The Passion of the Christ

stretched said:
Yo BumbleChristian,

Quote BC
"All of these churches and offshoots did not begin to appear until 606 years AFTER the one (1) TRUE church that Jesus founded. That one (1) TRUE 606 year old Christian church that was founded on the teachings of Jesus and His apostles as recorded in the bible (TRUE Christianity) still exist today 2,000 years later."

Which Christianity is this dude? RC church? - Those dudes only came together around 300AD - nobody knows what was up with the Christians before that.

I don't know what the RC abbreviation stands for, but why do you assume that nobody knows what was up with the Christians before 300 AD?
stretched said:
Yo BumbleChristian,

You are feeling are feeling very are drifting into a deep are drifting into the baptismal will tithe to your god...your will is ours... gotta lot of indoctrinal propaganda up your sleeve. Is that what your cult feeds you with. Hey dude! Please answer me the simple question - WHY does your god confuse his flock? WHY must you dudes fight amongst yourselves as to who is right? Surely a loving god wants to lead his flock to truth? Tell me WHY dude?


I've ignored your name calling as well as that of others, but your patronising ways has made it clear that you are not interested in the truth, therefore I will not continue to answer your questions - do as you wish... as I know you will.
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Yo HumbleChristian,

Lighten up dude. No tears. Just fun. Just answer the why`s for me. Unless of course you have no answers.

stretched said:
Yo HumbleChristian,

Lighten up dude. No tears. Just fun. Just answer the why`s for me. Unless of course you have no answers.


This is not a game. THIS right here, right now... is armegeddon. The ultimate war between good and evil... over your soul. I have the answer to every question you have asked, but I will not waist my time with someone who is not seeking the truth.
Humble cristian

This is not a game. THIS right here, right now... is armegeddon. The ultimate war between good and evil...

Armageddon is the prophecy in the apocalypsis about the end of the world, and the so called meteorite Ahenho that will crush the earth.
Yo HumbleChristian,

You see dude, the difference between me and you is I AM seeking the truth. That`s why I ask the questions. Methinks you don`t have the answers.

Relax, souls are ten `a penny in my neighborhood.

Tdmasta said:
Humble cristian

This is not a game. THIS right here, right now... is armegeddon. The ultimate war between good and evil...

Armageddon is the prophecy in the apocalypsis about the end of the world, and the so called meteorite Ahenho that will crush the earth.

That's what false christianity would have you believe.

stretched said:
Yo HumbleChristian,

You see dude, the difference between me and you is I AM seeking the truth. That`s why I ask the questions. Methinks you don`t have the answers.

Relax, souls are ten `a penny in my neighborhood.


If I didn't have the answers I wouldn't have been giving them to you thus far... I would have simply said I don't know or give me time to find out the answer.
Humble cristian

That's what false christianity would have you believe

First read the apocalypsis if you are a true cristian.

Humble cristian

This is not a game. THIS right here, right now... is armegeddon

Second do you actually understand what you are saying?
Eng Grez said:
bla bla bla bla bla. look at this guy. when a muslim says it, he claim them to be liars. he claims islam teaches to kill and so on.

he talks about repeating himself to explain a point, but when someone tries to explain that islam isn't a religon of terrorism over and over again, he lets his ignorance shine.

what a moron. coloring posts to try to stress something. i believe we all know that christainity would not teach such things. and being a christian isn't automatically going to make you good. we seen that in the past. and in today's event WE SEEN THAT TOO. "muslim" terrorists hijack a plane and all of a sudden islam becomes a religion of eveil for you.

Yes, sometimes I do color some words in my post to stress specific points, so when did that become a sin?

I could just as easily bold, italicize, underline, CAPITALIZE, change font size,
change font style, or colorize each and every letter a different color if I so choose... YOU have the same options - so what's your point?

Proud Muslim, I don't know you personally and I don't know what amount of information you possess about Islam's history or teachings. Just like there are "christians" that genuinely lack vital knowledge about christianity... I didn't consider the same possibility conserning Muslims and Islam. I must apologize for the hasty accusation that I made against you by calling you a liar. Just like any other christian I am not perfect and must submit to the Holy Spirit's correction to align myself with the Word of God. So I truely apologize for any disrespect I may have shown you.
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HumbleChristian, I think you are taking all this bible stuff a wee bit too far. Those writings from the Abrahamic faiths were all the rage 1000 years ago, but the world has grown up a bit since then.

When are you going to realise that god is a figment of mankinds imagination, and an idea created to gain power to manipulate people.

Prove me wrong
I've personally witnessed God's influence and direct intervention in my own life and in that of other christians multiple times. I KNOW He exist, there's not a single little twinge of doubt in my mind. What I don't understand is how anyone can say there is no God. His unquestionable magnificense consistently surrounds us, so the burden of proof is actually on you.

God is real.

Prove me wrong.
I've provided direct viewing of the tracts, so what difference does it make if I posted the link to the actual tract or the actual tract... they're one and the same. And why would they have a problem with it? Did I do something wrong? Am I committing some type of sin? :confused:
HumbleChristian said:
I've personally witnessed God's influence and direct intervention in my own life and in that of other christians multiple times.
So you have witnessed influence. Influence take many forms, do you worship and pray to everything that influences your life?

I KNOW He exist,
And I know he doesn't.

there's not a single little twinge of doubt in my mind.
And that is where the problem lies, in your mind.

What I don't understand is how anyone can say there is no God.
It's quite easy really, watch my lips "There is no god"

His unquestionable magnificense consistently surrounds us,
Where?? In Iraq... In Madrid ???

so the burden of proof is actually on you.
Do you want me to prove that Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy doesn't exist too

God is real.
Only in your mind

Prove me wrong.
It is impossible to prove anything to a person who worships something they can't see, can't hear, can't feel and can't prove exists.
Vienna said:
HumbleChristian, I think you are taking all this bible stuff a wee bit too far. Those writings from the Abrahamic faiths were all the rage 1000 years ago, but the world has grown up a bit since then.

The world has grown up into what?

More and better murders, adulterous, fornicators, alcoholics, liars, blaphemers, gluttons, etc.?

God can NOT be out-grown.
HumbleChristian said:
The world has grown up into what?

More and better murders, adulterous, fornicators, alcoholics, liars, blaphemers, gluttons, etc.?
Much of the above can be found in any religion, and most wars are started because of religion.

The world would be so much at peace without it.
Vienna said:
It is impossible to prove anything to a person who worships something they can't see, can't hear, can't feel and can't prove exists.

It is impossible to prove anything to a person who is not willing to worship something that only their 5 senses can't prove exist.

I'm here to provide truth... not endless arguements, therefore I will not argue with you.

~ The End.
Vienna said:
Much of the above can be found in any religion, and most wars are started because of religion.

The world would be so much at peace without it.

The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. (2 Corinthians 10:4-5)

God tells us the truth about... what starts wars:

What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don't they come from your desires that battle within you? You want something but don't get it. You kill and covet, but you cannot have what you want. You quarrel and fight. You do not have, because you do not ask God. (James 4:1-2)
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HumbleChristian said:
It is impossible to prove anything to a person who is not willing to worship something that only their 5 senses can't prove exist.
Oh I seeee, you have ESP

I'm here to provide truth... not endless arguements, therefore I will not argue with you.

~ The End.