The Passion of the Christ

Flores said:
Do you like and are you moved by violence?
Anyone would be "moved" at least if you had a heart . . . aren't you? That's normal Flores. "The Passion" was no different than "Seven" or "Reservoir Dogs" to me. I liked both as did many others.
ConsequentAtheist said:
The movie strings antisemitic stereotypes together like beads on a rosary, and then plays them for the ever lasting financial glory of Gibson et al.
True but whats wrong with that? It’s a movie, albeit a bit violent, it’s still just a movie. Frankly, couldn’t you say the same of another Gibson film – Brave Heart? …The movie strings anti-English stereotypes together … So what? I certainly don't think you'd want to see a day when we disinfect ourselves into a sanitized PC perfect Brady Bunch :)
Proud_Muslim said:
We are talking about the anti muslim movies, there are many anti muslim movies where they framed Muslims as evil terrorists, we did not complain so much because we know it is all load of BS.
Yeah, good point!

Proud_Muslim said:
As to Nike symbol, we protested in civilized way and the matter was solved.
?? Nike symbol? You mean the swoosh thing? What’s that all about?
Medicine Woman said:
... That wasn't Yeshua hanging there, it was Barabbas.
ConsequentAtheist said:
And you know that how? Alien revelation? Past life regression? Ouija board? Tarot cards?
M*W: So you think people who are "enlightened" need to use divination techniques to find the answers to deeply spiritual questions?
The issue is factual, not "deeply spiritual" as you pompously suggest, and when it comes to issues of fact you demonstrate the 'enlightenment' of a dull rock.

Now, do you intend to substantiate your claim or continue to babble?
Proud_Muslim said:
Did I say I represent Islam ? Salman rushsie is SCUMBAG, in fact he is not rotten one.

A rotten scumbag - a double negative? Oh so you don't represent Islam, PROUD Muslim :D

You are so concerned about this scumbag but you are not concerned about the insults he wrote in his book against Muslims ?? what a hypocrite you are ?

Pot calling the kettle black? You say muslims don't make a fuss over such petty issues, because you know it is bull, so you ignore it. Yet you detest the man, so you have an agenda against him. So you have made a fuss. You're the one being hypocritical.

where ? in hate anti muslim site ???? give me a break !! you are not concerned about the feelings of hundreds of millions of Muslims, you just want to defend a scumbag !

I am not defending him. I am just showing your double standards. So when Hindus or Christians do it, its "Hindu's", it's "Christians" and when Muslims do it, it's "They don't represent Islam" Give me a break!

I did not know you are a distinguished researcher !! :rolleyes:

Why did you ignore the three examples I provided of Muslim intolerance and rioting over those Indian movies?

I dont accept rumours and hearsay....if you dont support your above statements with solid credible proof, then you are a liar.

And I am lying, because?

so it is you ( the non muslim ) who decide which part was offensive and which was not ??

Do I have to BE muslim to know what is racist to muslims? Racism has no religion. It's evident to me, PROUD muslim, that when muslims make such a fuss, that they burn theatres down, and instigate fights, because an Indian soldier ran into a hut to save the Quran, rather than the old Muslim man, that is completely unjustified, irrational, and damn right stupid. Any Muslim who takes offence to that, should be shamed in public, if you ask me. Unless of course, Islam actually preaches such irrationality and hate, then it would make sense, that Muslims would take offence.

It is a state problem, Muslims in India are MINORITY, the hindus are burning muslims and christians alive.

Incidentally, India has the 2nd highest population of Muslims in the world. The Indian president is a muslim, and many of the most succesfull men and women in India are muslim. You are bullshitting, it's obvious from a mile.

I agree, but my point was the USUAL anti semitic stick always start hitting at anyone who dares to even question the jews ! hell, 2 weeks ago I was accused of being anti semitic ( although I am semitic myself being an arab ) just for quoting that one member here is actually a jew !!!!!!!!!

You agree, yet just above, you generalized again "the hindus are burning muslims and christians alive" you sound like a paranoid wreck, you know.

My criticism to you, is simply this; don't generalize. When you said "we muslims don't fuss" not only are you indirectly saying muslims are more tolerant than Christians and other cultures, but you're talking utter crap, because some Muslims do, and you know it, and knowingly ignore it or clump them into the muslim non islamic category - a misnomer.
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crazymikey said:
Pot calling the kettle black? You say muslims don't make a fuss over such petty issues, because you know it is bull, so you ignore it. Yet you detest the man, so you have an agenda against him. So you have made a fuss. You're the one being hypocritical.

I guess your level of intelligence is no more than 10 years old little kid, if someone is insulting you and your faith, will you not detest him ??? :rolleyes:

I am not defending him. I am just showing your double standards. So when Hindus or Christians do it, its "Hindu's", it's "Christians" and when Muslims do it, it's "They don't represent Islam" Give me a break!

Khomini DOES NOT represent Islam, how many times I need to tell you this ? he represents the shia 10% minority in the Muslim world, got it dumbo ?

Why did you ignore the three examples I provided of Muslim intolerance and rioting over those Indian movies?
And I am lying, because?

Because you did not provide EVIDENCE from CREDIBLE source, anti muslim hate sites have only one place, the rubbish.

Do I have to BE muslim to know what is racist to muslims? Racism has no religion. It's evident to me, PROUD muslim, that when muslims make such a fuss, that they burn theatres down, and instigate fights, because an Indian soldier ran into a hut to save the Quran, rather than the old Muslim man, that is completely unjustified, irrational, and damn right stupid.

Are you cow worshipper by any chance ??? you either provide a CREDIBLE evidence that Muslims burnt down theatres in India or you are a liar.

Any Muslim who takes offence to that, should be shamed in public, if you ask me. Unless of course, Islam actually preaches such irrationality and hate, then it would make sense, that Muslims would take offence.

You dont know what is Islam, so please, dont make yourself a laughing stock here... :rolleyes:

Incidentally, India has the 2nd highest population of Muslims in the world. The Indian president is a muslim, and many of the most succesfull men and women in India are muslim. You are bullshitting, it's obvious from a mile.

It only shows the intelligence of the Muslim minds in India and indeed all over the world, dont forget TAJ MAHAL as well.

You agree, yet just above, you generalized again "the hindus are burning muslims and christians alive" you sound like a paranoid wreck, you know.

I should wrote, the COW WORSHIPPERS are burning Muslims alive in India !! who the hell is committing these crimes against Muslims in india ? arent they the hindu terrorists ??? or is it only ISLAMIC before TERRORISM that the world got used to use nowadays ??? HYPOCRITE !

My criticism to you, is simply this; don't generalize. When you said "we muslims don't fuss" not only are you indirectly saying muslims are more tolerant than Christians and other cultures,

Indeed, Muslims are FAR MORE tolerant than any other religion on earth, History bear witness to that.

but you're talking utter crap, because some Muslims do, and you know it, and knowingly ignore it or clump them into the muslim non islamic category - a misnomer.

Some muslims are bad, true, but comparing the bads in every religion, Islam will be the last on the list, and you know it.
Proud Muslim, you are a racist fanatic, plain and simple. I suddenly become a "cow worshipper" for a reason best know to you. Web sites that contain items that show wrong actions by Muslims, become anti-muslim. And Islam becomes the best thing to happen since sliced bread.

As for the cow worshipper, which I'm sure means Hindu. I would rather be a cow worshipper to be honest, a lot of of the Hindu theories of creation, universe, literature, philosophy, accord dramatically with modern physics and often used as a metaphysical ground in scientific proof.

Islam would be last on the list? Well, looks like you are the laughing stock of this forum. You need a reality check. Islam is a primitive religion, that started and spread by spilling blood and forcing conversion, and is still doing it today.
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Hello Proud - Still prattling on about Islam.... lol

Proud_Muslim said:
Khomini DOES NOT represent Islam, how many times I need to tell you this ? he represents the shia 10% minority in the Muslim world, got it dumbo ?
Hey, tell me more about this 10% of muslims who do not represent Islam - who or what DO they represent?

Because you did not provide EVIDENCE from CREDIBLE source, anti muslim hate sites have only one place, the rubbish.

Are you cow worshipper by any chance ??? you either provide a CREDIBLE evidence that Muslims burnt down theatres in India or you are a liar.
Always asking for Credibility and Evidence aren't you Proud, otherwise they are liars, OK Proud, lets see.

Please provide EVIDENCE from CREDIBLE source that Allah exists, otherwise you and all muslims are liars.....

You dont know what is Islam, so please, dont make yourself a laughing stock here... :rolleyes:
I know what Islam is, but don't ask for my definition if you don't want to be insulted.

Proud_Muslim said:
Indeed, Muslims are FAR MORE tolerant than any other religion on earth, History bear witness to that.

Ha ha ha, I couldn't believe my eyes when I read this, oh my, I'm still rocking with laughter. Ever thought of becoming a comedian Proud?? :D

Come on then Proud - show the world just how tolerant Islam is, and explain how muslims are more tolerant than any other religion on earth.

You are soooo entertaining :D
Proud_Muslim said:
Are you cow worshipper by any chance ??? you either provide a CREDIBLE evidence that Muslims burnt down theatres in India or you are a liar.
Do you have any CREDIBLE evidence such as how many temples are there in India dedicated to COW god.? There are thousands of temples and how many of them for COW god.? Don't quote any islamic hate site as your source. Failing to provide such numbers you are either a liar or you don't have any idea on what religion you are spewing your hatred.

There are lakhs of muslims earn their bread by providing materials used for worship nearby hindu temples - not cow temples.! Neither hindus nor muslims try to convert each other. Ordinary hindus or muslims don't burn each other alive. Generalization is the tool of fools. :p
ConsequentAtheist said:
I find the question disgusting.
The question itself? Why?

Let me ask it in another way. Do you find the portrayal of Catholic in a dark light as disgusting as well? I find nothing wrong with portraying the Jewish as “the men in black hats” and the Romans as “guys in white hats” because that’s the traditional story and anything else would be a bit absurd. I guess you must find the Sunday sermon every Christian church is having each week in the entire world a bit disquieting – as that is the same story as “The Passion” and it’s told each and every Sunday. Or is it different if it’s in a book?

Let me go about it in another way. Not religion but nationality. The Chinese were trampled on by the Japanese. Am I to understand then that movies and books and radio should never ever portray the Chinese in a dark light? Even their treatment of Tibetans? Even in a make-believe movie?

Did you ever read the book “The Name of the Rose”. Is it a good book or the mere questions it raises about the church make it to disqusting?

Seriously the movie "The Passion" is fine. You must live in the US? Turn off the News. Here in AU no one is dumping Lamb Blood and the movie is just that - a movie. But then again, AU is quite Atheistic so of couse we don't see it as the fuddies in the US do. Thank *god* I movied over here! :)
Michael said:
I guess you must find the Sunday sermon every Christian church is having each week in the entire world a bit disquieting – as that is the same story as “The Passion” and it’s told each and every Sunday. Or is it different if it’s in a book?
No, it is not different. The story told in the book is, I suggest, an intensely anti-Jewish narrative possessing neither substantiation nor credibility. Given that, and given its hostorical association with zealous attacks on Jews, it is more than "a bit disquieting". If you're truly interested, which I doubt, I would recommend
crazymikey said:
Proud Muslim, you are a racist fanatic, plain and simple. I suddenly become a "cow worshipper" for a reason best know to you.

Yet again you are proving you are just an idiot, I asked you a question, are you a cow worshiper by any chance ?? I did not make the claim that you are a cow worshipper !!!

Web sites that contain items that show wrong actions by Muslims, become anti-muslim. And Islam becomes the best thing to happen since sliced bread.

YOU ARE A LIAR.....I asked you TWICE to provide CREDIBLE evidence that Muslims are burning down theatres in India and you failed, you are plain cheap LIAR.

As for the cow worshipper, which I'm sure means Hindu. I would rather be a cow worshipper to be honest, a lot of of the Hindu theories of creation, universe, literature, philosophy, accord dramatically with modern physics and often used as a metaphysical ground in scientific proof.


. Islam is a primitive religion, that started and spread by spilling blood and forcing conversion, and is still doing it today.

Who is the hater and the RACIST here ?? thank you for showing your true colours, go away and start worship some cows, it is better for you :rolleyes:
Proud Muslim, did your acquire your education and manners, from Islam, or your parents? You do realise, in the anti-social manner you are conducting yourself here, for which I personlly would ban you, if I was the administrator here, because of your fanatacism and blatent racist and derogative commets against Hindus. You are making a fool out of yourself, and your religion, and your upbringing. You are a joke, and I am guessing you have an IQ of 85, and you are either in highschool or a Madrassa.

Some of the most stupidest comments here, have been made by you:

"Who said, I represent Islam" - Yet, you call yourself a Proud Muslim, clueless.
"Shia does not represent Islam" - So they represent the Anti Islamic muslims?
"Indeed, Muslims are FAR MORE tolerant than any other religion on earth, History bear witness to that." - Sept 9/11 - Taliban - Saudi Arabia - Mohammed's conquests

Islam accounts for the most of worlds problems today, from London, to Israel, to US, to India, to China. Why do you think the world hates Islam, and is lashing out at it.

As for someone who does not make a fuss. Just read your last three responses. You are a complete and utter moron, and what's worse, you're not even funny, just a worthless pile of excrement on this forum. I really hope there there is a better representative from your religion. You make it look stupid.
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Proud_Muslim said:
How many cows you worshipped today ? :D
Oh you must be joking. You expect others to respect your religion PM yet you denigrate and insult the religion of others? You claim that everyone is against Islam, and yet, you can dare to put Hindu's down in the same manner that you complain that others put Islam down? PM you are a racist and a twit.

Indeed, Muslims are FAR MORE tolerant than any other religion on earth, History bear witness to that.
It's a shame that the proud history of your religion is being let down by your intolerance and racism.
Vienna said:
Ha ha ha, I couldn't believe my eyes when I read this, oh my, I'm still rocking with laughter. Ever thought of becoming a comedian Proud?? :D

Come on then Proud - show the world just how tolerant Islam is, and explain how muslims are more tolerant than any other religion on earth.

You are soooo entertaining :D
And you Vienna are no better. You are just as intolerant and racist. But then you already knew that and you seem to be quite proud of it. You put all your problems with the world and blame it all on one religion instead of looking at yourself.
Bells said:
Oh you must be joking. You expect others to respect your religion PM yet you denigrate and insult the religion of others?

when someone show respect, I will show him the same in return, but when some one insults Islam, then they will have nothing but insults in return.

You see bells, you are hypocrite yourself, you did not condemn this COW WORSHIPER for what he wrote about islam:

'' Islam is a primitive religion, that started and spread by spilling blood and forcing conversion, and is still doing it today. ''

But instead, you are blaming me for hiting back, typical PATHETIC HYPOCRITE.
