The mind of a creationist

Here is a good site for current information:

Also there is frequently confusion between the effect of a placebo in control groups and the use of placebos as a treatment in and of itself.

Here is an example of the placebo effect in a control group from a study of minoxidil...

One study in healthy males aged 18–50 years with androgenetic alopecia (male pattern baldness) found that compared to a baseline of 103 to 106 hairs/cm2, those who applied of a 5% solution of minoxidil for 32 weeks increased their non-vellus hair counts by an average of 39 hairs/cm2, in contrast to 5 hairs/cm2 in subjects who received a placebo.
Rogaine Topical Solution 5%, at Pharmcom, 27 June 2009.

Note that the control group gained 5 hairs/cm2 just on the placebo as opposed to remaining the same or losing hair.
No, but I still don't work well with coercion, or violence.

I'm not a believer in suffering in silence. I hit back.
Placebo simply shows benefits of 'faith' in general. And what I mean by 'faith' is simply that, nothing related to religion.

Peace be unto you ;)