The mind of a creationist

No you are not, you are reading things, you can ignore or you can write things. Or you can play with yourself.

sounds like an accurate description of what choices you have in your life..
though i'm sure your like are always "playing with themselves"..
lol RUN FORREST RUN...try not to end up in any corners next time..

Your geometry rather displays itself as a big hole which is unable to create any corner whatsoever. Unless in your own imagination. I don't have to remind you the fact that you are not able to come up with anything that would make any sense on any topic. Yet, I can not take any risk to be called as an agist.
It is a shame that most theists don't have an answer for that I've seen it before as well.

For Christians this should be very easy, they seem to forget how they came to believe in the first place, for them proof of Gods existance should, at least initially, come from the Bible. Now obviously it's arguable as to whether or not the Bible is fictional, however that does not illegitimize the anwer. For them (myself included) that is proof.

If you are looking for hard, physical, tangible evidence to witness for yourself like the events that took place in the Bible you can forget about it. God craves our faith in his existence, he does not reveal himself to us, he wants us to make a choice, and according to him we are all capable of attaining this faith without further proof. It's quite unfortunate and inexplicable but some of us will make this choice, some of us will not. Those who do, come to know of him beyond doubt. These people unfortunately tend to stop asking questions once they arrive at this point. I don't.
For Christians this should be very easy, they seem to forget how they came to believe in the first place, for them proof of Gods existance should, at least initially, come from the Bible. Now obviously it's arguable as to whether or not the Bible is fictional, however that does not illegitimize the anwer. For them (myself included) that is proof.
what you are saying is applicable to all things we believe in, including everything our senses feed us, should we start thinking why we believe in our senses as well?
that's what i asked smarty pants baftan, everyone here believes he exists, but if he doesn't prove it(either he can't or doesn't want to or he does so and we don't acknowledge it); does that mean he doesn't exist?
why aren't we asking for proof of username baftan's existence instead of god's existence?
why is annoying username baftan accepted as existent with no question asked, but god isn't the same candy dandy case?
isn't there any psychotic nerd with too many question marks to find real questions for to come and question his existence? why isn't anyone here harassing him for proof of his existent? where did all the skepticism go?

well duh scifes, because we're all using usernames, and we're all real, so he's bound to be one too.

well we all show our innovation and creativity through our creations, so god is bound to do so too..

any retorts? :bugeye: cuz i'm ready to:shake:

If you are looking for hard, physical, tangible evidence to witness for yourself like the events that took place in the Bible you can forget about it. God craves our faith in his existence, he does not reveal himself to us, he wants us to make a choice, and according to him we are all capable of attaining this faith without further proof. It's quite unfortunate and inexplicable but some of us will make this choice, some of us will not. Those who do, come to know of him beyond doubt. These people unfortunately tend to stop asking questions once they arrive at this point. I don't.
time doesn't erase the once provided tangible proof. weaken it maybe, but to arrive at god's intentions towards the whole of humanity based solely on one's lifetime experience is flawed.
trying to fathom god's intentions altogether is downright stupid.

this is all under the assumption no tangible proof is anymore provided, which isn't the case.
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It is a shame that most theists don't have an answer for that I've seen it before as well. These people unfortunately tend to stop asking questions once they arrive at this point. I don't.

Strange its been my own experience that most conclusions reached by atheists are because they stop asking questions once they have an answer they like. Mostly atheism appears to abound in thinking by ignoring the vast evidence around them including their own thought processes and by clinging to a kind of reductionist materialistic empiricism which is very limited in its outlook.
'Prove to me one can lucid dream?'
Well, that's very hard to do. I can suggest some ways for you to see if you can lucid dream.
'No, I want you to prove to me that you can lucid dream.'

Its coming...

Scientists extract images directly from brain
Strange its been my own experience that most conclusions reached by atheists are because they stop asking questions once they have an answer they like. Mostly atheism appears to abound in thinking by ignoring the vast evidence around them including their own thought processes and by clinging to a kind of reductionist materialistic empiricism which is very limited in its outlook.

veeery true, questioning any belief whatsoever usually has to go through a kind of agnostic middle station(to truly question one's belief)it's where you take a step back from the evidence you already have, from the logical proof you're already provided with, and test it's consistency, seek other alternatives, look through other people's eyes for different POVs.. that is the indetermined state, which usually get followed by either conversion or better understanding of one's initial religion.
now, for theists who HAVE chosen their belief after such a testing stage; those who are still stuck with the puzzle, who refuse to take your found solution and insist on taking their time finding their own (agnostics), they aren't as annoying and outrageous as those who set the puzzle aside, after stamping it:"no solution",(atheists) then go about trying to convince others who are holding their solutions in their hands and yell at them"you are deceived, you are stupid, all of your solutions are wrong" when the thing is already reached and finished..

why can't atheism be accepted as a solution? because it is running away from the problem, it's running from real reality to a fantasy of a self created reality, which stupidly enough, is actually less pleasing than the initial reality run from. but for some, the underlined part in (MY sucking horrible inconsistent illogical unacceptable reality) compensates for that.
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Very good swarm,
IMO this is the secret to God.
well i'm really disappointed in your god's secret, the simple method they did i figured of using for telepathy back in middle school..did you actually read it? record the side effects of a certain known input on a processing unit, then monitor it for similar effects to deduct and reproduce the unknown input.
it's like, if i smack you and you say "ow", then i hear you say "ow" from the next room minutes later that means you got smacked.. now will you worship me earth?
will i at least get a "very good, scifes"?

God is actually advanced alien technology capable of sending data directly to the brain for the mind to recognize.
what kind of atheist are you again?
People see visions and hear voices that orginate this way.
which people?
which people?

You believers in God unless you're making it all up. I give you the benefit
of a doubt and tend to believe your stories about a God in which you assume exists.
Reading your post I should do like most people and tell you that you're full of shit.

Mohammad experienced seizures that in my opinion were caused by this advanced technology making him seem mentally disturbed. The story goes Mohammad tried to kill himself because of the seizures.
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Real stuff is sharable. If you say "most definitely shown itself to me, but i can't show that to you," that makes it seem delusional. Is there some way to distinguish the one from the other?
You are leaving out the set of real things that cannot be shown to others - possibly yet.
Aliens and alien technologies aren't gods. Remember we are the aliens with alien technologies, to them.

This so called God has been misidentified and is actually alien technology, IMO. People today just assume those men in the past got it right. Evidence indicates they didn't get much of anything right.

Combine your link with the blue brain project and you have a robot that can read your mind. It is said God knows everyones thoughts.
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