The Persecuted Atheist

I am an atheist and I have been

  • persecuted

    Votes: 9 27.3%
  • harassed

    Votes: 13 39.4%
  • beaten up

    Votes: 2 6.1%
  • I am a theist

    Votes: 9 27.3%
  • Some other option

    Votes: 11 33.3%

  • Total voters
All I will say, and is relevant, is that they did those things because of their religion.
And if they were to become atheist they would then change in personality to become loving tolerant people?

That it's not so. People judge other people on their looks, beliefs, financial income etc.

Usually, except for looks, perfect strangers do not know about beliefs and financial status. Though I agree they would not treat a bum the same as they would a businessman. But if the bum was polite and the businessman rude and arrogant, it would then be a greater factor than their financial incentives.

I treat people as they treat me. Sometimes better than they treat me. Regardless of looks beliefs and finances.
And if they were to become atheist they would then change in personality to become loving tolerant people?
I've never heard about atheists denying someone friendship because that someone was not an atheist as well.
I've never heard about atheists telling theists that they should give up their fate because they will suffer forever for it.

Usually, except for looks, perfect strangers do not know about beliefs and financial status. Though I agree they would not treat a bum the same as they would a businessman. But if the bum was polite and the businessman rude and arrogant, it would then be a greater factor than their financial incentives.
Perfect strangers ?
I didn't know we were talking about perfect strangers, I thought we were supposed to talk about personal experiences..
I've never heard about atheists denying someone friendship because that someone was not an atheist as well.
I've never heard about atheists telling theists that they should give up their fate because they will suffer forever for it.

You should visit China.

Perfect strangers ?
I didn't know we were talking about perfect strangers, I thought we were supposed to talk about personal experiences..

If you know only people who judge you by looks and finances and beliefs, that says more about you than other people.
You should visit China.
I don't know anything about that.

If you know only people who judge you by looks and finances and beliefs, that says more about you than other people.
Huh ? I didn't say that, did I ?
I just gave two examples of personal experience.

The post about people judging others on their looks etc was a response to your post that people don't do that.
Most people. There is only so long that looks and finances can help to overlook poor character.
Most people. There is only so long that looks and finances can help to overlook poor character.
Only if you're getting personally involved.
For example: people get rejected for jobs on the basis of a shallow judgment by the job interviewer every day.
SAM said:
And if they were to become atheist they would then change in personality to become loving tolerant people?
That would be the wrong way around, for a description of real life.

Not that it's common anyway.
I once had someone start praying out loud in the street, then ask me 'Do you know that prayer?' I explained that I was an atheist. He went on and on about how I needed to believe in God and how it would be a "help" to me (why do I need help at all?). I lost it and asked 'Would it be a help to me to suffer from schizophrenia?' and walked off.
son of a bitch.

i chose theist. i didnt seee the space between a and theist. poll is flawed. rigged...thats what it is. moderator change my vote.
I once had someone start praying out loud in the street, then ask me 'Do you know that prayer?' I explained that I was an atheist. He went on and on about how I needed to believe in God and how it would be a "help" to me (why do I need help at all?). I lost it and asked 'Would it be a help to me to suffer from schizophrenia?' and walked off.

Why did you explain to him that you were atheist? He asked you if you knew a prayer, which you could have regardless of your beliefs. You basically presented him with a challenge of sorts, he just responded.
son of a bitch.

i chose theist. i didnt seee the space between a and theist. poll is flawed. rigged...thats what it is. moderator change my vote.

Did you know "agnostic" is a-Gnostic, basically refuting gnosticism. It would be curious to see how many agnostics are familiar with the gnosticism they refute. Or maybe it has been homogenized to mean "can't know".
No it isn't.
It's from agnosis = a-gnsosis, not gnosticism itself per se.
No it isn't.
It's from agnosis = a-gnsosis, not gnosticism itself per se.

Not sure of agnosis is a word, but thanks for the correction. The statement I posted was based on the wiki entry, which I did not read completely. The term "agnostic" was apparently derived from gnosticism, but agnosticism itself nowadays does not claim to refute any religion, apparently. My apologies.
Pfft apologies not required. But thanks anyway.
It's all give and take.
Nope, me, I'm only persecuted by being refused apartments for buying, set aside for "security checks" when I fly, being put out of stores for my colour or race, being treated like a terrorist for my name, being affected socially by Wars on Terrorz that get imported to my society.
Maybe you wouldn't have to deal with that shit if all your fuckin cousins had left the Twin Towers and Pentagon alone. Just sayin. :shrug: