The Riddle of Epicurus

Somebody help me out with this. With all the possibilities God and no God and all the in-between (astral projection, demons, angels, ect.) I'm still insanely bored with my everyday life. Not unhappy, not suffering so much, just bored. What do any of you suggest? After all i can't spend my whole life reading this forum.

P.S. has anyone really ever "astrally projected" themselves. And if do you do it.

Help me out here Lori.
No, but some people can project their subconscious desires onto other people as is the case with the rock star and Lori.

Of course when a person becomes aware of these projections they immediately make the connection to God. Simply because this is the domain of God. The realm that God works in. Seeing the difference is very difficult especially if the person is in a state of trauma in the first place. Thus the seeds of self-deception bear fruit.

Lori appears to have picked up the subconscious projections of the Rock star that is promoted by his music and has interpreted them as the voice of God.
But as I know God talks to no one [in English of all things][he doesn't need to], it can not be God.

I think Lori, if you listen real close to the voice of God you are hearing you will find out that it is really your own voice in reflection, reflecting what you are sensing from your Rock star with a heavy dose of imagination and spiritual rapture. The voice being an auditory "refraction" [a fragmentation of your own inner voice]
The funny thing is that the rock star doesn't even know he has this psy. ability.
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supposedly Dorothy Parker said, "The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity. "

I would say this is true, because I am pretty much never bored.

The question is, would you rather be bored, or constantly pecked at by questions you can't answer, like a harassed birdie-momma?

I can say I am basically never bored, but am often vexed by questions I can't answer, questions which I think are of the utmost importance, while most people could care less.

Which would you prefer?
No, but some people can project their subconscious desires onto other people as is the case with the rock star and Lori.
Okay. But note that this is of the subconscious. Lori wouldn't even need to choose to have this projection.

Of course when a person becomes aware of these projections they immediately make the connection to God. Simply because this is the domain of God. The realm that God works in. Seeing the difference is very difficult especially if the person is in a state of trauma in the first place. Thus the seeds of self-deception bear fruit.
Well, this isn't so. Obviously someone who hears a voice couldn't rule out the possibility that it was God or some good sign given to them. But at the same time, I think no need to assume its God. That's if your speaking simply of locutions or visions. Some of the patriachs such as Abraham seemed to have the uncanny ability of recognizing God, but for us, no doubt, this is more difficult.

Lori appears to have picked up the subconscious projections of the Rock star that is promoted by his music and has interpreted them as the voice of God.
But as I know God talks to no one [in English of all things][he doesn't need to], it can not be God.
Depends. Paul heard Jesus speak to him in English, certaintly. But God has other ways to communicate, some of which, depending on circumstance, might be better than English.

I think Lori, if you listen real close to the voice of God you are hearing you will find out that it is really your own voice in reflection, reflecting what you are sensing from your Rock star with a heavy dose of imagination and spiritual rapture. The voice being an auditory "refraction" [a fragmentation of your own inner voice]
The funny thing is that the rock star doesn't even know he has this psy. ability.
I don't know Quantum Quick. The voice could be outside of her, demonic. I can tell, though, that the emphasis is wrong. Too much in expectation when we called to expect nothing. Well, none of us is like to be able to do that, but when your receiving visions and voices that tell you to "expect," there's something wrong, I think.
snoopdogg_capoeira said:
I think we should just have an elijah project. All religions call upon their god. Athiests upon the nothingness that everything came from (what a dumb thought), and whoever shows up wins. End of story. If no one shows up then we'll be where we are now. But if one does, this forum will end and people will be happy again. Cause it seems to me that this forum went from the riddle of Epicurus, to everyone suggesting Lori psychiatric help.

I'll play...I've already called on Him...and when my rock star shows up, then Jesus wins. Fair? Can't say when that will happen, will happen.

I was thinking today how strange it is that people would suggest such a thing of me...about getting pyschiatric help. I've been dealing with this impression that others have since this happened to will be a year in March. At first I was pissed about it...offended. But then at the same time, I also couldn't really blame people for their opinions when I thought about the things I was telling's just so over the's not like I don't realize that it is. So for a while I went back and forth, being offended and then understanding...the reaction of the flesh vs the reaction of the spirit. I did a pretty good job of keeping the reaction of my flesh to myself I must say...and that's good, because it's really great to have people who care about me, and I appreciate it very much. Now I no longer feel offended, but it's more amuzing to me, and in a surreal kind of way. I still just can't fathom that people think I'm nuts. It makes me chuckle, but it's really not funny. I don't know...

Can you guys try to put yourselves in my shoes for a minute and try to imagine how it would feel to have something like this happen to you? To experience a very real and important and fairly consuming supernatural event. And then you try to share it with others...tell them about it...and people don't believe you and think you've gone nuts. This place I'm in is a very weird place. It's a pretty lonely place too, if it weren't for God here to keep me company. Don't get me wrong, there's plenty of loved ones and friends around's just that no one understands. There is one man who understands in this whole world...and for now, I'm not allowed to talk to him. It's hard. It's odd. But it's so worth it. You'll see.


Lori, it is always teh same when experiencing paranormal or supernatural events. Any one who is not experienced in these things goes through this phase of intense excitement and fears, some don't make it though and end up in institutional care some do make it through and realise the supernatural is just an extreme of what is actually part of a greater reality.

When you are able to sit down and cope with your experience like a walk in the park, then you will know you are on top of it. But at the moment it's got you by the balls so to speak [ovaries will do] and the energies involved are amazingly potent....

it reminds me of the Greek mythology [well I think it was Greek.] of the Sirens call and how men in ships had to tie themselves to the ship to stop themselves from abandoning ship in pursuit of the source of the sound. Such was the allure of the sexual nature of the sound [feminine no doubt] How they would steer their ship onto rocks, [ loose the ability to rationalise and reason]
mis-t-highs said:
what is a fuzzy bunnie lori, is it a drunk rabbit.
I had an actor boyfriend, who I dumped for screwing around they all do it, it's a power thing.
there must be more girls, who idolise your guy, so be aware, none of the these guys are angels gods or saints.

Well, I think it may be obvious that I had a glass of chianti last night. :rolleyes:

It's just me being stupid...trying to be cute.

And yes there are plenty o girls who idolise my guy...that would be a vast understatement actually. But I'm not looking for an angel, god, or a saint even...just an honest man, who is born again and loves Jesus like I do...a man I can trust. And I trust this man completely and without a doubt. And it may sound strange but the reason I trust him doesn't have as much to do with him as it does with God. Because I know God and we have this relationship, I have grown to trust Him with my entire life. He is perfect, all knowing, all seeing...He created me and instilled the desires of my heart in me, and knows exactly how to fulfill each and every one of them. He knows me better than I know myself. And most of all, I know that He loves me...a love this great does not exist in this world...I experience it and it amazes me. And so I know also from experience that He always, always acts in my best interest. And consequently, when He says to me, "Lori, this man is your husband." What else would I say except, "Ok...and thank you." That's a long way of saying that I trust this man because I trust God.

Let's say snuggle bunnies,

Lori do you think the same God is telling your rockstar that you are his wife? Afterall relationships take at least two to tango and in your case you are assuming at least three.

How would you feel if you were to write him a letter asking him if God had told him that you were his wife?

What do you think his response would be?
Surely if God had told you that he is your husband he has also told him that you were his wife, and if not why not?
As I said to you before, if you were to express your experience in a way that sounded less crazy, some people might not be as quick to point you straight to the shrink.

I'm still suggesting saying "the rockstar" instead of "my rockstar" would be a start. If you hold onto saying things that are generally attributed to psychopaths, like claiming ownership of a person who you don't even have normal and earthly communication with, people might tend to label you with

quacks like duck + walks like duck = duck

even if they are wrong.
Lori, let's face it you are in love, simple, and you are going to defend that love all the way to hell and back. The question really is what are you in love with? A real person ? An idea? An experience? What?
a long time ago as part of my research I was talking to a psychiatrist who said something that really stuck in my mind.
"People fall in love with their psychosis, and it is this love that destroys them."
now he was talking from a clinical perpective, deeming the patients experience as psychosis.

I guess sometimes we love riding a rollercoaster too....
snoopdogg_capoeira said:
Somebody help me out with this. With all the possibilities God and no God and all the in-between (astral projection, demons, angels, ect.) I'm still insanely bored with my everyday life. Not unhappy, not suffering so much, just bored. What do any of you suggest? After all i can't spend my whole life reading this forum.

P.S. has anyone really ever "astrally projected" themselves. And if do you do it.

Help me out here Lori.

Ok yea, you didn't have to ask because this post had my name written all over it anyway. Because I had felt the same way for all of my life...just bored shitless. And it did not matter what circumstance was going on in my life at any particular time either...because the boredom was not due to lack of activity or stimulation. I was constantly busy and, jobs, family, boyfriends, friends, a marriage, a house, traveling, partying my ass off. Actually, that's the reason I think that I was so inclined to get relieve my boredom. It actually helped quite a bit. I was still bored, it's just that if I was high, I didn't seem to mind it so boredom wasn't as frustrating to me if I was high. No matter what I did though, nothing made it go away. I did my best to distract myself from it, but it was just systemic...nothing relieved it. My whole life, and in regards to life I've asked, "This is it? You've got to be kidding. This is it?" And I've had a life that most people would's not like I had anything to complain about.

I don't feel that way anymore...I'm definitely not bored anymore. It didn't happen over night, but what did finally relieve it was being born again and my relationship with God. When you live in His will, and experience your restoration and redemption in Him...your destiny in Him...there is no boredom there...anything but. It's the most amazing and exciting thing that you could ever experience...that is...your life. And it's because He fulfills those desires of your heart. The boredom and/or frustration comes from unfulfillment...and so when you are fulfilled in Christ, it goes is finally relieved. It's better than any drug I've ever done that's for sure. I am so excited about my life now...I love my life...and I want to be here living it...I love being me...for the first time ever. And God did this for me, so...

Give your life up to God. Tell Him He can have at it...that you'll be His vessel, and that you want to live in His will, and experience His divine destiny for you. Tell Him that you want Him to fulfill the desires of your heart...that you want to experience His plan for your life. And then hold on tight man, cause it's a wild ride. And I guarantee you that there will come a time when you will not be bored anymore.

Rollercoaster of Love,

Quantum Quack said:
Lori do you think the same God is telling your rockstar that you are his wife? Afterall relationships take at least two to tango and in your case you are assuming at least three.

How would you feel if you were to write him a letter asking him if God had told him that you were his wife?

What do you think his response would be?
Surely if God had told you that he is your husband he has also told him that you were his wife, and if not why not?

Yes as a matter of fact, I know that God told him this very same thing. It is depicted very plainly in his art....his lyrics and a scene in one of their is very apparent that he knows that I am his wife. It's so strange because we're committed to each other without ever having met "in the flesh"'s very odd, but it's true.

I can't write him a letter remember? He would just have to send it back unopened and unclaimed like he did the one that I sent him already with the flowers. We are not supposed to communicate during this time.

Lori loves her rock star 4-ever!
Oh well Lori, grab a picture and put in on the mantle piece above your heater if you have one, write a book called teh second testemant and wait to meet him in person just like all the other Christians are doing.
oops I didn't mean that to be so so so sarcastic.....sorry
Quantum Quack said:
No, but some people can project their subconscious desires onto other people as is the case with the rock star and Lori.

Of course when a person becomes aware of these projections they immediately make the connection to God. Simply because this is the domain of God. The realm that God works in. Seeing the difference is very difficult especially if the person is in a state of trauma in the first place. Thus the seeds of self-deception bear fruit.

Lori appears to have picked up the subconscious projections of the Rock star that is promoted by his music and has interpreted them as the voice of God.
But as I know God talks to no one [in English of all things][he doesn't need to], it can not be God.

I think Lori, if you listen real close to the voice of God you are hearing you will find out that it is really your own voice in reflection, reflecting what you are sensing from your Rock star with a heavy dose of imagination and spiritual rapture. The voice being an auditory "refraction" [a fragmentation of your own inner voice]
The funny thing is that the rock star doesn't even know he has this psy. ability.

QQ, you're not correct about this. I knew God's voice and had conversations with him years before ever hearing the rock star's music. And His voice is not a refraction of my own inner voice either. He has a different tone, and speaks in a different way. Not only does He say things to me that I would never say to myself...being that these things would never just occur to me from out of the blue...but He says these things in a way in which I would never say them. He speaks very directly and truthfully. Not necessarily in a "formal" way...He just doesn't use any extraneous or unnecessary words, and He doesn't lie, not even to exaggerate in order to make a point. He has said things to me that I didn't necessarily want to hear. I mean, I asked Him to communicate with me and to give me tell me the truth. It's just that sometimes, the truth isn't can be difficult sometimes to hear the truth about yourself.


Quantum Quack said:
Lori, let's face it you are in love, simple, and you are going to defend that love all the way to hell and back. The question really is what are you in love with? A real person ? An idea? An experience? What?

I am in love with a very real person. Come on QQ..what kind of question is that anyway? Ok, I do and have wanted to be married...and not just in a "legal" or secular kind of way...but in a "biblical" or spiritual kind of way. I've missed being married, just not the man I was married to. :rolleyes:

And it is this "experience"...this spiritual occurrence that has brought me and this man together in this way. And so I am very grateful for the experience.

But this man is what I am in love with...who I am in love with. I admire and respect and trust him with my life. I absolutely adore him...every little thing about him...even the mistakes...even the things that I have yet to know about. I love his heart...his broken heart. And the blessing for me is to see God mend witness his healing...and to be a part of it with him. I've never felt this way before about anyone...about anything...not even close. To belong to him is all I want to's all I am. To be able to love him in this be his all I want for myself in this world...I'll never want for another thing for myself. For others yes, but for myself no. Because in him, my joy will be complete.


and to be his vessel and trust him without doubt and his for ever, to be possessed by him...and so on...I am wondering which God you are talking about Lori. I think you have them mixed up. You can't be the vessel for two entities let alone three....