The Passion of the Christ

HumbleChristian said:
I've provided direct viewing of the tracts, so what difference does it make if I posted the link to the actual tract or the actual tract... they're one and the same. And why would they have a problem with it? Did I do something wrong? Am I committing some type of sin? :confused:

here's a word to add to your dictionary. PLAGIARISM.

i think there's a rule on these faqs for that??

nonetheless, you go to show that you hvae absolulety no foundations of any argument. and let's take a poll of this. who actually leads those big long replies you get from other sites? sum down the article or something. explain the key points of the article. you do know how to do that right or are you just a parrot?
Eng Grez said:
here's a word to add to your dictionary. PLAGIARISM.

i think there's a rule on these faqs for that??

nonetheless, you go to show that you hvae absolulety no foundations of any argument. and let's take a poll of this. who actually leads those big long replies you get from other sites? sum down the article or something. explain the key points of the article. you do know how to do that right or are you just a parrot?

PLAGIARISM? I never claimed that the words in my post were mine... Some are, and some aren't?

Why sum down the article or something? They are already summed down from 1 - 1 1/2 hour long sermons... every word is vital for proper inference.

Eng Grez said:
you do know how to do that right or are you just a parrot?

Your attempts to appeal to my vanity is null (HumbleChristian).
Eng Grez said:

it sure would be nice if you would link to those sites that you parrot talk for.

Eng Grez said:
you do know how to do that right or are you just a parrot?

If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God... (1 Peter 4:11)

And they do such more of a thorough job of it then I would in my own words.
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HumbleChristian said:
Why sum down the article or something? They are already summed down from 1 - 1 1/2 hour long sermons... every word is vital for proper inference.

oh sorry. were you expecting something to read those giant posts word for word? i believe many skimmed it or went past it(like me).
Y'know something Humble , I agree with everything Eng Grez has said. You are a fraud. You are the type of person who gives their faith a bad name, I know a muslim here who gives his faith a bad name, you are doing the same to yours.

Give it a rest, you're not impressing anyone and certainly not converting anyone either.
Eng Grez said:
oh sorry. were you expecting something to read those giant posts word for word? i believe many skimmed it or went past it(like me).

Then there is no longer a need for this debate to continue if no one is reading ALL of the information... just as I've done.

Here's a little something that should make it easier on everyone... Just click on the image.

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Vienna said:
Y'know something Humble , I agree with everything Eng Grez has said. You are a fraud. You are the type of person who gives their faith a bad name, I know a muslim here who gives his faith a bad name, you are doing the same to yours.

Give it a rest, you're not impressing anyone and certainly not converting anyone either.

You all are very quick to call names and hurl insults toward people, but yet have not provided one iota of evidence to support ANYTHING that you've stated in this thread (beit true or false).

I am a fraud? How? Why? How have I been fraudulent? Everything I've posted is true and you can easily verify for yourselves over the internet.

At least Proud Muslim has posted the truth about "counterfiet christianity" masacres.

And as far as conversion is concerned - I am merely a messenger... YOUR final choices and eternal judgement is between YOU and God.
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HumbleChristian said:
Then there is no longer a need for this debate to continue if know one is reading ALL of the information... just as I've done.

i'm talking about your posts. i engaged in discussion before. i read books. i did the research. and when i wanted to debate, i was able to summaraize my view and the facts in a few paragraphs rather than an entire book spanning 100 pages.

long posts aren't bad. it seems someone is serious about a topic and has put a painstaking amount trying to make a point. you, on the other hand, want to take it easy and take someone else's work to make a point.
Eng Grez said:
i'm talking about your posts. i engaged in discussion before. i read books. i did the research. and when i wanted to debate, i was able to summaraize my view and the facts in a few paragraphs rather than an entire book spanning 100 pages.

long posts aren't bad. it seems someone is serious about a topic and has put a painstaking amount trying to make a point. you, on the other hand, want to take it easy and take someone else's work to make a point.

This is my church, the church that I attend and worship in, the only church that has been able to sufficiently and exhaustively answer every single question that I and my friends have ever challenged it with... we study together, we believe the same thing, and speak the same thing...

We speak where the bible speaks and are silent where the bible is silent... we are one body - the works belong to all of us that are members of the 2,000 year old Church of Christ.

The truth is the truth regardless, and I have posted the truth about Christianity, Islam, Jesus, and Mohammad. Read the articles, look it up somewhere else if you choose... but look it up! ;)
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Some of you guys are the worst double posters I've seen in a long time.

HumbleChristian said:

... yet have not provided one iota of evidence to support ANYTHING that you've stated...

I am a fraud? How? ... Everything I've posted is true and you can easily verify for yourselves over the internet.

You're not a fraud.
I'm sorry that Vienna is so aggressive, but you're basically asking for it.

These forums are for rational debate, not witnessing, and, though that debate may somtimes become quite acrimonious and uncomfortable, you should either put up with it or post elsewhere, not refuse bluntly but continue posting.

That's just very frustrating for many of us.

Do you want to debate the existence of God, or not? Or is there anything else you want to debate or demonstrate for us?

HumbleChristian said:
... the church that I attend and worship in, the only church that has been able to sufficiently and exhaustively answer every single question that I and my friends have ever challenged it with...

Would you care to list a few of these questions and the corresponding answers you received?

It could be helpful. :D
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HumbleChristian said:
The world has grown up into what?

More and better murders, adulterous, fornicators, alcoholics, liars, blaphemers, gluttons, etc.?

God can NOT be out-grown.
Did you actually use the word 'fornicators'? OH MY GOD! ROTFLMFAO!!! Oh that's a classic.. precious...


HumbleChristian said:
we study together, we believe the same thing, and speak the same thing...
Ah so that explains it. You're part of a boy band?

And humble, no offence meant here but you're sounding like a pretentious prat who claims to know all. You know nothing, you only know what you've been told. You claim to have been witness to God's work and influence? All we're witnessing from you is that if you believe God created you, then God failed to give you humility and intelligence.