The Persecuted Atheist

I am an atheist and I have been

  • persecuted

    Votes: 9 27.3%
  • harassed

    Votes: 13 39.4%
  • beaten up

    Votes: 2 6.1%
  • I am a theist

    Votes: 9 27.3%
  • Some other option

    Votes: 11 33.3%

  • Total voters
Because they don't swallow Islamic myths and superstitions about gods, angels, splitting moons, afterlifes and flying up to heaven? Or, perhaps it's because atheists don't have "rules of war" as a doctrine?

Yeah, that's delusional. :rolleyes:

Sounds about right. Couldn't have said it better myself.
Because they don't swallow Islamic myths and superstitions about gods, angels, splitting moons, afterlifes and flying up to heaven? Or, perhaps it's because atheists don't have "rules of war" as a doctrine?

Yeah, that's delusional. :rolleyes:

Exactly. People have their own beliefs on either side of the fence.
Nah it was an honest mistake, I remember some references he made to Russia, I assumed he had lived there
Exactly. People have their own beliefs on either side of the fence.

But, you are saying that the ones who believe in the myths and the superstitions are the ones calling those who don't believe in the myths and the superstitions, delusional.

The lunatics believe they're sane and think the sane are lunatics.

It's the Bizarro world here on Earth.

Perhaps we may have been better off without the Bronze Age.
You know, I have SAM on ignore since she got busted, and it's blissful not having to listen to her lies.

I suggest you all try it for a week or two, and see how you like it.
You know, I have SAM on ignore since she got busted, and it's blissful not having to listen to her lies.

I suggest you all try it for a week or two, and see how you like it.

Where would be the fun in that???
I wouldn't get to watch "one track Sammy" descend into the same topics as always about the evil atheist west/America/communists causing war and killing millions(regardless of the actual subject) while the "intelligent community" sits around scratching their asses praying for boobies.
It's freaking hilarious man!

"Play it once, Sam, for old times' sake."
I wouldn't get to watch "one track Sammy" descend into the same topics as always about the evil atheist west/America/communists

I've heard it too many times already. It's the same tired old bullshit from her, over and over. Same rhetoric, same lack of rational thought, and it's BORING.
I've heard it too many times already. It's the same tired old bullshit from her, over and over. Same rhetoric, same lack of rational thought, and it's BORING.

Agreed. Yet, every now and again, these wonderful gems spring up from Sam that demonstrate the person inside:

"We can do better than that. We're Muslims.
Jews should not have moved to a predominantly Muslim state.
The difference is that when Muslims occupy, the power remains with the local people.
If it's antisemitism to oppose the Jewish takeover of Palestine, then I'm a proud antisemite.
I would rather be free to practise my religion even if it is obstructive to them (atheists), than have them be free to be obstructive to me. ~ Sam"
I've heard it too many times already. It's the same tired old bullshit from her, over and over. Same rhetoric, same lack of rational thought, and it's BORING.

Like Q said, eventually something comes up that's amusing.
However I find the whole thing tends to say far more about the one's scratching their asses. ;)
I've heard it too many times already. It's the same tired old bullshit from her, over and over. Same rhetoric, same lack of rational thought, and it's BORING.

Sometimes it's nice to have constants in life - you know, death, taxes and SAM's attitude... ;)

Question on the OP - maybe I missed it, but has anyone actually defined "harassment" or "persecution" as it pertains to this thread? As an agnostic (which I believe is a subcategory of atheism, but that's a whole other can of worms), I can't say as I have been harassed or persecuted per dictionary definitions.

I can say that I have been viewed with disdain or sometimes pity (as I am surely going to hell) and of course have had people attempt to convert me to their religion.

Personally, I don't consider this harassment or persecution, merely an annoyance. However, I also firmly believe true persecution and harassment do occur, especially in certain parts of the world.

On the other hand, I don't think the degree of such harassment and persecution rivals that of theist versus theist. After all, believing in the "wrong" god seems much more likely to get you killed than no belief at all. Muslim vs Christian seems to be the epitome of this attitude...
Poor atheists. First your're harangued, then you're forced to endure the existence of religion and theism in general. Then you die and cease to be. That must suck.
Poor atheists. First your're harangued, then you're forced to endure the existence of religion and theism in general. Then you die and cease to be. That must suck.

Yeah, but at least we get to laugh at the woo woos. :p
Poor atheists. First your're harangued, then you're forced to endure the existence of religion and theism in general.
Then you die and cease to be. That must suck.
not at all,
watching religious nuts paying off the gangsters/scam artists/preachers their hard earned money for fear of some Imaginary sky bully makes it all LOL hillarious :D

and everyone dies including you,lying to yourself that you wont only proves your gullibility to believe nonsense

but I think you already knew that! ;)
Note to self: very interesting that the thread is based off a statement by an atheist on how persecuted they are in response to a question that theists should not be persecuted. i.e. a justification for "not tolerating" theists and all they can think to discuss about is me. :rolleyes:

i.o.w. no one questions the athiest presumption of intolerance. But feels persecuted when the accusation of theist intolerance is questioned. doh!
At least it's another to add to your "about S.A.M." list.
How does it feel to be the single most discussed person on Sci?
I'm second to James [they are being sneaky about it, discussing me in threads not about SAM] and the about SAM list has long been history.