The Persecuted Atheist

I am an atheist and I have been

  • persecuted

    Votes: 9 27.3%
  • harassed

    Votes: 13 39.4%
  • beaten up

    Votes: 2 6.1%
  • I am a theist

    Votes: 9 27.3%
  • Some other option

    Votes: 11 33.3%

  • Total voters
), but I won't partake in a Christian ceremony any more than a [born again] Christian would participate Islamic or Shinto religious ceremonies.

Just FYI, but I've been bridesmaid in a Catholic wedding, I've participated in several first holy communions, been to temples with friends, attended mass as well as read from Hindu scriptures in poojas in house warming ceremonies.

I've also seen this in atheists, I had a friend who married an atheist and they had a full church wedding, because he wanted it.
Just FYI, but I've been bridesmaid in a Catholic wedding, I've participated in several first holy communions, been to temples with friends, attended mass as well as read from Hindu scriptures in poojas in house warming ceremonies.

I've also seen this in atheists, I had a friend who married an atheist and they had a full church wedding, because he wanted it.

I'll admit that there is a certain attractiveness in a Church wedding. I mean, there are some DAMNED attractive churches. But, I can't stand blind obedience and I especially cannot stand dogma. I hate that people teach it and instill it in children. So, I don't go to communions or baptisms. It's a personal choice, one that I make quietly and delicately. Again, I'm not a Christian, I don't demand that everybody make the same choices I do.

But again, this thread is about the persecuted atheist. Not me.

When atheists make gas chambers to perform experiments on entire families simply because they are Christian, thats persecution.

Is this thread about the persecuted atheists or not? Make your mind up, it seems like it's REALLY about your own agenda again.

All those surprised raise hands.
Anybody? Thought not. :rolleyes:
When atheists make gas chambers to perform experiments on entire families simply because they are Christian, thats persecution.

Not to island hop back to an earlier post, but I like this post. People are always chanting about how evil religions are, but it's people who are evil. Religions are just a reflection of that. Christians and inquisitions, Buddhists skinning peasants, Muslims killing/stoning "impure" females. It's all the same to me. These societies would be conducting inquisitions, skinnings, stonings, burnings and whatnot if they were something else, or nothing at all.

Not to island hop back to an earlier post, but I like this post. People are always chanting about how evil religions are, but it's people who are evil. Religions are just a reflection of that. Christians and inquisitions, Buddhists skinning peasants, Muslims killing/stoning "impure" females. It's all the same to me. These societies would be conducting inquisitions, skinnings, stonings, burnings and whatnot if they were something else, or nothing at all.


If you go back to my earliest posts arguing with atheists on this forum, you can find pretty much the same assertions. :p

Over time, I realised that many of them prefer to ignore this.
If you go back to my earliest posts arguing with atheists on this forum, you can find pretty much the same assertions. :p

Over time, I realised that many of them prefer to ignore this.

Eh. I'll take your religiously tainted and biased word for it.

Edit: It is uncharacteristic of you to be so laser-focused on a subject. You seem annoyed at others who reflect the issue onto something else, which is something you do so often. I mean, have we ever had a straight conversation on the evils of Islam without you blaming the west? So how can you expect others to play at intellectual honesty when you so rarely partake in good faith when the subject matter is about that which is personal to you.

Its called mirroring. The "evils" of Islam as you call it are not inherent. They are derived from political loss of power and inability of people to achieve self determination because they sit on resources that others dare not allow them to have control over. Ignorance typically breeds intolerance.
Its called mirroring. The "evils" of Islam as you call it are not inherent. They are derived from political loss of power and inability of people to achieve self determination because they sit on resources that others dare not allow them to have control over. Ignorance typically breeds intolerance.

I don't doubt that, but then go back a little further, say, before the industrial revolution.

I digress. People are evil. But the point is--I guess--Islam has a long history of tolerating evil. Perhaps this subject for another thread. If you dare. :D

Islam has a long history of tolerating evil. Perhaps this subject for another thread. If you dare. :D


Islam has a long history of tolerating ideologies that run counter to what Muslims feel is "correct". i.o.w. there is very little incentive to force people into changing their ideology dramatically. Thats because the basis of Islam is liberty, ie everyone chooses for himself. Not everyone chooses what is right, but society cannot be forced into a single system, not if it has to accomodate all points of view. Do people overwhelmingly choose what is easier even when it erodes the right of others? Of course, that is why Americans are currently occupying two countries. But forcing people into choosing a "correct" way does not lead to any good places.
To truly appreciate the irony, imagine that was Iran we were talking about and Iran was the US. What would you think?

Who was the real danger?
i have no idea but i've come to realize that you like to sensationalize and propagandize things concerning the west therefor i regard your posts with a certain amount of suspicion.

i've heard it said that you are practicing "jihad of the pen".
that could very well be the case.
SAM, I notice you still haven't answered my question about whether or not you support the persecution of atheists.
Islam has a long history of tolerating ideologies that run counter to what Muslims feel is "correct". i.o.w. there is very little incentive to force people into changing their ideology dramatically. Thats because the basis of Islam is liberty, ie everyone chooses for himself.

So some Muslims can still be Muslim even if they blow up and kill other Muslims in a mosque? ...and other Muslims will still defend them because they're Muslim even if a little different ideology? Interesting.

That must be the reason why there's so freakin' many different Muslim extremist organizations in the world, huh? They can do anything they want to and still enjoy the ideological propaganda defenses of other Muslims.

Not everyone chooses what is right, but society cannot be forced into a single system, not if it has to accomodate all points of view.

Is that why the Taliban in Afghanistan, prior to the invasion, had to keep beating the citizens with whips and clubs to force them to conform to the Taliban ways of Islam?

.... But forcing people into choosing a "correct" way does not lead to any good places.

Worked for the allies during World War II in Germany and Japan. And both went on to become great and thriving nations in their own right. Interesting, huh, SAM??? Perhaps Iraq and Afghanistan should take some lessons from those American successes, ya' think?

Baron Max
I find such protestations of harassment incredibly ludicrous.

And there we have it.

So you wanted to start this thread to tell us atheists that any and all harassment we may have suffered at the hands of others is "ludicrous" because you have this need to compare anything and everything to the pain and horror suffered by victims in war? What you failed to grasp is that none of us would dare compare our harassment/persecution/beatings/etc to what victims of war suffer. Because you can't compare it.

Would you walk into a hospital and tell a dying cancer patient on morphine that their pain is nothing or ludicrous compared to the pain someone could suffer as a result of having a bomb dropped on their house?
I rarely tell me people my religious beliefs, I find it causes more harm than good. Living here in the US most people assume I'm Christian until they are informed otherwise. I have never personally been persecuted or even harassed really because of my religion. Aside from the few Evangelical Christians who have been an annoyance. I think the people I come into contact with are a pretty tolerant bunch.
So you wanted to start this thread to tell us atheists that any and all harassment we may have suffered at the hands of others is "ludicrous" ...

Have you ever been harassed or persecuted because of your lack of faith, Bells?

I've been around this planet for a long, long time, and I've never even heard of an atheist being harassed or persecuted for his lack of faith. Who does that? Even the most religious people I know wouldn't do that.

Baron Max
Have you ever been harassed or persecuted because of your lack of faith, Bells?

I've been around this planet for a long, long time, and I've never even heard of an atheist being harassed or persecuted for his lack of faith. Who does that? Even the most religious people I know wouldn't do that.

Baron Max

Yes I have and you have never met some of my relatives and their friends. I have been threatened, harassed, my son nearly drowned by my very own relatives in their attempt to baptise him and save his soul from my evil Godless self. It even got to the point where I had to change my phone number and get a silent number at one point. But that is my personal harassment and persecution.. it does not compare to that of others because it is personal and my own. But it is apparently ludicrous to feel harassed or persecuted because I am not living in a war torn country.:rolleyes:

And you've been around this planet? Heh. :)