The Passion of the Christ

Proud_Muslim said:
And your proof is from the bible ?????? HOW DUMB YOU ARE !!

Here is something from the bible:

I repeat... you are a LIAR! Islam seeks to destroy anyone that doesn't practice Islam. Documented HISTORY from every culture all over the world IS THE PROOF - did you even read the CREDIBLE worldwide accepted historical facts I sited. Do you deny these WORLDWIDE ACCEPTED, CREDIBLE HISTORICAL EVIDENCES?

The bible simply prophesied the coming of those globally acknowledged HISTORICAL events - the same bible that praises your so-called "great prophet" Jesus.

And your reason for those scriptures were...?
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Proud_Muslim said:
I agree spider.

You know, I sympathize with you and with the jewish people against this EVIL MOVIE, anti semitism will start with you and will engulf me as well, it is the time for muslims and jews to unite against hatred.

So where you gonna start uniting then Proud monkey....... Isreal ????
HumbleChristian said:
I repeat... you are a LIAR! Islam seeks to destroy anyone that doesn't practice Islam. Documented HISTORY from every culture all over the world IS THE PROOF - did you even read the CREDIBLE worldwide accepted historical facts I sited. Do you deny these WORLDWIDE ACCEPTED, CREDIBLE HISTORICAL EVIDENCES?

humblechristian=humble my ass

and source please?
Eng Grez said:
humblechristian=humble my ass

and source please?

Hello, and how are you today Eng Grez,

I'm not humble because I sited historical facts? :confused:

and what's wrong with quoting those whom have recorded history? If you think that I said the bible was my source for these facts, then you should reread what I originally posted. Historians from multiple cultures are the source of the recorded events... not the bible (if that's what you were alluding to) which foretold those historian-recorded events would happen.
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HumbleChristian said:
I repeat... you are a LIAR! Islam seeks to destroy anyone that doesn't practice Islam. Documented HISTORY from every culture all over the world IS THE PROOF - did you even read the CREDIBLE worldwide accepted historical facts I sited. Do you deny these WORLDWIDE ACCEPTED, CREDIBLE HISTORICAL EVIDENCES?
I take it you skipped the part of how Christianity destroyed indigenous cultures all over the world in your 'documented history'?
spidergoat said:
PM, that article has an interesting point, that many who support Israel do so with an alterier, religious motive, one that has nothing to do with the welfare of the Jewish people and that these are the same kind of people, christian fundies, that support Mel Gibson's movie.

Proud_Muslim said:
I agree spider.

You know, I sympathize with you and with the jewish people against this EVIL MOVIE, anti semitism will start with you and will engulf me as well, it is the time for muslims and jews to unite against hatred.

An evil movie? Because it portrays an actual event? Why do you'll believe that christians hate Jewish people? True christians know that all humanity is responsible for Jesus' death... not just Jewish people. Jesus was Jewish, so what sense does it make for us to hate the race (or any other for that matter) that bore our Jewish Savior?

I care for Jewish, Muslim, and all other peoples just as much as I do christians, we simply have conflicting beliefs and cultures. We may hate the beliefs or practices of others, but that is not a reason to hate each other. In fact my wife and I have Muslim friends from Pakistan (Havees Khan [which is Khan Havees in Pakistan] and his brother Zavfur, and Adnaun, Nabeel, and Nasir who are not related to the Khans or each other) whom we see and conversate with often. And we are like family with the Khans.

So were do you'll get these beliefs from?
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Bells said:
I take it you skipped the part of how Christianity destroyed indigenous cultures all over the world in your 'documented history'?

That wasn't the subject matter, but now that you've bought it up...

The so-called "christianity" that destroyed indigenous cultures is NOT the type of christianity taught by the bible, Jesus and His apostles.

Those involved in those historically documented, horrific events are no better than Adolf Hitler, and those so-called christians will suffer unimaginable, mind numbing, eternal torture in "hell fire" at the hands of God.
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HumbleChristian said:
Hello, and how are you today Eng Grez,

I'm not humble because I sited historical facts? :confused:

and what's wrong with quoting those whom have recorded history? If you think that I said the bible was my source for these facts, then you should reread what I originally posted. Historians from multiple cultures are the source of the recorded events... not the bible (if that's what you were alluding to) which foretold those historian-recorded events would happen.

i don't believe you have quoted anything. my post was not targeted at your "historical facts", but rather the tone of your post. read below for example.

HumbleChristian said:
The so-called "christianity" that destroyed indigenous cultures is NOT the type of christianity taught by the bible, Jesus and His apostles.

Those involved in those historically documented, horrific events are no better than Adolf Hitler, and those so-called christians will suffer unimaginable, mind numbing, eternal torture in "hell fire" at the hands of God.

hmm...let's examine a previous quote by you.

"Islam seeks to destroy anyone that doesn't practice Islam." -HumbleChristian

indeed 9/11 and terrorism are not islamic. islam does not teach that.

but when christianity comes up, you claim what christians did in the past was wrong and that it was un-christiantic. but when a muslim says it about himself, you call them a liar, saying they are savages who wish wish to kill anyone that doesn't practice islam. i believe the christians did that too, did they not?

indeed, humble as you may be, there is much you need to learn regarding tolerance and acceptance.
Bells said:
I take it you skipped the part of how Christianity destroyed indigenous cultures all over the world in your 'documented history'?
Thats true, but at least Christianity has grown with the times and become reasonably civilised religion whereas Islam is still living in the savage past. This is common knowledge - and the whole world knows it.
Michael said:
There are no contempory historians that recorded the Passion story.

Actually there is... if you understand the process of historical documentation and are willing to read the abundant evidence.

Contemporary Scholarship and the Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ
William Lane Craig


After an appraisal of recent scholarship on the historicity of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Professor William Craig contends that "the resurrection appearances, the empty tomb, and the origin of the Christian faith - all point unavoidably to one conclusion: the resurrection of Jesus".

Source: "Contemporary Scholarship and the Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ," Truth 1 (1985): 89-95.

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HumbleChristian said:
An evil movie? Because it portrays an actual event?
Set aside your silly William Craig and show me anything that substantiates the historicity of the Passion narrative. Show me
  • anything that substantiates the willingness of the Sanhedrin to violate its own rules
  • anything that substantiates the newfound hesitance and malleability of the arrogant butcher Pilate
  • anything that justifies the deference to Herrod under Roman law
  • anything that validates the silly Passover Privilege found only in stories written/copied by anti-Jewish Christian apologists decades after the purported events
  • anything that explains an eclipse during a full moon
The passion narrative is no more historical than are the Jerusalem zombies known only to Matthew.
Eng Grez said:
i don't believe you have quoted anything. my post was not targeted at your "historical facts", but rather the tone of your post. read below for example.

hmm...let's examine a previous quote by you.

"Islam seeks to destroy anyone that doesn't practice Islam." -HumbleChristian

indeed 9/11 and terrorism are not islamic. islam does not teach that.

but when christianity comes up, you claim what christians did in the past was wrong and that it was un-christiantic. but when a muslim says it about himself, you call them a liar, saying they are savages who wish wish to kill anyone that doesn't practice islam. i believe the christians did that too, did they not?

indeed, humble as you may be, there is much you need to learn regarding tolerance and acceptance.

Yes Islam does teach that.

Proud_Muslim said:
It is ok, you better read before you write.

You see bells, again, you are showing lack of understanding toward Islam, ISLAM does not claim to be all merciful and compassionate, Islam taught us that when someone hit us, we should NOT turn the other cheeck but rather HIT BACK, we are NOT hypocrites, we dont claim to be merciful and compassionate when it comes to AGRESSION ! we will destroy those who try to harm Islam. period.

You cant find more HONEST religion than Islam.

Did you see that? “Islam taught us”. Now that’s not just Proud Muslim’s belief, but Islam’s chief prophet Mohammad teaches this in the Koran.

Yes so-called Christians did that too. Again, I repeat… The New Testament, Jesus, and His apostles do NOT teach such practices. Those so-called Christians that murdered and plundered in the name of Jesus had absolutely NO God-given teaching or authority to do the things they did - and again those involved in those historically documented, horrific events are no better than Adolf Hitler, and those so-called christians will suffer unimaginable, mind numbing, eternal torture in "hell fire" at the hands of God.

Those events were orchestrated by Satan and carried out by overzealous and/or outright evil people in the apostate/false church (not the true church Jesus built) - to stir a worldwide and multi-generational hatred among those that did NOT/do NOT know the actual teachings of the bible, Jesus, His apostles, and true Christians. But the true teachings can still be read in the bible today.
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ConsequentAtheist said:
Set aside your silly William Craig and show me anything that substantiates the historicity of the Passion narrative. Show me
  • anything that substantiates the willingness of the Sanhedrin to violate its own rules
  • anything that substantiates the newfound hesitance and malleability of the arrogant butcher Pilate
  • anything that justifies the deference to Herrod under Roman law
  • anything that validates the silly Passover Privilege found only in stories written/copied by anti-Jewish Christian apologists decades after the purported events
  • anything that explains an eclipse during a full moon
The passion narrative is no more historical than are the Jerusalem zombies known only to Matthew.

silly William Craig? Did you even read the article and all the people he quotes... including "outsider" contemporaries to the gospel account. If you don't read the information that people post (though it may be abundant) - then there can be no venue for intelligent and rational discussion.

Anyway, here are more historians...

Five reasons are presented for thinking that critics who accept the historical credibility of the gospel accounts of Jesus do not bear a special burden of proof relative to more skeptical critics. Then the historicity of a few specific aspects of Jesus' life are addressed, including his radical self-concept as the divine Son of God, his role as a miracle-worker, his trial and crucifixion, and his resurrection from the dead.


"Rediscovering the Historical Jesus: The Evidence for Jesus." Faith and Mission 15 (1998): 16-26.

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HumbleChristian said:
That wasn't the subject matter, but now that you've bought it up...

The so-called "christianity" that destroyed indigenous cultures is NOT the type of christianity taught by the bible, Jesus and His apostles.

Those involved in those historically documented, horrific events are no better than Adolf Hitler, and those so-called christians will suffer unimaginable, mind numbing, eternal torture in "hell fire" at the hands of God.
Then pray tell how do you explain that the practice continues even today? All Christian religions still do it, and they hold the bible in their hot little hands as they do so. You still have Christian organisations going to third world countries and telling the people that they will receive help (as in food, clothing, education) if they convert to Christianity. This commonly occurs through the sponsorship programs, where the Christian organisation will only offer sponsorship to a child who's family has converted to Christianity. It is a disgusting practice.

Thats true, but at least Christianity has grown with the times and become reasonably civilised religion whereas Islam is still living in the savage past. This is common knowledge - and the whole world knows it.
Christianity is still as savage today as it was in the past. All religions have a savage history and most still continue with its practices today. I still see savagery in Christianity when I look at the way they bomb abortion clinics and murder doctors for example. I still see the savagery in the manner in which they continue to blackmail poor indigenous people into converting to Christianity. I still see savagery in the manner in which Christians burn down mosques and hindu temples in certain parts of Asia. All religions have an aspect of savagery, Christianity is far from exempt.

End Grez
indeed, humble as you may be, there is much you need to learn regarding tolerance and acceptance.
Very well said.
Only the good teaching of those religions matter not the evil people in them
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Bells said:
Then pray tell how do you explain that the practice continues even today? All Christian religions still do it, and they hold the bible in their hot little hands as they do so. You still have Christian organisations going to third world countries and telling the people that they will receive help (as in food, clothing, education) if they convert to Christianity. This commonly occurs through the sponsorship programs, where the Christian organisation will only offer sponsorship to a child who's family has converted to Christianity. It is a disgusting practice.


Bells said:
Christianity is still as savage today as it was in the past. All religions have a savage history and most still continue with its practices today. I still see savagery in Christianity when I look at the way they bomb abortion clinics and murder doctors for example. I still see the savagery in the manner in which they continue to blackmail poor indigenous people into converting to Christianity. I still see savagery in the manner in which Christians burn down mosques and hindu temples in certain parts of Asia. All religions have an aspect of savagery, Christianity is far from exempt.

These people are NOT true christians, they are either blinded by deception or are seeking THEIR OWN FORM of (perverse) righteousness. Either way the bible, Jesus, His apostles, and true God-fearing New Testament christians do not teach the autrosities you mentioned. The bible, Jesus, His apostles, and true christians actually teach against such practices.

The record of the past 20 centuries reveals these facts concerning the establishment of prominent religious bodies:

The truth is that a false christianity was established at Rome in 606 A.D. (that's 606 years after Jesus established His true church) by Boniface III who assumed the title of "universal bishop" head of the Roman Catholic Church - the very people that scourged Jesus nearly to death.

Why create a different church unless you were try to compete with the one before?

In 1520 A.D. Martin Luther founded the Lutheran Church in Germany.
1534 A.D. Henry VIII founded the Episcopalian Church in England.
1536 A.D. John Calvin founded the Presbyterian Church in Switzerland.
1550 A.D. Robert Browne founded the Congregational Church in England.
1607 A.D. John Smythe founded the Baptist Church in Hollad.
1739 A.D. John Wesly founded the Methodist Church in England.
1830 A.D. Joseph Smith founded The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons) in America.
1830 A.D. William Miller founded the Seventh Day Adventist Church in America.
1866 A.D. Mary Baker Eddy founded the Christian Scientist Church in America.
1872 A.D. Charles T. Russell founded the Jehovah's Witnesses Church in America.

and well over 6,000 minor chuches, offshoots, sects, and divisions of these religious bodies.

That's the christianity that you're speaking of and are used to seeing and hearing about all the time.

Everyone reading this please remember this one fact if nothing else...

All of these churches and offshoots did not begin to appear until 606 years AFTER the one (1) TRUE church that Jesus founded. That one (1) TRUE 606 year old christian church that was founded on the teachings of Jesus and His apostles as recorded in the bible (TRUE Christianity) still exist today 2,000 years later.

I need more tolerance and acceptance? Why? Because I have Muslim friends that I respect and care about regardless of our religious and cultural differences?
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How many times must I repeat myself? These people are NOT true christians, regardless of whose name they come in... The bible, Jesus, His apostles and true christians do NOT teach nor act in this manner. Those involved in those historically documented, and present, or future horrific events are no better than Adolf Hitler who tried to erase the Jewish nation of our Messiah from the face of the earth by massacring some 4 million Jewish people, and rest assured...those so-called christians will suffer unimaginable, mind numbing, eternal torture in "hell fire" at the hands of God.
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