forget to keep in mind.
Also the ritual of rubbing salt between your hands and smelling the result is also useful in allowing your brain/physical body to determine your state of health.

That made me chuckle for some reason...sorry, not trying to be just struck me as funny. Maybe that's why the Bible refers to those born again in Christ as the salt of the earth??? But just the same, I'll stick to Jesus...He works just great. There is authority in His name...ultimate authority. So I can pray for protection in His name and I receive it...which I have, and did. I can also command evil spirits in His name, and they must submit to my authority in using being aware of who they are, and in relation to Him, they being under His authority...and I have done this as well, and witnessed them reluctantly submit. Faith is the opposite of fear...and they can't get to you if you have knowledge, because they can only operate in ignorance and deception. It may have scared the crapola out of me...what I went through for a while last year...but it only lasted for a minute...and I learned a hell of a lot from it...and for that I am thankful...and stronger.

*making a big spiritual muscle* What now biotch?



Not to barg in here. By the way, I liked your answer to the riddle. Thought it was very well thought out. But, I think in response to your question, ("but have you ever considered that God turned his back on humanity when they killed his mortal son?"), Christ was meant to die. It was this that paid for our sins, not Christ's life, but his Death. sort of the ultimate sacrifice. So, here's where i'm at. I think God was really ticked, but the bible said Christ is at his right hand ever interceding for us. Best answer i can think of. Hope it helps.

I'm glad to meet someone who has an open mind.

oh yeah Lori. If you don't mind, and maybe you already said it and i missed it, but what miracle are you talking about when you say "my miracle".

Still looking,
snoopdogg_capoeira said:

Not to barg in here. By the way, I liked your answer to the riddle. Thought it was very well thought out.

snoopdogg_capoeira said:
But, I think in response to your question, ("but have you ever considered that God turned his back on humanity when they killed his mortal son?"), Christ was meant to die. It was this that paid for our sins, not Christ's life, but his Death. sort of the ultimate sacrifice.
See, that explanation never sat well with me for a few reasons.

First of all, what sacrifice?
He was welcomed into the Kindom of Heaven for Eternal bliss. What is really so bad (from Christ's point of view) of being crucified?

Second, where's the necessity?
If God wanted to forgive us our mortal sins, he could simply do so. Why would he have to send his son to die on the cross? He's omnipotent, he wouldn't HAVE to.

Third, where's the reasoning?
Why would Jesus being crucified absolve us from mortal sin? If anything, it is proof positive that we do not want absolution at all. The son of God holds himself up as a teacher. He preaches eternal bliss in the his father's Kindom of heaven. He tells people that there are a few simple rules that need to followed. The rules are a thousand-fold less complex than Mosaic law and requires very little more than simply bening selfless and caring for all others. He was preaching simple compassion and cooperation. Not only did he get killed, but his followers raped his teachings, completely distorted his truth and used his words as an excuse for committing countless heinous crimes against all humanity. It is quite clear that we flat-out rejected salvation and absolution, regardless of how simple and clearly intuitive it was. If anything, us killing him would not ensure entrance into Heaven, but decent into Hell.

On top of all that, God was apparently aware that Jesus was going to be crucified at the hands of the very humanity he was attemting to save? What's the point?

It makes no sense at all to me.
If you really think about it, doesn't it sound pretty silly all-in-all?
I think it does.
This is where that premise from my book came from.
What seems to me like unsoluable reasoning regarding God offering the "ultimate sacrifice".

snoopdogg_capoeira said:
oh yeah Lori. If you don't mind, and maybe you already said it and i missed it, but what miracle are you talking about when you say "my miracle".
I believe she is referring to this miracle, which is the one I was asking about 2 posts back.
one_raven said:
I know you get this a lot, and I know what the impressions are of most of the people that ask you, but I assure you, this is not in ridicule, nor it is a plea for you to seek professional help.

Thank God.

It's simple questions from an interested and curious person.

Now that is more like it...that I can appreciate.

I would like to know, however, how you know that this is spirits and mystical interractions in the spiritual realm, rather than simple, straight-forward psychosis?
How do you know it's not your mind playing tricks on you?
I am sure (or at least I hope) that you understand and recognize that psychosis does exist and affects people in simillar ways to your visions and voices.
How do you know that it doesn't apply to you?
What is the deciding distinction for you?

That's a totally legit question, and I'll do my best to answer it. I'm sure that you can appreciate that it's sometimes difficult to interpret personal impressions and feelings or a sense of knowing or understanding into words. Especially when it has to do with the spiritual realm and these manifestations of it. It's just not something that I'm used to talking about or hearing about or even least not in relation to most other things...the things of the flesh...the things and happenings of this material world. Those things are easy to talk about and describe because we do it all the time...we're taught to in school even. But things that are not of this world are not so easy to talk about and one ever taught me much about that.

First, I would have to say the most obvious thing is that I've never been diagnosed with any mental problems or psychosis before...nothing even remotely close...quite the opposite actually. I'm the one that people confide in when they need to talk. I'm the one that people come to if they need help. I'm the responsible one. I'm the smart one...the capable one...the one that no one worries about. There have actually been times in my life when I've even resented this way that others see me and treat me. Like why does everyone else get to be weak and behave foolishly and irresponsibly and need bailing out all the time and I don't? Doesn't that sound weird? But it's almost like I felt neglected because no one ever worried about me before. Or there have been times when I've felt taken advantage of or taken for granted. I know, it's strange that I would feel that way...and I could never really stand the thought of being weak or needy either. I'm a control freak historically. I say this in retrospect because God has been changing me over the years...I've come to need Him...and to give up all control to recognize my weaknesses...and to appreciate very much the idea of needing someone else...or relying on someone else...a man that is, and in a marital and symbiotic ying yang kind of way you know. Anyway, I digress...

It seems odd to me now looking back that no one ever did worry about me back then, because as responsible and capable as I was, I was also truly self-destructive, extremely unhappy, and all because I believed lies about myself and this life that were truly ridiculous. So now people worry about me and think I'm nuts, while the opposite is true...that I now understand the truth about things that allows me to be happier, healthier, more fulfilled, productive, and "saner" than I've ever been. I don't know...I guess in a way, you've got to be somewhat nuts to be considered normal in this world.

So that explains other's perspectives of for my own. I've never experienced anything like this before or in relation to anything else...meaning that this phenomenon is very specific. The experience has been very my my sincere desires...legitimate desires that have been brought about by life experience. Seek and you shall find...and I sought...and I found. And back in the day, the answer that I got, I must say, was not the answer that I necessarily wanted...considering the circumstances...probably the opposite. But the thing is that because of the circumstances, I had to know the truth, regardless of what it was, of what it meant, of what the consequences were, of whether or not it was what I wanted to hear or to have to deal with.

And so it's been a progression over the years...this relationship with God. The things He's taught me and shown me...sometimes through circumstance, feelings, ideas or understanding that just "comes from out of nowhere", and on rare occasions this voice of His. But it's all been in response to satisfy a sincere desire of mine to understand certain things.

This thing recently though has been over the top freaking trippy. Blown my f'ing mind. And here's the mind isn't contriving mind can barely even keep up with this. I can barely get my pee-brain around's so meaningful and amazing. The thing is that I'm neither smart enough nor imaginative enough to ever even attempt to make something like this would be absolutely impossible for anyone's way too complicated and profound...and straight out of the Bible for crying out loud. Interpretation of prophecy that I could have never in a million years even attempted to develop a theory about, nor would I even care to or have any interest in trying to.

I try to explain this stuff to my friends and family and in relation to the rock star and his work, and also in relation to scripture and here's what happens...first of all I ramble on and on because it's just seemingly never ending, which can be irritating...for me at least. And then, what's even more irritating is the repeated use of the word "coincedence" in their response to what I attest to. Over and over and over and over. To the point at which the last time I was discussing this with my dad I asked him "Do you realize how many times you've used the word 'coincedence' in relation to what I'm telling you? You're starting to sound like the one who's crazy." I mean seriously, how many coicedences can there possibly be regarding one specific thing or occurrence before you start realizing that something weird is going on? But they just don't want to know. It means too's too's too over the top.

Then there's the rock star. Good God, there he is, just as amazing as the rest of it, but human, just like me. He's walking, talking, living, breathing, and singing actually, evidence of what has happened to me...and continues to happen. It's what him and his band and all of their work is all about. No one can figure it out....there's this huge enigma surrounding the band and his lyrics...everyone is dying to know what's up with this guy. No one knows what, but they know it's something. They love him, adore him, worship him actually. Until I understood what was going on it gave me the creeps. I want to tell you guys who it is, I just don't know if it's the right thing to do or not...I can't tell...I don't have an answer. It's not like you would believe me one does. Shit, I could go out on to the band's message board, where these people spend hours and hours contriving and discussing theories about what the band and his lyrics are about, and give them the answer that they are so desparate for and they would totally ignore me. It's just not going to make any difference until it comes from him.

And here's the bottom line...this thing is SO over the top that there is no in between...I'm either telling the truth and this has really happened, or I'm completely delusional to the point of being profoundly insane and need some serious help...and I mean serious help. There's just no in between with this...there's no watered down version...there's no other explanation...there's no rationalization...there's no diminished diagnosis. It's either the honest to God's truth or someone should heavily medicate me and lock my ass up. And also along this bottom line is the fact that I've never been happier, healthier, more fulfilled, or more at peace in my life! I've quit doing drugs...I was an addict for 21 years!!!!! 21 years people! That's a long fucking time to not be able to put something down...shit, I was chained to nicoteen, and to anything that altered my state of mind...preferrably pot. Put it all down without so much as one little withdrawal symptom...not one. It was like I didn't even have a choice. It was like I had never even been addicted at all. It was like I turned into someone else...someone who had never smoked or drank and never wanted to. I'm sorry, but that's just f'ing weird!!!! Shit like that just doesn't happen ok? Not to me it doesn't. I always said that it would take a straight jacket and a padded cell to get me to quit cigarettes. I was wrong. And you know, I'm not delusional about anything else. People still want my advice and my help and they still don't worry about me...other than when I talk about this one specific thing. They have no choice...they can't...cause they know me, they see me, they witness my behaviour and my mentality and it's obvious that I'm completely sane. I'm productive, rational, capable, and have no problem taking care of myself and others for that matter.

The other thing I wanted to ask, if you see fit to share (I understand if you don't), Can you post the letters you wrote while interracting with The Holy Spirit, if you haven't already, and link to tham if you have?
Maybe even a scanned copy?
I would honestly be eager to read them.
I assure you that I will not ridicule you, but, of course, you will have to expect it from some.
If you are willing to share it with me, but do not want to make it public, maybe you could send me a private message?


The first letter has references in it that are very telling as to the identity of the recipient. The second one does not, but I'm frustrated by it. See, I destroyed the original copies of both the letters right after I got off of the phone with my ex that day. That's what I did in my state of terror...I burned my notebook with the writing in it, along with just about anything else that had to do with what I had experienced, and a full carton of cigarettes too. Through them all into the fireplace and burned them...I have no idea why other than that I was just scared to death and didn't know what else to do.

So what I have now is rewritten from memory. The first letter is very accurate to what I sent him...I remembered that one very well. The second one though is not, and it bugs the shit out of me that I can't remember. Man, it was so perfect...every word just fit perfectly and flowed perfectly...and now it doesn't and so it frustrates me.

I wish I had a sign that told me what to do about spilling my rock star's beans...about naming him. If I were to look to your name raven, it would be a sign that said "NO!"...boldface and in all caps...screaming no. Nothing personal sweety, you would have to know a thing or two about the rock star to understand why I say that. I'm sorry, I'm just not sure right now.


Quantum Quack said:
Do you think God may have evolved since the bible was written?

Or do you think God is some how required to be the God of the bible of 2000 odd years ago?

I am well aware that I could be thinking from a very skewed perception and faulty anthropomorphic reasoning, but I always view "God" as having a personality.
If he does, then I think his evolution is fairly inevitable.

Where do you stand?
Why do you ask?
Snoop and Raven,

The letters are just a small slice of the pie that is my miracle...there's a lot more to it. I'm going to see if I can do some quick "cliff notes"...

Rock star was abducted by aliens. He also has experienced prophetic and lucid dreams, and can astral project himself. During these experiences, he interacted with demonic spirits who deceived him into taking the mark of the beast.

Because of this he became immortal in the flesh, and yet spiritually dead, for what I can tell was a period of seven years.

I do not understand his perspective and can't speak for him to explain what this was like or how he came about finding a way out of it. All I know is that he was shown a way out somehow...through his dreams...through signs and by God. This website is part of the way. He used to post out here when I first came out here in 98/99. He still posts out here for all I can tell...under assumed names of course. I'm pretty sure I know who he is...then again, I've been wrong before. Sometimes I misinterpret what God is trying to show me. Anyway, back in the day, the reason I came out here was to tell everyone what God had told me about aliens and the abduction phenomenon...that is was demonic, and was the basis of the end times deception of the antichrist and the false prophet. I don't think I knew about the genetic change that was to be the mark of the beast at that time yet...I'm not sure.

Rock star contacted me while I was out here...he wrote me poetry...on this site, and he emailed me once with it. It used to piss me off cause I hated poetry...I didn't understand it and I didn't understand him. He finally spoke some "english" to me and told me that he saw a sign with my name on it and would send me a bird. I wrote about this and posted it already somewhere in another thread. I can't find it now...

Five years later I listen to this record that practically hypnotized me. The lyrics sounded familiar...I knew what he was talking about...kind of...about abduction...but something was different about him...something had gone terribly wrong. He knew he was deceived...he was talking about blood and death and it certainly wasn't the run of the mill peace of and light shit that the typical new ager spews on a regular basis.

I bought the previous records and knew for sure that was what he was talking about. I still didn't understand all of it...I still don't understand all of it.

But God told me to write him a letter. I tried but it didn't come out quite right...wasn't happy with it. So then God told me to send him flowers. That's when the writings happened. When I began to write a "get well soon" note to accompany some flowers that I had no idea how to get to some rock star. The whole thing seemed ridiculous to me at the time. I had no idea what I was in store for.

During the writing of the second letter something else happened. I was in my trance like state and writing one night, and God told me to put down the letter and get my Bible and read Revelation. I hadn't read my Bible in a long time...years maybe. So I did what He asked and I was right in the middle of it when something distracted me. It was the sound that the tires were making on the pavement on the street going past my house. Sounded like the street was wet. I hadn't heard any rain...didn't hear any water in the gutters. So I was sitting there listening and wondering if it was raining and then I heard a rumble of thunder which answered my question. Then I felt something on my upper arms. This tingling sensation. It's hard to describe because I've really never felt anything like it, but the best I can do is to say it felt tingly, like when your limbs "fall asleep" from lack of blood flow and then the blood rushes back in...only my arms had not fallen asleep. It didn't feel like that really, I just don't know how else to describe it. I immediately knew that someone was there with me...standing in front of me...two beings actually. And don't ask me how I knew because I have no idea, I just knew. And so because of all of the weird letter writing shit that had been going on in regards to this rock star I asked "Rock star, is that you?" And the sensation got a lot stronger, like he squeezed my arms really hard or didn't hurt at felt great actually...but it got stronger, and so I took that as a "yes"...that it was him. The sensation slowly went up my arms to my shoulders to my neck and to my face. It lasted for several minutes all together I suppose...I really wasn't paying attention...and then it stopped and I was alone. My Bible had fallen off my lap, and I was sitting there with my head tilted back and my hands on my face, as they had followed where ever I had felt the sensation. And I was thinking "What the fuck just happened to me?" I didn't realize until later that he had given me a hug and a kiss.

God had told me a week or so before that happened that I would swallow the monster whole with a kiss...and had reminded me of that Nirvana song called "Heart Shaped Box". He had already told me that this silver heart shaped jewelry box that I had belonged to the rock star too...I was supposed to send it to him with one of the letters...or so I thought at the time....with my crucifix necklace in it that I got at St. Marks in Venice. The jewelry box had belonged to a good friend of mine who had died of cancer years ago.

Anyway, apparently the kiss is what healed the rock star...somehow...don't ask me how I have no idea why or how...I don't know. All I know it that after that the Holy Spirit came flooding into me like a whirlwind and over the next several months I was not myself...I was...on fire. Everything changed...everything was so intense...I had so much energy...I learned so much...and I still to this day have no idea what if anything I accomplished, but...

I woke up from a very intense and frightening dream at 7am on 7/7 and the fire was gone. And I've slowly progressed back to my old self since then...minus the addictions...and changed forever because of what has happened to me.

Rock star is not only a rock star, but he is also John, who wrote the book of Revelation...reincarnated. He is the one who ate the little scroll that contained the prophecy regarding the mark of the beast. Rock star accepted the mark by eating a carnivorous fruit...just like eve and adam ate a fruit. Now he will prophecy to the world...and I get to help too...even if it's just to love the shit out of him while he does it. We're going to have a baby. God told me that I'm the chosen lady that John writes to in 2 John. And that I'm the woman in the story of the woman and the dragon in Revelation...rock star is the eagle that flies me into the desert...he is the eagle that in Rev 8:13 announces the fifth trumpet blast. Chapter nine is about the aliens...the locusts are the aliens...the scorpion sting is the mark of the beast...that is why it says that men will seek death in those days but will not find it. Our child will apparently be the morning star. I'm not even sure what that means...but whatever it means, I know that he will rule over the nations with an iron scepter, and dash them to pieces like pottery. I don't know how this is going to happen. There are so many things I don't understand.

And I could go on about the details of all of just seems to go on for forever and ever.

I will say that much of this understanding that I've received about what has happened to me and to my rock star, God has given to me using, books, paintings,'s been such a trip...and it just goes on and on.

Jesus rocks...


I am not mocking, but I can't resist asking if the rock star is Snoop Dog. ;)

Lori_7 said:
Rock star contacted me while I was out here...he wrote me poetry...on this site, and he emailed me once with it. It used to piss me off cause I hated poetry...I didn't understand it and I didn't understand him. He finally spoke some "english" to me and told me that he saw a sign with my name on it and would send me a bird. I wrote about this and posted it already somewhere in another thread. I can't find it now...

This is literal?
He emailed you directly and conversed with you?
Did the correspondence continue?
When was the last time you heard from him?

You keep talking about when you "came here" am I correct in assuming that "here" is sciforums?

During your correspondence, did he mention anything of John, the prophetic verses in the bible or his contacting you via his astral projection?

How much of this has he acknowledged being aware of?
What was his reaction to your letter (if any)?

Is this the bird thread you mentioned?
I am well aware that I could be thinking from a very skewed perception and faulty anthropomorphic reasoning, but I always view "God" as having a personality.
If he does, then I think his evolution is fairly inevitable.

Where do you stand?
Why do you ask?

I ask these questions more as an excersise in broadening peoples ideas of what they worship.
I suppose it is inevitable that people will place certain human traits upon the object of their worship. Traits such as an ability to make decisions and feel anger and grief, and yet refuse to allow for the fact that with every decision the decider must change and evolve accordingly.
It seems to me that God or should I say his definition is sort of caught up in a time capsule, stuck in the times of 2000 odd years ago. Religion and in this case specifically Christianity is virtually obsolete and needs updating urgently.

I have certain beliefs and knowledge that I can not openly discuss. Mainly out of respect for the delicate nature of others belief systems.

Suffice to say that the community off mankind could be greatly enhanced by allowing "god" to exist as he is and not as we think he should be or what some old books may claim he to be.

Often I advise if people want to find the truth about God to just go find a quiet place somewhere and watch a sunset. If you can feel the joy and the music that is being played out in front of you you have discovered God. If people just drop the speculation and just behold that which is themselves they have found God.

But of course this is just poetic license is it not....

I do find it somewhat disturbing that even religious arguement about the nature of God is so distorted. That persons can claim to be acting on behalf of God when they perpetrate an evil against his creation.

That the God that exists today and not yesterday is being falsly represented by such as Manson and other fundamentalists.

I don't believe for a moment that God is unevolving or changing as change is inevitable in all things including that which is God. I don't believe that the God as depicted by most religious groups exists nor will he ever exist in the form of their definitions.
However he does exist whether you believe or not, as belief in him is not necessary for him to exist. I don't believe for a moment that God is less than what he is. He cannot be the moron or imbecile or the fool that most religions tend to think of him.
And on that basis I can not accept religious interpretations, however that doesn't discount my belief in the ever evolving force that is God.
Lori_7 said:
Telepathic communication not being the only way in which they can interact or influence. They can possess people who are willing and/or preferrably heavily drugged to the point of an extreme reduction of will or consciousness. And they can also possess the bodies of animals with relative ease. I've had them interact with me a couple of times.

But in the process, my ex-husband...who hears voices in his head and has for years...convincing him of a conspiracy against him...making him suicidal...and landing him in the psychiatric hospital on three occasions now. Anyway, they used him to communicate to me...they spoke through him. He called me on the phone one day...drunk and stoned as hell and as usual...and told me things about what I was going through that he had absolutely no way of way at all.

I wasn't shaking, I was practically convulsing.

...It wasn't the tv or stereo...he was alone at the time and at home. It was an evil hissing almost synthesized sounding voice. I couldn't make out what it was saying, though I recognized that it was saying something. I got the creeps and deleted it almost immediately. I later regreted deleting it.

And the weirdest thing was that every time I looked at it...from my bed, in the dark, out the window, and approximately forty feet away into the back would move. Every time I looked at it...even just to glance at would get up and reposition itself. It freaked the shit out of me.

And so I'm standing in my closet this one afternoon...rearranging my clothes...winter to summer changeout...and out of nowhere my head goes slamming into my closet shelf. I had been standing still...trying to decide how to organize it all. It's not like I lost my balance or ran into it...I wasn't even close to it. I swear it was as if some invisible hand came along and shoved my head right into it. The next day I slammed my finger in my car door at the gas station and that was it...I f'ing went God.

And then there is also demonic interaction that happens in the spiritual with lucid dreaming, astral projection, and alien abduction.
I've never experienced this myself, and am no expert, but I do know from hearing testimony of those who have experienced, that one's body can be left asleep/paralyzed, while their spirit goes elsewhere and interacts with deceptive/demonic spirits/beings. Astral projection could explain how Manson was able to collect personal information about his followers without their knowledge or consent...or information about other things...that would have convinced them that he was the Christ.

Anyway, with any kind of spiritual influence and/or interaction/communication, there are resulting manifestations in the physical realm. This is what the Bible refers to as "fruit of the spirit". And it says that the identity of the spirit is made obvious by it's fruit...a good spirit yielding good fruit and a bad spirit yielding bad fruit. I think that in the case of my ex-husband, and Manson, the fruit is it also is with myself and in contrast.

Shit, I'm ridiculed, rejected, and have my sanity questioned simply because I claim to know hear the voice of the Holy have experienced this miracle because of Him.

Ok Lori, it may come across in previous posts that I dislike you, but that is not true. I have never met you and only dislike what you have said. I personally care about you and your well being, and it is for this reason that I write this post, not out of spite or some plot to perseccute the religious for their beliefs.

What I want to say is that you are seriously showing several signs of schizophrenia and I think you need to look into the possibility that you are suffering from it. Here is a link to a personal health site: Schizophrenia Information

Seriously, please take a look at the symptoms and consult a doctor. Like I said, I am not trying to single you out or discredit you, or blame these symptoms on your religion, it is due to a chemical imbalance that these things happen, which are mostly hereditary and you are not to blame in any way. Trust me when I say that I am telling you this out of all good intentions. I have a friend that struggled with schizophrenia, he too had delusions of a religious nature and he abused drugs, which aggravated the situation. He dropped away from school and social life and ended up hurting himself resulting in hospitalization. The doctors they put him on a medication that completely straightened him out though, so he is fine now.
So please talk to somebody, preferably a professional, about your episodes and start on your path to recovery as soon as possible.

I have been involved with the paranormal and psuedo sciences for many years. I do realise this means zilch to most and frankly it is not my concern. However I do know that preparations are under way and have been for some time for the age of God to come to mankind and the rest of the universe.
These preparations have been occuring essentially at a subconcious level, and are yet to manifest consciously.

God is evolving...... that there is no doubt of.

To me what this means is that the future of this universe is guarranteed, and I find great joy in knowing this. And what is most important is that it doesn't matter what anyone believes, worships, of does. This age will occur regardless. So sit back be as good as you can and enjoy the ride......
one_raven said:
I am not mocking, but I can't resist asking if the rock star is Snoop Dog. ;)

No, it's not Snoop Dog...that's

This is literal?


He emailed you directly and conversed with you?

Yes...though I barely understood anything he what I did understand I interpreted as craziness and basically disregarded.

Did the correspondence continue?

No, it was a one time thing. I wasn't very nice to him, and I pretty much blew him off.

When was the last time you heard from him?

Well, like I said, this happened around 99 or 2000...I think he emailed me in 2000. I have a bad memory...

But he is a he's interviewed a lot...I see him in videos and on tv...I've got just about everything he and the band have ever put on tape. They also have a website for the band that he has posted on occasionally, so I've read that.

As I said, he is also out here. I said that I could be wrong about him posting out here, but I know that I'm not. I know who he posts out here least one name that he goes by. He doesn't come out here to the religion forum under that name though...he posts in the more "geeky" forums. But he can read my posts...he knows what's going on with me. Keep in mind though that he's never identified himself to me or to anyone out here...the only reason that I know who he is is because God told me.

See, we can't communicate with each other...we're not supposed to. After the kiss happened, I expected him to come and see me or to at least call me or something right away. I slept with my clothes on and on the couch for several nights afterward. Constantly looking out the windows...staring at the phone...waiting. Until God explained to me that it was going to be a while...and that this time spent apart is for witnessing purposes. I'm telling my story...and he's telling his...thousands of miles apart and in very different ways...but the exact same story. There's actually more to it...see, I told you that he can astral project right? Just like he came to me in the spirit for the kiss and hug, he can come to me anytime...I just don't know he's around. I actually think he's around me a lot...watching me pick my nose or whatever...I don't know. The band is writing and recording a new record and it's gonna be all about this...what has happened.

You keep talking about when you "came here" am I correct in assuming that "here" is sciforums?

Yes. I used to post out here under my name "Lori".

During your correspondence, did he mention anything of John, the prophetic verses in the bible or his contacting you via his astral projection?

No, not at all. He didn't know any of this about his identity (as John) until recently. He found this out through me and our interaction actually. He didn't understand who he was or why any of this had happened to him until Jesus got ahold of him, and he was introduced to Jesus through me...I think that's how it went down anyway.

All he said in his email was that he would send me a bird???

Some of his lyrics though make me think that he has visited me in this way for years now...since that time back in 2000. Watching me...and waiting for this to happen I suppose. Man, I really hate speaking for him. Like I said, I'm getting this from song lyrics and I don't understand everything from his perspective...barely from my own. But that's the impression that I get anyway...

How much of this has he acknowledged being aware of?

None...there is no acknowledgement. It's all coming in the form of an album I suppose. There is no communication between us at all in any way. I see things in him and have heard him say things to others that provides confirmation and some understanding of what's going on with him. But most of my confirmation and understanding has come from God Himself and actually from other people, and other people's art. I know this must sound so strange to you...

What was his reaction to your letter (if any)?

I only sent the first one, with the silk flowers, which were returned unclaimed and unopened from the band's po box two months later. Somewhere out here, I've described why I didn't send the second letter. It involved me sitting on my couch and watching a piece of paper with the band's po box address written on it and the stationery and envelope packaging shrinking up into a ball right before my eyes on my coffee table. That's because we're not supposed to communicate "conventionally". He was apparently reading both of the letters over my shoulder as I was writing them anyway. So given the fact that the first letter was returned unopened, we have never communicated with each other in any way...I've never even seen his band in concert. That is me and the rock star...I did communicate with crazy bird dude back then, but didn't know it was the rock star, and the only reason that I know that now is because God told me, not because he's ever identified himself out here. Does that make sense? lol...

Yes, that's the one.


Why don't you send him a Private Message?
He must know who you are, and he doesn't need to make any public acknowledgement to reply to your PM.

By the way, what does my name have to do with anything?
Why would you be wary of telling me who he is due to my name?
Zero Mass said:
Ok Lori, it may come across in previous posts that I dislike you, but that is not true. I have never met you and only dislike what you have said. I personally care about you and your well being, and it is for this reason that I write this post, not out of spite or some plot to perseccute the religious for their beliefs.

What I want to say is that you are seriously showing several signs of schizophrenia and I think you need to look into the possibility that you are suffering from it. Here is a link to a personal health site: Schizophrenia Information

Seriously, please take a look at the symptoms and consult a doctor. Like I said, I am not trying to single you out or discredit you, or blame these symptoms on your religion, it is due to a chemical imbalance that these things happen, which are mostly hereditary and you are not to blame in any way. Trust me when I say that I am telling you this out of all good intentions. I have a friend that struggled with schizophrenia, he too had delusions of a religious nature and he abused drugs, which aggravated the situation. He dropped away from school and social life and ended up hurting himself resulting in hospitalization. The doctors they put him on a medication that completely straightened him out though, so he is fine now.
So please talk to somebody, preferably a professional, about your episodes and start on your path to recovery as soon as possible.


Sweetheart, I appreciate your concern, I really do...sincerely. And I really do not blame you, given your perspective, to recommend such a thing to me. But I swear to you I'm as sane as the day is long. What I am telling you is the truth, and will someday, hopefully soon, be confirmed by said rock star. See Zero, as I've said a way, I do think I have schizophrenia ironically enough...because I believe that the Holy Spirit is not the only spirit that can "talk" to people or interact with people. But as the fruit of the spirit dictates, not all of the spirits are holy...only one...the rest being demonic...and landing you in the mental ward, or on drugs, or incapacitated somehow, if not dead from suicide. As weird as what I am attesting to sounds, I am happy, healthy, drug-free, and for the first time in my life, estatically glad to be alive. You'll see Zero, one day all of you will see that I am AOK.


Another question.
How do you know this is not an evil spirit?
As you have essentially said (and many other people attest to) evil spirits are conniving, beguiling and very clever masters of disguise.
Lori, I must agree with Zero Mass but not for the same reasons.

What I read is a person who is despartely trying to cope with her experiences.
As to whether they are delusional or psychosis or whatever is not so much the point, howver your ability to cope with those experiences is.
A simple question needs to be asked and you don;t have to reply here at this forum.
The defining aspect of any serious problem is whether or not you are able to function as most "normal " people do. For instance are you able to maintain relationaships, are you able to hold down a job? Are you able to talk about other things besides your "esoteric" experiences?
These are the questions that determine your need for medical help. Having beliefs is not the problem but how you behave according to those beliefs is.

You sound as if you are verging on exhaustion. Please if you have answered the above questions to the negative seek help. Some medications that can be provded give you a chance to slow your thoughts down so that you can deal with your experiences. They will also raise your fear thresh hold so that your anxiety level is reduced, thus you can relax a little and take stock and get somesort of balance back into your life.
My perspective on all this is rather simple. The 'Tsunami' this past weekend says it all. To hear some say "I thank God for chosing to save me" is assinine. If God chose to save one person he also chose to kill 120,000+, 1/3 of which were innocent children. The majority were poor working people and the others were comparitively rich vacationers.

There is no excuse and there is no God. It is that simple.