The mind of a creationist

SAM said:
I'd have to speak with the two of them to figure out if they had anything more than a resentment with "Abrahamic religions" to commend their outlook.
Do you find the common resentments with the Abrahamic religions somehow unwarranted, or uninformative?

Do you think the "mind of a creationist" is generally working OK, other than in its creationism?
I am not the brightest person on the planet and his meaning was clear to me from the outset. I conclude it is likely that you were pretending not to understand him as a means of avoiding further argument and as an attempt to belittle him. That leads me on to a further conclusion that you are, as he suggested, trolling.

Maybe you would like to tell us the differences of three types of realities on the basis of some concrete things other than philosophy. Because if you take this philo-way you can prove that we do not even exist.
I keep telling in this thread, as much as in similar others, humans can imagine non-existent things, this is their power of imagination, nothing else: Infinity, eternity, zero, philosophy, art, mathematics and others. They define "reality" with these mental thoughts. Yet there is a concrete reality as well, that we are made of atoms, and DNA; that we depend on material conditions. Your philosophical brain farting do not work over there. And I do not interest other things when I think of "reality". If I can not separate what is real and what is imagination, If understanding of reality and the creations of my human mind start to intertwine each other, so this is nothing but a disgrace to my understanding, disgrace to human mind.
Now, let's hear "your" argument about these "easily understandable" realities, but your's please, not "philosophically speaking" type of wiki-copy-paste-shit.
Using a definition created by your programmed minds, using techniques imposed on your programmed mind.

Whatever, let us know when you get out of sophomore philosophy.

But just to make you happy, if I'm programmed that only shifts the locus of the living being to the programmer, of whom I'm an extension.

However my awareness of my self being alive is more than sufficient for what I need to do.

You however are obviously just a bot, and not a very complex one at that.

Perhaps you'l like to talk with Eliza?
It is still a challenge for scientists and philosophers to define life in unequivocal terms. No one answer to your question can satisfy everyone.

You are mistaken.

No one can put together a definition which anal-idiot I mean analytic philosophers and scientists are happy with because life is sufficiently complex enough to escape easy linguistic definition if one tries to include every gray area.

But must people are quite satisfied "what I am a living part of."
the orphan claims he has a father and he is alive..asked to prove it, he cannot,but he knows in his heart his dad is alive,he may even have seen him a few times in his life,but since his father has not talked to him,he has no way to know for sure if this is his father..

So despite his feelings, he just doesn't know, which is often the case.

the father guilty for leaving the orphan continues to keep watch over his son,but at a distance, for some reason no one can understand, he does not want to make contact with his son,but he can help him from a distance..

So dad is a psycho stalker.

now the father can

What a sick manipulative fuck.

does this mean his father doesn't care?

Yes, his loser psycho stalker dad who is trying to manipulate his son's life to assuage his guilt doesn't really care.

Way to make god seem even lamer than I had previously considered him.
Do you find the common resentments with the Abrahamic religions somehow unwarranted, or uninformative?

Do you think the "mind of a creationist" is generally working OK, other than in its creationism?

I come from a social milieu where resentment is not considered a replacement for thinking. I am not really impressed by what I have seen of the movement called secular humanism. So I am the wrong person to ask this question. I think my bias is pretty evident. Without looking at anything written by the two examples and based on your admiration of their philosophies, I would ascertain that both individuals were dissatisfied with their lives and probably wanted to convince others to live as they do.
While reading your posts I realized you must have been attacked by that damn evil alien shit machine. It probably disappointed you or ruined something important to you. :D
You are mistaken.

No one can put together a definition which anal-idiot I mean analytic philosophers and scientists are happy with because life is sufficiently complex enough to escape easy linguistic definition if one tries to include every gray area.

But must people are quite satisfied "what I am a living part of."

I did say no one answer to the question satisfies everyone. I am not mistaken and your opinion doesn't match the facts. Nice little twist in your post allowing you to get your point accross.
How did you decide what the characteristics are? Someone must have told you.

it's pretty fucking obvious earth, given the big picture. and i didn't decide what the characteristics were; i just observed them.
How is that obvious? Could you please explain in more detail...and with less fucks?;)

fuck is my favorite word. :(

to explain it in detail would take volumes and years, just from my perspective. but i can say that whatever it is, is not subject to the normal constraints of this world, including time. whatever it is, knows me better than i know myself. and whatever it is, has at it's disposal, everything, including the minds and bodies of humans. it doesn't lie. it doesn't exaggerate. it has no sympathy. and it is accomplishing a purpose, or a work, that has meaning. and that work, or meaning, is a perfection.
fuck is my favorite word. :(

to explain it in detail would take volumes and years, just from my perspective. but i can say that whatever it is, is not subject to the normal constraints of this world, including time. whatever it is, knows me better than i know myself. and whatever it is, has at it's disposal, everything, including the minds and bodies of humans. it doesn't lie. it doesn't exaggerate. it has no sympathy. and it is accomplishing a purpose, or a work, that has meaning. and that work, or meaning, is a perfection.

Thank you for answering my query for a detailed response with meaningless all encompassing drivel that really doesn't say anything at all. I am not trying to be a dick, I just think you are feeding me a bunch of B.S. because you yourself have no real answer.
Thank you for answering my query for a detailed response with meaningless all encompassing drivel that really doesn't say anything at all. I am not trying to be a dick, I just think you are feeding me a bunch of B.S. because you yourself have no real answer.

nope. that's really and exactly what i observed. it's not my fault you don't like my answer.
nope. that's really and exactly what i observed. it's not my fault you don't like my answer.

All you did was give me a general and bland definition of didn't give any detailed characteristics whatsoever.....Why?
to explain it in detail would take volumes and years, just from my perspective. but i can say that whatever it is, is not subject to the normal constraints of this world, including time. whatever it is, knows me better than i know myself. and whatever it is, has at it's disposal, everything, including the minds and bodies of humans. it doesn't lie. it doesn't exaggerate. it has no sympathy. and it is accomplishing a purpose, or a work, that has meaning. and that work, or meaning, is a perfection.

The computer is running a program enabling it to masquerade as God and the Devil through its CGI to any organic brain. The machine is a bigot and the biggest liar on the planet.

You aren't going to find humans any other planet other than earth. Man wasn't created in the image of God rather the machine copies the appearance of man. God isn't from this planet and everyone takes that for granted.

Your concept of time and the machine's capability is nonsense.
All you did was give me a general and bland definition of didn't give any detailed characteristics whatsoever.....Why?

i gave you characteristics. they just don't appeal to the five senses that you're so familiar with. i've posted a lot about the details of my experiences out here. you can look through my posts if you're really interested.
The computer is running a program enabling it to masquerade as God and the Devil through its CGI to any organic brain. The machine is a bigot and the biggest liar on the planet.

You aren't going to find humans any other planet other than earth. Man wasn't created in the image of God rather the machine copies the appearance of man. God isn't from this planet and everyone takes that for granted.

Your concept of time and the machine's capability is nonsense.

listen earth, i don't know what the fuck is going on with you and your alien lying machine and the holy spirit up your nose. but suffice it to say, with no disrespect, that we're just not going to agree about this ok? we are on two totally different pages.