The Riddle of Epicurus

one_raven said:
Why don't you send him a Private Message?
He must know who you are, and he doesn't need to make any public acknowledgement to reply to your PM.

Well, because we're not supposed to communicate. He wouldn't respond to me if I did. There would still be a record of it. I have a feeling that the whole point is that this miracle will be investigated. This thing is gonna be huge, and people are going to be searching really hard for a way to disprove it, and I'm not going to give them one. That's why I don't want to tell who he is...the rock star's name. Because I don't want anyone to be able to say that the rock star just happened to be cruising the net and just happened to come across my posts here at exo, and though it would be some great publicity stunt to confirm my story. Though when I consider that, it still doesn't disprove anything. He's been writing lyrics about this and telling his friends and family about this and living with this for years. I just want him to be the one who "comes out"...I don't want to "out" him. He's got an amazing voice and he's an eloquent writer, he can handle it...I can't imagine him needing my help.

By the way, what does my name have to do with anything?
Why would you be wary of telling me who he is due to my name?

Well, remember how he's the crazy bird dude and he said he's send me a bird? A raven is a bird. And actually it is the specific type of bird that I believe was used by demons somehow with their presentation to him...during the deception. This is evident from things I've seen.


Quantum Quack said:
I have been involved with the paranormal and psuedo sciences for many years. I do realise this means zilch to most and frankly it is not my concern. However I do know that preparations are under way and have been for some time for the age of God to come to mankind and the rest of the universe.
These preparations have been occuring essentially at a subconcious level, and are yet to manifest consciously.

God is evolving...... that there is no doubt of.

To me what this means is that the future of this universe is guarranteed, and I find great joy in knowing this. And what is most important is that it doesn't matter what anyone believes, worships, of does. This age will occur regardless. So sit back be as good as you can and enjoy the ride......

The age of Aquarius. Yea, things are about to get freaky. Remember what I've told you about the aliens ok?

Love you,

Lori_7 said:
I am happy, healthy, drug-free, and for the first time in my life, estatically glad to be alive. You'll see Zero, one day all of you will see that I am AOK.

I am glad that you now believe you are ok, I truly am, and if you believe that you are then it couldn't hurt to talk to a doctor about it to confirm you medically. If you can give me a legitimate reason not to go to the doctor then I won't mention it again.

But like I said, it is better to be safe about it and check it out. So please do

But, when this does come out, all you have said will still be on the net and readily available to anyone that wants to look at it.

If I am watching TV, and Bono comes on and said he met his soulmate during an out of body experience and he is actually the resurrection od John, you can be DAMN sure a bell is going to ring in my head, as well as anyone else who has ever read this.
Word WILL get out, and all of what you have posted here will be published in a sensational book, in all likelihood written by me (in which, of course I, one_raven, will claim to be the bird that he sent you ;)).

I don't understand why it matters if it comes out now or later, the end result will be the same.
Some will believe and praise God, some will call you both crazy freaks and say you put John and Yoko to shame, some will think it is a big publicity stunt and some will think that Bono is the devil incarnate and send him death threats.
Then it will fade into obscurity when the next sensation comes along.
(Not that I'd complain, I'm sure I'd sell a lot of copies of my book)

So, what's the difference between now and then?
You mentione you mom wanting you to get an MRI or CAT Scan or something to rule out a brain tumor (the forhead pain during the event, and all).
Did you ever get it?
Quantum Quack said:
Lori, I must agree with Zero Mass but not for the same reasons.

What I read is a person who is despartely trying to cope with her experiences.
As to whether they are delusional or psychosis or whatever is not so much the point, howver your ability to cope with those experiences is.
A simple question needs to be asked and you don;t have to reply here at this forum.
The defining aspect of any serious problem is whether or not you are able to function as most "normal " people do. For instance are you able to maintain relationaships, are you able to hold down a job? Are you able to talk about other things besides your "esoteric" experiences?
These are the questions that determine your need for medical help. Having beliefs is not the problem but how you behave according to those beliefs is.

You sound as if you are verging on exhaustion. Please if you have answered the above questions to the negative seek help. Some medications that can be provded give you a chance to slow your thoughts down so that you can deal with your experiences. They will also raise your fear thresh hold so that your anxiety level is reduced, thus you can relax a little and take stock and get somesort of balance back into your life.

The answer to those questions is that I'm actually functioning better than normal. People notice too...I'm happy, healthy, and off drugs and most other self-destructive behaviors that people succomb to, including myself in the past. Trust me, if there was anything "wrong" with me, my family would have my ass to the doctor in no time flat. They had me examined medically when this first mri of the head. They though it may be some physical anomaly, but they found nothing. And because I'm completely sane other than the fact that I attest to this miracle, they can't justify taking me to a shrink...they know I'm sane...we talk all the time...we're close and they know me very well.

To be honest with you, this has been a real challenge for me. It has been somewhat exhausting and it's complicated and confusing to me hasn't been easy. It's been the hardest thing I've ever had to deal with...and the most amazingly wonderful thing at the same time. Nothing good ever comes easy does it? I know that it's in God's will...that it's His plan for my redemption and restoration. And He has kept me through it all. Despite my selfish and whining flesh wanting to complain because it can't have it's own way all of the time, I am actually so happy and grateful that I can't even put it into words.


Zero Mass said:
I am glad that you now believe you are ok, I truly am, and if you believe that you are then it couldn't hurt to talk to a doctor about it to confirm you medically. If you can give me a legitimate reason not to go to the doctor then I won't mention it again.

But like I said, it is better to be safe about it and check it out. So please do


Right now I don't have health insurance. That's a pretty good reason huh? I did not too long ago and I still didn't want to talk to one. Just sounds like such a drag. And nobody's putting me on drugs...I've done enough drugs and I'm done with them for good.

Trust me Zero, I'm fine.

Lori_7 said:
Right now I don't have health insurance. That's a pretty good reason huh? I did not too long ago and I still didn't want to talk to one. Just sounds like such a drag. And nobody's putting me on drugs...I've done enough drugs and I'm done with them for good.

That isn't a reason, it is an excuse. I am sure that if you are in such good standings with your family they will be willing to pay. If worst comes to worst go see a social worker, they can do a limited screening and suggest medical advice and with their order I am sure you could get a trip to the doctor paid for. If worst comes to worst I am sure that we could ask around and get enough money. Please try to seek counsel from the medical community.

one_raven said:
But, when this does come out, all you have said will still be on the net and readily available to anyone that wants to look at it.

If I am watching TV, and Bono comes on and said he met his soulmate during an out of body experience and he is actually the resurrection od John, you can be DAMN sure a bell is going to ring in my head, as well as anyone else who has ever read this.
Word WILL get out, and all of what you have posted here will be published in a sensational book, in all likelihood written by me (in which, of course I, one_raven, will claim to be the bird that he sent you ;)).

I don't understand why it matters if it comes out now or later, the end result will be the same.
Some will believe and praise God, some will call you both crazy freaks and say you put John and Yoko to shame, some will think it is a big publicity stunt and some will think that Bono is the devil incarnate and send him death threats.
Then it will fade into obscurity when the next sensation comes along.
(Not that I'd complain, I'm sure I'd sell a lot of copies of my book)

So, what's the difference between now and then?

Oh good God, not Yoko!!!!!

Um, I think it matters because I haven't said his name out here, so as far as he knows, I could be talking about David Bowie or Michael Jackson. So people can't claim that he came come out here and knew from what I've posted that I was talking about him. Even though he really does know that I'm talking about him. My friends and family know his name, but they're not going to correspond with him so they're safe to confide in. Listen, I didn't claim that what I'm doing/not doing made sense...I just don't want to fuck anything up you know? This is too important.

And you are that no matter what I do, some still won't believe. Not because of any evidence or lack thereof, but simply because they don't want to.

Maybe you are the bird that he sent me?


If I had to hazard a guess, I would have to say it is Scott Stapp.
You don't have to confirm or deny if you don't want to.

I have to say, I have known quite a few people with psychotic delusions, and, although I am not necessarily saying that's what this is, you HAVE to admit, you are displaying all the classic symtoms.
Denying reason.
Refusal to face the situation in the "material realm".
Justifications that don't even make sense to you, yet you still cling to them...

I am just saying that if I were you, I would contact the person directly and discreetely and face it head-on.
Tell him it's time you guys face up to this.

I would have to do it just for my own sense of satisfaction and need for physical corroboration.
I know you said you can't be mistaken that it really did hapen, but these things have a way of being easily misunderstood (like the Halloween thing) and perhaps you are misinterpreting your visions.
Don't you owe it to yourself to at least find out?
My question to Lori is, do you and the rockstar get together in the process of revealing the miracle you had, and then become the two witnesses of revelation that shoot fire upon the people that try to kill them during the end times, or however that story goes?
That would definitely qualify you for at least the symptom of grandiose thoughts described under paranoid schizophrenia in the link supplied by zero mass.
I am always sorry to join a consensus, as following a crowd usually indicates one is just as dumb as a crowd tends to be, but in this case I don't think the crowd is dumb when they suggest getting a professional opinion. Nobody can force someone to take any drugs that might be suggested as long as a person is functional enough to stay out of an institution, so there would be no harm done in getting checked out. (I know because I have a friend who is supposed to be medicated, and he sometimes tries to just work his problems out himself without taking his medication, and that is when I get a call about some "crazy" situation that has arisen.)
I went through a rough spot in my life about seven years ago, and took anti-depressants for three or four months while my environment became more bearable. It isn't a bad thing to have a problem, however, to have a problem and not be able to ask anyone for help is.
Of course there is a very small chance that your perspective is entirely correct, in which case I'll be glad to know Jesus will return soon. Hopefully he will then explain to everyone that he was never telling george w. bush what to do, and christianity won't have to take the blame for any more racist killings.

Also to quantum, like I said before - God doesn't need to change/evolve, but our understanding of God does. It's very funny that humans, with their incredibly awful track record of screwing things up, somehow feel that they can judge God. Just because we evolve enough to figure out that God doesn't want us to kill anyone, or we figure out God isn't a cosmic animal totem (or big man or woman) in the sky, doesn't mean God has changed.
also, to mac

using one argument that you interpret as disproving God's existence and then expressing an opinion based on that is like trying to prove the law of entropy by spilling some water on the sidewalk, and then saying "it splashed around all disorganized-like, so therefore everything in the universe that doesn't have an organizing force must become more chaotic over time."
In other words, stating your opinion is fine, but don't think something makes sense just because you believe it.

*That example does not express any support I may or may not have for the validity of the idea entropy is actually functioning in our universe.*
oh, and to Leo,

---- Is that what that fat lying stupid perverted insane drunk Luther told you, or are you just guessing? ----

this hateful remark of yours actually shows literary talent too, so maybe you don't have to constrain yourself to something productive like I suggested in my earlier post about you. Just be funny when you say something ridiculous, that's what George Bush does...
one_raven said:
If I had to hazard a guess, I would have to say it is Scott Stapp.
You don't have to confirm or deny if you don't want to.

Is that the dude from Creed? Nope, but that's a decent guess I suppose. My rock star is waaaaaay hotter than

I have to say, I have known quite a few people with psychotic delusions, and, although I am not necessarily saying that's what this is, you HAVE to admit, you are displaying all the classic symtoms.
Denying reason.
Refusal to face the situation in the "material realm".
Justifications that don't even make sense to you, yet you still cling to them...

I am just saying that if I were you, I would contact the person directly and discreetely and face it head-on.
Tell him it's time you guys face up to this.

I would have to do it just for my own sense of satisfaction and need for physical corroboration.
I know you said you can't be mistaken that it really did hapen, but these things have a way of being easily misunderstood (like the Halloween thing) and perhaps you are misinterpreting your visions.
Don't you owe it to yourself to at least find out?

Ok...ehem...Mr. Rock Star,'s time that we get together and face up to this head-on.

There I said it. He reads my posts so...

Here's the thing...the thing is that there is a specific date. I don't know what the date is...but I know that the day is a Sunday...he says so in a song. That's one of the reasons that I thought it was of many, many reasons...but whatever. See, I don't decide when it's time, he does. Well, he doesn't really either, God does. But God told him when to come and get me, not the other way around. So I'm waiting on him, and will continue to. For me to attempt to communicate with him during this time defeats the entire purpose of being separated. Why would I want to do that? God knows what He's doing, I don' I'll let Him handle it.

Rock on,


PS...I think it was lalapalooza last year that I saw this guy with a tshirt on that said "Even Jesus hates Creed". lmao. That is so f'ing funny. I actually like Creed though...and I would imagine that Jesus likes them least it's not lame-o whitey Christian sap music...bleh...
cole grey said:
My question to Lori is, do you and the rockstar get together in the process of revealing the miracle you had, and then become the two witnesses of revelation that shoot fire upon the people that try to kill them during the end times, or however that story goes?

You know, I've wondered about that myself, but I was not shown anything regarding the two witnesses. The two men witness for 3 1/2 years, and my story says that I go into hiding for 3 1/2 years...the same 3 1/2 years I don't know.

I went through a rough spot in my life about seven years ago, and took anti-depressants for three or four months while my environment became more bearable. It isn't a bad thing to have a problem, however, to have a problem and not be able to ask anyone for help is.
Of course there is a very small chance that your perspective is entirely correct, in which case I'll be glad to know Jesus will return soon. Hopefully he will then explain to everyone that he was never telling george w. bush what to do, and christianity won't have to take the blame for any more racist killings.

Well, I don't have a problem, I have a miracle, so the latter scenario is true. And so speaking to a shrink would be a colossal waste of sitting there rolling my eyes while they use the word "coincedence" 87 times in a half hour conversation. I'll pass...

And, I'm not depressed...not at all. Going through this has been a challenge. It would be for anyone I would imagine. But what it means for me...what it's done for a huge blessing...something more wonderful than I could ever have imagined for myself or for my life. It's been frustrating not knowing what to do with myself in response to it. I've never felt so inept. And I miss rock star. I want to be close to him so's difficult sometimes. I've never longed for anything before...not like this. The only times I've gotten depressed is when I've set myself up for disappointment by trying to guess the date of his arrival. And even then the depression only lasted a couple of days or so, and then God steps in and lifts me back up and dusts me off and I'm fine again. So trust me when I say that there is no other "place" I would rather be than right where I am...right now. In God's His plan...under His wing. This is what I want. There is nothing's all I's all I want for's my purpose...and I am eternally grateful. It will be a huge relief to finally feel those big hunky arms around me, and to hear that beautiful voice explain everything to me, when he does get here. But only in God's time, and until then I'll be just fine...drooling over pictures of him and listening to my CD.

Love muffins,

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Interested by the riddle I googled it and came upon this little ditty....

I grew up in church, but it didn't really "take" until I was 17. At that dramatic "turning-point" time in my life, I was very emotional, no real direction in my life, and one night when I was at home all alone, I dropped to my knees and Received Jesus as my Savior and Lord, amen.

Over the next three decades, I memorized hundreds of Bible verses. I taught Sunday School classes. I collected 22 different translations of the Bible. When that wasn't enough for me, I learned Greek and Hebrew so that I wouldn't have to rely on translations (Greek, by the way, is MUCH more difficult than Hebrew).

And I got to know a LOT of Christians. They're a pretty twisted bunch - as evil as any of us, but they're CHRISTIAN about it. No atheist ever fucked with me or cheated me or stabbed me in the back the way Christians did.

And I really tried to ignore the blatant contradictions in the Bible, and the descriptions of hateful, despicable acts that were attributed to God, or were ordered by him. One day, I realized that I was more moral than he was.
lori said:
"coincedence" 87 times in a half hour conversation.
no shrink worth his salt, would do this.
I'm glad, your not depressed.
but what about all, the concerned people, around you.
lori said:
.it's my purpose.
what destiny, and what purpose, as your a slave to the will of your god.
take yourself up, and go find your man, then it will be your destiny.
just remember your man is a solid, living, breathing, creature, not an invisble entity, go get him.
I Have finally figured out the ultimate fact...and i hope it doesn't end this forum. No one in this forum is going to convince anyone of anything, scientific proof or not. I have heard disbeleif in God merely because something bad happened. Give me a break. "You will suffer as I have suffered." ~Jesus. Also, I've heard some pretty sad arguments in God's favor, and some pretty good ones too. I'm not going to leave out the fact that i've heard some good arguments in the atheists favor, and some bad ones too. All i'm saying is that very few if any are going to be moved in their thinking by an unprovable argument.

Guess we'll know in like 70 years. 100 years for those of you exercising while reading this.

I know this sounds bad for my argument but i hope i'm wrong about there being a god because, IF I'M RIGHT, and i'm not preaching here med. woman., but IF I'M RIGHT, alot of people in this forum are going to be screwed.

Nothing but love for ALL of you,

I myself wouldn't presume to be able to convince anyone to believe in God. I just think people like to blame God for everything when it is really mostly humans that screw things up, even if they blame it on God afterwards and say, "he told me to do that."
Do the people who blame God for the incredible death toll of the recent tsunami know that here in america we have equipment which will tell us if there is seismic activity underwater which will give us about an hour to evacuate? But instead of helping prepare other countries (who didn't have natives to kill for their resources like we did) with that expensive equipment, america buys hummers, and $6000 tv sets.
Then we blame God that over 100,000 people die.

Also, trying to disprove or prove God's existence (which is not my intent), is no less futile than trying to convince Lori to act sensibly and spend two hours of her life with a mental health professional so that she can at least have options for her way of understanding her miracle. Even if it is just to get a good medically approved reason to say, "I'm not schizophrenic."

Also Lori, i wasn't saying you were depressed, i was merely pointing out that people can be helped temporarily by a prescription and it doesn't have to affect your whole life.
And please stick to your plan, don't go after "your" rockstar. If you wait and he doesn't come for you, that will be disheartening (sometimes we misinterpret things, nobody's perfect) - but if you go get "your" rockstar, you could end up locked up, and hopefully that isn't how you are supposed to spend your 3 1/2 years in "hiding".
M*W: Atheists don't struggle with believing in a god that doesn't exist. We don't see him, we cannot hear him, nor can we taste or smell him, because he doesn't exist.

Than I don't exist either. You don't see me, you cannot hear me, you can't taste me, nor smell me, so accourding to your logic, I don't exist. Hmmmm.