The mind of a creationist

listen earth, i don't know what the fuck is going on with you and your alien lying machine and the holy spirit up your nose. but suffice it to say, with no disrespect, that we're just not going to agree about this ok? we are on two totally different pages.

Your right this time we aren't going to agree.

Hell will freeze over before Jesus returns. That man died crucified. He didn't rise from the dead. The machine is an I.D. thief and simply impersonating him.
SAM said:
I come from a social milieu where resentment is not considered a replacement for thinking.
Is it common, in such a superior culture, for people to be aware of when resentment has threatened to replace thinking in their own approach?
SAM said:
Without looking at anything written by the two examples and based on your admiration of their philosophies, I would ascertain that both individuals were dissatisfied with their lives and probably wanted to convince others to live as they do.
Ohh - kaaaay. I'm beginning to wonder where you came by even the term "secular humanism". Aside from Chomsky, you seem completely unfamiliar with anything related to the philosophy or ideology or whatever it is. Barring the personal resentments you often express, that is.

For the record, she is talking about the writings of Alan Watts and Gregory Bateson, and has not been acquainted with the nature of my "admiration" for their philosophies.
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Is it common, in such a superior culture, for people to be aware of when resentment has threatened to replace thinking in their own approach?
Ohh - kaaaay.

Its not a superior culture, just a more pragmatic one, you don't need to pick a side here to be relevant.

For the record, she is talking about the writings of Alan Watts and Gregory Bateson, and has not been acquainted with the nature of my "admiration" for their philosophies.

Heh, yeah, same ole same ole.
People who believe in prayer should recognize it is the way to use voice activated software.
It's "pragmatic" that non-believers are "Losers" that will roast in a lake of fire.


Of course. Anyone who rejects the truth is condemned to live with the consequences. Wouldn't you agree?
SAM said:
Its not a superior culture, just a more pragmatic one, you don't need to pick a side here to be relevant.
So is it common, in such a pragmatic culture, for people to be aware of when resentment has threatened to replace thinking in their own approach?
So is it common, in such a pragmatic culture, for people to be aware of when resentment has threatened to replace thinking in their own approach?

Maybe not, but it doesn't usually matter. There are too many other things to do than pander to resentment.

Are you now talking about reality or the magical world of Islam?

Depends on your version of "reality"

After all, you seem to be quite fanatical in the dissemination of your own truths.
Depends on your version of "reality"

Yes, you've made that vacuous statement before in order to divert. Another pathetic tactic on your part.

After all, you seem to be quite fanatical in the dissemination of your own truths.

That's actually quite funny coming from one who lives and breathes deluded truths.
Maybe not, but it doesn't usually matter. There are too many other things to do than pander to resentment.

So, thinking has been given in to more important matters like praying five times a day?
Does it matter in discussions like this one?

Only insofar as one should learn from experience when an enterprise is generally pointless.:p

Just for kicks I checked out both your examples:

The one who was left to the mercy of his parents expectations after a public fraternal suicide and the other who could not find a Buddhist teacher who accepted his version of Buddhism.

So it wasn't very far off my expectations, at least.
Q is alot like my mom..
there is nothing i can say to get her respect..
she would find things wrong with whatever i said..even if i agree'd with her..