The Passion of the Christ


PM, its INCREDIBLE that you the nerve to put down Christianity, because of some barbaric acts by Christians, when your own prophet, was a savage beast, and preached hate and violence against others. When your entire history is full of blood shed, and human crimes.


Only the good teaching of those religions matter not the evil people in them, doesnt matter how bad was that people , since theyre not the religion, just blind followers of it, and dont use them to say if a religion is evil , doing so may easily put the Islam as an evil religion too, and many others.
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Herewith some interesting excerpts from the Uri Dowbenko movie review:

Mel Gibson’s ‘Passion’: Religious Pornography for Christians


“According to the New Testament, Jesus taught about the metaphysical reality of reincarnation, as in the parable of the man who was blind from birth. The disciples asked him if it was the blind man’s sin or was it the sin of his parents, implying that they knew the principles of karma and reincarnation. In other words, whose karma was it that the man was blind? Jesus replied that it was neither. The man chose to be blind from birth in order for Jesus to heal him when they met later at that time and space.

Instead the Roman Church is focused on the horror story. Lifetime after lifetime, the agony and suffering of Christ has been used to indoctrinate people into believing the lie that we are sinners -- and not Sons and Daughters of God.”


“So is this movie just another “theatrical mission” by the Jesuits? Mel Gibson has not publicized his connections with the sub rosa societies known as Opus Dei and the Jesuits.

‘The Passion’ has all the earmarks of a Jesuit classical ‘spiritual exercise,’ in which the Jesuits subject the imagination of the supplicant with all the pain and suffering of the Christ,” says Tupper Saussy, author of Rulers of Evil”

And most interesting:

“According to the New Testament, Jesus taught about the metaphysical reality of reincarnation, as in the parable of the man who was blind from birth. The disciples asked him if it was the blind man’s sin or was it the sin of his parents, implying that they knew the principles of karma and reincarnation. In other words, whose karma was it that the man was blind? Jesus replied that it was neither. The man chose to be blind from birth in order for Jesus to heal him when they met later at that time and space.

Instead the Roman Church is focused on the horror story. Lifetime after lifetime, the agony and suffering of Christ has been used to indoctrinate people into believing the lie that we are sinners -- and not Sons and Daughters of God.”

Read the complete review here:

Now this I can dig!

Yo BumbleChristian,

Quote BC
"These people are NOT true Christians, they are either blinded by deception or are seeking THEIR OWN FORM of (perverse) righteousness. Either way the bible, Jesus, His apostles, and true God-fearing New Testament Christians do not teach the autrosities you mentioned. The bible, Jesus, His apostles, and true Christians actually teach against such practices."

What in gods name are "true God-fearing New Testament Christians"? What happened to the OT?

Quote BC
"The record of the past 20 centuries reveals these facts concerning the establishment of prominent religious bodies:

The truth is that a false Christianity was established at Rome in 606 A.D. (that's 606 years after Jesus established His true church) by Boniface III who assumed the title of "universal bishop" head of the Roman Catholic Church - the very people that scourged Jesus nearly to death.

Why create a different church unless you were try to compete with the one before?

In 1520 A.D. Martin Luther founded the Lutheran Church in Germany.
1534 A.D. Henry VIII founded the Episcopalian Church in England.
1536 A.D. John Calvin founded the Presbyterian Church in Switzerland.
1550 A.D. Robert Browne founded the Congregational Church in England.
1607 A.D. John Smythe founded the Baptist Church in Hollad.
1739 A.D. John Wesly founded the Methodist Church in England.
1830 A.D. Joseph Smith founded The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons) in America.
1830 A.D. William Miller founded the Seventh Day Adventist Church in America.
1866 A.D. Mary Baker Eddy founded the Christian Scientist Church in America.
1872 A.D. Charles T. Russell founded the Jehovah's Witnesses Church in America.

and well over 6,000 minor chuches, offshoots, sects, and divisions of these religious bodies."

Why is god, his son and Casper confusing all of these dudes above? Why is his message so hard for his creation to understand? Must be the devil at work...

Quote BC
"That's the Christianity that you're speaking of and are used to seeing and hearing about all the time."

What other frikking type of Christianity is there anyway? Point me in a direction dude!

Help me here...

Quote BC
"All of these churches and offshoots did not begin to appear until 606 years AFTER the one (1) TRUE church that Jesus founded. That one (1) TRUE 606 year old Christian church that was founded on the teachings of Jesus and His apostles as recorded in the bible (TRUE Christianity) still exist today 2,000 years later."

Which Christianity is this dude? RC church? - Those dudes only came together around 300AD - nobody knows what was up with the Christians before that.

Quote BC
“How many times must I repeat myself? These people are NOT true Christians, regardless of whose name they come in... The bible, Jesus, His apostles and true Christians do NOT teach nor act in this manner. Those involved in those historically documented, and present, or future horrific events are no better than Adolf Hitler who tried to erase the Jewish nation of our Messiah from the face of the earth by massacring some 4 million Jewish people, and rest assured...”

What types of Christians are these then? Why is your omnipotent god not around to guide the above Christians on a righteous path? Must be the devil made them do it. Who’s in charge anyway?

Quote BC
“those so-called christians will suffer unimaginable, mind numbing, eternal torture in "hell fire" at the hands of God. “

That’s not a very Christian thing to say dude. You are not a very nice dude, dude!

HumbleChristian said:
Anyway, here are more historians...
I didn't ask you for more historians, nor am I interested in your pathetic attempt to obscure the issue of the Passion narrative behind the general question of the Historicity of Jesus. So, for example, John Dominic Crossan argues forcefully in favor of a historical Jesus while, in hisjust as forcefully exposes the Passion narrative for the fabrication that it is.

I asked you to substantiate 5 specific assertions. Your response amounts to little more than a cowardly evasion.

Again, show me
  • anything that substantiates the willingness of the Sanhedrin to violate its own rules
  • anything that substantiates the newfound hesitance and malleability of the arrogant butcher Pilate
  • anything that justifies the deference to Herrod under Roman law
  • anything that validates the silly Passover Privilege found only in stories written/copied by anti-Jewish Christian apologists decades after the purported events
  • anything that explains an eclipse during a full moon
anything that substantiates the willingness of the Sanhedrin to violate its own rules
I assume you mean that an extra day was required for a "lawful trial."? If they were willing to sentence an innocent man to death, against God's express will (Deut 25:1: "they shall justify the righteous, and condemn the wicked"), then what difference would an extra day make - they couldn't do it legally anyway. And if they would violate God's rules, they would violate their own rules - especially if they were also trying to prevent a riot over the Passover.

anything that substantiates the newfound hesitance and malleability of the arrogant butcher Pilate
Pilate found him innocent based on a lack of evidence. That wasn't outside his duties. Or are you suggesting this never happened? Jesus was a Jew - the "King of the Jews" no less, so by giving Him over to the Jews would satisfy his bloodlust quite sufficiently. I would also not underestimate the influence a woman has over her husband. At least the Bible attests to Pilate's cruelty in Luke 13:
"Now there were some present at that time who told Jesus about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mixed with their sacrifices."

anything that justifies the deference to Herrod under Roman law
"Rome would often establish "client kings" to rule on local or religious matters that did not require Roman authority to decide. The most infamous example of how this arrangement functioned is the trial of Jesus. He was originally brought before Pontius Pilate on charges of treason ? a crime against Roman laws. After hearing the evidence, however, Pilate found no evidence of treason, and referred the case to Herod ? a client king ? as a religious dispute. While Herod had the authority to rule on cases of blasphemy within the Jewish religion, he could not sentence Jesus to death. Capital punishment could only be invoked under Roman law. Jesus' case was settled by Pilate, who ordered his crucifixion."
- PBS: The Roman Empire in the First Century

anything that validates the silly Passover Privilege found only in stories written/copied by anti-Jewish Christian apologists decades after the purported events
The Passover was a uniquely Jewish feast, and therefore we can assume that the release of a prisoner specifically during that time would not be a regular Roman institution. We do know that Romans released prisoners in a similar fashion during Saturnalia, and the Persians during Sacaea.

"The annual renewal festival of the Babylonians was adopted by the Persians. One of the themes of these festivals was the temporary subversion of order. Masters and slaves exchanged places. A mock king [Karabbas] was crowned. Masquerades spilled into the streets."
- Saturnalia: Egyptian and Persian festivals

"Could the time of year have been Saturnalia when the soldiers mocked Jesus? The festival of Saturnalia began on December 19 and lasted a week. Since the events depicted in Mark take place in spring there seems no connexion. But the Roman new year originally fell in spring, and Saturnalia would then have been held at about the same time as the Jewish Passover. Some communities retained, at least partially, the earlier festival, and the period of celebration of Saturnalia eventually extended over the whole period from December to March."
- Crucifixion parallels

And there is no doubt that the idea of amnesty over Passover is a very Jewish sentiment - that's what Passover means.
anything that explains an eclipse during a full moon
You probably don't accept the Thallus/Phlegon accounts of the same phenomenon. But it isn't quite possible to explain it naturalistically. It must have been a miracle, such as the one predicted in Amos 8:9. It was supposed to be a clear sign of God's involvement. Remember, it's your view that miracles are all just unexplained natural phenomena.
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Bells said:
All religions have an aspect of savagery, Christianity is far from exempt.
Exempt from what - I never said Christianity was exempt from anything did I?

I said Christianity has grown with the times and has become a reasonably civilised religion whereas Islam is still living in the savage past.

BTW Islam is also the worlds most intolerant and violent religion.
I find this very disturbing. :mad: Didn't teach people to live in peace or somethinglike that
HumbleChristian said:
Yes Islam does teach that.

rather than admit you're WRONG, you let your ignorance shine in that post. you love degrading islam and muslims, but then you NEVER LOOK AT YOURSELF.

and quote me where islam says that. also, ADD in 2 or 3 quotes beofre and after that.

p.s., you are no true christian. you're a worshipper rather than a follower.
HumbleChristian said:
In 1520 A.D. Martin Luther founded the Lutheran Church in Germany.
1534 A.D. Henry VIII founded the Episcopalian Church in England.
1536 A.D. John Calvin founded the Presbyterian Church in Switzerland.
1550 A.D. Robert Browne founded the Congregational Church in England.
1607 A.D. John Smythe founded the Baptist Church in Hollad.
1739 A.D. John Wesly founded the Methodist Church in England.
1830 A.D. Joseph Smith founded The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons) in America.
1830 A.D. William Miller founded the Seventh Day Adventist Church in America.
1866 A.D. Mary Baker Eddy founded the Christian Scientist Church in America.
1872 A.D. Charles T. Russell founded the Jehovah's Witnesses Church in America.
Is there a Book and/or cited website that outlines the founding of all major Christian groups including Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Russian etc... in the manner such as you presented?
Proud_Muslim said:
What are your idea's on the killing of 1.5 million Armenians (who happen to be Christian) by the Turks (who happen to be Muslim) earlier last century?

Starting to see a connection.
So we can agree, by your own admission,
religion = evil ..
atheism = Good.

OH, don't bother answering the question about the Armenians genocide, you'll just side step it and blather on about some Jewish conspiracy or that they’re Turks and they don’t represent Islam or some such nonsense.

Armenian Genocide
The Armenian Genocide was a Jihad

The genocide of the Armenians was a jihad. No rayas took part in it. Despite the disapproval of many Muslim Turks and Arabs, and their refusal to collaborate in the crime, these masssacres were perpetrated solely by Muslims and they alone profited from the booty: the victims' property, houses, and lands granted to the muhajirun, and the allocation to them of women and child slaves. The elimination of male children over the age of twelve was in accordance with the commandments of the jihad and conformed to the age fixed for the payment of the jizya. The four stages of the liquidation- deportation, enslavement, forced conversion, and massacre- reproduced the historic conditions of the jihad carried out in the dar-al-harb from the seventh century on. Chronicles from a variety of sources, by Muslim authors in particular, give detailed descriptions of the organized massacres or deportation of captives, whose sufferings in forced marches behind the armies paralleled the Armenian experience in the twentieth century
The Decline of Eastern Christianity Under Islam: From Jihad to Dhimmitude: Seventh-Twentieth Century
HumbleChristian said:
How many times must I repeat myself? These people are NOT true christians, regardless of whose name they come in... The bible, Jesus, His apostles and true christians do NOT teach nor act in this manner. Those involved in those historically documented, and present, or future horrific events are no better than Adolf Hitler who tried to erase the Jewish nation of our Messiah from the face of the earth by massacring some 4 million Jewish people, and rest assured...those so-called christians will suffer unimaginable, mind numbing, eternal torture in "hell fire" at the hands of God.

bla bla bla bla bla. look at this guy. when a muslim says it, he claim them to be liars. he claims islam teaches to kill and so on.

he talks about repeating himself to explain a point, but when someone tries to explain that islam isn't a religon of terrorism over and over again, he lets his ignorance shine.

what a moron. coloring posts to try to stress something. i believe we all know that christainity would not teach such things. and being a christian isn't automatically going to make you good. we seen that in the past. and in today's event WE SEEN THAT TOO. "muslim" terrorists hijack a plane and all of a sudden islam becomes a religion of eveil for you.
Eng grez

"muslim" terrorists hijack a plane and all of a sudden islam becomes a religion of evil for you.

I agree, terrorists(fanatics) are not the religion....
Eng Grez said:
rather than admit you're WRONG, you let your ignorance shine in that post. you love degrading islam and muslims, but then you NEVER LOOK AT YOURSELF.

and quote me where islam says that. also, ADD in 2 or 3 quotes beofre and after that.

p.s., you are no true christian. you're a worshipper rather than a follower.
Do I detect a muslim attitude here? :D

Eng Grez said:
and this is according to YOU?
Of course it's according to me - my strokey bearded friend. :D
stretched said:
Yo BumbleChristian,

Quote BC
"These people are NOT true Christians, they are either blinded by deception or are seeking THEIR OWN FORM of (perverse) righteousness. Either way the bible, Jesus, His apostles, and true God-fearing New Testament Christians do not teach the autrosities you mentioned. The bible, Jesus, His apostles, and true Christians actually teach against such practices."

What in gods name are "true God-fearing New Testament Christians"? What happened to the OT?

I will answer your first question a little later.

Here's the answer to your second question.
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stretched said:
Yo BumbleChristian,

Why is god, his son and Casper confusing all of these dudes above? Why is his message so hard for his creation to understand? Must be the devil at work...

Yes part of it is the devil at work, a part is the blind leading the blind (people studying & receiving theological degrees from those that haven't learned from Christ's true church), and another part is people's desire to believe and practice what they want regarless of what God says.
Ermmm humble, why don't you just post the link to the articles instead of reproducing them on here as you have done? It would be a lot easier. And speaking of which, where is the link to that article anyway?
stretched said:
Yo BumbleChristian,

Quote BC
"That's the Christianity that you're speaking of and are used to seeing and hearing about all the time."

What other frikking type of Christianity is there anyway? Point me in a direction dude!

Help me here...

True Christianity is what the bible, Jesus, His apostles, and true christians teach and live.

The Curse of Hypocrisy

[long, unattributed cut-and-paste removed by moderator]
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Yo BumbleChristian,

You are feeling are feeling very are drifting into a deep are drifting into the baptismal will tithe to your god...your will is ours... gotta lot of indoctrinal propaganda up your sleeve. Is that what your cult feeds you with. Hey dude! Please answer me the simple question - WHY does your god confuse his flock? WHY must you dudes fight amongst yourselves as to who is right? Surely a loving god wants to lead his flock to truth? Tell me WHY dude?
