The Riddle of Epicurus

Quantum Quack said:
Just an observation:
As with almost all extraordinary or extreme states of mind sex or more to the point pleasure of sexual origin comes into the picture to distort and drive the illusion of truth.

The mind finds pleasure in the illusion and usually manifests itself in sexual desire. Normally this is referred to the manifstation of the demon of material pleasure.

To have "god's" voice lead you to a relationship that titillates suggests that even the voice of God is some how tainted.

One of the main resaons why abstinence was so important to teh clergy ws to avoid teh distortions of motive and thought that sexual desire creates. However in denying their sexuality only manifested in some, extreme behaviours that we often read about in the news papers.

So Lori, I ask you just how important is the sexual aspect to your revelations and so on. Because if they are the driving force you are in trouble.
I admit I really don't expect a truthful answer.

Well then why do you ask? lol. You'll get an honest one anyway. Honestly, when this happened, I didn't know much about this guy at all. I had listened to three of their cds for a few months. Prior to me listening to them, I had never heard of the band before. There was only one pic of him in the cd covers that I could make out any features on, and it's not a very good one. I didn't have internet access at the time and I didn't have mtv2 on my cable so I could not easily access pics or videos of him at all. I had to go to my mom's and use her computer to try to look stuff up about find out about him. I wasn't thinking about sex at all...not at all. I was thinking about aliens and what they may have done to him. I was thinking about the mark of the beast and what it meant for him. I was thinking that God must have lost His mind telling me to write this guy a letter. I was on the net looking to find an explanation of his vain...there was no explanation. Only a butt load of obsessed fans trying to theorize about them and figure "the mystery" of them and the band out. He had given some artistic crapola answer when asked about their meaning...saying that he wanted everyone to interpret them in their own way and to mean something to each individual...and that they were personal. He would not tell. Knowing what I know, I don't blame him. I wanted to make sure he hadn't explained the lyrics because I felt like the biggest ass in the entire world when I thought of having to write him regarding their meaning.

While out there trying to find a clue, I saw a lot of pics of him. Like I said, people are obsessed with this guy. Guys think he's a god, and girls lust after him like nothing I've ever seen. Honestly, I didn't get it. From what I saw of him at the time, I found him to be creepy...and not very attractive. Sorry baby if you're reading this. I didn't think he was unattractive necessarily...he was just hard to see really...and so morose and angry. I didn't understand him back then...I didn't understand anything back then. And I was intimidated as hell by him. God told me back then that if I took the fear out of my intimidation, that I would be left in awe. And of course, He was right. He always is. Now that I understand him, and I've seen so much more of him since then...of his personality...learned so much more about him...I have grown to love him dearly...and so he has become the most attractive man in the world to me. He's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. But you know that what makes people beautiful isn't what's on the outside, but what's on the inside that shows through. And he has a beautiful heart. He is so intelligent, and creative, and romantic, and talented, and disciplined, and prolific. And yet is so humble and caring and compassionate. He is the strongest and bravest man in the world. He has passion. And he has incredible that can bring the dead back to life. Faith that can change the world...and help many many lives. I absolutely adore him, and I'll trust him with my life.

It's funny...back then God told me so many things, but one thing that He said to me...after I had been looking at rock star on the net was..."Don't you think you look alike?" And I said, "No, not really". It was kind of hard to tell actually, but I didn't think so...not much anyway. I took that one little pic that I had of him from the cd cover to the mirror and looked and was like, "I dunno, maybe???" Then God said, "You have the same Father." And I thought "wtf?" And God said, "He doesn't know his real Father either." And I immediately thought of my biological father, whom I do not know. I do though have a couple of pics of him...his senior hs pic and him and my mom at their prom. So I got those out and compared the pics of him and rock star, and you know they looked like they could be father and son. I was shocked. I thought that God was trying to tell me that this guy was my long lost brother from my biological father's side of the family. And God said, "I didn't say that you were brother and sister, I said that like you, he doesn't know his real father." And then I realized that God was referring to Himself...his spiritual Father. And I said, "Oooooooooh." So, for a minute, I actually thought this guy was my brother. Which lead me to consider some other things about my brother the rock star. Which is actually what I call my real brother, who is also a musician. He is a guitar and bass teacher, and plays in a local cover band, and is amazingly talented. I've always referred to him as "my brother, the rock star".

Immediately after that, God directed me to read the story of Isaac and Rebekah in Genesis ch 24. He used it as an analogy pertaining to rock star and me. And because of this, I think that rock star and I are related on my biological father's side, but more Isaac and Rebekah were. I digress...

Anyway, to sum up my feelings...first of all, this whole thing is very surreal to me. To think of myself with this guy is just so over the's just something that I wouldn't imagine in my wildest dreams you know. I would never think of such a thing. Not even in fantasy. I've never had delusions of trying to hook up with some rock star or any famous person...that shit is for stupid teenagers. I didn't even think such things back then, and I'm a grown woman now. It seems to weird to be true...and yet at the same time, it makes perfect sense...explains many things about me and my life. But it's still so surreal. Secondly, I look at this guy and think what the hell is he going to want from me? I mean, I don't doubt God one bit, and if He says that we're meant for each other then I believe it, but that doesn't mean that I "see" it. Because when I look in the mirror, I'm not young enough, not pretty enough, not glamorous enough, not smart enough, not nice enough, not talented enough, and yea, not sane enough. I just don't see it, but I believe it still...only because I know God, and I know that He doesn't lie. Thirdly, I don't deserve any of this. With God, it certainly is never about deserving anything. I deserve to be dead and in hell. I deserve to be alone at the very least. And what is God's "punishment" for me having an abortion those years ago? For me to get to have a child for Him. Do you have any idea how loving that is? How graceful that is? How that melts my heart? It is truly amazing what God had done for God treats me...loves me. His grace is truly amazing. And so, even if I was to never get to see or to be with this man, to be his wife or to have his child, I would still be so grateful for God to have used me to help him in this way. I told God that I didn't want my life unless it belonged to Him, and I meant's the only way that it has any value to me is if He is living through me...if I am living in His will. For me to be able to see my own life be used to help save do something good for once...something right...that is the blessing. It's not about's not about me getting laid or getting what I want. It's about God. Most of the time I talk crass. It's not that I'm being dishonest, it's just that I tend to express myself in a way that does not necessarily reflect the depth of my true feelings. It's just easier for me to speak that's the language that most people use most of the time. The truth is that I could die one very happy woman right now knowing that God used me to help this man...and that I am forgiven.

*sniff, sniff*,

All this stuff sort of remnds me of the Wacco Texas incident with that man called David Karesh [spellings?]
He also was found to be very attractive with his mix of spirituality and profound sexuality. Polygomous and kids getting born every where. But sadly in the end 75 or so people died in their insane support of a messiah complexed man. Not to mention something similar in the form of the Jones Town Masacres. [hundreds died I think]
The point is as has already been pointed out with reference to the Manson character, perceptions can get bloody distorted when there is a heady mix of spirituality and sexuality.

The hard questions that need to be asked is " Why has God suddenly decided to show the light yet offer insanity as a reward for devotion?
Why is God not talking to every one? Why just you?

If God is truely God why woudl he focuss his attention on just one person and not the entire planet?
Whats the point of telling only one person and then expecting her to be found credible when the world will not do so?

Hard questions like these are going to save your skin Lori, as maybe God is testing your ability to reason and find a rational way of living.

How easy is it to delude someone if you give then what they want with out declaring the price?
Quantum Quack said:
Lori, how about the competition.?
Surely this rock star has women coming out his arse so to speak.What about them?

It's crazy the way girls freak out over him...I'm gonna piss some girls off really bad. Maybe a death threat or two. He's gonna break some hearts. But if they really love him like they say they do, they'll want him to be happy and to be loved. And I really love him, and I hope that in time they will see that he's happy and they'll forgive me.

Who am I kidding, they're going to hate me. :(


cole grey said:
the competition?
If he is a real rock star he'll have sex with them too, of course.

Hey! That's not funny. My man's not a slut. He even wrote a song or two about it. I would suppose that he has been celibate a hell of a lot longer than I have. He's a good take that back Cole. :mad:


Hey! That's not funny. My man's not a slut. He even wrote a song or two about it. I would suppose that he has been celibate a hell of a lot longer than I have. He's a good take that back Cole.

One thng I have learned over the years:
"If you ignore reality it's going to come along and bite you on the bum"
Quantum Quack said:
The hard questions that need to be asked is " Why has God suddenly decided to show the light yet offer insanity as a reward for devotion?
Why is God not talking to every one? Why just you?

QQ, I'm not insane sweetheart. And I'm just going to ignore the reference to Koresh and Jones and Manson for the most part, except to say that the fruit of the spirit is obvious to the observer. And in my case, will be as well.

And God is certainly not just talking to me...He talks to lots of people. He talks to those people who want Him to talk to them...who want to hear Him...and so are listening. Asking and listening takes faith. Seeking a relationship with Him is a very real endeavor, and one that is never futile. Having this relationship with Him and this ensuing knowledge of Him is what being born again is.

If God is truely God why woudl he focuss his attention on just one person and not the entire planet?
Whats the point of telling only one person and then expecting her to be found credible when the world will not do so?

God uses those who offer themselves and their lives up to Him to be used. And I will be found will see...give it a minute...He's not done yet. There will still be some who will not believe, but not because I'm not credible or because there is no evidence, but only because they don't want to believe, and for no other reason.

Hard questions like these are going to save your skin Lori, as maybe God is testing your ability to reason and find a rational way of living.

How easy is it to delude someone if you give then what they want with out declaring the price?

I have found the only way to live. The only way that I'm willing to live. It's just that what seems rational to this world is many times nothing but a big distraction from the truth. And so I no longer look to this world for the truth, but to the source of it, that is to God. Because of this, the way I live may seem irrational to others who do not know what I know.


Quantum Quack said:
One thng I have learned over the years:
"If you ignore reality it's going to come along and bite you on the bum"

No, I would imagine that he may bite me on the bum, and that I may just like it. :D it again,

cole grey --- the competition?
If he is a real rock star he'll have sex with them too, of course.

Lori --- Hey! That's not funny. My man's not a slut. He even wrote a song or two about it. I would suppose that he has been celibate a hell of a lot longer than I have. He's a good take that back Cole.

response --- ok, but first you must admit that it was funny.

Seriously, I will tell you something from my experience as a songwriter, not from a hunch or a prophetic word, but from actual experience, not just mine either, I have worked with a lot of other songwriters too;

1. sometimes you write about other people
2. sometimes you write about yourself or others as you wish you/they were, not as you/they actually are
3. sometimes you write about how you think things will some day be, or could have been
4. sometimes you put a line into a song that doesn't express exactly what you would like it to say because it just sounds right with the music (good examples of this are david bowie, and the beatles
5. sometimes you write something that means something to you, and people interpret it in a different way that is meaningful for them (most of the best songs fit this category)

All that to say, until the rock star confirms your interpretations of every lyric, you can not know exactly who this person is by studying their art. Sure, you can probably get a halfway decent rough idea, but you would be foolish to presume you can predict their actions based your interpretations of their art.

And rock stars like to f*** around.

cole grey said:
cole grey --- the competition?
If he is a real rock star he'll have sex with them too, of course.

Lori --- Hey! That's not funny. My man's not a slut. He even wrote a song or two about it. I would suppose that he has been celibate a hell of a lot longer than I have. He's a good take that back Cole.

response --- ok, but first you must admit that it was funny.

Seriously, I will tell you something from my experience as a songwriter, not from a hunch or a prophetic word, but from actual experience, not just mine either, I have worked with a lot of other songwriters too;

1. sometimes you write about other people
2. sometimes you write about yourself or others as you wish you/they were, not as you/they actually are
3. sometimes you write about how you think things will some day be, or could have been
4. sometimes you put a line into a song that doesn't express exactly what you would like it to say because it just sounds right with the music (good examples of this are david bowie, and the beatles
5. sometimes you write something that means something to you, and people interpret it in a different way that is meaningful for them (most of the best songs fit this category)

All that to say, until the rock star confirms your interpretations of every lyric, you can not know exactly who this person is by studying their art. Sure, you can probably get a halfway decent rough idea, but you would be foolish to presume you can predict their actions based your interpretations of their art.

And rock stars like to f*** around.


Ok, I suppose it was a little bit funny...probably much more so to anyone but me.

I'm not stupid.

And "my" rock star is different. That's why I love him so.

Fuzzy bunnies,

And God is certainly not just talking to me...He talks to lots of people.

And I suppose all the other female Lusty fans aren't also in some sort of commune with a "god" as well.

Maybe you should talk go some of them and see if they say the same thing you are saying?
And "my" rock star is different. That's why I love him so.

Fuzzy bunnies,

As I said earlier Lori I have been involved in teh paranormal for many years and what I am about to suggest may at first be rather amuzing and then possibly quite scary.

"Maybe your Rock star and your God are one and the same thing."
Quantum Quack said:
And I suppose all the other female Lusty fans aren't also in some sort of commune with a "god" as well.

Maybe you should talk go some of them and see if they say the same thing you are saying?

I haven't heard any of them attest to anything like I've experienced, but I can't speak for anyone else. Did you have to capitalize Lusty? I Love him.


Quantum Quack said:
As I said earlier Lori I have been involved in teh paranormal for many years and what I am about to suggest may at first be rather amuzing and then possibly quite scary.

"Maybe your Rock star and your God are one and the same thing."

That's a very strange thing to say...and I don't understand what you mean. My rock star is definitely not God though...he's a man, and he's not Jesus. I'm fairly certain, from what I've been shown that he is John, who wrote the book of revelation, reincarnated.


This is a lame, tried-and-not-true argument. By definition things do not exist if you can not perceive them or observe them in any way. But we have proof of your existing in your posting, what I am responding to right now. If god(s) posted on this forum then we would have some indication that they existed. So get it through your head that comparing the existence of some lamer on the net with poor logic and spelling skills is not the same as proving the existence of a deity.

Then how do you know that I am not god? But then, I could also be a super computer programed to respond to such questions. Or, I could be an alien from a distant galexy(which would explain my poor spelling skills). You cannot make such judgements without seeing me in person.
I think we should just have an elijah project. All religions call upon their god. Athiests upon the nothingness that everything came from (what a dumb thought), and whoever shows up wins. End of story. If no one shows up then we'll be where we are now. But if one does, this forum will end and people will be happy again. Cause it seems to me that this forum went from the riddle of Epicurus, to everyone suggesting Lori psychiatric help.
what is a fuzzy bunnie lori, is it a drunk rabbit.
I had an actor boyfriend, who I dumped for screwing around they all do it, it's a power thing.
there must be more girls, who idolise your guy, so be aware, none of the these guys are angels gods or saints.

I'll admit to contributing to the digression, but it seems to me these topics and arguments can only be pursued for a period of time until your subconcious (or the holy spirit, or your biocomputer brian) can process everything and communicate more refined or fitting ideas to contribute to the search for understanding.
(I hope nobody responds that they already have understanding (although, I know Lori has understanding and everything is rosy for her), because although each of us might have some, none of us understands as much as there is possible to understand about philosophy:religion:insert name of thread here)

I think the discussion with Lori actually ended up illustrating an idea that people often forget when they get into a discussion like this:
you can provide someone sensible arguments, but people still tend to cling very tightly to what they "know" as it intrinsically has more meaning for them than some of the best arguments might.
maybe that has something to do with "free will", which is basically saying you are not a programmed machine. "Free will" doesn't imply that you can do whatever you want, obviously you can't, it's just that you are free to think whatever you want.

By the way, that is a pretty good argument for humans having a soul - your organism is pre-programmed with instinct galore, yet you have the ability to reprogram yourself in a lot of ways too. And if you tell me some animals do that too, maybe they have souls. Maybe they are the souls of people with bad karma, who the f*** knows for sure?

"We have to have free will" has never struck me as a very strong argument relating to the riddle of epicurus anyway, so the caveat doesn't bother me.
(taking away one obvious, and weak, solution makes the game more challenging)
We could very well have a benevolent God who makes everything nice for us, and God could still give us the "free will" to think God was a dumb-ass, who we would deride, thinking we could do it better, without having to give us pretty much total power to destroy the planet. E.g.,God didn't give us the ability to fly to other galaxies to destroy them, but we don't consider that an infringement of our free will...
Maybe God let us have first crack at it, so we could royally screw things up, and God doesn't have to go through everyone saying, it was better the other way, for eternity.

Ok, am I back on track now snoop? We've got the riddle of epicurus, free will, and even sci-fi in one paragraph.
mis-t says "none of the these guys are angels gods or saints"

I think this is a pretty good argument against anyone who say's "I'm God, you're God, etc." Just look at us. Weak, even pathetic at times. I think God is not the type of thing you pity for it's lack of control. The word "God" itself, especially as a contrast to the word human, implies power.