The mind of a creationist

god has shown itself to me in some fashion. i have observed characteristics of it. we have interacted. does that mean i can define it? no. does that mean it should jump through hoops for me and my whim? no.

It is your belief that is guiding your God. If you believe and have faith God is going to show itself to you then that is your God's guide. Understand the principle established long ago.

Jesus explained it this way,
Mark 11:23
Truly I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, 'Be taken up and cast into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says is going to happen, it will be granted him.

The principle is correct although actual mountains are not cast into the sea. The mountains are obstacles in a person's life that Jesus said can be overcome.
It is your belief that is guiding your God. If you believe and have faith God is going to show itself to you then that is your God's guide. Understand the principle established long ago.

Jesus explained it this way,
Mark 11:23
Truly I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, 'Be taken up and cast into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says is going to happen, it will be granted him.

The principle is correct although actual mountains are not cast into the sea. The mountains are obstacles in a person's life that Jesus said can be overcome.

i know that god doesn't come uninvited earth. seek...knock. got it. thanks.
You are correct Lori, keep that in mind as you interact with that you cannot define. ;)

p.s. ask your God to show itself to you. You should see a ball of light, if it complies.

funny..have you seen the ball of light?
the current conversation reminds me of an orphan..

the orphan claims he has a father and he is alive..asked to prove it, he cannot,but he knows in his heart his dad is alive,he may even have seen him a few times in his life,but since his father has not talked to him,he has no way to know for sure if this is his father..

the father guilty for leaving the orphan continues to keep watch over his son,but at a distance, for some reason no one can understand, he does not want to make contact with his son,but he can help him from a distance..

now the father can set things up so his son will grow up to be the best at whatever he chooses..but those things he has set up is dependant on whether his son chooses the right path to come into contact with the things his father has set up..

the son begins to sense that someone is watching out for him(he suspects his father),but he can't define how he is being helped...(certain things in his life go easier for him)..this has happened so much that the son begins to expect that help whenever he needs it..not knowing that it has been prearranged into his life..

what happens to the son when he doesn't get the help he expects?
does this mean his father doesn't care?
does it mean his father does not exist?
can he prove his father is helping him?
can he even prove his father exists?

could it be possible that life can come in the same , minutely small , particles as does phyisics ?

I think so

now don't you creationist get all excited
could it be possible that life can come in the same , minutely small , particles as does phyisics ?
I think so
now don't you creationist get all excited

After that event in my life my interest turned to BOLs. Some BOLs are ball lighting or meteors or some other natural phenomena and are not the same thing.

The ball of light (BOL) came to me as the holy spirit. It was about the size of a dime and then zipped up my nose and has been there ever since. :eek:

i told you not to use the internet for chatting..i only said you can e-mail Bambi..please get back to helping the others get ready for my trip..

sincerly... SC

could it be possible that life can come in the same , minutely small , particles as does phyisics ?

I think so

now don't you creationist get all excited

thinking hears a 'Who'..

i have also thought of that..why not?
i told you not to use the internet for chatting..i only said you can e-mail Bambi..please get back to helping the others get ready for my trip..

sincerly... SC

I could have simply gave no reply or lied. However, I made the decision to relate to you my experience since you asked.
is the point of life to define it or to live it?

The nature of life is not necessarily to have a point.

could it be possible that life can come in the same , minutely small , particles as does phyisics ?
On a science forum, we recall. I blame the high schools.
SAM said:
Mostly atheism appears to abound in thinking by ignoring the vast evidence around them including their own thought processes and by clinging to a kind of reductionist materialistic empiricism which is very limited in its outlook.
You really ought to actually read some of the stuff you talk about. It isn't recognizable in these odd little one-offs you claim to have based on experience you haven't had.

Maybe Alan Watts, for starters. Gregory Bateson. These guys are early enough that their major issues are the effects of Abrahamic "soul/body" materialistic reductionism, and so they spend the requisite amount of care and time treating it with respect.

As an example of extremely reductionist materialism, you can hardly do better than the notion that one needs a full fledged deity - a supernatural entity - to account for human nature. That without a supernatural entity there can be no cause and effect in the universe - or any imagination in human thought. For example.
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You really ought to actually read some of the stuff you talk about. It isn't recognizable in these odd little one-offs you claim to have based on experience you haven't had.

Maybe Alan Watts, for starters. Gregory Bateson. These guys are early enough that their major issues are the effects of Abrahamic "soul/body" materialistic reductionism, and so they spend the requisite amount of care and time treating it with respect.

Please note "in my experience". I'd have to speak with the two of them to figure out if they had anything more than a resentment with "Abrahamic religions" to commend their outlook.
“ Originally Posted by thinking

could it be possible that life can come in the same , minutely small , particles as does physics ?

I think so

now don't you creationist get all excited

thinking hears a 'Who'..

i have also thought of that..why not?

because it takes knowledge , our place in the solar system , to understand that an asteroid can wipe us out

there is no knowledge in the religious scriptures that tell us , they , asteroids exist and that they present a danger to ourselves , whether now or in the future

religion is not about intelligence of a creative thought or thinking , in any ology

what religion is about is social issues , only

I don't look to the bible to tell anybody how anything on this world or in the Universe , is , works , behaves , is made of , interacts with one another etc

at all
because it takes knowledge , our place in the solar system , to understand that an asteroid can wipe us out

there is no knowledge in the religious scriptures that tell us , they , asteroids exist and that they present a danger to ourselves , whether now or in the future

religion is not about intelligence of a creative thought or thinking , in any ology

what religion is about is social issues , only

um..i was talking about life existing on molecules..does this mean we are living on a molecule? wasn't meant to offend..i was going for the lol..

No problem

Religion is a belief system, faith based in a belief. If the belief is inaccurate it doesn’t matter to God. As God interacts with an individual his/her beliefs are God’s guide. If facts are used to base a belief then facts become the guide, faith based in facts. God is going to match with whatever an individual believes, so one must be careful.

Note: I’m not a creationist and IMO, God is actually a computerized alien machine and didn't create a thing.
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Religion is a belief system, faith based in a belief. If the belief is inaccurate it doesn’t matter to God. As God interacts with an individual his/her beliefs are God’s guide. If facts are used to base a belief then facts become the guide, faith based in facts. God is going to match with whatever an individual believes, so one must be careful.

interesting point..kinda paraphrases me when i say god can utilize you whether you believe in him or not..

Note: I’m not a creationist and IMO, God is actually a computerized alien machine and didn't create a thing.

then satan must be the hacker thats screwin everything up...
“ Originally Posted by thinking
because it takes knowledge , our place in the solar system , to understand that an asteroid can wipe us out

there is no knowledge in the religious scriptures that tell us , they , asteroids exist and that they present a danger to ourselves , whether now or in the future

religion is not about intelligence of a creative thought or thinking , in any ology

what religion is about is social issues , only

um..i was talking about life existing on molecules..does this mean we are living on a molecule?

yes I'm sure

anyway , no , in it
interesting point..kinda paraphrases me when i say god can utilize you whether you believe in him or not..

Yes God can utilize a person, however, I think its the other way around and more like people utilizing God.

then satan must be the hacker thats screwin everything up...

Satan is a human invention used to describe evil behavior. Here again belief is the guide used by God.